public void SetAsset(MlfAsset asset) { this.scriptString = asset.mlfObject.MlfInstance.RawScript; instanced = false; compiledCode = null; instance = null; }
public void SetString(string scriptString) { this.scriptString = scriptString; instanced = false; compiledCode = null; instance = null; }
public override void OnMlfFormatPre(MlfInstance instance) { foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { if (block.format != "yaml") { continue; } //Detect tabs if (block.Content.Contains("\t")) { Debug.LogError("YAML Does not support tabs."); return; } YamlObject yaml = new YamlObject(block.Content); block.SetFormatData(formatDataKey, yaml); block.OnContentChange += (content) => { yaml.SetContent(content); }; } }
public override void OnMlfFormatPost(MlfInstance instance) { List <MlfBlock> blocks = instance.GetBlocks("DefineContext"); foreach (MlfBlock block in blocks) { if (block.format != "python") { Debug.LogError("Context blocks must be in python format"); continue; } if (block.tags.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("Context block must have at least one tag, defining what context it is defining"); continue; } block.enableFunctionWrapping = false; foreach (string tag in block.tags) { Snek.SnekScriptEngine.Instance.AddContextDefinition(tag, block.Content); } } }
public override void OnMlfInstanceInterpret(MlfInstance instance) { List <MlfFlag> flags = instance.GetFlags("Context"); if (flags.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { block.contexts = new List <MlfContextReference>(); foreach (MlfFlag flag in flags) { //Bad Context flag if (flag.tags.Count != 1) { continue; } if (flag.arguments.Count != 1) { continue; } block.contexts.Add(new MlfContextReference(flag.tags[0], flag.arguments[0])); } } }
public static void OnInstancePostInterpret(MlfInstance instance) { foreach (MlfProcessor processor in Processors) { processor.OnMlfFormatPost(instance); } }
public override string DebugInstance(MlfInstance instance) { List <MlfFlag> flags = instance.GetFlags("Context"); if (flags.Count == 0) { return(null); } string output = "Context Flags:\n"; foreach (MlfFlag flag in flags) { //Bad Context flag if (flag.tags.Count != 1) { output += "(Bad tag)"; } if (flag.arguments.Count != 1) { output += "(Bad argument)"; } else { output += "ID: " + flag.tags[0] + ", Key: " + flag.arguments[0]; } } return(output); }
public static void CleanCode(MlfInstance instance) { foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { //Remove # block.Content = Regex.Replace(block.Content, "[#].*", ""); //Remove double newlines block.Content = Regex.Replace(block.Content, @"\n\s*\n", "\n"); } }
public static List <string> DebugInstance(MlfInstance instance) { List <string> instanceDebugs = new List <string>(); foreach (MlfProcessor processor in Processors) { instanceDebugs.Add(processor.DebugInstance(instance)); } return(instanceDebugs); }
public override void OnMlfFormatPost(MlfInstance instance) { List <MlfBlock> blocks = instance.GetBlocks("DefineLocalScope"); foreach (MlfBlock block in blocks) { if (block.format != "python") { Debug.LogError("Scope blocks must be in python format"); continue; } } }
public override void OnMlfFormatPre(MlfInstance instance) { foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { if (block.format != "python") { continue; } SnekScriptSource source = new SnekScriptSource(block); block.SetFormatData("scriptSource", source); } }
public override void OnMlfInstanceInterpret(MlfInstance instance) { MlfFlag flag = instance.GetFlag("DefaultImport"); if (flag != null) { foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { if (block.format == "python") { block.AddPrefixText("import UnityEngine as u"); } } } }
public MlfObject(string rawText, string path) { this.mlfInstance = new MlfInstance(rawText, path); }
public MlfObject(MlfInstance mlfInstance) { this.mlfInstance = mlfInstance; }
public void SetMlfInstance(MlfInstance instance) { parentAsset = null; mlfInstance = instance; }
public void OnGUI() { scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); //Regex: regexTesterDropdown = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(regexTesterDropdown, "Regex tester", true); if (regexTesterDropdown) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; regex_pattern = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Pattern", regex_pattern); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Text:"); regex_text = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(regex_text, GUILayout.MinHeight(400)); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Match", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(regex_text, regex_pattern); regex_output = "(Match)\n"; regex_output += "count: " + matches.Count + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { regex_output += i + ": " + matches[i].Value + "\n"; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Split", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { string[] splits = Regex.Split(regex_text, regex_pattern); regex_output = "(Split)\n"; regex_output += "count: " + splits.Length + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < splits.Length; i++) { regex_output += i + ": " + splits[i] + "\n"; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Output:"); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(regex_output, EditorStyles.helpBox, GUILayout.MinHeight(400)); } inputScriptDopdown = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(inputScriptDopdown, "Input Script", true); if (inputScriptDopdown) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; //Asset Selection EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); scriptAsset = (MlfAsset)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(scriptAsset, typeof(MlfAsset), false); if (GUILayout.Button("Use Asset", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)) && scriptAsset != null) { SetAsset(scriptAsset); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //Text sekection EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); textInputText = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(textInputText); if (GUILayout.Button("Use Text", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)) && textInputText.Replace(" ", "") != "") { SetString(textInputText); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } if (scriptString == null) { EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); return; } clean = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Clean", clean); if (instance == null && instanced == false) { instance = new MlfInstance(scriptString); instance.Interpret(clean); instanced = true; } if (instance != null && instance.Blocks != null) { DisplayScriptInfo(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public override void OnMlfInstanceInterpret(MlfInstance instance) { MlfBlock propertyBlock = instance.GetBlock("Properties"); if (propertyBlock == null) { instance.defaultProperties = null; return; } //Only support yaml format if (propertyBlock.format != "yaml") { Debug.LogError("[MLF] Properties block only supports the 'yaml' format \n" + instance.path); return; } Dictionary <string, MlfProperty> properties = new Dictionary <string, MlfProperty>(); Yaml.YamlObject yaml = (Yaml.YamlObject)propertyBlock.GetFormatData(YamlFormat.formatDataKey); //Root foreach (YamlNode node in ((YamlSequenceNode)yaml.RootNode).Children) { //Should only be a single child for this entry foreach (var entry in ((YamlMappingNode)node).Children) { MlfProperty property = new MlfProperty(); //Scalar -> value = Type if (entry.Value.NodeType == YamlNodeType.Scalar) { System.Type type = null; if (!TypeFinder.TryFindType(((YamlScalarNode)entry.Value).Value, out type)) { continue; } property.type = type; } //Mapping -> read children values else if (entry.Value.NodeType == YamlNodeType.Mapping) { IDictionary <YamlNode, YamlNode> entries = ((YamlMappingNode)entry.Value).Children; if (entries.ContainsKey("specialtype")) { property.specialType = ((YamlScalarNode)entries["specialtype"]).Value; } if (entries.ContainsKey("type")) { System.Type type = null; if (!TypeFinder.TryFindType(((YamlScalarNode)entries["type"]).Value, out type)) { continue; } property.type = type; } //Default value if (entries.ContainsKey("default")) { property.Value = ((YamlScalarNode)entries["default"]).Value; } //Value value, equivilant to default if (entries.ContainsKey("value")) { property.Value = ((YamlScalarNode)entries["value"]).Value; } if (entries.ContainsKey("tooltip")) { property.tooltip = ((YamlScalarNode)entries["tooltip"]).Value; } if (entries.ContainsKey("static")) { //TODO: Use actual resolver instead of crappy check string staticVar = ((YamlScalarNode)entries["static"]).Value.ToLower().Trim(); if (staticVar == "yes" || staticVar == "true") { property.staticVar = true; } else { property.staticVar = false; } } } properties[((YamlScalarNode)entry.Key).Value.TrimStart('$')] = property; } } Dictionary <string, MlfProperty> oldProperties = instance.defaultProperties; instance.defaultProperties = properties; //Replace old values if they exist if (oldProperties != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MlfProperty> pair in oldProperties) { if (instance.defaultProperties.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { if (instance.defaultProperties[pair.Key].CanAssignValue(pair.Value.Value)) { instance.defaultProperties[pair.Key].Value = pair.Value.Value; } } } } if (instance.defaultProperties.Count == 0) { return; } //Replace properties in contents //TODO: Make individual formats handle this in a "post post processor", as well as //fix issues with parts of words being replaced! foreach (MlfBlock block in instance.Blocks) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MlfProperty> pair in instance.defaultProperties) { block.Content = Regex.Replace(block.Content, @"\s*\$" + pair.Key + @"\s*", Snek.SnekScriptEngine.propertyPrefix + pair.Key); } } }
public MlfBlock(MlfInstance mlfInstance) { this.owningInstance = mlfInstance; this.formatData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); }
public MlfObject(string rawText) { this.mlfInstance = new MlfInstance(rawText); }
public static List <MlfBlock> FindBlocks(MlfInstance instance, string script, string path) { List <MlfBlock> codeblocks = new List <MlfBlock>(); //Block header pattern string pattern = @"(?:@.+\n|\r)?\[\[.+\]\]"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(script, pattern); string[] headers = new string[matches.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { headers[i] = matches[i].Value; } string[] contents = Regex.Split(script, pattern); int[] lineCounts = new int[contents.Length]; //Build line counts for (int i = 0; i < lineCounts.Length; i++) { lineCounts[i] = Regex.Matches(contents[i], "\n|\r\n?").Count - 1; } //Build blocks for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { Match m = Regex.Match(headers[i], @"(|@.+\n|\r)\[\[(.+?)\s*(|"".+"")\s*(|\(.+\))\]\]"); int format_group = 1; int id_group = 2; int tag_group = 3; int argument_group = 4; MlfBlock block = new MlfBlock(instance); block.line = lineCounts[i]; block.path = path; //ID Required if (!m.Groups[id_group].Success) { continue; } //ID = m.Groups[id_group].Value; //Format if (m.Groups[format_group].Success) { block.format = m.Groups[format_group].Value.TrimStart('@').Trim(); } //Tags if (m.Groups[tag_group].Success && m.Groups[tag_group].Value.Length != 0) { block.tags = new List <string>(m.Groups[tag_group].Value.Trim('"').Split(',')); } else { block.tags = new List <string>(); } //Arguments if (m.Groups[argument_group].Success && m.Groups[argument_group].Value.Length != 0) { block.arguments = new List <string>(m.Groups[argument_group].Value.Trim('(', ')').Split(',')); } else { block.arguments = new List <string>(); } //Expression if (contents.Length > i + 1) { block.Content = contents[i + 1]; } block.path = path; codeblocks.Add(block); } //Find "root code" (Code without a block) and implement it into all blocks. if (codeblocks.Count > 1) { foreach (MlfBlock block in codeblocks) { block.AddPrefixText(contents[0]); } } return(codeblocks); }