public static string GetPathWithAssetsPath(string pathUnderAssetsFolder) { var assetPath = Application.dataPath; return(FileUtility.PathCombine(assetPath, pathUnderAssetsFolder)); }
public void Run(BuildTarget target, NodeData node, ConnectionPointData inputPoint, ConnectionData connectionToOutput, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> > inputGroupAssets, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <ConnectionData, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >, List <string> > Output) { var bundleOutputDir = FileUtility.EnsureAssetBundleCacheDirExists(target, node); var bundleNames = inputGroupAssets.Keys.ToList(); var bundleVariants = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); // get all variant name for bundles foreach (var name in bundleNames) { bundleVariants[name] = new List <string>(); var assets = inputGroupAssets[name]; foreach (var a in assets) { var variantName = a.variantName; if (!bundleVariants[name].Contains(variantName)) { bundleVariants[name].Add(variantName); } } } int validNames = 0; foreach (var name in bundleNames) { var assets = inputGroupAssets[name]; // we do not build bundle without any asset if (assets.Count > 0) { validNames += bundleVariants[name].Count; } } AssetBundleBuild[] bundleBuild = new AssetBundleBuild[validNames]; int bbIndex = 0; foreach (var name in bundleNames) { foreach (var v in bundleVariants[name]) { var bundleName = name; var assets = inputGroupAssets[name]; if (assets.Count <= 0) { continue; } bundleBuild[bbIndex].assetBundleName = bundleName; bundleBuild[bbIndex].assetBundleVariant = v; bundleBuild[bbIndex].assetNames = assets.Where(x => x.variantName == v).Select(x => x.importFrom).ToArray(); ++bbIndex; } } BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(bundleOutputDir, bundleBuild, (BuildAssetBundleOptions)node.BundleBuilderBundleOptions[target], target); var output = new Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >(); output[key] = new List <Asset>(); var generatedFiles = FileUtility.GetAllFilePathsInFolder(bundleOutputDir); // add manifest file bundleNames.Add(BuildTargetUtility.TargetToAssetBundlePlatformName(target)); foreach (var path in generatedFiles) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); if (IsFileIntendedItem(fileName, bundleNames)) { output[key].Add(Asset.CreateAssetWithImportPath(path)); } else { Debug.LogWarning(node.Name + ":Irrelevant file found in assetbundle cache folder:" + fileName); } } Output(connectionToOutput, output, alreadyCached); }
public static List <string> GetCachedDataByNode(BuildTarget t, NodeData node) { switch (node.Kind) { case NodeKind.IMPORTSETTING_GUI: { // no cache file exists for importSetting. return(new List <string>()); } case NodeKind.MODIFIER_GUI: { // no cache file exists for modifier. return(new List <string>()); } case NodeKind.PREFABBUILDER_GUI: { var cachedPathBase = FileUtility.PathCombine( AssetBundleGraphSettings.PREFABBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE, node.Id, SystemDataUtility.GetPathSafeTargetName(t) ); // no cache folder, no cache. if (!Directory.Exists(cachedPathBase)) { // search default platform + package cachedPathBase = FileUtility.PathCombine( AssetBundleGraphSettings.PREFABBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE, node.Id, SystemDataUtility.GetPathSafeDefaultTargetName() ); if (!Directory.Exists(cachedPathBase)) { return(new List <string>()); } } return(FileUtility.GetFilePathsInFolder(cachedPathBase)); } case NodeKind.BUNDLECONFIG_GUI: { // do nothing. break; } case NodeKind.BUNDLEBUILDER_GUI: { var cachedPathBase = FileUtility.PathCombine( AssetBundleGraphSettings.BUNDLEBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE, node.Id, SystemDataUtility.GetPathSafeTargetName(t) ); // no cache folder, no cache. if (!Directory.Exists(cachedPathBase)) { // search default platform + package cachedPathBase = FileUtility.PathCombine( AssetBundleGraphSettings.BUNDLEBUILDER_CACHE_PLACE, node.Id, SystemDataUtility.GetPathSafeDefaultTargetName() ); if (!Directory.Exists(cachedPathBase)) { return(new List <string>()); } } return(FileUtility.GetFilePathsInFolder(cachedPathBase)); } default: { // nothing to do. break; } } return(new List <string>()); }
public static string ModifierDataPathForDefaultPlatform(string nodeId) { return(FileUtility.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NAME))); }
public static string ModifierDataPathForeachPlatform(string nodeId, string platformStr) { return(FileUtility.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(platformStr))); }
public void Setup(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >, List <string> > Output) { if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // Modifier merges multiple incoming groups into one. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " Modifier merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var groupMergeKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // merge all assets into single list. var inputSources = new List <Asset>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } if (!inputSources.Any()) { return; } // initialize as object. var modifierType = string.Empty; var first = true; foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var modifyTargetAssetPath = inputSource.importFrom; var assumedType = TypeUtility.FindTypeOfAsset(modifyTargetAssetPath); if (assumedType == null || assumedType == typeof(object)) { continue; } if (first) { first = false; modifierType = assumedType.ToString(); continue; } if (modifierType != assumedType.ToString()) { throw new NodeException("multiple Asset Type detected. consider reduce Asset Type number to only 1 by Filter. detected Asset Types is:" + modifierType + " , and " + assumedType.ToString(), nodeId); } } // modifierType is fixed. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specifiedScriptClass)) { Debug.LogError("modifierのScript版実装中。"); return; } // check support. if (!TypeUtility.