public static void ParseProgramOrClass(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<CodeElementsLine> codeElementsLines, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, SymbolTable customSymbols, out Program newProgram, out Class newClass, out IList<ParserDiagnostic> diagnostics)
            // Create an Antlr compatible token source on top a the token iterator
            CodeElementsLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new CodeElementsLinesTokenSource(

            // Init parser
            ITokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            ProgramClassParser cobolParser = new ProgramClassParser(tokenStream);
            // -> activate full ambiguities detection
            //parser.Interpreter.PredictionMode = PredictionMode.LlExactAmbigDetection;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener errorListener = new DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener();

            // Try to parse a Cobol program or class
            ProgramClassParser.CobolCompilationUnitContext codeElementParseTree = cobolParser.cobolCompilationUnit();

            // Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing a Cobol program or class
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CobolNodeBuilder programClassBuilder = new CobolNodeBuilder();
            programClassBuilder.CustomSymbols = customSymbols;
            programClassBuilder.Dispatcher = new NodeDispatcher();
            walker.Walk(programClassBuilder, codeElementParseTree);

            // Register compiler results
            newProgram = programClassBuilder.Program;
            newClass = programClassBuilder.Class;
            diagnostics = errorListener.Diagnostics;
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string lQuery = "SELECT Jmeno, Prijmeni FROM Osoba, Film  WHERE Stat LIKE 'Kanada' OR Rok_natoceni >1995 UNION " +
                            "(SELECT Jmeno, Prijmeni FROM Uzivatel WHERE Jmeno = 'ads' AND Prijmeni = 'asd');";
            string            lQuery2 = "SElect jmeno, nazev_cz FROM Osoba os JOIN Osoba_Film osf ON os.idO = osf.Osoba_idO JOIN Film f ON f.idF = osf.Film_idF Where f.Rok_natoceni > 1995;";
            string            lQuery1 = "select * from table1 t1, t2 where t1.neco = 1";
            string            text    = ReadFile($@"C:\Users\Lukáš\Desktop\doc\Workload_bp.txt");
            StringReader      reader  = new StringReader(text);
            AntlrInputStream  input   = new AntlrInputStream(reader);
            TSqlLexer         lexer   = new TSqlLexer(new CaseChangingCharStream(input, true));
            CommonTokenStream tokens  = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            TSqlParser        parser  = new TSqlParser(tokens);

            TSqlParser.Tsql_fileContext Tsql_fileContext1 = parser.tsql_file();
            //Console.WriteLine("Tsql_fileContext1.ChildCount = " + Tsql_fileContext1.ChildCount.ToString());

            Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker walker = new Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.ParseTreeWalker();
            AntlrTsqlListener listener = new AntlrTsqlListener();

            walker.Walk(listener, Tsql_fileContext1);

            foreach (var nTable in listener.AnalyzedWorkload)
                Console.WriteLine("Tabulka " + nTable.Name);
                foreach (var nColumn in nTable.Columns)
                    foreach (var nCondition in nColumn.Conditions)
                        Console.WriteLine($" col { nCondition.ColumnName} operator { nCondition.Operator} val {nCondition.Value}");
Exemple #3
 public static void Main()
     var s = new Antlr4.Runtime.AntlrInputStream(File.OpenRead("Program.m"));
     var l = new MethLab.Parser.ANTLR.MATLABLexer(s);
     var p = new MethLab.Parser.ANTLR.MATLABParser(new CommonTokenStream(l));
     var o = new MatlabListener();
     var w = new ParseTreeWalker();
     w.Walk(o, p.file());
Exemple #4
        public InterfaceExtruder(string objcFileContent)
            content = objcFileContent;
            var input = new AntlrInputStream (content);
            lexer = new ObjCLexer (input);
            tokens = new CommonTokenStream (lexer);
            parser = new ObjCParser (tokens);

            listner = new ObjCListnerImpl ();
            walker = new ParseTreeWalker ();
        public static void Main(string[] args) {
            if (args.Length == 0) {
                Console.WriteLine("No arguments given!");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: input.csv [-json | -xml | -excel] [output.json | output.xml | output.xlsx]");

            StreamReader stream = null;
            try {
                stream = new StreamReader(csvInputFile);
            } catch (ArgumentException) {
                Console.WriteLine("Input filename not set!");

