private long GetSpecificQuantity(StockOutDetail searchDetail,IList details, int specificCount)
     foreach (StockOutDetail detail in details)
         if ( detail.Product.ProductId == searchDetail.Product.ProductId &&
             detail.DefectStatus.DefectStatusId == specificCount)
             return detail.Quantity;
     return 0;
 private bool HasCreatedView(StockOutDetail detail)
     foreach (StockOutDetailView outDetailView in stockOutDetailViewList)
         if(outDetailView.StockOutDetail.Product.ProductId == detail.Product.ProductId
            && outDetailView.StockOutDetail.StockOut.StockoutId == detail.StockOut.StockoutId )
             return true;
     return false;
        void _departmentStockAdhocProcessingView_ProcessAdhocStocksEvent(object sender, DepartmentStockAdhocProcessingEventArgs e)

                long departmentId = -1;
                StockOut stockOut = null;
                StockIn stockIn = new StockIn();
                stockIn.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                stockIn.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                stockIn.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                stockIn.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                stockIn.StockInDate = DateTime.Now;
                stockIn.StockInType = 2; // stock in for fixing department stock quantity
                stockIn.StockInId = StockInLogic.FindMaxId();
                stockIn.StockInDetails = new ArrayList();
                long stockOutDetailMaxId = StockOutDetailLogic.FindMaxId() + 1;
                long stockOutMaxId = StockOutLogic.FindMaxId()+1;
                for (int i=0; i< e.DeptStockProcessedList.Count;i++)
                    DepartmentStockTemp stockTemp = (DepartmentStockTemp) e.DeptStockProcessedList[i];
                    if(stockTemp.DepartmentStockTempPK.DepartmentId != departmentId)
                        departmentId = stockTemp.DepartmentStockTempPK.DepartmentId;

                        if (stockOut != null)
                        stockOut = new StockOut();
                        stockOut.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockOut.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockOut.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockOut.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockOut.StockOutDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockOut.StockOutDetails = new ArrayList();
                        stockOut.DepartmentId = departmentId;
                        stockOut.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus{ DefectStatusId = 0};

                        stockOut.StockoutId =  stockOutMaxId++;

                    stockTemp.Fixed = 1;
                    stockTemp.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    stockTemp.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                    long realQty = stockTemp.GoodQuantity + stockTemp.ErrorQuantity + stockTemp.DamageQuantity +
                                   stockTemp.LostQuantity + stockTemp.UnconfirmQuantity;
                    if(stockTemp.Quantity < realQty)
                        long stockInQty = realQty - stockTemp.Quantity;
                        StockOutDetail stockOutDetail = new StockOutDetail();
                        stockOutDetail.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockOutDetail.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockOutDetail.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockOutDetail.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockOutDetail.Quantity = stockInQty;
                        stockOutDetail.Product = stockTemp.Product;
                        stockOutDetail.StockOutId = stockOut.StockoutId;
                        stockOutDetail.StockOut = stockOut;
                        stockOutDetail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus{DefectStatusId = 0};
                        stockOutDetail.Description = "Export goods";
                        stockOutDetail.ProductMaster = stockTemp.ProductMaster;
                        stockOutDetail.StockOutDetailId = stockOutDetailMaxId++;

                        StockInDetail stockInDetail = new StockInDetail();
                        stockInDetail.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockInDetail.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stockInDetail.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockInDetail.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                        stockInDetail.StockInType = 0;
                        stockInDetail.StockIn = stockIn;

