Exemple #1
        private void CanadaPostGetRates(Shipments AllShipments, out string RTShipRequest, out string RTShipResponse, decimal ExtraFee, Decimal MarkupPercent, decimal ShipmentValue, decimal ShippingTaxRate)
            RTShipRequest  = String.Empty;
            RTShipResponse = String.Empty;
            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection RatesList = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();

            if (!AppLogic.AppConfig("Localization.StoreCurrency").Trim().Equals("cad", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                RTShipResponse += "Localization.StoreCurrency == CAD required to use Canada Post as a carrier.";

            if (!AppLogic.AppConfig("Localization.WeightUnits").Equals("kg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                RTShipResponse += "Localization.WeightUnits == kg required to use Canada Post as a carrier.";

            foreach (Packages Shipment in AllShipments)
                HasFreeItems    = false;
                PackageQuantity = 1;

                if (Shipment.Weight > AppLogic.AppConfigUSDecimal("RTShipping.CanadaPost.MaxWeight"))
                    SM.ErrorMsg = "Canada Post " + AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CallForShippingPrompt");

                // create a rate request
                CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesRequest rateRequest = new CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesRequest();
                rateRequest.merchantCPCID = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CanadaPost.MerchantID");  // Canada Post merchant credentials

                // ship-to address
                rateRequest.city        = Shipment.DestinationCity;
                rateRequest.provOrState = Shipment.DestinationStateProvince;
                rateRequest.country     = Shipment.DestinationCountryCode;
                rateRequest.postalCode  = Shipment.DestinationZipPostalCode;

                // create one lineitem request per package in shipment
                rateRequest.lineItems.item = new CanadaPost.item[Shipment.Count];

                int packageIndex = 0;
                foreach (Package p in Shipment)
                    if (p.IsFreeShipping)
                        HasFreeItems = true;
                    if (p.IsShipSeparately)
                        PackageQuantity = p.Quantity;

                    // shipment details
                    rateRequest.itemsPrice = p.InsuredValue.ToString("#####.00");
                    rateRequest.lineItems.item[packageIndex]        = new CanadaPost.item();
                    rateRequest.lineItems.item[packageIndex].weight = p.Weight.ToString("####.0");

                    // dimensions
                    if (p.Length + p.Width + p.Height == 0)  // if package has no dimensions, we use default
                        string dimensions = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CanadaPost.DefaultPackageSize");
                        p.Width  = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[0].Trim());
                        p.Height = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[1].Trim());
                        p.Length = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[2].Trim());
                    rateRequest.lineItems.item[packageIndex].length = p.Length.ToString("###.0");
                    rateRequest.lineItems.item[packageIndex].width  = p.Width.ToString("###.0");
                    rateRequest.lineItems.item[packageIndex].height = p.Height.ToString("###.0");


                // initialize eParcel request
                CanadaPost.eparcel request = new CanadaPost.eparcel();

                // choose language for reply text
                request.language = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CanadaPost.Language").Trim();
                if (request.language.Equals("auto", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))  // set the language based on the customers locale
                    Customer ThisCustomer = ((AspDotNetStorefrontPrincipal)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User).ThisCustomer;
                    if (ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting.Trim().StartsWith("fr", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        request.language = "fr";
                        request.language = "en";

                request.Items    = new CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesRequest[1];
                request.Items[0] = rateRequest;

                // serialize eParcel request class
                XmlSerializer serRequest = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CanadaPost.eparcel));
                StringWriter  swRequest  = new StringWriter();

                serRequest.Serialize(swRequest, request);
                string req = swRequest.ToString().Replace(@" xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema""", "");

                // open a TCP socket with Canada Post server
                Socket     socCanadaPost = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint;

                socCanadaPost.ReceiveTimeout = 10000; // milliseconds to wait for a response

                    remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostAddresses(AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CanadaPost.Server"))[0],
                catch (SocketException e)
                    RTShipResponse += "Tried to reach Canada Post Server (" + AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CanadaPost.Server") +
                                      ":" + AppLogic.AppConfigNativeInt("RTShipping.CanadaPost.ServerPort") + "): " + e.Message;

                // send request to Canada Post
                byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(req);

                //receive response from Canada Post
                string resp   = String.Empty;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                int    iRx    = 0;

                while (!resp.Contains("<!--END_OF_EPARCEL-->"))
                        iRx += socCanadaPost.Receive(buffer, iRx, 8192 - iRx, SocketFlags.None);
                    catch (SocketException e)
                        if (e.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)
                            throw e;
                    resp = new string((System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(buffer, 0, iRx)));  // decode byte array to string

                // close socket

                // create an eParcel response class
                CanadaPost.eparcel response = new CanadaPost.eparcel();

                // deserialize the xml response into the eParcel response
                XmlSerializer serResponse = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CanadaPost.eparcel));
                StringReader  srResponse  = new StringReader(resp);

                    response = (CanadaPost.eparcel)serResponse.Deserialize(srResponse);
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)  // invalid xml, or no reply received from Canada Post
                    RTShipResponse += "Canada Post error: Could not parse response from Canada Post server: " + e.Message
                                      + " Response received: " + resp;


                // Check the response object for Faults
                if (response.Items[0] is CanadaPost.error)
                    CanadaPost.error respError = (CanadaPost.error)response.Items[0];
                    RTShipResponse += respError.statusMessage[0];

