public void processMapEvents() { int nEvils = 0; foreach (SocialGroup sg in socialGroups) { if (sg is Society == false) { nEvils += 1; } } if (nEvils < 3) { if (turn % 5 == 0) { Location chosen = null; int c = 0; foreach (Location loc in locations) { if (loc.isOcean) { continue; } if (loc.soc != null) { continue; } c += 1; if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0) { chosen = loc; } } if (chosen != null) { SG_WormHive add = new SG_WormHive(this, chosen); socialGroups.Add(add); } } } }
public static void takeCommand(Map map, string command) { World.log("cheat command registered: " + command); //try { if (command == "power") { map.overmind.power = 1024; map.overmind.availableEnthrallments = 128; } if (command == "testsave") {""); //; } if (command == "testload") { //""); } if (command == "silence") { World.self.displayMessages = !World.self.displayMessages; } if (command == "shadow") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().shadow = 1; } if (command == "music") {; } if (command == "aware") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().awareness = 1; } if (command == "testproperty") { Property.addProperty(map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Military Aid");; } if (command == "playback") {, World.staticMap).gameObject); } if (command == "uivoting") {, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person());; } if (command == "100") {; } if (command == "enthrall") { if (GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person() == null) { int c = 0; Person choice = null; foreach (Person p in ((Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc).people) { if (p.getLocation() == GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location) { c += 1; if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0) { choice = p; } } } choice.state = Person.personState.enthralled; map.overmind.enthralled = choice; } else { map.overmind.enthralled = GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person(); map.overmind.enthralled.state = Person.personState.enthralled; } } if (command == "love") { foreach (Person p in map.overmind.enthralled.society.people) { p.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(100, "Cheat love", map.turn); } } if (command == "hate") { foreach (Person p in map.overmind.enthralled.society.people) { p.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(-100, "Cheat hate", map.turn); } } if (command == "resetSteamAchievements") { SteamManager.reset_all_achievements();"All steam achievements reset"); } if (command == "thetruth") { foreach (Unit u in map.units) { if (u is Unit_Seeker seeker) { seeker.knowsTruth = true; } } } if (command == "insanity") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().goInsane(); } if (command == "ruin") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.settlement.fallIntoRuin(); } if (command == "redDeath") { Property.addProperty(, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Red Death"); } if (command == "rotting" || command == "rotting sickness") { Property.addProperty(, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Rotting Sickness"); } if (command == "fogSource") { Property.addProperty(, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, "Well of Fog"); } if (command == "hot") { for (int i = 0; i < map.tempMap.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < map.tempMap[0].Length; j++) { map.tempMap[i][j] += 0.1f; if (map.tempMap[i][j] > 1) { map.tempMap[i][j] = 1; } } } map.assignTerrainFromClimate();; } if (command == "cold") { //for (int i = 0; i < map.tempMap.Length; i++) //{ // for (int j = 0; j < map.tempMap[0].Length; j++) // { // map.tempMap[i][j] -= 0.1f; // if (map.tempMap[i][j] < 0) { map.tempMap[i][j] = 0; } // } //} foreach (Hex[] row in map.grid) { foreach (Hex h in row) { h.transientTempDelta -= 0.1f; } } map.assignTerrainFromClimate();; } if (command == "globalcooling") { World.cheat_globalCooling = !World.cheat_globalCooling; } if (command == "min sanity") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().sanity = 0.01; } if (command == "die") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().die("Killed by console", true); } if (command == "inquisitor") { Unit_Investigator inv = (Unit_Investigator)GraphicalMap.selectedSelectable; inv.changeState(Unit_Investigator.unitState.inquisitor); } if (command == "civilWar") { List <Person> rebels = new List <Person>(); Society soc = (Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc; int c = 0; foreach (Person p in soc.people) { if (p.title_land == null) { continue; } if (p.getLocation().province != soc.getCapital().province) { rebels.Add(p); } } soc.triggerCivilWar(rebels); } if (command == "evidence") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence = 1; } if (command == "disrupt") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().action = new Act_Disrupted(); } if (command == "10 evidence") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence += 0.1; if (GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence > 1) { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.person().evidence = 1; } } if (command == "refresh") { World.staticMap.overmind.hasTakenAction = false; } if (command == "nextAge") { World.staticMap.overmind.progressToNextAge(); } if (command == "unit") { Unit u = new Unit_Investigator(GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location, (Society)GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.soc); map.units.Add(u); GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.units.Add(u); } if (command == "victory") { World.staticMap.overmind.victory(); } if (command == "defeat") { World.staticMap.overmind.defeat(); } if (command == "course") {; } if (command == "worm") { SG_WormHive add = new SG_WormHive(map, GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location); map.socialGroups.Add(add); } if (command == "placeevidence") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.evidence.Add(new Evidence(map.turn)); World.log("Placing evidence"); } if (command == "vote") { Society soc = map.overmind.enthralled.society; if (soc.voteSession != null) { soc.voteSession.assignVoters(); World.log("Attempting to build blocker");, soc.voteSession.issue.options).gameObject); } } if (command == "infiltrate") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.settlement.infiltration = 1; World.log("Infiltrate"); } if (command == "infiltratehalf") { GraphicalMap.selectedHex.location.settlement.infiltration = 0.5; World.log("Infiltrate half"); }; } //catch(Exception e) //{ // World.log(e.Message); //} }