Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read 'duration' ticks from the start of the stream.  Note: payload param is only significant for audio and video
        /// </summary>
        public DBStreamPlayer(int streamID, long duration, PayloadType payload)
            this.streamID    = streamID;
            currentIndex     = 0;
            indexCount       = 0;
            streamEndReached = false;

            //Get Stream parameters
            int maxFrameSize;
            int maxFrameCount;
            int maxBufferSize;

            DatabaseUtility.GetStreamStatistics(streamID, out firstTick, out maxFrameSize, out maxFrameCount, out maxBufferSize);

            //Allocate buffer and indices array
            frame   = new BufferChunk(maxBufferSize);
            indices = new Index[maxFrameCount];

            //Init start and end
            this.start   = firstTick;
            this.end     = start + duration;
            startingTick = start;
            endingTick   = start - 1;

            //Set the stream MediaType
            mediaType = null;
            if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
                mediaType = ProfileUtility.StreamIdToVideoMediaType(streamID);
            else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio)
                mediaType = ProfileUtility.StreamIdToAudioMediaType(streamID);
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure all the streams for this StreamMgr have compatible compressed media types.
        /// Also check against the media type, optionally supplied as an argument.
        /// Log details about any problems we find.
        /// </summary>
        /// In no-recompression scenarios including the preview we check this and warn the user,
        /// though we can't do anything about it.
        /// <param name="prevMT">An additional MediaType to check against, or null if none</param>
        /// <param name="log">Where to write details about any problems found</param>
        /// <returns>always true</returns>
        public bool ValidateCompressedMT(MediaType prevMT, LogMgr log)
            MediaType lastMT = prevMT;

            for (int i = 0; i < streamPlayers.Length; i++)
                if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
                    if (!ProfileUtility.CompareVideoMediaTypes((MediaTypeVideoInfo)streamPlayers[i].StreamMediaType, (MediaTypeVideoInfo)lastMT))
                        Debug.WriteLine("incompatible video mediatype found.");
                        log.WriteLine("Warning: A change in the media type was found in the video stream from " + this.cname +
                                      " beginning at " + streamPlayers[i].Start.ToString() + ".  Without recompression, this may cause " +
                                      " a problem with the output.  Using recompression should resolve the issue. ");
                        log.ErrorLevel = 5;
                else if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicAudio)
                    if (!ProfileUtility.CompareAudioMediaTypes((MediaTypeWaveFormatEx)streamPlayers[i].StreamMediaType, (MediaTypeWaveFormatEx)lastMT))
                        Debug.WriteLine("incompatible mediatype found.");
                        log.WriteLine("Warning: A change in the media type was found in the audio stream from " + this.cname +
                                      " beginning at " + streamPlayers[i].Start.ToString() + ".  Without recompression, this may cause " +
                                      " a problem with the output.  Using recompression should resolve the issue. ");
                        log.ErrorLevel = 5;
                lastMT = streamPlayers[i].StreamMediaType;
Exemple #3
        private static void verifyStream(DBStreamPlayer streamPlayer)
            BufferChunk frame;
            long        streamTime;
            BufferChunk sample;
            bool        keyframe;
            long        refTime        = 0;
            long        lastStreamTime = 0;
            long        timediff       = 0;
            DateTime    dt;

            while (streamPlayer.GetNextFrame(out frame, out streamTime))
                try {
                    sample = ProfileUtility.FrameToSample(frame, out keyframe);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                    Console.WriteLine("FrameToSample failed at: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString());
                if (refTime == 0)
                    refTime = streamTime;

                timediff = streamTime - lastStreamTime;

                // Look for large intervals
                //if (timediff > 500000L) {
                //    dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Sample: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString() + "; length=" + sample.Length.ToString() + ";interval=" + timediff.ToString());
                // Look for large samples
                //if (sample.Length > 90000) {
                //    dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Sample: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString() + "; length=" + sample.Length.ToString() + ";interval=" + timediff.ToString());
                // Look for small samples
                //if (sample.Length < 300) {
                //    dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Sample: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString() + "; length=" + sample.Length.ToString() + ";interval=" + timediff.ToString());

                lastStreamTime = streamTime;

            DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(refTime);
            DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(lastStreamTime);