                // Check the response object for Ratings
                if (!(response.Items[0] is CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesResponse))
                    RTShipResponse += "Canada Post Error: No rating responses returned from Canada Post";

                // no faults, so extract rate information
                CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesResponse ratesResp = (CanadaPost.ratesAndServicesResponse)response.Items[0];
                foreach (CanadaPost.product product in ratesResp.product)
                    decimal total = Localization.ParseUSDecimal(product.rate);

                    // ignore zero-cost methods, and methods not allowed
                    if (total != 0 && ShippingMethodIsAllowed(product.name, "Canada Post"))
                        total = total * PackageQuantity * (1.00M + (MarkupPercent / 100.0M));

                        decimal vat = Decimal.Round(total * ShippingTaxRate);

                        if (!SM.MethodExists(product.name))
                            ShipMethod s_method = new ShipMethod();
                            s_method.Carrier     = "Canada Post";
                            s_method.ServiceName = product.name;
                            s_method.ServiceRate = total;
                            s_method.VatRate     = vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate = total;

                            int        IndexOf  = SM.GetIndex(product.name);
                            ShipMethod s_method = SM[IndexOf];
                            s_method.ServiceRate += total;
                            s_method.VatRate     += vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate += total;

                            SM[IndexOf] = s_method;
                RTShipRequest  += req; // stash request & response for this shipment
                RTShipResponse += resp;

            // Handling fee should only be added per shipping address not per package
            // let's just compute it here after we've gone through all the packages.
            // Also, since we can't be sure about the ordering of the method call here
            // and that the collection SM includes shipping methods from all possible carriers
            // we'll need to filter out the methods per this carrier to avoid side effects on the main collection
            foreach (ShipMethod shipMethod in SM.PerCarrier("Canada Post"))
                shipMethod.ServiceRate += ExtraFee;
Exemple #2
        private void AusPostGetRates(Shipments AllShipments, out string RTShipRequest, out string RTShipResponse, decimal ExtraFee, Decimal MarkupPercent, decimal ShipmentValue, decimal ShippingTaxRate)
            RTShipRequest  = String.Empty;
            RTShipResponse = String.Empty;

            if (!AppLogic.AppConfig("Localization.StoreCurrency").Trim().Equals("aud", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new Exception("Localization.StoreCurrency == AUD required to use Australia Post as a carrier.");

            if (!AppLogic.AppConfig("Localization.WeightUnits").Equals("kg", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new Exception("Localization.WeightUnits == kg required to use Australia Post as a carrier.");

            // is weight within shippable limit?
            if (ShipmentWeight > AppLogic.AppConfigUSDecimal("RTShipping.AusPost.MaxWeight"))
                SM.ErrorMsg = "Australia Post " + AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CallForShippingPrompt");

            foreach (Packages Shipment in AllShipments)
                HasFreeItems    = false;
                PackageQuantity = 1;

                foreach (Package p in Shipment)
                    if (p.IsFreeShipping)
                        HasFreeItems = true;

                    if (p.IsShipSeparately)
                        PackageQuantity = p.Quantity;

                    // initialize rate requests
                    ausPost.RateRequest rateRequests = new ausPost.RateRequest();

                    // get list of service classes
                    string AusPostServices;
                    if (Shipment.DestinationCountryCode == "AU")
                        AusPostServices = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.AusPost.DomesticServices");
                        AusPostServices = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.AusPost.IntlServices");

                    // create individual requests, one for each service
                    foreach (string service in AusPostServices.Split(','))
                        ausPost.Request request = new ausPost.Request();

                        // dimensions (all specified in mm)
                        if (p.Length + p.Width + p.Height == 0)  // if package has no dimensions, we use default
                            string dimensions = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.AusPost.DefaultPackageSize");
                                p.Width  = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[0].Trim());
                                p.Height = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[1].Trim());
                                p.Length = Convert.ToDecimal(dimensions.Split('x')[2].Trim());
                            catch (FormatException e)
                                throw new Exception("Check the RTShipping.AusPost.DefaultPackageSize AppConfig. " +
                                                    "Must be three dimensions (in cm) separated by 'x'. Example: 15x15x15. " + e.Message);
                        request.Length = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(p.Length * 10)); // convert all from cm to mm
                        request.Width  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(p.Width * 10));
                        request.Height = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(p.Height * 10));

                        request.Weight   = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(p.Weight * 1000)); // convert from kg to g
                        request.Quantity = PackageQuantity;

                        // shipping addresses
                        request.Pickup_Postcode      = OriginZipPostalCode.PadRight(4).Substring(0, 4);
                        request.Country              = Shipment.DestinationCountryCode;
                        request.Destination_Postcode = Shipment.DestinationZipPostalCode.PadRight(4).Substring(0, 4);

                        // Service Type
                            request.Service_Type =
                                (ausPost.Request.ServiceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ausPost.Request.ServiceType), service.Split(';')[0], true);
                        catch (ArgumentException e)
                            if (Shipment.DestinationCountryCode == "AU")
                                throw new Exception("Check the RTShipping.AusPost.DomesticServices AppConfig. " +
                                                    "Legal values are STANDARD or EXPRESS, followed by a semi-colon and Name. " + e.Message);
                                throw new Exception("Check the RTShipping.AusPost.IntlServices AppConfig. " +
                                                    "Legal values are AIR, SEA, ECI_D, ECI_M, or EPI, followed by a semi-colon and Name. " + e.Message);