            AntlrInputStream antlrStream = new AntlrInputStream(stream.ReadToEnd());
            CSVLexer lexer = new CSVLexer(antlrStream);
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(tokens);
            IParseTree parseTree = parser.file();

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            LoaderCSV load = new LoaderCSV();

            walker.Walk(load, parseTree);

            if (jsonSwitch) {
                if (jsonOutputFile == string.Empty) {
                    Console.WriteLine("[JSON] Output filename not set!");
                SaveToJSON(jsonOutputFile, load);

            if (xmlSwitch) {
                if (xmlOutputFile == string.Empty) {
                    Console.WriteLine("[XML] Output filename not set!");
                SaveToXML(xmlOutputFile, load);

            if (excelSwitch) {
                if (excelOutputFile == string.Empty) {
                    Console.WriteLine("[Excel] Output filename not set!");
                SaveToExcel(excelOutputFile, load);
        public VBComponentParseResult(VBComponent component, IParseTree parseTree, IEnumerable<CommentNode> comments, ITokenStream tokenStream)
            _component = component;
            _qualifiedName = new QualifiedModuleName(component);
            _parseTree = parseTree;
            _comments = comments;
            _tokenStream = tokenStream;

            var listener = new DeclarationSymbolsListener(_qualifiedName, Accessibility.Implicit, _component.Type);
            var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            walker.Walk(listener, _parseTree);

 public static string Compile(string input, BaseErrorListener errorListener)
    AntlrInputStream stream = new AntlrInputStream(input);
    HorseshoeLexer lexer = new HorseshoeLexer(stream);
    CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    HorseshoeParser parser = new HorseshoeParser(tokenStream);
    if (errorListener != null)
    var context = parser.document();
    HorseshoeTranslationListener listener = new HorseshoeTranslationListener();
    ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
    walker.Walk(listener, context);
    return listener.Result;
        public static SelectStmtInfo ParseSQL(string sql)
            Antlr4.Runtime.AntlrInputStream input = new Antlr4.Runtime.AntlrInputStream(sql);
            SelectSQLLexer lexer = new SelectSQLLexer(input);

            Antlr4.Runtime.UnbufferedTokenStream tokens = new Antlr4.Runtime.UnbufferedTokenStream(lexer);
            SelectSQLParser parser = new SelectSQLParser(tokens);

            var tree = parser.compileUnit();

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();

            SelectSQLTreeListener lsn = new SelectSQLTreeListener();

            walker.Walk(lsn, tree);

            return lsn.SelectStmt;
        public static ParseResult Parse(string sentence)
            Antlr4.Runtime.AntlrInputStream input = new Antlr4.Runtime.AntlrInputStream(sentence);
            WeatherRuleLexer lexer = new WeatherRuleLexer(input);

            Antlr4.Runtime.UnbufferedTokenStream tokens = new Antlr4.Runtime.UnbufferedTokenStream(lexer);
            WeatherRuleParser parser = new WeatherRuleParser(tokens);

            var tree = parser.compileUnit();

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();

            WeatherListener lsn = new WeatherListener();

            walker.Walk(lsn, tree);

            return lsn.Result;
        public ExpressionLocator(String Name, int Order, Scope Scope, String Expression)
            : base(Name, Order, Scope)
            _description = String.Format("Expression Locator: Order: {0} Scope: [{1}] Expression: [{2}]", Order, Scope, Expression);

            PrevailLexer lexer = new PrevailLexer(new AntlrInputStream(Expression));

            PrevailParser parser = new PrevailParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));

            IParseTree tree = parser.expression();

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();

            PrevailListener prevailListener = new PrevailListener();

            walker.Walk(prevailListener, tree);

            _condition = prevailListener.Result;
        public void Resolve()
            foreach (var componentParseResult in _parseResults)

                    var resolver = new IdentifierReferenceResolver(componentParseResult.QualifiedName, _declarations);
                    var listener = new IdentifierReferenceListener(resolver);
                    var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
                    walker.Walk(listener, componentParseResult.ParseTree);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // could not resolve all identifier references in this module.
Exemple #12
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            AntlrInputStream input = new AntlrInputStream("X = a + b / c\r\n");

            var lexer = new NireLangLexer(input);
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            var parser = new NireLangParser(tokens);
            var tree = parser.stat();
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            walker.Walk(new Foo(), tree);



