Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MonthlyRecurrence"/> class
        /// executed every <paramref name="weekDayOfMonth"/> of the specified <paramref name="months"/>
        /// at the specified <paramref name="timesOfDay"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="behavior">The behavior regarding invalid times and ambiguous times.</param>
        /// <param name="weekDayOfMonth">The recurrent week day of month.</param>
        /// <param name="months">The recurrent months.</param>
        /// <param name="timesOfDay">The times of day the recurrence is executed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="behavior"/> is not specified
        /// -or- <paramref name="weekDayOfMonth"/> is not specified
        /// -or- <paramref name="months"/> is not specified
        /// -or- <paramref name="timesOfDay"/> is null or empty.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">One of the specified <paramref name="timesOfDay"/> is lower than 00:00:00 or greater than or equal to 1.00:00:00.</exception>
        public MonthlyRecurrence(RecurrenceBehavior behavior, RecurrentWeekDaysOfMonth weekDayOfMonth, RecurrentMonths months, IEnumerable <TimeSpan> timesOfDay)
            : base(behavior, timesOfDay)
            if (weekDayOfMonth == default(RecurrentWeekDaysOfMonth))
                throw new ArgumentException("Non specified argument.", "weekDayOfMonth");

            if (months == default(RecurrentMonths))
                throw new ArgumentException("Non specified argument.", "months");

            WeekDaysOfMonth = weekDayOfMonth;
            Months          = months;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MonthlyRecurrence"/> class
 /// executed every <paramref name="weekDayOfMonth"/> of the specified <paramref name="months"/>
 /// at the specified <paramref name="timesOfDay"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="behavior">The behavior regarding invalid times and ambiguous times.</param>
 /// <param name="weekDayOfMonth">The recurrent week day of month.</param>
 /// <param name="months">The recurrent months.</param>
 /// <param name="timesOfDay">The times of day the recurrence is executed.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="behavior"/> is not specified
 /// -or- <paramref name="weekDayOfMonth"/> is not specified
 /// -or- <paramref name="months"/> is not specified
 /// -or- <paramref name="timesOfDay"/> is null or empty.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">One of the specified <paramref name="timesOfDay"/> is lower than 00:00:00 or greater than or equal to 1.00:00:00.</exception>
 public MonthlyRecurrence(RecurrenceBehavior behavior, RecurrentWeekDaysOfMonth weekDayOfMonth, RecurrentMonths months, params TimeSpan[] timesOfDay)
     : this(behavior, weekDayOfMonth, months, timesOfDay != null ? timesOfDay.AsEnumerable() : null)
Exemple #3
        internal static DateTime GetNextDateByWeekDayOfMonth(DateTime value, RecurrentMonths months, RecurrentWeekDaysOfMonth weekDayOfMonth)
            var firstOfMonth = value.AddDays(-value.Day + 1);

            //move to next month if necessary when any week days is requested
            if (weekDayOfMonth.AnyWeekDays)
                var positionedDates = from positionedDate in DatesInPosition(firstOfMonth.Year, firstOfMonth.Month, weekDayOfMonth.Position)
                                      let dayOfWeek = FlagsEnum.PowerOfTwo <RecurrentWeekDays>(positionedDate.DayOfWeek)
                                                      where (dayOfWeek & weekDayOfMonth.WeekDays) == dayOfWeek &&
                                                      positionedDate == value
                                                      select positionedDate;

                if (positionedDates.Any())
                    firstOfMonth = firstOfMonth.AddMonths(1);

            var nextDate = default(DateTime);

                var positionedDates = from positionedDate in DatesInPosition(firstOfMonth.Year, firstOfMonth.Month, weekDayOfMonth.Position)
                                      let dayOfWeek                         = FlagsEnum.PowerOfTwo <RecurrentWeekDays>(positionedDate.DayOfWeek)
                                                                  let month = FlagsEnum.PowerOfTwo <RecurrentMonths>(positionedDate.Month - 1)
                                                                              where (dayOfWeek & weekDayOfMonth.WeekDays) == dayOfWeek &&
                                                                              (month & months) == month &&
                                                                              positionedDate > value
                                                                              select positionedDate;

                //move to fourth position if necessary when all weekDays are requested in last position
                if (!weekDayOfMonth.AnyWeekDays &&
                    weekDayOfMonth.Position == WeekOfMonthPosition.Last &&
                    positionedDates.Count() > 1)
                    //consider positionedDates discontinuity only for continuous weekDays
                    if (FlagsEnum.ContinuousFlagValues <RecurrentWeekDays>(weekDayOfMonth.WeekDays) &&
                        positionedDates.First().AddDays(positionedDates.Count() - 1) != positionedDates.Last())
                        positionedDates = from positionedDate in DatesInPosition(firstOfMonth.Year, firstOfMonth.Month, WeekOfMonthPosition.Fourth)
                                          let dayOfWeek                         = FlagsEnum.PowerOfTwo <RecurrentWeekDays>(positionedDate.DayOfWeek)
                                                                      let month = FlagsEnum.PowerOfTwo <RecurrentMonths>(positionedDate.Month - 1)
                                                                                  where (dayOfWeek & weekDayOfMonth.WeekDays) == dayOfWeek &&
                                                                                  (month & months) == month &&
                                                                                  positionedDate > value
                                                                                  select positionedDate;

                nextDate = (weekDayOfMonth.AnyWeekDays && weekDayOfMonth.Position == WeekOfMonthPosition.Last)
                    ? positionedDates.LastOrDefault()
                    : positionedDates.FirstOrDefault();
                firstOfMonth = firstOfMonth.AddMonths(1);
            }while (nextDate == default(DateTime));
