private ChartPointsPredition Predict(TimeFrame TFrame, string product, int deep, int ahead, int position, List <ChartPoint> LCPoints)
            int iDeep  = deep;
            int iAhead = ahead;

            if (position < iDeep)

            int               iDecimals       = int.Parse(OSBlotter.Get(product).DecimalPlaces);
            int               iMinMatches     = 1;
            double            dMinResolution  = 1;
            List <ChartPoint> LCPSub          = LCPoints.GetRange(0, position);
            List <ChartPoint> LCPSubSpecified = LCPoints.GetRange(position - iDeep, iDeep);
            //List<ChartPoint> LCPSubPredicted = LCPoints.GetRange(position, iAhead);//TODO comment

            ChartPointsPredition CPsP = ANALYSIS.PredictNextSpecified(product, LCPSub, LCPSubSpecified, TFrame, iDecimals, iMinMatches, dMinResolution, iAhead, new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });

            CPsP.Position = position;
        public double WeightFactor(Rates RATE, int position, int deep, int ahead, bool averange, double step, double range, int setID) //symilarity must be above 60%
            string    product   = RATE.CCY_Pair;
            TimeFrame TFrame    = TimeFrame.ONE_MINUTE;
            int       iDecimals = RATE.Decimals;
            double    dPipValue = Math.Pow(10, -iDecimals);

            List <ChartPoint> LCPoints          = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, 0, position);
            List <ChartPoint> LCPointsSpecified = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, position - deep, deep);
            List <ChartPoint> LCPointsAll       = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, 0, position + ahead);

            List <double> LDSetChange = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Change, iDecimals)).ToList();
            List <double> LDSetPeak   = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Peak, iDecimals)).ToList();
            List <double> LDSetBase   = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Base, iDecimals)).ToList();

            //double dTopSubSim = 0;

            List <double> LDWFactors     = new List <double>();
            List <double> LDSymilarities = new List <double>();

            double[] DAWeightFactor = new double[5];

            for (double dWF = -step * range; dWF <= step * range; dWF += step)
                DAWeightFactor[setID] = dWF;

                ChartPointsPredition CPsPrediction    = new ChartPointsPredition();
                ChartPointsPredition CPsPredictionNow = new ChartPointsPredition();
                double dSymilMax = 90;
                double dSymilMin = 50;

                    double dSymil = (dSymilMax + dSymilMin) / 2;

                    ChartPointsPredition CPsP = null;// this.PredictNextSpecified(product, LCPoints, LCPointsSpecified, TFrame, iDecimals, dSymil, ahead, DAWeightFactor);
                    if (CPsP.Prognosis(1) != ChartPointsPredition.Kind.Uncertain)
                        CPsPredictionNow = CPsP;

                    if (CPsP.Matches < 10)
                        dSymilMax = dSymil;
                        dSymilMin = dSymil;

                    if ((dSymilMax - dSymilMin <= 1) || (CPsPredictionNow.Matches >= 10 && CPsPredictionNow.Matches < 50 && CPsPredictionNow.Analised))
                        CPsPrediction = CPsPredictionNow;
                } while (true);

                if (CPsPrediction.Matches == 0)

                double dSimChange = this.Compare(LDSetChange, CPsPrediction.LDChange, position);
                double dSimPeak   = this.Compare(LDSetPeak, CPsPrediction.LDPeak, position);
                double dSimBase   = this.Compare(LDSetBase, CPsPrediction.LDBase, position);
                double dSubSim    = (dSimChange * dSimPeak * dSimBase) / (100 * 100);


            double dLESum   = 0;
            double dGESum   = 0;
            int    iGECount = 0;
            int    iLECount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < LDWFactors.Count; i++)
                if (LDWFactors[i] > 0)
                    dGESum += LDSymilarities[i];
                else if (LDWFactors[i] < 0)
                    dLESum += LDSymilarities[i];

            double dGES = dGESum / iGECount;
            double dLES = dLESum / iLECount;

            double dTobWF     = 0;
            double dTopSubSim = 0;

            if (!averange)
                for (int i = 0; i < LDWFactors.Count; i++)
                    if (((dGES > dLES) && LDWFactors[i] > 0 && LDSymilarities[i] > dTopSubSim) ||
                        ((dGES < dLES) && LDWFactors[i] < 0 && LDSymilarities[i] > dTopSubSim))
                        dTopSubSim = LDSymilarities[i];
                        dTobWF     = LDWFactors[i];
                double dSumWF       = 0;
                double dSumWeightWF = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < LDWFactors.Count; i++)
                    if ((dGES > dLES && LDWFactors[i] > 0) || (dGES < dLES && LDWFactors[i] < 0))
                        dSumWF       += LDWFactors[i] * LDSymilarities[i];
                        dSumWeightWF += LDSymilarities[i];
                        dTobWF        = dSumWF / dSumWeightWF;

        public double CheckSimilarity(Rates RATE, int position, int deep, int ahead, double[] DAWeightFacotrs) //symilarity must be above 60%
            string    product   = RATE.CCY_Pair;
            TimeFrame TFrame    = TimeFrame.ONE_MINUTE;
            int       iDecimals = RATE.Decimals;
            double    dPipValue = Math.Pow(10, -iDecimals);

            List <ChartPoint> LCPoints          = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, 0, position);
            List <ChartPoint> LCPointsSpecified = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, position - deep, deep);
            List <ChartPoint> LCPointsAll       = ARCHIVE.GetDATA(TFrame, product, 0, position + ahead);

            List <double> LDSetChange = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Change, iDecimals)).ToList();
            List <double> LDSetPeak   = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Peak, iDecimals)).ToList();
            List <double> LDSetBase   = (from CP in LCPointsAll select Math.Round(CP.Base, iDecimals)).ToList();

            ChartPointsPredition CPsPrediction    = new ChartPointsPredition();
            ChartPointsPredition CPsPredictionNow = new ChartPointsPredition();
            double dSymilMax = 90;
            double dSymilMin = 50;

                double dSymil = (dSymilMax + dSymilMin) / 2;

                ChartPointsPredition CPsP = null;    // this.PredictNextSpecified(product, LCPoints, LCPointsSpecified, TFrame, iDecimals, dSymil, ahead, DAWeightFacotrs);
                if (CPsP.Prognosis(1) != ChartPointsPredition.Kind.Uncertain)
                    CPsPredictionNow = CPsP;

                if (CPsP.Matches < 10)
                    dSymilMax = dSymil;
                    dSymilMin = dSymil;

                if ((dSymilMax - dSymilMin <= 1) || (CPsPredictionNow.Matches >= 10 && CPsPredictionNow.Matches < 50 && CPsPredictionNow.Analised))
                    CPsPrediction = CPsPredictionNow;
            } while (true);

            if (CPsPrediction.Matches == 0)

            double dSimChange = this.Compare(LDSetChange, CPsPrediction.LDChange, position);
            double dSimPeak   = this.Compare(LDSetPeak, CPsPrediction.LDPeak, position);
            double dSimBase   = this.Compare(LDSetBase, CPsPrediction.LDBase, position);
            double dSubSim    = (dSimChange * dSimPeak * dSimBase) / (100 * 100);