                var cle = new CommandLineExecutor();
                if (args.Length == 0)
                    //args[0] = "..\\..\\

                if (cle.ParseCommandLine(args))
                    Console.WriteLine("No command line arguments\n usage NireLang <path>\\.vm file");
            catch (System.MethodAccessException mae)
            catch (Exception e)
        public static XcodeProject Parse(string projectDump)
            var input = new AntlrInputStream (projectDump);
            var lexer = new XcodeProjectLexer (input);
            lexer.RemoveErrorListeners ();
            lexer.AddErrorListener (LexerErrorListener.ErrorHandler);

            var tokens = new CommonTokenStream (lexer);
            var parser = new XcodeProjectParser (tokens) {
                BuildParseTree = true

            parser.RemoveErrorListeners ();
            parser.AddErrorListener (ParsingErrorListener.ErrorHandler);
            IParseTree tree = parser.project ();

            var visitor = new ParseTreeWalker ();
            var parseListener = new ProjectParserListener ();
            visitor.Walk (parseListener, tree);

            return parseListener.ProjectModel;
        private void Parse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AntlrInputStream stream = new AntlrInputStream(this._tbInput.Text);
            QSLexer lex = new QSLexer(stream);
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
            QSParser parser = new QSParser(tokens);
            IParseTree tree = parser.form();
            MyListener listener = new MyListener(parser);
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            walker.Walk(listener, tree);
            IVisitor<bool> check = TypeChecker.StartVisit(listener.Root);

            if (check.Result)
                GUIBuilder builder = GUIBuilder.BuildGUI(listener.Root);
                System.Windows.Window wind = new Window();
                wind.Width = 500;
                wind.Content = builder.Result;
                this._tbOutput.Text = ((TypeChecker)check).Output.ToString();
 private Form init_parse(string text)
     AntlrInputStream stream = new AntlrInputStream(text);
     QSLexer lex = new QSLexer(stream);
     CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
     QSParser parser = new QSParser(tokens);
     IParseTree tree = parser.form();
     MyListener listener = new MyListener(parser);
     ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
     walker.Walk(listener, tree);
     return listener.Root;
Exemple #16
        public void SecondPass()
            if (Vectors == null)
                ErrorMessage error = new ErrorMessage();
                error.SourceFile = SourceFilePath;
                error.Message = "Required vectors statement not found.";

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            walker.Walk(new SecondCpuPass(this), _rootTree);

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new CompilerErrorException();
        private void ResolveReferences(DeclarationFinder finder, VBComponent component, IParseTree tree)
            var state = _state.GetModuleState(component);
            if (_state.Status == ParserState.ResolverError || (state != ParserState.Parsed))

            Debug.WriteLine("Resolving '{0}'... (thread {1})", component.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);            
            var qualifiedName = new QualifiedModuleName(component);
            var resolver = new IdentifierReferenceResolver(qualifiedName, finder);
            var listener = new IdentifierReferenceListener(resolver);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tree.GetText().Trim()))
                var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
                    walker.Walk(listener, tree);
                    state = ParserState.Ready;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    Debug.Print("Exception thrown resolving '{0}' (thread {2}): {1}", component.Name, exception, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
                    state = ParserState.ResolverError;

            _state.SetModuleState(component, state);
            Debug.Print("'{0}' is {1}. Resolver took {2}ms to complete (thread {3})", component.Name, _state.GetModuleState(component), /*_resolverTimer[component].ElapsedMilliseconds*/0, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Exemple #18
        private void runToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AntlrInputStream inputCharStream4 = new AntlrInputStream(CodeTB.Text);
            AntlrInputStream inputCharStream3 = new AntlrInputStream(CodeTB.Text);
            AntlrInputStream inputCharStream2 = new AntlrInputStream(CodeTB.Text);
            AntlrInputStream inputCharStream = new AntlrInputStream(CodeTB.Text);

            NewDecafLexer tokenCreator4 = new NewDecafLexer(inputCharStream4);
            NewDecafLexer tokenCreator3 = new NewDecafLexer(inputCharStream3);
            NewDecafLexer tokenCreator2 = new NewDecafLexer(inputCharStream2);
            DecafLexer tokenCreator = new DecafLexer(inputCharStream);

