Exemple #1
        public void Apply(ArcadeUser user)
            if (Money > 0)

            ulong oldExp = user.Exp;

            if (Exp > 0)
                user.Exp += Exp;

            if (user.Config.Notifier.HasFlag(NotifyAllow.Level))
                int oldLevel = ExpConvert.AsLevel(oldExp, user.Ascent);
                int level    = user.Level;
                if (level > oldLevel)
                    user.Notifier.Append($"Level up! ({LevelViewer.GetLevel(oldLevel, user.Ascent)} to {LevelViewer.GetLevel(level, user.Ascent)})");

            if (!Check.NotNullOrEmpty(ItemIds))

            foreach ((string itemId, int amount) in ItemIds)
                ItemHelper.GiveItem(user, itemId, amount);
Exemple #2
        public static string Sell(Shop shop, ItemData data, ArcadeUser user)
            if (!CanSell(shop, data))
                return(Format.Warning($"**{shop.Name}** does not accept this item."));

            Item item = ItemHelper.GetItem(data.Id);

            ItemHelper.TakeItem(user, data);

            long value = shop.SellDeduction > 0
                ? (long)Math.Floor(item.Value * (1 - shop.SellDeduction / (double)100))
                : item.Value;

            user.Give(value, item.Currency);
            string icon = (Check.NotNull(item.GetIcon()) ? $"{item.GetIcon()} " : "");
            string name = $"{icon}**{(Check.NotNull(icon) ? item.Name : item.GetName())}**";

            return($"> You have received {Icons.IconOf(item.Currency)} **{value:##,0}** for {name}.");