            Console.WriteLine("Started at " + dt1.ToString() + "; Ended at " + dt2.ToString() + " (" + lastStreamTime.ToString() + " ticks)" +
                              " after duration ticks =" + (lastStreamTime - refTime).ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the next sample, compressed or uncompressed as appropriate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sample">The bits</param>
        /// <param name="timestamp">Absolute timestamp in ticks</param>
        /// <param name="keyframe">True if this sample is compressed and is a video keyframe</param>
        /// <param name="newstream">True if this sample is uncompressed and
        /// is from a different stream than the previous sample (thus may have a different media type).</param>
        /// <returns>True if a valid sample is returned</returns>
        public bool GetNextSample(out BufferChunk sample, out long timestamp, out bool keyframe, out bool newstream)
            BufferChunk frame;

            keyframe  = false;
            newstream = false;
            if (compressed)
                for (int i = 0; i < streamPlayers.Length; i++)
                    if (streamPlayers[i].GetNextFrame(out frame, out timestamp))
                        sample = ProfileUtility.FrameToSample(frame, out keyframe);
                for (int i = 0; i < fileStreamPlayers.Length; i++)
                    while (fileStreamPlayers[i].GetNextSample(out sample, out timestamp))
                        if (timestamp >= startTime) //skip past frames that may be returned due to the look behind.
                            currentFSPGuid = fileStreamPlayers[i].xGuid;
                            if (fileStreamPlayers[i].AudioMediaType != null)
                                currentChannels = fileStreamPlayers[i].AudioMediaType.WaveFormatEx.Channels;
                            //PRI3: instead of newstream, we could track the MT, and raise a flag only when it changes.
                            if (i != lastFSP)
                                newstream = true;
                            lastFSP = i;

            sample    = null;
            timestamp = 0;
Exemple #5
        private static void verifyStream(DBStreamPlayer streamPlayer)
            BufferChunk frame;
            long        streamTime;
            BufferChunk sample;
            bool        keyframe;
            long        refTime        = 0;
            long        lastStreamTime = 0;

            while (streamPlayer.GetNextFrame(out frame, out streamTime))
                try {
                    sample = ProfileUtility.FrameToSample(frame, out keyframe);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    DateTime dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                    Console.WriteLine("FrameToSample failed at: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString());
                if (refTime == 0)
                    refTime = streamTime;
                //DateTime dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                //Console.WriteLine("Sample: " + dt.ToString() + "; Sampletime=" + streamTime.ToString() + "; length=" + sample.Length.ToString());                    Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());

                lastStreamTime = streamTime;

            DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(refTime);
            DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(lastStreamTime);

            Console.WriteLine("Started at " + dt1.ToString() + "; Ended at " + dt2.ToString() + " (" + lastStreamTime.ToString() + " ticks)" +
                              " after duration ticks =" + (lastStreamTime - refTime).ToString());
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Recompress audio from mixer into a temp file using the native profile.  This is used to implement mixing
        /// in the 'norecompression' scenario.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progressTracker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Recompress(ProgressTracker progressTracker)
            cancel = false;

            if (audioMgr.Length == 0)

            //String useProfile;
            ProfileData profileData = null;

            if (this.compatibleStreamID >= 0)
                profileData = ProfileUtility.StreamIdToProfileData(compatibleStreamID, MSR.LST.Net.Rtp.PayloadType.dynamicAudio);
                //Debug.WriteLine("Mixer.Recompress: using audio profile from streamID: " + compatibleStreamID.ToString());
                //Under what circumstances could we get here??
                profileData = audioMgr[0].StreamProfileData;

            WMWriter wmWriter = new WMWriter();


            if (!wmWriter.ConfigProfile(profileData))

            String tempFileName = Utility.GetTempFilePath("wma");



            //Write samples
            progressTracker.CurrentValue = 0;
            BufferChunk audioSample = null;
            long        audioTime = long.MaxValue;
            long        refTime = 0, endTime = 0;
            long        lastWriteTime = 0;

            while (!cancel)
                if (audioSample == null)
                    endTime = audioTime;
                    if (!GetNextSample(out audioSample, out audioTime))

                if (audioSample != null)
                    //write audio
                    if (refTime == 0)
                        refTime = audioTime;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("mixer.Recompress write audio: " + (audioTime-refTime).ToString() + ";length=" + audioSample.Length.ToString());
                    lastWriteTime = audioTime - refTime;
                    wmWriter.WriteAudio((uint)audioSample.Length, audioSample, (ulong)(audioTime - refTime));
                    audioSample = null;
                progressTracker.CurrentValue = (int)(lastWriteTime / (Constants.TicksPerSec));

            wmWriter = null;

            //Prepare a filestreamPlayer to read back compressed samples.
            fileStreamPlayer = new FileStreamPlayer(tempFileName, refTime, endTime, true, -1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Write each stream from DBStreamPlayer to a WM file, then create FileStreamPlayers for each.
        /// It is necessary to do this before reading uncompressed samples, or using any of the
        /// methods that return uncompressed MediaTypes.
        /// This can be a long-running process.  It can be cancelled with the Stop method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>False if we failed to configure the native profile</returns>
        public bool ToRawWMFile(ProgressTracker progressTracker)
            if (cancel)