                        // convert rateRequests into a URL
                        string req = Convert.ToString(request);

                        // Send rate request to AusPost server
                        HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(req);

                        // get the response from AusPost
                        WebResponse webResponse;
                        string      resp;
                            webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
                        catch (WebException e)  // could not receive a response from AusPost endpoint
                            RTShipResponse += "No response from Australia Post Server: " + e.Message;

                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                            resp = sr.ReadToEnd();

                        // Convert the response into a Response object
                        ausPost.Response response;

                            response = (ausPost.Response)TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(ausPost.Response)).ConvertFromString(resp);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException e)  // invalid or no reply received from AusPost
                            RTShipResponse += "Could not parse response from Australia Post server: " + e.Message
                                              + " Response received: " + resp;

                        // Check the response object for an error
                        if (response.Err_msg != "OK")
                            RTShipResponse += "Austalia Post Error: " + response.Err_msg + Environment.NewLine;

                        // we have a good estimate
                        decimal total = response.Charge;

                        // ignore zero-cost methods, and methods not allowed
                        if ((total == 0 && AppLogic.AppConfigBool("FilterOutShippingMethodsThatHave0Cost")) || !ShippingMethodIsAllowed(service.Split(';')[1], string.Empty))

                        total = total * (1.00M + (MarkupPercent / 100.0M));
                        decimal vat = Decimal.Round(total * ShippingTaxRate);

                        // add shipping method
                        if (!SM.MethodExists(service.Split(';')[1]))
                            ShipMethod s_method = new ShipMethod();
                            s_method.Carrier     = "Australia Post";
                            s_method.ServiceName = service.Split(';')[1];
                            s_method.ServiceRate = total;
                            s_method.VatRate     = vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate = total;

                            int        IndexOf  = SM.GetIndex(service.Split(';')[1]);
                            ShipMethod s_method = SM[IndexOf];
                            s_method.ServiceRate += total;
                            s_method.VatRate     += vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate += total;

                            SM[IndexOf] = s_method;

                        RTShipRequest  += req + Environment.NewLine;
                        RTShipResponse += resp.Replace('\n', ' ').Replace('\r', ' ') + Environment.NewLine;

            // Handling fee should only be added per shipping address not per package
            // let's just compute it here after we've gone through all the packages.
            // Also, since we can't be sure about the ordering of the method call here
            // and that the collection SM includes shipping methods from all possible carriers
            // we'll need to filter out the methods per this carrier to avoid side effects on the main collection
            foreach (ShipMethod shipMethod in SM.PerCarrier("Australia Post"))
                shipMethod.ServiceRate += ExtraFee;
Exemple #3
 public void AddMethod(ShipMethod s_method)
Exemple #4
        private void FedExGetRates(Shipments AllShipments, out string RTShipRequest, out string RTShipResponse, decimal ExtraFee, Decimal MarkupPercent, decimal ShipmentValue, decimal ShippingTaxRate)        // Retrieves FedEx rates
            RTShipRequest  = string.Empty;
            RTShipResponse = string.Empty;

            Decimal maxWeight = AppLogic.AppConfigUSDecimal("RTShipping.Fedex.MaxWeight");

            if (maxWeight == 0)
                maxWeight = 150;

            if (ShipmentWeight > maxWeight)
                SM.ErrorMsg = "FedEx " + AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CallForShippingPrompt");

            foreach (Packages Shipment in AllShipments)
                foreach (Package p in Shipment)
                    if (p.IsFreeShipping)
                        HasFreeItems = true;

                RateRequest request = CreateRateRequest(Shipment);
                RateService service = new RateService(); // Initialize the service
                service.Url = this.FedexServer;
                    RateReply reply = service.getRates(request);

                    string rateRequest = SerializeObject(request);
                    string rateReply   = SerializeObject(reply);

                    if (reply.RateReplyDetails != null && (reply.HighestSeverity == NotificationSeverityType.SUCCESS || reply.HighestSeverity == NotificationSeverityType.NOTE || reply.HighestSeverity == NotificationSeverityType.WARNING))// check if the call was successful
                        //create list of available services

                        for (int i = 0; i < reply.RateReplyDetails.Length; i++)
                            RateReplyDetail rateReplyDetail = reply.RateReplyDetails[i];

                            // listRatedShipmentDetail is currently unused - could be used in the future to support list or pro-rated rates
                            RatedShipmentDetail listRatedShipmentDetail = rateReplyDetail.RatedShipmentDetails
                                                                          .FirstOrDefault(rsd => rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.PAYOR_LIST_PACKAGE ||
                                                                                          rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.RATED_LIST_PACKAGE ||
                                                                                          rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.PAYOR_LIST_SHIPMENT ||
                                                                                          rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.RATED_LIST_SHIPMENT);

                            RatedShipmentDetail ratedShipmentDetail = rateReplyDetail.RatedShipmentDetails
                                                                      .FirstOrDefault(rsd => rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.PAYOR_ACCOUNT_PACKAGE ||
                                                                                      rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.PAYOR_ACCOUNT_SHIPMENT ||
                                                                                      rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.RATED_ACCOUNT_PACKAGE ||
                                                                                      rsd.ShipmentRateDetail.RateType == ReturnedRateType.RATED_ACCOUNT_SHIPMENT);

                            string rateName = "FedEx " + FedExGetCodeDescription(rateReplyDetail.ServiceType.ToString());

