public void OnClickFinishBtn()
        //Create a new ArmyList and send it to the Roster Viewer

        //Open the Roster panel
        //Create a new roster with the right name and type
        Armies.Roster roster = CreateRoster(ArmyNameGameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text,
                                            ); //TODO: Include getting the faction. Probably some big if/else statement for the dropdowns
        //Send it to the roster viewer
    //Since there'll be multiple types of Rosters, depending on which armies it is composed of, there will be more than one
    //roster subclass. The CreateRoster method selects the subclass and returns a new roster will all the proper information
    private Armies.Roster CreateRoster(string name, params Armies.Roster.Faction[] factions)
        Armies.Roster roster = new Armies.Roster(name, position, factions);