            CommonTokenStream inputTokenStream4 = new CommonTokenStream(tokenCreator4);
            CommonTokenStream inputTokenStream3 = new CommonTokenStream(tokenCreator3);
            CommonTokenStream inputTokenStream2 = new CommonTokenStream(tokenCreator2);
            CommonTokenStream inputTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(tokenCreator);

            NewDecafParser mainParser4 = new NewDecafParser(inputTokenStream4);
            NewDecafParser mainParser3 = new NewDecafParser(inputTokenStream3);
            NewDecafParser mainParser2 = new NewDecafParser(inputTokenStream2);
            DecafParser mainParser = new DecafParser(inputTokenStream);

            errorTB.Text = "";
            mainParser.AddErrorListener(new ParsingErrorDetector(errorTB));

            NewDecafParser.ProgramContext AbstractSyntaxTree2 = mainParser2.program();
            DecafParser.ProgramContext AbstractSyntaxTree = mainParser.program();
            NewDecafParser.ProgramContext AbstractSyntaxTree3 = mainParser3.program();
            NewDecafParser.ProgramContext AbstractSyntaxTree4 = mainParser4.program();

            //TreeConstructingVisitor visitor = new TreeConstructingVisitor(TreeVisualizer);

            ParseTreeWalker walker2 = new ParseTreeWalker();
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            ParseTreeWalker walker3 = new ParseTreeWalker();
            ParseTreeWalker walker4 = new ParseTreeWalker();

            //SymbolTableConstructor theConstructor = new SymbolTableConstructor();
            //SymbolTable finalTable = theConstructor.finalTable;

            //string generated = "";
            //ILGenerator theGenerator = new ILGenerator(generated);

            DefPhase theDefinition = new DefPhase();
            // walker2.Walk(theGenerator, AbstractSyntaxTree2);
            //walker.Walk(theConstructor, AbstractSyntaxTree);
            walker3.Walk(theDefinition, AbstractSyntaxTree3);
            STBasedGenerator newGenreator = new STBasedGenerator(theDefinition.scopes);
            walker3.Walk(newGenreator, AbstractSyntaxTree3);

            string code = newGenreator.mainTemplate.Render();
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    errorTB.Text += ex.Message + Environment.NewLine;
            //    if (theConstructor.beginningLine == theConstructor.endingLine)
            //        errorTB.Text += "Error found in line " + theConstructor.beginningLine;
            //    else
            //    errorTB.Text += "Error found between line " + theConstructor.beginningLine + " and line " + theConstructor.endingLine;
            if (errorTB.Text == string.Empty)
                errorTB.Text = "Congrats! No errors were found!";

            FileStream myStream;

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName))

        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental parsing of a set of processed tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList<DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>> ParseProcessedTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<CodeElementsLine> documentLines, IList<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>> processedTokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList<DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>> codeElementsLinesChanges = new List<DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>>();

            // There are 2 reasons to re-parse a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. The tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline code element, the whole group of lines must be parsed again

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : identify all parse sections where code elements need to be refreshed ---

            IList<ParseSection> refreshParseSections = null;

            // Iterate over all processed tokens changes detected by the PreprocessorStep :
            // - refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a CodeElement
            // - register the start and stop token for all sections of the document which need to be parsed again
            if (processedTokensLinesChanges != null)
                // If the document was cleared, everything must be parsed again
                if (processedTokensLinesChanges[0].Type != DocumentChangeType.DocumentCleared)
                    refreshParseSections = new List<ParseSection>();

                    ParseSection lastParseSection = null;
                    foreach (DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine> tokensChange in processedTokensLinesChanges)
                        if (lastParseSection == null || tokensChange.LineIndex > lastParseSection.StopLineIndex)
                            lastParseSection = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, codeElementsLinesChanges, lastParseSection);

            // --- INITIALIZE ANTLR CodeElements parser ---

            // Create a token iterator on top of pre-processed tokens lines
            ITokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = ProcessedTokensDocument.GetProcessedTokensIterator(textSourceInfo, documentLines);

            // Create an Antlr compatible token source on top of the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init parser
            TokensLinesTokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            TracingCobolParser cobolParser = new TracingCobolParser(tokenStream);
            // -> activate full ambiguities detection
            //parser.Interpreter.PredictionMode = PredictionMode.LlExactAmbigDetection;
            IAntlrErrorStrategy cobolErrorStrategy = new CobolErrorStrategy();
            cobolParser.ErrorHandler = cobolErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener errorListener = new DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener();