                            if (ShippingMethodIsAllowed(rateName, "FEDEX"))
                                decimal totalCharges = ratedShipmentDetail.ShipmentRateDetail.TotalNetCharge.Amount;

                                //multiply the returned rate by the quantity in the package to avoid calling
                                //more than necessary if there were multiple IsShipSeparately items
                                //ordered.  If there weren't, Shipment.PackageCount is 1 and the rate is normal
                                totalCharges = totalCharges * Shipment.PackageCount;

                                if (MarkupPercent != System.Decimal.Zero)
                                    totalCharges = Decimal.Round(totalCharges * (1.00M + (MarkupPercent / 100.0M)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                                decimal vat = Decimal.Round(totalCharges * ShippingTaxRate, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                                if (!SM.MethodExists(rateName))
                                    ShipMethod s_method = new ShipMethod();

                                    s_method.Carrier     = "FEDEX";
                                    s_method.ServiceName = rateName;
                                    s_method.ServiceRate = totalCharges;
                                    s_method.VatRate     = vat;

                                    if (HasFreeItems)
                                        s_method.FreeItemsRate = totalCharges;

                                    int        IndexOf  = SM.GetIndex(rateName);
                                    ShipMethod s_method = SM[IndexOf];

                                    s_method.ServiceRate += totalCharges;
                                    s_method.VatRate     += vat;

                                    if (HasFreeItems)
                                        s_method.FreeItemsRate += totalCharges;

                                    SM[IndexOf] = s_method;

                        // Handling fee should only be added per shipping address not per package
                        // let's just compute it here after we've gone through all the packages.
                        // Also, since we can't be sure about the ordering of the method call here
                        // and that the collection SM includes shipping methods from all possible carriers
                        // we'll need to filter out the methods per this carrier to avoid side effects on the main collection
                        foreach (ShipMethod shipMethod in SM.PerCarrier("FEDEX"))
                            shipMethod.ServiceRate += ExtraFee;
                        RTShipResponse = "Error: Call Not Successful " + reply.Notifications[0].Message;

                    RTShipRequest  = Serialize(request);
                    RTShipResponse = Serialize(reply);
                catch (SoapException e)
                    RTShipResponse = "FedEx Error: " + e.Detail.InnerXml;
                catch (Exception e)
                    RTShipResponse = "FedEx Error: " + e.InnerException.Message;
Exemple #5
        static public ShippingMethods GetRates(Shipments AllShipments, decimal ShipmentWeight, decimal ShipmentValue,
                                               decimal ShippingTaxRate, out string RTShipRequest, out string RTShipResponse, ref ups2.ShippingSection ShippingConfig, ref ups2.UPSSection UPSConfig)
            // instantiate return variables
            ShippingMethods UPS2ShipMethods = new ShippingMethods();

            RTShipRequest  = String.Empty;
            RTShipResponse = String.Empty;

            // is weight within shippable limit?
            if (ShipmentWeight > UPSConfig.MaxWeight)
                UPS2ShipMethods.ErrorMsg = "UPS " + ShippingConfig.CallForShippingPrompt;

            // check for required configuration variables
            if (UPSConfig.UserName.Length < 3)
                throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.UserName must contain the User ID used to signin to ups.com.");

            if (UPSConfig.Password.Length < 3)
                throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.Password must contain the Password used to signin to ups.com.");

            if (UPSConfig.License.Length < 7)
                throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.License must contain the Access Key assigned by UPS to access UPS OnLine Tools API's.");

            // for negotiated rates, do we have the UPS account number?
            if (UPSConfig.GetNegotiatedRates && UPSConfig.AccountNumber.Length != 6)
                throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.GetNegotiatedRates is 'true', but a six-character UPS account number " +
                                    "is not specified in RTShipping.UPS.AccountNumber. The account number is required to retrieve negotiated rates.");

            // retrieve correct UPS Server URL
            string UPSServer;

            if (ShippingConfig.UseTestRates)
                UPSServer = UPSConfig.TestServer;
                UPSServer = UPSConfig.Server;

            foreach (Packages Shipment in AllShipments)
                // createUPS OnLine Tools access credentials
                ups2.AccessRequest accessCredentials = new ups2.AccessRequest();
                accessCredentials.AccessLicenseNumber = UPSConfig.License;
                accessCredentials.UserId   = UPSConfig.UserName;
                accessCredentials.Password = UPSConfig.Password;

                // create a rate request
                ups2.RatingRequest rateRequest = new ups2.RatingRequest();

                // shipment details
                rateRequest.Shipment.Shipper = new ups2.RequestShipmentShipper();
                rateRequest.Shipment.Shipper.ShipperNumber = UPSConfig.AccountNumber;
                rateRequest.Shipment.RateInformation       = new ups2.ShipmentRateInformation();
                rateRequest.Shipment.RateInformation.NegotiatedRatesIndicator = String.Empty;

                // UPS PickupType
                    rateRequest.PickupType.Code = Enum.Format(typeof(ups2.RequestPickupTypeCode),
                                                              Enum.Parse(typeof(ups2.RequestPickupTypeCode), UPSConfig.PickupType, true), "d").PadLeft(2, '0');
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.UPSPickupType == '" + UPSConfig.PickupType + "'. Legal values are UPSDailyPickup, " +
                                        "UPSCustomerCounter, UPSOneTimePickup, UPSOnCallAir, UPSSuggestedRetailRates, UPSLetterCenter, or UPSAirServiceCenter.");