                        stockInDetail.Quantity = stockInQty;
                        stockInDetail.Product = stockTemp.Product;
                        stockInDetail.ProductMaster = stockTemp.ProductMaster;
                        stockInDetail.StockInDetailPK = new StockInDetailPK
                                                                ProductId = stockTemp.Product.ProductId,
                                                                StockInId = stockIn.StockInId


                    if (i == e.DeptStockProcessedList.Count - 1) // last item

            catch (Exception)
                e.HasErrors = true;
        public void mainStockOutView_LoadStockStatusEvent(object sender, MainStockOutEventArgs e)
            IList productMasterIds = new ArrayList();
            foreach (ProductMaster master in e.SelectedProductMasterList)
            var criteria = new ObjectCriteria();
            criteria.AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO);
            criteria.AddSearchInCriteria("ProductMaster.ProductMasterId", productMasterIds);
            IList list = StockLogic.FindAll(criteria);
            if (list.Count == 0)
            e.StockList = new ArrayList();
            e.FoundStockOutDetailList = new ArrayList();
            foreach (Stock stock in list)
                StockOutDetail detail = new StockOutDetail();
                detail.Product = stock.Product;
                detail.GoodQuantity = stock.GoodQuantity;
                detail.ErrorQuantity = stock.ErrorQuantity;
                detail.LostQuantity = stock.LostQuantity;
                detail.DamageQuantity = stock.DamageQuantity;
                detail.UnconfirmQuantity = stock.UnconfirmQuantity;
                detail.Quantity = stock.Quantity;

 private void LockField(int rowIndex, StockOutDetail stockOutDetail)
     stockOutDetail.DefectStatus = cbbStockOutType.SelectedItem as StockDefectStatus;
     // Xuat tam de sua hang
     if (cbbStockOutType.SelectedIndex == 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockOut.ColumnCount; i++)
             if (i != 8 && i != 7 ) // for shoes
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
     // Xuất trả về nhà sản xuất
     else if (cbbStockOutType.SelectedIndex == 1)
         for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockOut.ColumnCount; i++)
             if (i != 8 && i != 7 && i != 9)
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
     //Xuất đi cửa hàng khác
     else if (cbbStockOutType.SelectedIndex == 2)
         for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockOut.ColumnCount; i++)
             if (i != 7)
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
     else if (cbbStockOutType.SelectedIndex == 3) // xuất hàng mẫu
         for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockOut.ColumnCount; i++)
             if (i != 7)
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.White;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                 dgvDeptStockOut[i, rowIndex].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
     DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selection = dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows;
     if (!DepartmentProcessing)
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             Stock defect = stockDefectList[row.Index];
             StockOutDetail detail = new StockOutDetail();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.ErrorQuantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.Quantity = detail.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 4 }; // trả về nhà sản xuất
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             DepartmentStock defect = deptStockDefectList[row.Index];
             DepartmentStockOutDetail detail = new DepartmentStockOutDetail();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.ErrorQuantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.Quantity = detail.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 4 }; // trả về nhà sản xuất
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete StockOutDetail from database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void Delete(StockOutDetail data)
        private DepartmentStockIn SaveDeptStockIn(bool isNeedSync)
            // check for department
            var dept = cbbDept.SelectedItem as Department;
            if (dept == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Không có cửa hàng nào để xuất hàng");
                return null;

            // first remove all blank row
            int count = 0;
            int length = deptSIDetailList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < length - count; i++)
                DepartmentStockInDetail detail = deptSIDetailList[i];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Product.ProductMaster.ProductMasterId)
                    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Product.ProductMaster.ProductName))
                    deptSIDetailList.RemoveAt(i - count);

            if (deptSIDetailList.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Không có sản phẩm nào để xuất!!!!");
                return null;

            // validate quantity
            StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder();
            int line = 1;
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail detail in deptSIDetailList)
                if (detail.Quantity == 0)
                    errMsg.Append(" " + line + " ");
            if (errMsg.Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi ở dòng " + errMsg.ToString() + " : Số lượng phải lớn hơn 0");
                return null;