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(modifierType)) { throw new NodeException("current incoming Asset Type:" + modifierType + " is unsupported.", nodeId); } // generate modifierOperatorData if data is not exist yet. { var modifierOperationDataFolderPath = AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE; if (!Directory.Exists(modifierOperationDataFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modifierOperationDataFolderPath); } var opDataFolderPath = FileUtility.PathCombine(modifierOperationDataFolderPath, nodeId); if (!Directory.Exists(opDataFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(opDataFolderPath); } // ready default platform path. var modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform = FileUtility.PathCombine(opDataFolderPath, ModifierOperatiorDataName(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NAME)); /* * create default platform ModifierOperatorData if not exist. * default ModifierOperatorData is the target platform for every platform by default. */ if (!File.Exists(modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform)) { var operatorType = TypeUtility.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition[modifierType]; var operatorInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(operatorType) as ModifierBase; var defaultRenderTextureOp = operatorInstance.DefaultSetting(); /* * generated json data is typed as supported ModifierOperation type. */ var jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(defaultRenderTextureOp); var prettified = AssetBundleGraphEditorWindow.PrettifyJson(jsonData); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(modifierOperatorDataPathForDefaultPlatform)) { sw.WriteLine(prettified); } } } // validate saved data. ValidateModifiyOperationData( nodeId, currentPlatformStr, () => { throw new NodeException("No ModifierOperatorData found. please Setup first.", nodeId); }, () => { /*do nothing.*/ } ); var outputSources = new List <Asset>(); /* * all assets types are same and do nothing to assets in setup. */ foreach (var asset in inputSources) { outputSources.Add(Asset.DuplicateAsset(asset)); } var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >(); outputDict[groupMergeKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }
public void Run(string nodeName, string nodeId, string connectionIdToNextNode, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> > groupedSources, List <string> alreadyCached, Action <string, string, Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >, List <string> > Output) { if (groupedSources.Keys.Count == 0) { return; } // Modifier merges multiple incoming groups into one. if (1 < groupedSources.Keys.Count) { Debug.LogWarning(nodeName + " Modifier merges incoming group into \"" + groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]); } var groupMergeKey = groupedSources.Keys.ToList()[0]; // merge all assets into single list. var inputSources = new List <Asset>(); foreach (var groupKey in groupedSources.Keys) { inputSources.AddRange(groupedSources[groupKey]); } if (!inputSources.Any()) { return; } // load type from 1st asset of flow. var modifierType = TypeUtility.FindTypeOfAsset(inputSources[0].importFrom).ToString(); // modifierType is fixed. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(specifiedScriptClass)) { Debug.LogError("modifierのScript版実装中。"); return; } // check support. if (!TypeUtility.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(modifierType)) { throw new NodeException("current incoming Asset Type:" + modifierType + " is unsupported.", nodeId); } // validate saved data. ValidateModifiyOperationData( nodeId, currentPlatformStr, () => { throw new NodeException("No ModifierOperatorData found. please Setup first.", nodeId); }, () => { /*do nothing.*/ } ); var outputSources = new List <Asset>(); var modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform = FileUtility.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(currentPlatformStr)); // if runtime platform specified modifierOperatorData is nof found, // use default platform modifierOperatorData. if (!File.Exists(modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform)) { modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform = FileUtility.PathCombine(AssetBundleGraphSettings.MODIFIER_OPERATOR_DATAS_PLACE, nodeId, ModifierOperatiorDataName(AssetBundleGraphSettings.PLATFORM_DEFAULT_NAME)); } var loadedModifierOperatorData = string.Empty; using (var sr = new StreamReader(modifierOperatorDataPathForTargetPlatform)) { loadedModifierOperatorData = sr.ReadToEnd(); } /* * read saved modifierOperation type for detect data type. */ var deserializedDataObject = JsonUtility.FromJson <ModifierBase>(loadedModifierOperatorData); var dataTypeString = deserializedDataObject.operatorType; // sadly, if loaded assetType is no longer supported or not. if (!TypeUtility.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition.ContainsKey(dataTypeString)) { throw new NodeException("unsupported ModifierOperator Type:" + modifierType, nodeId); } var modifyOperatorType = TypeUtility.SupportedModifierOperatorDefinition[dataTypeString]; /* * make generic method for genearte desired typed ModifierOperator instance. */ var modifyOperatorInstance = typeof(IntegratedGUIModifier) .GetMethod("FromJson") .MakeGenericMethod(modifyOperatorType)// set desired generic type here. .Invoke(this, new object[] { loadedModifierOperatorData }) as ModifierBase; var isChanged = false; foreach (var inputSource in inputSources) { var modifyTargetAssetPath = inputSource.importFrom; var modifyOperationTargetAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(modifyTargetAssetPath); if (!modifyOperatorInstance.IsChanged(modifyOperationTargetAsset)) { outputSources.Add( Asset.CreateNewAssetWithImportPathAndStatus( inputSource.importFrom, false, // marked as not changed. false ) ); continue; } isChanged = true; modifyOperatorInstance.Modify(modifyOperationTargetAsset); outputSources.Add( Asset.CreateNewAssetWithImportPathAndStatus( inputSource.importFrom, true, // marked as changed. false ) ); } if (isChanged) { // apply asset setting changes to AssetDatabase. AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } var outputDict = new Dictionary <string, List <Asset> >(); outputDict[groupMergeKey] = outputSources; Output(nodeId, connectionIdToNextNode, outputDict, new List <string>()); }