                // UPS CustomerClassification
                if (UPSConfig.CustomerClassification != string.Empty)
                    rateRequest.CustomerClassification.Code = UPSConfig.CustomerClassification;  // default is Wholesale, '01'
                // shipment origin
                ups2.UPSAddress Origin = new ups2.UPSAddress();

                // check Shipment for Origin address
                if (Shipment.OriginZipPostalCode != string.Empty)
                    Origin.AddressLine1      = Shipment.OriginAddress1;
                    Origin.AddressLine2      = Shipment.OriginAddress2;
                    Origin.City              = Shipment.OriginCity;
                    Origin.StateProvinceCode = Shipment.OriginStateProvince;
                    Origin.PostalCode        = Shipment.OriginZipPostalCode;
                    Origin.CountryCode       = Shipment.OriginCountryCode;
                else  // shipment didn't have origin address, so use default address from appConfigs.
                    Origin.AddressLine1      = ShippingConfig.OriginAddress;
                    Origin.AddressLine2      = ShippingConfig.OriginAddress2;
                    Origin.City              = ShippingConfig.OriginCity;
                    Origin.StateProvinceCode = ShippingConfig.OriginState;
                    Origin.PostalCode        = ShippingConfig.OriginZip;
                    Origin.CountryCode       = ShippingConfig.OriginCountry;

                // for UK, verify the Origin Country is set to GB
                if (Origin.CountryCode == "UK")
                    Origin.CountryCode = "GB";

                rateRequest.Shipment.Shipper.Address = Origin;

                // ship-to address
                ups2.UPSAddress Dest = new ups2.UPSAddress();

                Dest.AddressLine1      = Shipment.DestinationAddress1;
                Dest.AddressLine2      = Shipment.DestinationAddress2;
                Dest.City              = Shipment.DestinationCity;
                Dest.StateProvinceCode = Shipment.DestinationStateProvince;
                Dest.PostalCode        = Shipment.DestinationZipPostalCode;
                Dest.CountryCode       = Shipment.DestinationCountryCode;

                // residential address indicator
                if ((UPSConfig.AddressTypeBehavior.ToLower() == "forceallresidential" ||
                     Shipment.DestinationResidenceType == ResidenceTypes.Residential ||
                     Shipment.DestinationResidenceType == ResidenceTypes.Unknown && UPSConfig.AddressTypeBehavior.ToLower() != "unknownsarecommercial") &&
                    UPSConfig.AddressTypeBehavior.ToLower() != "forceallcommercial")
                    Dest.ResidentialAddressIndicator = "";  // the mere presence of this tag indicates Residential
                // for UK, verify the Destination Country is set to GB
                if (Dest.CountryCode == "UK")
                    Dest.CountryCode = "GB";

                rateRequest.Shipment.ShipTo.Address = Dest;  // add destination address to request

                // create one package per package in shipment
                rateRequest.Shipment.Package = new ups2.ShipmentPackage[Shipment.Count];

                int pIndex = 0;

                int  PackageQuantity = 1;
                bool HasFreeItems    = false;

                foreach (Package p in Shipment)
                    rateRequest.Shipment.Package[pIndex] = new ups2.ShipmentPackage();
                    ups2.ShipmentPackage upsPackage = rateRequest.Shipment.Package[pIndex];

                    // shipment details
                    // UPS packaging type
                    if (UPSConfig.PackagingType != string.Empty)
                        upsPackage.PackagingType.Code = UPSConfig.PackagingType;  // default is CustomerSuppliedPackage, '02'
                    // package weight
                    upsPackage.PackageWeight.Weight            = p.Weight;
                    upsPackage.PackageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement = new ups2.UPSShipmentWeightUnitOfMeasurement();
                    if (ShippingConfig.WeightUnits.ToLower().Contains("kg") || ShippingConfig.WeightUnits.ToLower().Contains("kilo"))  // default is pounds
                        upsPackage.PackageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement.Code = ups2.UPSShipmentWeightUnitOfMeasurementCode.Kilograms;

                    // insurance
                    if (p.Insured && p.InsuredValue != 0)
                        upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions = new ups2.ShipmentPackageServiceOptions();
                        upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions.InsuredValue = new ups2.UPSMoney();
                        upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions.InsuredValue.MonetaryValue = p.InsuredValue.ToString();
                        upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions.InsuredValue.CurrencyCode  = ShippingConfig.Currency.ToUpper();

                    // delivery confirmation
                    if (UPSConfig.DeliveryConfirmation != string.Empty)
                        if (upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions == null)
                            upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions = new ups2.ShipmentPackageServiceOptions();
                        upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions.DeliveryConfirmation = new ups2.ShipmentDeliveryConfirmation();

                            upsPackage.PackageServiceOptions.DeliveryConfirmation.DCISType = Enum.Format(typeof(ups2.DCISTypeCode),
                                                                                                         Enum.Parse(typeof(ups2.DCISTypeCode), UPSConfig.DeliveryConfirmation, true), "d");
                        catch (ArgumentException)
                            throw new Exception("UPS Error: RTShipping.UPS.DeliveryConfirmation == '" + UPSConfig.DeliveryConfirmation + "'. " +
                                                "Legal values are DeliveryConfirmation, SignatureRequired, or AdultSignatureRequired.");