            /*count = 0;
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail detail in deptSIDetailList)
                line = 0;
                foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail detail2 in deptSIDetailList)
                    if (detail.DelFlg == CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO
                        && detail.Product.ProductId.Equals(detail2.Product.ProductId))
                            MessageBox.Show("Lỗi : Mã vạch " + detail.Product.ProductId + " nhập 2 lần");
                            dgvDeptStockIn.CurrentCell = dgvDeptStockIn[3, line];
                            return null;


            if (deptSI == null)
                deptSI = new DepartmentStockIn();

            deptSI.StockInDate = dtpImportDate.Value;
            deptSI.DepartmentId = dept.DepartmentId;
            deptSI.Description = txtDexcription.Text;
            deptSI.DepartmentStockInDetails = deptSIDetailList;

            var eventArgs = new DepartmentStockInEventArgs();
            eventArgs.IsForSync = isNeedSync;
            eventArgs.DepartmentStockIn = deptSI;
            eventArgs.ExportGoodsToDepartment = true;
            // update stock out
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail detail in deptSIDetailList)
                bool newRow = true;
                foreach (StockOutDetail outDetail in StockOut.StockOutDetails)
                    if(outDetail.Product.ProductId == detail.Product.ProductId)
                        newRow = false;
                        outDetail.Quantity = detail.Quantity;
                        outDetail.GoodQuantity = detail.Quantity;
                        outDetail.DelFlg = detail.DelFlg;
                    StockOutDetail outDetail = new StockOutDetail();
                    outDetail.Product = detail.Product;
                    outDetail.CreateDate = detail.CreateDate;
                    outDetail.CreateId = detail.CreateId;
                    outDetail.UpdateDate = detail.UpdateDate;
                    outDetail.Price = detail.Price;
                    outDetail.StockOutId = StockOut.StockoutId;
                    outDetail.Quantity = detail.Quantity;
                    outDetail.GoodQuantity = detail.Quantity;
                    outDetail.ProductMaster = detail.Product.ProductMaster;
                    outDetail.StockOut = StockOut;
            eventArgs.UpdateStockOut = StockOut;
            EventUtility.fireEvent(UpdateStockOutEvent, this, eventArgs);
            if (eventArgs.EventResult != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Lưu thành công");
                txtDexcription.Text = "";
                txtQuantity.Text = "";
                txtSumValue.Text = "";
                txtSumProduct.Text = "";
                return eventArgs.DepartmentStockIn;
                return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Update StockOutDetail to database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void Update(StockOutDetail data)
 /// <summary>
 /// Add StockOutDetail to database.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public StockOutDetail Add(StockOutDetail data)
     return data;
 private void btnError_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if( dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
     DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selection = dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows;
     if (!DepartmentProcessing)
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             Stock defect = stockDefectList[row.Index];
             StockOutDetail detail = new StockOutDetail();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.Quantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.ErrorQuantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             //detail.DamageQuantity = defect.DamageQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus{ DefectStatusId = 5}; // trả về nhà sản xuất
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             DepartmentStock defect = deptStockDefectList[row.Index];
             DepartmentStockOutDetail detail = new DepartmentStockOutDetail();
             detail.DepartmentStockOutDetailPK = new DepartmentStockOutDetailPK();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.Quantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             detail.ErrorQuantity = defect.ErrorQuantity;
             //detail.DamageQuantity = defect.DamageQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 6 }; // trả về kho chính
 private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
     DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selection = dgvStockDefect.SelectedRows;
     if (!DepartmentProcessing)
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             Stock defect = stockDefectList[row.Index];
             StockOutDetail detail = new StockOutDetail();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.LostQuantity = defect.LostQuantity;
             detail.DamageQuantity = defect.DamageQuantity;
             detail.Quantity = detail.LostQuantity + detail.DamageQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 8 }; // hủy hàng
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selection)
             DepartmentStock defect = deptStockDefectList[row.Index];
             DepartmentStockOutDetail detail = new DepartmentStockOutDetail();
             detail.DepartmentStockOutDetailPK = new DepartmentStockOutDetailPK();
             detail.Product = defect.Product;
             detail.ProductMaster = defect.ProductMaster;
             detail.LostQuantity = defect.LostQuantity;
             detail.DamageQuantity = defect.DamageQuantity;
             detail.Quantity = detail.LostQuantity + detail.DamageQuantity;
             detail.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 8 }; // hủy hàng
        void mainStockOutView_FindByStockInIdEvent(object sender, MainStockOutEventArgs e)
            if (e.SelectedStockInIds.Count > 0)
                ObjectCriteria objectCriteria = new ObjectCriteria();
                objectCriteria.AddSearchInCriteria("StockInDetailPK.StockInId", e.SelectedStockInIds);
                IList list = StockInDetailLogic.FindAll(objectCriteria);
                IList stockOutList = new ArrayList();
                foreach (StockInDetail inDetail in list)
                    StockOutDetail deptDetail = new StockOutDetail();
                    deptDetail.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    deptDetail.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    deptDetail.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                    deptDetail.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
                    //deptDetail. = new DepartmentStockInDetailPK();
                    deptDetail.Product = inDetail.Product;
                    deptDetail.ProductMaster = inDetail.Product.ProductMaster;
                    deptDetail.Quantity = inDetail.Quantity;
                    deptDetail.GoodQuantity = inDetail.Quantity;

