Exemple #1
        public void RollForwardPastLastValue()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);
                storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker((ulong)(i + 1)));

            storage.RollBackTo(new TimeMarker(5));
            storage.RollForwardTo(new TimeMarker((ulong)(maximumValue + 1)));

            Assert.AreEqual(maximumValue, storage.Count);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var pair in storage)
                Assert.AreEqual(index, pair.Key);
                Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index)], pair.Value);

Exemple #2
        public void RollForwardThroughClear()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);

            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(1));


            var otherObj = new MockHistoryObject(maximumValue + 1);

            objects.Add(otherObj.HistoryId, otherObj);
            storage.Add(maximumValue + 1, otherObj);

            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(2));

            storage.RollForwardTo(new TimeMarker(2));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, storage.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(storage.ContainsKey(maximumValue + 1));
Exemple #3
        public void RollBackMultipleTimes()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);
                storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker((ulong)(i + 1)));

            for (int i = maximumValue; i > 0; i--)
                storage.RollBackTo(new TimeMarker((ulong)i));
                Assert.AreEqual(i, storage.Count);
                for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(storage.ContainsKey(j - 1));
Exemple #4
        public void RollBackToLastSnapshot()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 30;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);
                storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker((ulong)(i + 1)));

            // The first snapshot is at 1, the next one is 20 further so it is at 21
            storage.RollBackTo(new TimeMarker(21));
            Assert.AreEqual(21, storage.Count);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var pair in storage)
                Assert.AreEqual(index, pair.Key);
                Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index)], pair.Value);

Exemple #5
        public void RollForwardWithLocalChange()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);
                storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker((ulong)(i + 1)));


            var newObj = new MockHistoryObject(maximumValue + 1);

            objects.Add(newObj.HistoryId, newObj);
            storage.Add(maximumValue + 1, newObj);

            for (int i = 1; i < maximumValue; i++)
                storage.RollForwardTo(new TimeMarker((ulong)i));
                Assert.AreEqual(i, storage.Count);
                for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(storage.ContainsKey(j - 1));
Exemple #6
        public void RollBackToStartWithNoValues()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => storage.RollBackToStart());
Exemple #7
        public void AddWithNullKey()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <string, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => storage.Add(null, new MockHistoryObject(0)));
Exemple #8
        public void TryGetValueWithNullKey()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <string, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            MockHistoryObject result;
            var success = storage.TryGetValue(null, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
Exemple #9
        public void AddVoidsForwardStack()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);

            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(1));

            var otherObj = new MockHistoryObject(maximumValue);

            objects.Add(otherObj.HistoryId, otherObj);
            storage[5] = otherObj;
            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(2));

            storage.RollBackTo(new TimeMarker(1));

            var yetAnotherObj = new MockHistoryObject(maximumValue + 1);

            objects.Add(yetAnotherObj.HistoryId, yetAnotherObj);
            storage.Add(11, yetAnotherObj);
            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(3));

            storage.RollForwardTo(new TimeMarker(2));

            Assert.AreEqual(maximumValue + 1, storage.Count);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var pair in storage)
                if (index < maximumValue)
                    Assert.AreEqual(index, pair.Key);
                    Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index)], pair.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(index + 1, pair.Key);
                    Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index + 1)], pair.Value);

Exemple #10
        public void RemoveWithUnknownKey()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int key   = 5;
            var value = new MockHistoryObject(10);

            objects.Add(value.HistoryId, value);
            storage.Add(key, value);

Exemple #11
        public void AddWithDuplicateKey()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int key   = 5;
            var value = new MockHistoryObject(10);

            objects.Add(value.HistoryId, value);
            storage.Add(key, value);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => storage.Add(key, value));
Exemple #12
        public void RemoveWithNullKey()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <string, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            bool result = true;

                () =>
                result = storage.Remove(null);
Exemple #13
        public void Add()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int key   = 5;
            var value = new MockHistoryObject(10);

            objects.Add(value.HistoryId, value);
            storage.Add(key, value);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, storage.Count);
            Assert.AreSame(value, storage[key]);
Exemple #14
        public void Remove()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int key   = 5;
            var value = new MockHistoryObject(10);

            objects.Add(value.HistoryId, value);
            storage.Add(key, value);

            var result = storage.Remove(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, storage.Count);
Exemple #15
        public void TryGetValueWithUnknownValue()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int key   = 5;
            var value = new MockHistoryObject(10);

            objects.Add(value.HistoryId, value);
            storage.Add(key, value);

            MockHistoryObject result;
            var success = storage.TryGetValue(6, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, result);
Exemple #16
        public void RollForwardThroughRemove()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);

            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(1));

            storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker(2));

            storage.RollForwardTo(new TimeMarker(2));

            Assert.AreEqual(maximumValue - 1, storage.Count);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var pair in storage)
                if (index < 5)
                    Assert.AreEqual(index, pair.Key);
                    Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index)], pair.Value);
                    Assert.AreEqual(index + 1, pair.Key);
                    Assert.AreSame(objects[new HistoryId(index + 1)], pair.Value);

Exemple #17
        public void RollBackToStart()
            var objects = new Dictionary <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject>();
            Func <HistoryId, MockHistoryObject> lookupFunc = id => objects[id];
            var storage = new HistoryObjectDictionaryHistory <int, MockHistoryObject>(lookupFunc);

            int maximumValue = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumValue; i++)
                var obj = new MockHistoryObject(i);
                objects.Add(obj.HistoryId, obj);
                storage.Add(i, obj);
                storage.StoreCurrent(new TimeMarker((ulong)(i + 1)));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, storage.Count);