                    // dimensions
                    if (p.Length + p.Width + p.Height != 0)  // if package has no dimensions, do not include them
                        upsPackage.Dimensions        = new ups2.ShipmentPackageDimensions();
                        upsPackage.Dimensions.Length = p.Length;
                        upsPackage.Dimensions.Width  = p.Width;
                        upsPackage.Dimensions.Height = p.Height;

                        // if weight is kg, UPS requires size to be cm.
                        if (upsPackage.PackageWeight.UnitOfMeasurement.Code == ups2.UPSShipmentWeightUnitOfMeasurementCode.Kilograms)
                            upsPackage.Dimensions.UnitOfMeasurement.Code = ups2.DimensionsUnitOfMeasurementCode.Centimeters; // default is inches

                    if (p.IsShipSeparately)
                        PackageQuantity = p.Quantity;

                    if (p.IsFreeShipping)
                        HasFreeItems = true;


                // serialize AccessRequest class
                XmlSerializer serAccessRequest = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ups2.AccessRequest));
                StringWriter  swAccessRequest  = new StringWriter();

                serAccessRequest.Serialize(swAccessRequest, accessCredentials);
                string req = swAccessRequest.ToString();

                // serialize RatingRequest class
                XmlSerializer serRatingRequest = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ups2.RatingRequest));
                StringWriter  swRatingRequest  = new StringWriter();

                serRatingRequest.Serialize(swRatingRequest, rateRequest);
                req += swRatingRequest.ToString(); // append RatingRequest to AccessRequest

                // Send xml rate request to UPS server
                HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(UPSServer);
                webRequest.Method = "POST";

                // Transmit the request to UPS
                byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(req);
                webRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
                Stream requestStream;

                    requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
                catch (WebException e)  // could not connect to UPS endpoint
                    RTShipResponse += "Tried to reach UPS Server (" + UPSServer + "): " + e.Message;

                requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                // get the response from UPS
                WebResponse webResponse = null;
                string      resp;
                    webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
                catch (WebException e)  // could not receive a response from UPS endpoint
                    RTShipResponse += "No response from UPS Server (" + UPSServer + "): " + e.Message;

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                    resp = sr.ReadToEnd();

                // deserialize the xml response into a RatingResponse object
                ups2.RatingResponse response    = new ups2.RatingResponse();
                XmlSerializer       serResponse = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ups2.RatingResponse));
                StringReader        srResponse  = new StringReader(resp);

                    response = (ups2.RatingResponse)serResponse.Deserialize(srResponse);
                catch (InvalidOperationException e)  // invalid xml, or no reply received from UPS
                    RTShipResponse += "Could not parse response from UPS server: " + e.Message + " Response received: " + resp;


                // Check the response object for Faults
                if (response.Response.Error != null)
                    RTShipResponse += "UPS Error: " + response.Response.Error.ErrorDescription;
                    if (response.Response.Error.ErrorLocation != null)
                        RTShipResponse += " " + response.Response.Error.ErrorLocation.ErrorLocationElementName;

                // Check the response object for RatedShipments
                if (response.RatedShipment == null)
                    RTShipResponse += "UPS Error: No rating responses returned from UPS.";

                // walk the services list, looking for matches in the returned rates
                foreach (string service in UPSConfig.Services.Split(','))
                    // interate the returned rates, matching with the service from the UPSServices list
                    foreach (ups2.ResponseRatedShipment ratedShipment in response.RatedShipment)
                        string serviceDescription = string.Empty;

                        // check for a match between the returned rate and the current service
                        if (ratedShipment.Service.Code == service.Split(';')[0])
                            serviceDescription = service.Split(';')[1];

                        // verify the quoted rate is in the same currency as the store
                        if (ratedShipment.TotalCharges.CurrencyCode != ShippingConfig.Currency.ToUpper())
                            RTShipResponse += "UPS Error: Received rates with currency code " + ratedShipment.TotalCharges.CurrencyCode +
                                              ", but store is configured for " + ShippingConfig.Currency + ".";

                        decimal total;

                        // use either negotiated rates or regular rates
                        if (UPSConfig.GetNegotiatedRates)
                            if (ratedShipment.NegotiatedRates != null)
                                total = Convert.ToDecimal(ratedShipment.NegotiatedRates.NetSummaryCharges.GrandTotal.MonetaryValue);
                            else  // no negotiated rates found
                                throw new Exception("UPS Error: GetNegotiatedRates is 'true', but no negotiated rates were returned. " +
                                                    "Cantact UPS to ensure that you are authorized to receive negotiated rates.");
                            total = Convert.ToDecimal(ratedShipment.TotalCharges.MonetaryValue);

                        // ignore zero-cost methods, and methods not allowed
                        if (total == 0 || serviceDescription == string.Empty || !RTShipping.ShippingMethodIsAllowed(serviceDescription, "UPS"))

                        total = total * PackageQuantity * (1.00M + (ShippingConfig.MarkupPercent / 100.0M)) + ShippingConfig.ExtraFee;
                        decimal vat = Decimal.Round(total * ShippingTaxRate);

                        // add or update method in UPS2ShipMethods shipping methods collection
                        if (!UPS2ShipMethods.MethodExists(serviceDescription))
                            ShipMethod s_method = new ShipMethod();
                            s_method.Carrier     = "UPS";
                            s_method.ServiceName = serviceDescription;
                            s_method.ServiceRate = total;
                            s_method.VatRate     = vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate = total;