                e.SelectedStockOutDetails = stockOutList;
            EventUtility.fireEvent(CompletedFindByStockInEvent, this, e);
 private Stock GetDefectFromStockOut(StockOutDetail detail, IList list)
     foreach (Stock stockDefect in list)
         if(stockDefect.Product.ProductId == detail.Product.ProductId)
             return stockDefect;
     return null;
 public void Update(StockOutDetail data)
        public void Add(DepartmentStockIn data)
            string deptStr = string.Format("{0:000}", data.DepartmentId);
            string dateStr = data.StockInDate.ToString("yyMMdd");
            var criteria = new ObjectCriteria();
            criteria.AddGreaterCriteria("StockoutId", (long)0);

            var maxId = StockOutDAO.SelectSpecificType(criteria, Projections.Max("StockoutId"));
            var stockOutId = maxId == null ? 1 : Int64.Parse(maxId.ToString()) + 1;

            //var stockInPk = new DepartmentStockInPK { DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId, StockInId = stockOutId + "" };

            //data.DepartmentStockInPK = stockInPk;
            data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
            data.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            data.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            data.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;

            StockOut stockOut = new StockOut();
            stockOut.StockoutId = stockOutId;
            stockOut.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.StockOutDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            stockOut.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            stockOut.NotUpdateMainStock = false;
            stockOut.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 0};
            stockOut.DelFlg = 0;
            stockOut.DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId;

            // we will get the stock to get the data
            IList productMasterIds = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail stockInDetail in data.DepartmentStockInDetails)
            IList productIds = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail stockInDetail in data.DepartmentStockInDetails)

            criteria = new ObjectCriteria();
            criteria.AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO);
            criteria.AddGreaterCriteria("Quantity", (long)0);
            //criteria.AddSearchInCriteria("ProductMaster.ProductMasterId", productMasterIds);
            criteria.AddSearchInCriteria("Product.ProductId", productIds);
            //criteria.AddOrder("ProductMaster.ProductMasterId", true);
            criteria.AddOrder("Product.ProductId", true);
            IList stockList = StockDAO.FindAll(criteria);

            IList updateStockList = new ArrayList();
            IList stockOutDetailList = new ArrayList();

            var maxSODetailId = StockOutDetailDAO.SelectSpecificType(new ObjectCriteria(), Projections.Max("StockOutDetailId"));
            long stockOutDetailId = (maxSODetailId == null ? 1 : Int64.Parse(maxSODetailId.ToString()) + 1);

            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail stockInDetail in data.DepartmentStockInDetails)
                long quantity = stockInDetail.Quantity;
                foreach (Stock stock in stockList)
                    long stockInQty = 0;
                    //if (stock.ProductMaster.ProductMasterId.Equals(stockInDetail.Product.ProductMaster.ProductMasterId) && stock.Quantity > 0)
                    if (stock.Product.ProductId.Equals(stockInDetail.Product.ProductId) && stock.Quantity > 0)
                        if (quantity > stock.GoodQuantity)
                            throw new BusinessException("Mặt hàng: " + stock.ProductMaster.ProductName
                                + " - mã vạch: " + stock.Product.ProductId
                                + " không đủ hàng! Tồn: " + stockInDetail.StockQuantity + " , cần xuất: " + quantity);

