public void OnDownloadCompletion(ApsimHPC.JobExecutor ex) { label14.Text = "Job Downloaded"; notebook1.Page = 2; button6.Sensitive = false; popMessage("doDownloadOutputs"); }
// Called when the job has been submitted (or not). Re-enable the go button public async void OnGoFinished(ApsimHPC.JobExecutor ex, bool ok) { button4.Sensitive = true; if (ok) { this.label14.Text = "Job Running"; notebook1.Page = 1; await Task.Run(() => new Timer(new TimerCallback(ex.waitForCompletion), null, 30000, -1));; } }
public void OnJobCompletion(ApsimHPC.JobExecutor ex) { label14.Text = "Job Completed"; notebook1.Page = 2; button6.Sensitive = true; }