                            int        IndexOf  = UPS2ShipMethods.GetIndex(serviceDescription);
                            ShipMethod s_method = UPS2ShipMethods[IndexOf];

                            s_method.ServiceRate += total;
                            s_method.VatRate     += vat;

                            if (HasFreeItems)
                                s_method.FreeItemsRate += total;

                            UPS2ShipMethods[IndexOf] = s_method;
                RTShipRequest  += req; // stash request & response for this shipment
                RTShipResponse += resp;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get shipping rates from DHL for International shipments
        /// </summary>
        private void DHLIntlGetRates(Shipments allShipments, out string rtShipRequest, out string rtShipResponse, decimal extraFee, decimal markupPercent, decimal shipmentValue, decimal shippingTaxRate)
            rtShipRequest  = String.Empty;
            rtShipResponse = String.Empty;
            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection ratesList = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();

            // is weight within shippable limit?
            if (ShipmentWeight > AppLogic.AppConfigUSDecimal("RTShipping.DHLIntl.MaxWeight"))
                SM.ErrorMsg = "DHL " + AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.CallForShippingPrompt");

            // retrieve correct DHL Server URL
            string dhlServer;

            if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("RTShipping.UseTestRates"))
                dhlServer = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHL.TestServer");
                dhlServer = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHL.Server");

            // calculate legal ship date
            DateTime shipDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(AppLogic.AppConfigUSDouble("RTShipping.DHL.ShipInDays"));

            if (shipDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                shipDate = shipDate.AddDays(2);
            if (shipDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                shipDate = shipDate.AddDays(1);

            // error 4112 is tripped by asking for a rate quote on a Sunday or a Holiday
            bool error4112 = false;

                if (error4112)
                    error4112 = false;
                    shipDate  = shipDate.AddDays(1);

                foreach (Packages shipment in allShipments)
                    HasFreeItems    = false;
                    PackageQuantity = 1;

                    foreach (Package p in shipment)
                        if (p.IsFreeShipping)
                            HasFreeItems = true;
                        if (p.IsShipSeparately)
                            PackageQuantity = p.Quantity;

                        // initialize rate requests
                        dhl.InternationalRateRequest rateRequests = new dhl.InternationalRateRequest();
                        rateRequests.Requestor.ID       = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHL.APISystemID");
                        rateRequests.Requestor.Password = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHL.APISystemPassword");

                        string dhlServices = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.Services");

                        // create an array of individual requests, one for each service
                        rateRequests.Shipment = new dhl.InternationalRequest[dhlServices.Split(',').Length];

                        // populate the array
                        int serviceIndex = 0;
                        foreach (string service in dhlServices.Split(','))
                            rateRequests.Shipment[serviceIndex] = new dhl.InternationalRequest();
                            dhl.InternationalRequest request = rateRequests.Shipment[serviceIndex];

                            // DHL rating API credentials
                            request.ShippingCredentials.ShippingKey = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.ShippingKey");
                            request.ShippingCredentials.AccountNbr  = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHL.AccountNumber");

                            // shipment details
                            request.ShipmentDetail.ShipDate          = shipDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                            request.ShipmentDetail.ShipmentType.Code = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.Packaging").ToUpperInvariant();

                            // used to allow 'O' (Other) packaging types, which are now 'P' types
                            if (request.ShipmentDetail.ShipmentType.Code == "O")
                                request.ShipmentDetail.ShipmentType.Code = "P";

                            // package weight
                            if (request.ShipmentDetail.ShipmentType.Code == "L")
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Weight = p.Weight.ToString("#0.0");
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Weight = Math.Ceiling(p.Weight).ToString("##0");

                            request.ShipmentDetail.ContentDesc = "ContentDesc";

                            // billing details
                            request.Billing.Party.Code = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.BillingParty").ToUpperInvariant();
                            if (request.Billing.Party.Code != "S")
                                request.Billing.AccountNbr = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.BillingAccountNbr").ToUpperInvariant();

                            request.Billing.DutyPaymentType = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.DutyPayment").ToUpperInvariant();
                            if (request.Billing.DutyPaymentType == "3")
                                request.Billing.DutyPaymentAccountNbr = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.DutyPaymentAccountNbr").ToUpperInvariant();

                            // import duty declaration
                            request.Dutiable.DutiableFlag = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.Dutiable").ToUpperInvariant();
                            request.Dutiable.CustomsValue = p.InsuredValue.ToString("######");

                            // overrides
                            string overrideCodes = AppLogic.AppConfig("RTShipping.DHLIntl.Overrides");
                            if (overrideCodes.Length > 0)
                                request.ShipmentProcessingInstructions.Overrides = new dhl.Override[overrideCodes.Split(',').Length];

                                int overrideIndex = 0;
                                foreach (string overrideCode in overrideCodes.Split(','))
                                    request.ShipmentProcessingInstructions.Overrides[overrideIndex]      = new dhl.Override();
                                    request.ShipmentProcessingInstructions.Overrides[overrideIndex].Code = overrideCode;


                            // ship-to address
                            request.Receiver.Address.Street = "Street";
                            request.Receiver.Address.City   = shipment.DestinationCity;
                            if (shipment.DestinationCountryCode.Equals("ca", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                shipment.DestinationCountryCode.Equals("us", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                request.Receiver.Address.State = shipment.DestinationStateProvince;

                            request.Receiver.Address.Country    = shipment.DestinationCountryCode.ToUpperInvariant();
                            request.Receiver.Address.PostalCode = shipment.DestinationZipPostalCode.ToUpperInvariant();

