private void DrawLinkUI(AILinkView linkView) { HeaderHandler headerRects; if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { headerRects = HeaderHandler.GetHeaderRects(0); } else { headerRects = HeaderHandler.GetHeaderRects(2); if (GUI.Button(headerRects.Next, SharedStyles.deleteTooltip, SharedStyles.BuiltIn.deleteButtonSmall)) { GUI.changed = false; _state.currentAIUI.RemoveSelected(); return; } if (GUI.Button(headerRects.Next, EditorStyling.changeTypeTooltip, SharedStyles.BuiltIn.changeButtonSmall)) { ShowChangeLinkMenu(linkView); } } GUI.Label(headerRects.Next, "AI Link | APEX AI", EditorStyling.Skinned.inspectorTitle); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); DrawViewSharedUI(linkView); }
internal void ChangeAILink(AILinkView alv, Guid newAiId, bool recordUndo = true) { if (newAiId == { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid Action", "You cannot add a link between an AI and itself.", "Ok"); return; } var refActions = GetReferencingActions(alv).ToArray(); if (recordUndo) { _undoRedo.Do(new ReplaceAILinkOperation(this, alv.aiId, newAiId, alv)); } alv.aiId = newAiId; foreach (var av in refActions) { var la = av.action as AILinkAction; if (la != null) { la.aiId = newAiId; } } this.isDirty = true; RefreshActiveEditor(); }
internal AILinkView AddAILink(Vector2 position, string aiId, bool recordUndo = true) { var aiGuid = new Guid(aiId); if (aiGuid == { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid Action", "You cannot add a link between an AI and itself.", "Ok"); return(null); } var viewRect = this.canvas.SnapToGrid(new Rect(position.x, position.y, 200f * this.canvas.zoom, 0f)); var ail = new AILinkView(aiGuid, viewRect) { parent = this }; this.canvas.views.Add(ail); Select(ail); this.isDirty = true; if (recordUndo) { _undoRedo.Do(new AddAILinkOperation(this, ail)); } RefreshActiveEditor(); return(ail); }
internal AILinkLayout(AILinkView linkView, float windowTop, ScaleSettings scaling) : base(linkView, windowTop, scaling) { var zoom = scaling.scale; _containerHeight = scaling.aiLinkBodyHeight; _nameArea = new XRange(_localViewRange.xMin + (10f * zoom), _localViewRange.width - ((_showAreaWidth + 10f) * zoom)); _showArea = new XRange(_nameArea.xMax, _showAreaWidth * zoom); }
private static StageElement WriteAILinkView(AILinkView lv) { var lve = new StageElement( ElementName.AILinkView, SerializationMaster.Stage(ElementName.ViewArea, lv.viewArea), SerializationMaster.ToStageAttribute(AttributeName.Id, lv.aiId)); lve.AddTextValue(ElementName.Name,; lve.AddTextValue(ElementName.Description, lv.description); return(lve); }
private void ResetSingleSelection(bool resfreshState) { _currentAILink = null; _currentSelector = null; _currentQualifier = null; _currentAction = null; if (resfreshState) { this.inspectorState.Refresh(); } }
private static AILinkView ReadAILinkView(StageElement lve, AIUI parent) { var lv = new AILinkView { name = lve.ValueOrDefault <string>(ElementName.Name), description = lve.ValueOrDefault <string>(ElementName.Description), viewArea = lve.ValueOrDefault <Rect>(ElementName.ViewArea), aiId = lve.AttributeValue <Guid>(AttributeName.Id), parent = parent }; return(lv); }
private void ShowChangeLinkMenu(AILinkView lv) { Action <AIStorage> cb = (ai) => { lv.parent.ChangeAILink(lv, new Guid(ai.aiId)); }; // We do not want the button click itself to count as a change. GUI.changed = false; var screenPos = EditorGUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(Event.current.mousePosition); AISelectorWindow.Get(screenPos, cb); }
internal void Select(AILinkView alv) { _currentAILink = alv; _selectedViews.Clear(); if (alv != null) { _selectedViews.Add(alv); } _currentSelector = null; _currentQualifier = null; _currentAction = null; this.inspectorState.Refresh(); }
internal void Select(SelectorView sv, QualifierView qv, ActionView av) { _currentAILink = null; _currentSelector = sv; _selectedViews.Clear(); if (sv != null) { _selectedViews.Add(sv); } _currentQualifier = qv; _currentAction = av; this.inspectorState.Refresh(); }
private IEnumerable <ActionView> GetReferencingActions(AILinkView alv) { foreach (var selectorView in this.canvas.selectorViews) { foreach (var qualifierView in selectorView.qualifierViews) { var actionView = qualifierView.actionView as AILinkActionView; var compActionView = qualifierView.actionView as CompositeActionView; if (actionView != null) { var action = (AILinkAction)actionView.action; if (action.aiId == alv.aiId) { yield return(actionView); } } else if (compActionView != null) { var action = compActionView.connectorAction as AILinkAction; if (action != null && action.aiId == alv.aiId) { yield return(compActionView); } } } var defaultQualifier = selectorView.defaultQualifierView; var defActionView = defaultQualifier.actionView as AILinkActionView; var compositeActionView = defaultQualifier.actionView as CompositeActionView; if (defActionView != null) { var action = (AILinkAction)defActionView.action; if (action.aiId == alv.aiId) { yield return(defActionView); } } else if (compositeActionView != null) { var action = compositeActionView.connectorAction as AILinkAction; if (action != null && action.aiId == alv.aiId) { yield return(compositeActionView); } } } }
internal void RemoveAILink(AILinkView alv, bool recordUndo = true) { if (alv == _currentAILink) { _currentAILink = null; this.inspectorState.Refresh(); } RemoveTopLevelViewOperation undoOp = null; if (recordUndo) { undoOp = new RemoveAILinkOperation(this, alv); _undoRedo.Do(undoOp); } var refActions = GetReferencingActions(alv); foreach (var av in refActions) { if (recordUndo) { undoOp.LogReferencingActionRemoval(av); } //References from composite actions must be treated differently var cav = av as CompositeActionView; if (cav != null) { ResetConnection(cav, false); } else { RemoveAction(av, false); } } this.canvas.views.Remove(alv); _selectedViews.Remove(alv); this.isDirty = true; }
internal void MultiSelectView(TopLevelView view) { if (!_selectedViews.Contains(view)) { _selectedViews.Add(view); } else { _selectedViews.Remove(view); } if (_selectedViews.Count == 1) { view = _selectedViews[0]; _currentSelector = view as SelectorView; _currentAILink = view as AILinkView; } else { ResetSingleSelection(false); } this.inspectorState.Refresh(); }