                            stockInQty = stock.GoodQuantity;
                            quantity -= stock.GoodQuantity;
                            stock.GoodQuantity = 0;
                            stockInQty = quantity;
                            stock.GoodQuantity -= quantity;
                            quantity = 0;
                        stock.Quantity = stock.GoodQuantity + stock.ErrorQuantity + stock.DamageQuantity +
                                         stock.LostQuantity + stock.UnconfirmQuantity;
                        stock.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stock.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;

                        /*var pk = new StockOutDetailPK
                            //DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId,
                            ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId,
                            StockOutId = stockOutId

                        var detail = new StockOutDetail
                                             //StockOutDetailPK = pk,
                            StockOutDetailId = stockOutDetailId++,
                            StockOutId = stockOutId,
                            StockOut = stockOut,
                            Product =  stock.Product,
                            ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId,
                            Price = stockInDetail.Price,
                            DelFlg = 0,
                            ExclusiveKey = 1,
                            Description = "Export goods",
                            DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 0},
                            Quantity = stockInQty,
                            GoodQuantity = stockInQty,
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            ProductMaster = stock.ProductMaster,

                        /*var deptStock = new DepartmentStock
                            DepartmentStockPK = new DepartmentStockPK
                                DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId,
                                ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            ProductMaster = stock.ProductMaster
                        if (quantity == 0)
                if (quantity > 0)
                    if (data.DepartmentStockInPK != null)
                        data.DepartmentStockInPK.StockInId = null;
                    throw new BusinessException("Số lượng xuất kho lớn hơn số lượng trong kho : " + stockInDetail.Product.ProductId);
            // insert stock out and stockout detail
            stockOut.StockOutDetails = stockOutDetailList;
                stockOut.ConfirmFlg = 1;

            // Remove duplicate rows
            int count = 0;
            while (count < (stockOutDetailList.Count - 1))
                StockOutDetail detail1 = (StockOutDetail)stockOutDetailList[count];
                detail1.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                detail1.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                int maxCount = stockOutDetailList.Count - 1;
                while (maxCount > count)
                    StockOutDetail detail2 = (StockOutDetail)stockOutDetailList[maxCount];

                    if (detail1.Product.ProductId.Equals(detail2.Product.ProductId))
                        detail1.Quantity += detail2.Quantity;

            foreach (StockOutDetail detail in stockOutDetailList)

            if (!ClientSetting.ExportConfirmation)
                // update stock
                foreach (Stock stock in updateStockList)
 public StockOutDetail Add(StockOutDetail data)
     return data;
 private bool IsInList(StockOutDetailCollection collection, StockOutDetail detail)
     foreach (StockOutDetail outDetail in collection)
         if (detail.Product.ProductId.Equals(outDetail.Product.ProductId))
             return true;
     return false;
 public void Delete(StockOutDetail data)
 private bool HasCreatedView(StockOutDetail detail)
     foreach (StockOutDetailView outDetailView in deptStockOutDetailList)
         if (outDetailView.StockOutDetail.Product.ProductId == detail.Product.ProductId
             && outDetailView.StockOutDetail.StockOutDetailId == detail.StockOutDetailId)
             //&& outDetailView.StockOutDetail.DepartmentId == detail.DepartmentStockOut.DepartmentStockOutPK.DepartmentId)
             return true;
     return false;
        public void Add(DepartmentStockIn data)
            string deptStr = string.Format("{0:000}", data.DepartmentId);
            string dateStr = data.StockInDate.ToString("yyMMdd");
            var criteria = new ObjectCriteria();
            criteria.AddGreaterCriteria("StockoutId", (long)0);

            var maxId = StockOutDAO.SelectSpecificType(criteria, Projections.Max("StockoutId"));
            var stockOutId = maxId == null ? 1 : Int64.Parse(maxId.ToString()) + 1;