                            // dimensions
                            if (p.Length + p.Width + p.Height != 0)
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Dimensions        = new dhl.Dimensions();
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Dimensions.Length = p.Length.ToString("###");
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Dimensions.Width  = p.Width.ToString("###");
                                request.ShipmentDetail.Dimensions.Height = p.Height.ToString("###");

                            // insurance
                            if (p.Insured && p.InsuredValue != 0)
                                request.ShipmentDetail.AdditionalProtection.Code  = "AP"; // additional protection
                                request.ShipmentDetail.AdditionalProtection.Value = p.InsuredValue.ToString("######");
                                request.ShipmentDetail.AdditionalProtection.Code  = "NR"; // not required
                                request.ShipmentDetail.AdditionalProtection.Value = "0";

                            // add the service code, and service name to the request
                            request.ShipmentDetail.Service.Code = service.Split(';')[0];
                            request.TransactionTrace            = service.Split(';')[1];

                            // add this individual service request to the rateRequests
                            rateRequests.Shipment[serviceIndex] = request;


                        // serialize rateRequests into an xml string
                        XmlWriterSettings xwSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                        xwSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

                        XmlSerializer serRequest = new XmlSerializer(rateRequests.GetType());
                        StringWriter  swRequest  = new StringWriter();
                        XmlWriter     xwRequest  = XmlWriter.Create(swRequest, xwSettings);
                        serRequest.Serialize(xwRequest, rateRequests);

                        string req = swRequest.ToString();

                        // Send xml rate request to DHL server
                        HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(dhlServer);
                        webRequest.Method = "POST";

                        webRequest.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
                        webRequest.ContentType     = "application/xml; charset=UTF-8";
                        webRequest.Accept          = "application/xml; charset=UTF-8";

                        // Transmit the request to DHL
                        byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(req);
                        webRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
                        Stream requestStream;

                            requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
                        catch (WebException e)
                            // could not connect to DHL endpoint
                            rtShipResponse += "Tried to reach DHL Server (" + dhlServer + "): " + e.Message;

                        requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                        // get the response from DHL
                        WebResponse webResponse = null;
                        string      resp;
                            webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
                        catch (WebException e)
                            // could not receive a response from DHL endpoint
                            rtShipResponse += "No response from DHL Server (" + dhlServer + "): " + e.Message;

                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                            resp = sr.ReadToEnd();


                        // deserialize the xml response into an InternationalRateResponse object
                        dhl.InternationalRateResponse response = new dhl.InternationalRateResponse();
                        XmlSerializer serResponse = new XmlSerializer(typeof(dhl.InternationalRateResponse));
                        StringReader  srResponse  = new StringReader(resp);

                            response = (dhl.InternationalRateResponse)serResponse.Deserialize(srResponse);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                            // invalid xml, or no reply received from DHL
                            rtShipResponse += "Could not parse response from DHL server: " + e.Message + " Response received: " + resp;


                        // Check the response object for Ratings
                        if (response.Shipment == null)
                            rtShipResponse += "DHL Error: No rating responses returned from DHL.";

                        // Check the response object for Faults
                        if (response.Shipment[0].Faults != null)
                            if (response.Shipment[0].Faults[0].Code == "4112")
                                error4112 = true;
                                rtShipResponse += "DHL Error: " + response.Shipment[0].Faults[0].Desc;

                        // one response for each rate request
                        foreach (dhl.Response rateResponse in response.Shipment)
                            // check for a rate estimate
                            if (rateResponse.EstimateDetail == null)

                            // we have a good estimate
                            decimal total = Localization.ParseUSDecimal(rateResponse.EstimateDetail.RateEstimate.TotalChargeEstimate);

                            // ignore zero-cost methods, and methods not allowed
                            if ((total == 0 && AppLogic.AppConfigBool("FilterOutShippingMethodsThatHave0Cost")) ||
                                !ShippingMethodIsAllowed(rateResponse.TransactionTrace, string.Empty))

                            total = total * PackageQuantity * (1.00M + (markupPercent / 100.0M));
                            decimal vat = Decimal.Round(total * shippingTaxRate);

                            if (!SM.MethodExists(rateResponse.TransactionTrace))
                                ShipMethod s_method = new ShipMethod();
                                s_method.Carrier     = "DHL";
                                s_method.ServiceName = rateResponse.TransactionTrace;
                                s_method.ServiceRate = total;
                                s_method.VatRate     = vat;

                                if (HasFreeItems)
                                    s_method.FreeItemsRate = total;

                                int        indexOf  = SM.GetIndex(rateResponse.TransactionTrace);
                                ShipMethod s_method = SM[indexOf];

                                s_method.ServiceRate += total;
                                s_method.VatRate     += vat;

                                if (HasFreeItems)
                                    s_method.FreeItemsRate += total;

                                SM[indexOf] = s_method;

                        rtShipRequest  += req;
                        rtShipResponse += resp;
            }while (error4112 == true);

            // Handling fee should only be added per shipping address not per package
            // let's just compute it here after we've gone through all the packages.
            // Also, since we can't be sure about the ordering of the method call here
            // and that the collection SM includes shipping methods from all possible carriers
            // we'll need to filter out the methods per this carrier to avoid side effects on the main collection
            foreach (ShipMethod shipMethod in SM.PerCarrier("DHL"))
                shipMethod.ServiceRate += extraFee;