            String tmpfile = "";

            fileStreamPlayers = new FileStreamPlayer[streamPlayers.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < streams.Length; i++)
                streamProfileData = ProfileUtility.StreamIdToProfileData(streams[i], payload);
                if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
                    tmpfile = Utility.GetTempFilePath("wmv");
                    //nativeProfile = ProfileUtility.MakeNativeVideoProfile(streams[i]);
                    tmpfile = Utility.GetTempFilePath("wma");
                    //nativeProfile = ProfileUtility.MakeNativeAudioProfile(streams[i]);
                WMWriter wmWriter = new WMWriter();
                //if (!wmWriter.ConfigProfile(nativeProfile,"",0))
                if (!wmWriter.ConfigProfile(StreamProfileData))

                long        streamTime    = long.MaxValue;
                long        refTime       = 0;
                long        endTime       = 0;
                long        lastWriteTime = 0;
                BufferChunk frame;
                BufferChunk sample;
                bool        keyframe;
                bool        discontinuity;
                discontinuity = true;
                //Catch exceptions to work around the rare case of data corruption.
                //Oddly in one case where this occurred it did not occur if the segments were short enough
                while (streamPlayers[i].GetNextFrame(out frame, out streamTime))
                    try {
                        sample = ProfileUtility.FrameToSample(frame, out keyframe);
                    catch {
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                        Console.WriteLine("Possible data corruption in stream: " + this.payload + ";" + this.cname +
                                          " at " + dt.ToString() + " (" + streamTime.ToString() + ")");
                    if (refTime == 0)
                        refTime = streamTime;
                    lastWriteTime = streamTime - refTime;
                    try {
                        if (payload == PayloadType.dynamicVideo)
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Write video: " + (streamTime-refTime).ToString() + ";length=" + sample.Length.ToString());
                            wmWriter.WriteCompressedVideo((ulong)(streamTime - refTime), (uint)sample.Length, (byte[])sample, keyframe, discontinuity);
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Write audio: " + (streamTime-refTime).ToString() + ";length=" + sample.Length.ToString());
                            wmWriter.WriteCompressedAudio((ulong)(streamTime - refTime), (uint)sample.Length, (byte[])sample);
                    catch {
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime(streamTime);
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to write.  Possible data corruption in stream: " + this.payload + ";" + this.cname +
                                          " at " + dt.ToString() + " (" + streamTime.ToString() + ")");

                    if (discontinuity)
                        discontinuity = false;
                    endTime = streamTime;
                    if (cancel)

                    progressTracker.CurrentValue = (int)(lastWriteTime / Constants.TicksPerSec);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("StreamMgr.ToRawWMFile: ProgressTracker currentValue=" + progressTracker.CurrentValue.ToString() +
                    //    ";streamTime=" + streamTime.ToString());

                wmWriter = null;

                fileStreamPlayers[i] = new FileStreamPlayer(tmpfile, refTime, endTime, false, streams[i]);
                if (cancel)
        public FileStreamPlayer(String filename, long start, long end, bool compressed, int streamID)
            this.streamID = streamID;
            this.filename = filename;
            this.start    = start;
            this.end      = end;
            this.duration = (ulong)(end - start);
            outOfData     = false;
            this.guid     = Guid.NewGuid();

            //create IWMSyncReader and open the file.
            uint   hr = WMFSDKFunctions.WMCreateSyncReader(null, 0, out reader);
            IntPtr fn = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(filename);


            //Verify that the file contains one stream.
            uint outputcnt;

            reader.GetOutputCount(out outputcnt);
            Debug.Assert(outputcnt == 1);

            //Extract the MediaType for the stream.
            uint   cmt = 0;
            IntPtr ipmt;
            IWMOutputMediaProps outputProps;

            reader.GetOutputProps(0, out outputProps);
            outputProps.GetMediaType(IntPtr.Zero, ref cmt);
            ipmt = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)cmt);
            outputProps.GetMediaType(ipmt, ref cmt);
            byte[] bmt = new byte[cmt];
            Marshal.Copy(ipmt, bmt, 0, (int)cmt);
            BufferChunk bc = new BufferChunk(bmt);

            byte[] cd;

            GUID majorTypeGUID;

            outputProps.GetType(out majorTypeGUID);
            if (WMGuids.ToGuid(majorTypeGUID) == WMGuids.WMMEDIATYPE_Video)
                vmt = new MediaTypeVideoInfo();
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteBaseMediaType((MediaType)vmt, bc);
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteVideoFormat(vmt, bc, out cd);
                //Note: This is a special case which we would like to generalize:  The default output format for the
                //12bpp video was found not to return any uncompressed samples.  Setting this particular case to RGB 24 fixed it.
                if ((!compressed) && (vmt.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.BitCount == 12))
            else if (WMGuids.ToGuid(majorTypeGUID) == WMGuids.WMMEDIATYPE_Audio)
                amt = new MediaTypeWaveFormatEx();
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteBaseMediaType((MediaType)amt, bc);
                ProfileUtility.ReconstituteAudioFormat(amt, bc, out cd);

            //if compressed is set, retrieve stream samples
            if (compressed)
                reader.SetReadStreamSamples(1, 1);