            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CodeElementBuilder codeElementBuilder = new CodeElementBuilder();
            codeElementBuilder.Dispatcher = new CodeElementDispatcher();

            // --- INCREMENTAL PARSING ---

            // In case of incremental parsing, parse only the code sections we need to refresh
            IEnumerator<ParseSection> parseSectionsEnumerator = null;
            ParseSection currentParseSection = null;
            if (refreshParseSections != null)
                // Get the first code section we need to refresh
                parseSectionsEnumerator = refreshParseSections.GetEnumerator();
                currentParseSection = parseSectionsEnumerator.Current;

                // Seek just before the next code element starting token

            // Parse one CodeElement at a time while advancing in the underlying token stream
                // Reset parsing error diagnostics

                // Reset parser traces (consumed tokens)

                // Try to parse a code element starting with the current token
                CodeElementsParser.CodeElementContext codeElementParseTree = cobolParser.codeElement();

                // If the parse tree is not empty
                if (codeElementParseTree.Start.Type > 0)
                    // Get the first line that was parsed
                    var tokenStart = (Token)codeElementParseTree.Start;
                    CodeElementsLine codeElementsLine;

                    var importedToken = tokenStart as ImportedToken;
                    if (importedToken != null)
                        codeElementsLine = (CodeElementsLine) importedToken.CopyDirective.TextNameSymbol.TokensLine;
                        codeElementsLine = ((CodeElementsLine) tokenStart.TokensLine);

                    // Register that this line was updated
                    //int updatedLineIndex = documentLines.IndexOf(codeElementsLine, codeElementsLine.InitialLineIndex);
                    //codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, updatedLineIndex, codeElementsLine));
                    codeElementsLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<ICodeElementsLine>(DocumentChangeType.LineUpdated, codeElementsLine.InitialLineIndex, codeElementsLine));

                    // Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the code elements
                    try { walker.Walk(codeElementBuilder, codeElementParseTree); }
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        var code = Diagnostics.MessageCode.ImplementationError;
                        int line = 0; int start = 0; int stop = 0;
                        if (codeElementsLine.SourceTokens != null && codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count > 0){
                            start = codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[0].StartIndex;
                            stop = codeElementsLine.SourceTokens[codeElementsLine.SourceTokens.Count-1].StopIndex;
                        codeElementsLine.AddParserDiagnostic(new ParserDiagnostic(ex.ToString(), start,stop,line, null, code));
                    CodeElement codeElement = codeElementBuilder.CodeElement;
                    if (codeElement != null)
                        // Attach consumed tokens and main document line numbers information to the code element
                        codeElement.ConsumedTokens = cobolParser.ConsumedTokens;
                        if (codeElement.ConsumedTokens == null) {// ISSUE #204:
                            if (tokenStream.Lt(1) != null) {// if not end of file,
                                // add next token to ConsumedTokens to know where is the CodeElement in error
                                // this alter CodeElements semantics: in addition to matched tokens,
                                // it includes the first token in error if no token has been matched

                        //TODO Issue #384 to discuss if this code should stay here:
                        //This should be in a Checker, but "codeElement.ConsumedTokens" is only set after all the checkers have been called
                        //Rule TCLIMITATION_NO_CE_ACROSS_SOURCES
                        if (codeElement.IsAcrossSourceFile()) {
                            DiagnosticUtils.AddError(codeElement, "A Cobol statement cannot be across 2 sources files (eg. Main program and a COPY)", MessageCode.TypeCobolParserLimitation);

                        // Add code element to the list
                        foreach (ParserDiagnostic d in errorListener.Diagnostics)
                        foreach (Diagnostic d in codeElement.Diagnostics)
                        foreach (ParserDiagnostic d in errorListener.Diagnostics)

                // In case of incremental parsing, directly jump to next parse section in the token stream
                // Else, simply start parsing the next CodeElement beginning with the next token
                if (currentParseSection != null)
                    // Check if we reached the end of the current ParseSection
                    if (tokenStream.StreamReachedStopToken)

                        // Adavance to the next ParseSection
                        if (parseSectionsEnumerator.MoveNext())
                            currentParseSection = parseSectionsEnumerator.Current;
                        // No more section to parse
            while (tokenStream.La(1) >= 0);

            return codeElementsLinesChanges;
Exemple #20
        public void Parse()
            _rootTree = _parser.root();

