Exemple #1
        public List <ObjectBlock> GetBlocks(uint maxBlocks)
            uint checksum, w;
            List <ObjectBlock> objectBlocks = new List <ObjectBlock>();

            if (!skipStart)
                if (GetStart() == 0)
                skipStart = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxBlocks;)
                // After the sync sequence, the rest of the block is read in this order
                checksum = getWord();

                if (checksum == PIXY_START_WORD || checksum == PIXY_START_WORD_CC)
                    skipStart = true;
                else if (checksum == 0)

                ObjectBlock block = getBlock();

                // The checksum should be the sum of all the other values
                uint calculatedSum = block.Signature + block.X + block.Y + block.Width + block.Height;

                // Make sure that the checksum that came with the block and our sum match
                if (calculatedSum == checksum)
                    var args = new PixyCamEventArgs();
                    args.Block = block;

                w = getWord();
                if (w == PIXY_START_WORD || w == PIXY_START_WORD_CC)

Exemple #2
        private ObjectBlock getBlock()
            byte[] readData = getBytes(10);
            if (readData != null)
                ObjectBlock block = new ObjectBlock();
                block.Signature = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 0);
                block.X         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 2);
                block.Y         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 4);
                block.Width     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 6);
                block.Height    = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 8);


Exemple #3
        // Display what the camera is seeing on the page
        private async void updateUI(ObjectBlock block)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () =>
                if (!blockDict.ContainsKey(block.Signature))

                blockDict[block.Signature].Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                blockDict[block.Signature].Width = block.Width;
                blockDict[block.Signature].Height = block.Height;
                double xRatio = (block.X - ((double)block.Width / 2)) / PIXY_X_MAX;
                double yRatio = (block.Y - ((double)block.Height / 2)) / PIXY_Y_MAX;
                Canvas.SetLeft(blockDict[block.Signature], xRatio * canvas.ActualWidth);
                Canvas.SetTop(blockDict[block.Signature], yRatio * canvas.ActualHeight);

                outputTextBlock.Text = block.ToString();
Exemple #4
        private void addNewRect(ObjectBlock block)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
            if(blockColors.Length >= block.Signature)
                rect.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(blockColors[block.Signature - 1]);
                rect.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);

            rect.Width = block.Width;
            rect.Height = block.Height;

            blockDict.Add(block.Signature, rect);
        // Follow blocks via the Zumo robot drive
        // This code makes the robot base turn and move to follow the pan/tilt tracking of the head
        private void followBlock(ObjectBlock trackedBlock)
            long followError = RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.Position;

            // Size is the area of the object
            // We keep a running average of the last 8
            size += trackedBlock.Width * trackedBlock.Height;
            size -= size >> 3;

            // Forward speed decreases as we approach the object (size is larger)
            int forwardSpeed = Constrain(400 - ((int)size / 256), -100, 400);

            // Steering differential is proportional to the error times the forward speed
            long differential = (followError + (followError * forwardSpeed)) >> 8;

            // Adjust the left and right speeds by the steering differential
            int leftSpeed = Constrain((int)(forwardSpeed + differential), -400, 400);
            int rightSpeed = Constrain((int)(forwardSpeed - differential), -400, 400);

            float leftPower, rightPower;
            ZumoMotorDirection leftDir, rightDir;

            if (leftSpeed >= 0)
                leftDir = ZumoMotorDirection.Forward;
                leftDir = ZumoMotorDirection.Backward;

            if (rightSpeed >= 0)
                rightDir = ZumoMotorDirection.Forward;
                rightDir = ZumoMotorDirection.Backward;

            leftPower = Math.Abs(leftSpeed) / 500.0f;
            rightPower = Math.Abs(rightSpeed) / 500.0f;

                string.Format("followError={0}, size={1}, differential={2}, leftPower={3}, rightPower={4}",

            motorDriver.SetLeftMotorPower(leftDir, leftPower);
            motorDriver.SetRightMotorPower(rightDir, rightPower);
Exemple #6
        private ObjectBlock getBlock()
            byte[] readData = getBytes(10);
            if (readData != null)
                ObjectBlock block = new ObjectBlock();
                block.Signature = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 0);
                block.X = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 2);
                block.Y = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 4);
                block.Width = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 6);
                block.Height = BitConverter.ToUInt16(readData, 8);

                return block;

            return null;
        // Display what the camera is seeing on the page
        private async void updateUI(ObjectBlock block)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                trackedBlockRect.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                trackedBlockRect.Width = block.Width;
                trackedBlockRect.Height = block.Height;
                double xRatio = (block.X - ((double)block.Width / 2)) / PIXY_X_MAX;
                double yRatio = (block.Y - ((double)block.Height / 2)) / PIXY_Y_MAX;
                Canvas.SetLeft(trackedBlockRect, xRatio * canvas.Width);
                Canvas.SetTop(trackedBlockRect, yRatio * canvas.Height);

                outputTextBlock.Text = block.ToString();
        // Follow blocks via the Zumo robot drive
        // This code makes the robot base turn and move to follow the pan/tilt tracking of the head
        private void followBlock(ObjectBlock trackedBlock)
            long followError = RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.Position;

            // Size is the area of the object
            // We keep a running average of the last 8
            size += trackedBlock.Width * trackedBlock.Height;
            size -= size >> 3;

            // Forward speed decreases as we approach the object (size is larger)
            int forwardSpeed = Constrain(400 - ((int)size / 256), -100, 400);

            // Steering differential is proportional to the error times the forward speed
            long differential = (followError + (followError * forwardSpeed)) >> 8;

            // Adjust the left and right speeds by the steering differential
            int leftSpeed = Constrain((int)(forwardSpeed + differential), -400, 400);
            int rightSpeed = Constrain((int)(forwardSpeed - differential), -400, 400);

            // TODO: Set the motor speeds
        // Track blocks via the Pixy pan/tilt mechanism
        private ObjectBlock trackBlock(ObjectBlock[] blocks)
            ObjectBlock trackedBlock = null;
            long maxSize = 0;

            foreach(ObjectBlock block in blocks)
                if(oldBlock == null || (block.Signature == oldBlock.Signature))
                    long newSize = block.Height * block.Width;
                    if(newSize >  maxSize)
                        trackedBlock = block;
                        maxSize = newSize;

            if (trackedBlock != null)
                long panError = X_CENTER - trackedBlock.X;
                long tiltError = trackedBlock.Y - Y_CENTER;
                pixyCam.SetServos(panLoop.Position, tiltLoop.Position);

                oldBlock = trackedBlock;

            return trackedBlock;