public static void setup(Society soc) { activeSociety = soc; //Person ss = activeSociety.getSovereign(); foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { world.prefabStore.getGraphicalSlot(p); if (p.getLocation() == null) { continue; } } foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { Province pp = p.getLocation().province; if (!loadedPlaceholders.ContainsKey(pp)) { GraphicalSlot ds = world.prefabStore.getGraphicalSlotPlaceholder(; originalScale = ds.gameObject.transform.localScale; //if (ss != null && ss.getLocation() == //{ //ds.layerBack.enabled = false; //ds.border.enabled = false; //} ds.border.enabled = false; ds.layerBack.sprite = world.textureStore.emptyDukeSlot; loadedPlaceholders.Add(pp, ds); } } }
public GraphicalSlot getGraphicalSlotPlaceholder(string title) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabSlot) as GameObject; GraphicalSlot specific = obj.GetComponent <GraphicalSlot>(); = world; specific.setToPlaceholder(title); return(specific); }
public GraphicalSlot getGraphicalSlot(Person p) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabSlot) as GameObject; GraphicalSlot specific = obj.GetComponent <GraphicalSlot>(); GraphicalSociety.loadedSlots.Add(specific); = world; specific.setTo(p); return(specific); }
public static void setup(Society soc) { activeSociety = soc; foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { GraphicalSlot slot = world.prefabStore.getGraphicalSlot(p); } if (loadedSlots.Count != 0) { refresh(activeSociety.people[0]); } }
public void clickOnSociety() { Vector3 pos = Input.mousePosition; double dist = 0; GraphicalSlot best = null; foreach (GraphicalSlot slot in GraphicalSociety.loadedSlots) { Vector3 slotLoc = world.outerCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(slot.transform.position); double d = (slotLoc - pos).sqrMagnitude; if (best == null || d < dist) { dist = d; best = slot; } } //GraphicalSociety.focus = best.inner; GraphicalSociety.refresh(best.inner); }
public static void refreshDynamic(Person nfocus) { clear(); List <GraphicalSlot> nodes = new List <GraphicalSlot>(); foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { GraphicalSlot ds = p.outer; ds.targetEnabled = false; ds.gameObject.SetActive(true); nodes.Add(ds); } solver = new NewtonSolver <GraphicalSlot>(nodes, new AverageLikingMetric()); state = viewState.DYNAMIC; resetHidden(); refreshOffset(); }
public static void refreshUnlanded(Person nfocus) { clear(); focus = (nfocus != null) ? nfocus : activeSociety.getSovereign(); if (state != viewState.UNLANDED) { originalFocus = focus; } int n = 0; foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { if (p != focus && (p.title_land == null || p == originalFocus)) { n += 1; } } focus.outer.gameObject.SetActive(true); focus.outer.targetPosition =; int i = 0; foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { if (p == focus || (p.title_land != null && p != originalFocus)) { continue; } GraphicalSlot ds = p.outer; float radius = 2.5f * zoom; float angle = 6.28f / n * i; float x = Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius; float y = Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius; ds.gameObject.SetActive(true); ds.connection = focus.outer; RelObj rto = focus.getRelation(p); RelObj rfrom = p.getRelation(focus); float to = (float)rto.getLiking(); float from = (float)rfrom.getLiking(); ds.targetPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f); if (from < 0) { ds.targetStartColor = Color.Lerp(ds.neutralColor, ds.badColor, -from / 100); } else { ds.targetStartColor = Color.Lerp(ds.neutralColor, ds.goodColor, from / 100); } if (to < 0) { ds.targetEndColor = Color.Lerp(ds.neutralColor, ds.badColor, -to / 100); } else { ds.targetEndColor = Color.Lerp(ds.neutralColor, ds.goodColor, to / 100); } ds.targetStartColor.a = ds.targetEndColor.a = 0.5f; ds.upperRightText.text = "liking for center: " + from.ToString("N0") + "%"; ds.upperRightText.text += "\nliking from center: " + to.ToString("N0") + "%"; ds.lowerRightText.text = "suspicion for center: " + rfrom.suspicion.ToString("N0") + "%"; ds.lowerRightText.text += "\nsuspicion from center: " + rto.suspicion.ToString("N0") + "%"; i += 1; } state = viewState.UNLANDED; resetHidden(); refreshOffset(); }
public static void refreshHierarchy(Person nfocus) { clear(); Person ss = activeSociety.getSovereign(); if (ss == null) { return; } focus = (state == viewState.HIERARCHY && nfocus != null) ? nfocus : ss; var tree = new Dictionary <GraphicalSlot, List <GraphicalSlot> >(); foreach (Person p in activeSociety.people) { GraphicalSlot ds = null; if (p == ss) { continue; } Person sp = p.getDirectSuperiorIfAny(); if (sp != null) { if (sp == ss) { if (!p.getIsProvinceRuler()) { ds = loadedPlaceholders[p.getLocation().province]; } } else { ds = sp.outer; } } else { ds = loadedPlaceholders[p.getLocation().province]; } if (ds == null) { continue; } if (!tree.ContainsKey(ds)) { tree.Add(ds, new List <GraphicalSlot>()); } tree[ds].Add(p.outer); } ss.outer.gameObject.SetActive(true); focus.outer.targetPosition =; int n = tree.Count, i = 0; foreach (var pair in tree) { GraphicalSlot ds = pair.Key; double exponent = 1; if (i % 2 == 0) { exponent = 1.6; } float radius = (float)(2.0f * Math.Pow(zoom, exponent)); float angle = 6.28f / n * i; float x = Mathf.Cos(angle) * radius; float y = Mathf.Sin(angle) * radius; ds.gameObject.SetActive(true); ds.connection = ss.outer; ds.targetPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f); ds.targetStartColor = ds.targetEndColor = ds.neutralColor; ds.targetStartColor.a = ds.targetEndColor.a = 0.5f; float n2 = pair.Value.Count, j = 0; foreach (GraphicalSlot ds2 in pair.Value) { exponent = 0.8; //if (i % 2 == 0) { exponent = 1.4; } float radius2 = (float)(1.5 * Math.Pow(zoom, exponent)); //float spread = (n2 > 4) ? 3.5f : 2.5f; float spread = 4; float angle2 = (angle - spread / 2) + spread / n2 * (j + 0.5f); float x2 = Mathf.Cos(angle2) * radius2 + x; float y2 = Mathf.Sin(angle2) * radius2 + y; ds2.gameObject.SetActive(true); //ds2.gameObject.transform.localScale = originalScale * 0.75f; ds2.connection = ds; ds2.targetPosition = new Vector3(x2, y2, 0.0f); ds2.targetStartColor = ds2.targetEndColor = ds2.neutralColor; ds2.targetStartColor.a = ds2.targetEndColor.a = 0.25f; j += 1; } i += 1; } state = viewState.HIERARCHY; resetHidden(); refreshOffset(); world.ui.uiLeftPrimary.uiPerson.setTo(focus); }