private void Input_UserTimeout_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string xxx = Input_UserTimeout.Text.ToString(); Debug.WriteLine("" + xxx); ACConfigManager.AddUpdateAppSettings("consideroff", xxx); }
/// <summary> /// Au clic on corrige le format, on "try" la requête http, si la requête est différente de null (souvent 404, mauvais input / htaccess) /// on vérifie si un domaine a déjà été enregistré, si oui on fait rien, si la variable est à "none" on l'enregistre /// </summary> private async void BtnVerifyUsrUrl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(userDomain, UriKind.Absolute)) { //corrige le format var _domain = new Uri(userDomain); var _domfinaloutput = new Uri(_domain, txtloc); OutToRichLog("TEST", "Trying to connect... \n" + _domfinaloutput); try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); string result = await client.GetStringAsync(_domfinaloutput); if (result != null) { // on regarde si y'a déjà quelque chose d'enregistré string _domValid = _domfinaloutput.ToString(); ACConfigManager.AddUpdateAppSettings("userdomain", _domValid); DisableInputURLctrls(); OutToRichLog("HTTP", "everything is fine, saving domain... \nYou can now starts the loop !" + _domfinaloutput); UnlockButton(LaBouleMagique); } } catch { OutToRichLog("SETUP", "404 : " + userDomain + txtloc); } } }
private void Btn_serielConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO IMPORTANT : trouver un moyen de disconnect proprement // selectedPort = listPort.GetItemText(listPort.SelectedItem); port = new SerialPort(selectedPort, 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); port.ReadTimeout = 500; port.WriteTimeout = 500; port.DtrEnable = true; port.RtsEnable = true; //port.DtrEnable = true; // port.RtsEnable = true; text_iSconnected.Text = isConnected.ToString(); text_iSconnected.Text = port.IsOpen.ToString(); if (isConnected == true) { try { port.DtrEnable = false; port.RtsEnable = false; port.DiscardInBuffer(); port.DiscardOutBuffer(); port.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // passer la value disconneced à l'arduino isConnected = false; OutToRichLog("Com", "Closing " + port.PortName); } else if (isConnected == false) { btn_serielConnect.Text = "Disconnect"; try { port.Open(); AllowComControls(); string isThereADomain = ACConfigManager.getValue("userdomain"); if (isThereADomain != "none") { UnlockButton(LaBouleMagique); } OutToRichLog("Com", "Opening " + port.PortName + "..."); isConnected = true; // OutToRichLog("HTTP", "Trying to read txt file.. "); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException unauth) { OutToRichLog("Com", "Port is open somewhere else \n" + unauth); } } text_iSconnected.Text = port.IsOpen.ToString(); }
private void DisableInputURLctrls() { string rawDomain = ACConfigManager.getValue("userdomain"); // string trimmDomain = rawDomain; Uri myUri = new Uri(rawDomain); string trimmDomain = myUri.Host; // host is "" Inp_Domain.Enabled = false; Inp_Domain.Text = trimmDomain; }
/// <summary> Inp_NumericHours_ValueChanged /// C'est juste matrixant /// </summary> private void InputServerTime_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var actualH = InputServerTime.Text; var todouble = Int16.Parse(actualH); secondstoadd = TimeSpan.FromHours(todouble).TotalSeconds; ACConfigManager.AddUpdateAppSettings("servertime", secondstoadd.ToString()); OutToRichLog("TEST", "customUserHours " + secondstoadd); Debug.WriteLine("timespantimespantimespan: " + secondstoadd); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); (new Arduistats.DropShadow()).ApplyShadows(this); OutToRichLog("Frame", "Starting engine..."); InitBase(); InitData(); LockButton(LaBouleMagique); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(MainWindow_FormClosing); Debug.WriteLine(ACConfigManager.CheckIfValueExists()); }
async Task <string> GetTxt() { // string tamereee = userDomain; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); string _domain = ACConfigManager.getValue("userdomain"); string result = await client.GetStringAsync(_domain); if (result != null) { // ishttpConnected = true; // OutToRichLog("HTTP", "ITS OKAY FROM TASK : "); } return(result); }
private void InitData() { bool isDomainHere = ACConfigManager.CheckIfValueExists(); if (isDomainHere == true) { UnlockButton(LaBouleMagique); btn_serielConnect.Enabled = true; string _serverTime = ACConfigManager.getValue("servertime"); int servtimeInt = Int16.Parse(_serverTime); int hours = servtimeInt / 3600; InputServerTime.Text = hours.ToString(); //_servertime > convert hours > covert decimal // Inp_NumericHours.Value = _serverTime; string _consideroff = ACConfigManager.getValue("consideroff"); string _timertick = ACConfigManager.getValue("timertick"); OutToRichLog("HTTP", "Get Config servertime : " + _serverTime); DisableInputURLctrls(); } else { //DisableConnection(); } }