            //var stockInPk = new DepartmentStockInPK { DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId, StockInId = stockOutId + "" };

            //data.DepartmentStockInPK = stockInPk;
            data.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
            data.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            data.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            data.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;

            StockOut stockOut = new StockOut();
            stockOut.StockoutId = stockOutId;
            stockOut.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.StockOutDate = DateTime.Now;
            stockOut.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            stockOut.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;
            stockOut.NotUpdateMainStock = false;
            stockOut.DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 0};
            stockOut.DelFlg = 0;
            stockOut.DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId;

            // we will get the stock to get the data
            IList productMasterIds = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail stockInDetail in data.DepartmentStockInDetails)

            criteria = new ObjectCriteria();
            criteria.AddEqCriteria("DelFlg", CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO);
            criteria.AddGreaterCriteria("Quantity", (long)0);
            criteria.AddSearchInCriteria("ProductMaster.ProductMasterId", productMasterIds);
            criteria.AddOrder("ProductMaster.ProductMasterId", true);
            criteria.AddOrder("Product.ProductId", true);
            IList stockList = StockDAO.FindAll(criteria);

            IList updateStockList = new ArrayList();
            IList stockOutDetailList = new ArrayList();

            var maxSODetailId = StockOutDetailDAO.SelectSpecificType(new ObjectCriteria(), Projections.Max("StockOutDetailId"));
            long stockOutDetailId = (maxSODetailId == null ? 1 : Int64.Parse(maxSODetailId.ToString()) + 1);

            /*if(stockOutIds!= null && ((long)stockOutIds) > 0)
                stockOutDetailId = (long) stockOutIds + 1;
            /*if (stockOutIds != null && 1 == ((IList)stockOutIds).Count)
                stockOutDetailId = (long)((IList)stockOutIds)[0] + 1;

            foreach (DepartmentStockInDetail stockInDetail in data.DepartmentStockInDetails)
                long quantity = stockInDetail.Quantity;
                foreach (Stock stock in stockList)
                    long stockInQty = 0;
                    if (stock.ProductMaster.ProductMasterId.Equals(stockInDetail.Product.ProductMaster.ProductMasterId) && stock.Quantity > 0)
                        if (quantity >= stock.GoodQuantity)
                            stockInQty = stock.GoodQuantity;
                            quantity -= stock.GoodQuantity;
                            stock.GoodQuantity = 0;
                            stockInQty = quantity;
                            stock.GoodQuantity -= quantity;
                            quantity = 0;
                        stock.Quantity = stock.GoodQuantity + stock.ErrorQuantity + stock.DamageQuantity +
                                         stock.LostQuantity + stock.UnconfirmQuantity;
                        stock.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;
                        stock.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name;

                        /*var pk = new StockOutDetailPK
                            //DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId,
                            ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId,
                            StockOutId = stockOutId

                        var detail = new StockOutDetail
                                             //StockOutDetailPK = pk,
                            StockOutDetailId = stockOutDetailId++,
                            StockOutId = stockOutId,
                            StockOut = stockOut,
                            Product =  stock.Product,
                            ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId,
                            Price = stockInDetail.Price,
                            DelFlg = 0,
                            ExclusiveKey = 1,
                            Description = "Export goods",
                            DefectStatus = new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 0},
                            Quantity = stockInQty,
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            ProductMaster = stock.ProductMaster,

                        /*var deptStock = new DepartmentStock
                            DepartmentStockPK = new DepartmentStockPK
                                DepartmentId = data.DepartmentId,
                                ProductId = stock.Product.ProductId
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name,
                            ProductMaster = stock.ProductMaster
                        if (quantity == 0)
                if (quantity > 0)
                    data.DepartmentStockInPK.StockInId = null;
                    throw new BusinessException("Số lượng xuất kho lớn hơn số lượng trong kho");
            // insert stock out and stockout detail
            stockOut.StockOutDetails = stockOutDetailList;
            foreach (StockOutDetail detail in stockOutDetailList)

            // update stock
            foreach (Stock stock in updateStockList)