private async void BuildingSearch(string name) { if (buildLoaded) { foreach (var obj in _poisByBuilding.pois) { if ( || obj.description.Equals(name)) { _selectedBuild = obj.buid; _selectedFloor = obj.floor_number; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { txt_cur.Text = _selectedFloor; }); _wmstileprovider = new WMSTiles(); _wmstileprovider.setBuidAndFloor(_selectedBuild, _selectedFloor); if (Mymap.TileSources.Contains(_wmstileprovider)) Mymap.TileSources.Remove(_wmstileprovider); Mymap.TileSources.Add(_wmstileprovider); ChangeFloor(); if (directions_grid.Visibility == Visibility.Visible) GetRouteOfTheCurrentFloor(); foreach (var o in poisByFloor_layer) { var x = o.Content as Image; if (o.GeoCoordinate == new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) buildingImg_tap(x.DataContext as FloorPoisDetails); } Mymap.SetView(new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), 20); _foundBuilding = true; break; } } } foreach (var obj in _worldbuildings.buildings) { if ( { var floor_num = ""; var lat = double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var lon = double.Parse(obj.coordinates_lon, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var settings1 = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); if (settings1.DirectoryExists(obj.buid) && checkCompleted(obj.buid)) { // load staff to the map clear(); ReadAllBuildingFloorsFromIsolatedStorage(obj.buid); ReadPoisByBuildingFromIsolatedStorage(obj.buid); addBuildingsToMap(obj.buid); buildLoaded = true; loadBuidingToMap(obj.buid); createAppBarMenuItem(); } else { isDownloading = true; //ApplicationBar.IsVisible = false; //downloading.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; loading.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; loading.IsIndeterminate = true; clear(); // download staff and show them to the map var fsdf = await DownloadPoisBuildStaff(obj.buid); ReadAllBuildingFloorsFromIsolatedStorage(obj.buid); ReadPoisByBuildingFromIsolatedStorage(obj.buid); addBuildingsToMap(obj.buid); buildLoaded = true; loadBuidingToMap(obj.buid); loading.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; loading.IsIndeterminate = false; createAppBarMenuItem(); isDownloading = false; } Mymap.SetView(new GeoCoordinate(lat, lon), 20, MapAnimationKind.Parabolic); SystemTray.IsVisible = false; _foundBuilding = true; break; } } }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); // rotation _rotateGesture = new MapRotationGesture(Mymap); //initialize settings GetSettings(); _wmstileprovider = new WMSTiles(); _wmstileprovider.setBuidAndFloor("", ""); // tracking current position LocalizeGeoWatcher(); _buildingSearch = ""; // read data from storage IsolatedStorageDataRead(); // set curren position to 0,0 mypositionlayer = new MapLayer(); mypositionoverlay = new MapOverlay { GeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(0, 0), PositionOrigin = new Point(0.5, 1.0) }; Mymap.Height = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight - 50; double width = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth; stack.MaxWidth = width; stack.Width = width; grid_search.Width = width; grid_search.MaxWidth = width; addBuildingsToMap(null); AddBuildingToSearch(); }
private void MapView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // make transparent the notification bar then hide it SystemTray.Opacity = 0.0; SystemTray.IsVisible = false; if (!_loaded) { _loaded = true; // set the zoom level Mymap.ZoomLevel = 2; } _wmstileprovider = new WMSTiles(); _wmstileprovider.setBuidAndFloor("", ""); if (_tilesCheck) Mymap.TileSources.Add(_wmstileprovider); var settings1 = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(); if (!settings1.FileExists("WorldBuilding")) { //var result = MessageBox.Show("You have to download the required maps to use all the features. Download now?", "Download Required Maps", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); //if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK) //{ var isNetwork = NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(); if (isNetwork) { if (isDownloading) return; isDownloading = true; loading.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; loading.IsIndeterminate = true; DownloadRequireStaff(); } //else // MessageBox.Show("No Internet Connection. Please check your internet connection and try again!"); //} } }