            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            walker.Walk(new ParseCpuPass(this), _rootTree);

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new CompilerErrorException();


            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new CompilerErrorException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Incremental preprocessing of a set of tokens lines changes
        /// </summary>
        internal static IList<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>> ProcessTokensLinesChanges(TextSourceInfo textSourceInfo, ISearchableReadOnlyList<ProcessedTokensLine> documentLines, IList<DocumentChange<ITokensLine>> tokensLinesChanges, PrepareDocumentLineForUpdate prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, TypeCobolOptions compilerOptions, IProcessedTokensDocumentProvider processedTokensDocumentProvider)
            // Collect all changes applied to the processed tokens lines during the incremental scan
            IList<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>> processedTokensLinesChanges = new List<DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>>();

            // There are 2 reasons to a preprocess a tokens line after a change :
            // 1. A tokens line changed : these lines were already reset during the previous steps
            // 2. If a tokens line that changed was involved in the parsing of a multiline compiler directive, the whole group of lines must be parsed again
            // Then, if a new COPY directive was parsed : the CompilationDocument to include must be prepared

            // --- PREPARATION PHASE : reset all processed tokens lines which were involved in a multiline compiler directive where at least one line changed  ---

            // Iterate over all tokens changes detected by the ScannerStep :
            // refresh all the adjacent lines participating in a ContinuationTokensGroup
            if (tokensLinesChanges != null)
                int lastLineIndexReset = -1;
                foreach (DocumentChange<ITokensLine> tokensChange in tokensLinesChanges)
                    processedTokensLinesChanges.Add(new DocumentChange<IProcessedTokensLine>(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, (IProcessedTokensLine)tokensChange.NewLine));
                    if (tokensChange.LineIndex > lastLineIndexReset)
                        lastLineIndexReset = CheckIfAdjacentLinesNeedRefresh(tokensChange.Type, tokensChange.LineIndex, documentLines, prepareDocumentLineForUpdate, processedTokensLinesChanges, lastLineIndexReset);

            // --- COMPILER DIRECTIVES PHASE : Find and parse all compiler directives ---

            // Init. Prepare a compiler directive parser

            // Create a token iterator on top of tokens lines
            TokensLinesIterator tokensIterator = new TokensLinesIterator(

            // Crate an Antlr compatible token source on top a the token iterator
            TokensLinesTokenSource tokenSource = new TokensLinesTokenSource(

            // Init a compiler directive parser
            CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new TokensLinesTokenStream(tokenSource, Token.CHANNEL_SourceTokens);
            CobolCompilerDirectivesParser directivesParser = new CobolCompilerDirectivesParser(tokenStream);
            IAntlrErrorStrategy compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy = new CompilerDirectiveErrorStrategy();
            directivesParser.ErrorHandler = compilerDirectiveErrorStrategy;

            // Register all parse errors in a list in memory
            DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener errorListener = new DiagnosticSyntaxErrorListener();

            // Prepare to analyze the parse tree
            ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            CompilerDirectiveBuilder directiveBuilder = new CompilerDirectiveBuilder();

            // 1. Iterate over all compiler directive starting tokens found in the lines which were updated
            foreach (Token compilerDirectiveStartingToken in documentLines
                .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing)
                .SelectMany(line => line.SourceTokens)
                .Where(token => token.TokenFamily == TokenFamily.CompilerDirectiveStartingKeyword))
                // 2. Reset the compiler directive parser state

                // Reset tokens iterator position before parsing
                // -> seek just before the compiler directive starting token
                // Special case : for efficiency reasons, in EXEC SQL INCLUDE directives
                // only the third token INCLUDE is recognized as a compiler directive
                // starting keyword by the scanner. In this case, we must rewind the
                // iterator two tokens backwards to start parsing just before the EXEC token.
                if (compilerDirectiveStartingToken.TokenType == TokenType.EXEC_SQL_INCLUDE)

                // Reset Antlr BufferedTokenStream position

                // Reset parsing error diagnostics

                // 3. Try to parse a compiler directive starting with the current token
                CobolCompilerDirectivesParser.CompilerDirectingStatementContext directiveParseTree = directivesParser.compilerDirectingStatement();

                // 4. Visit the parse tree to build a first class object representing the compiler directive
                walker.Walk(directiveBuilder, directiveParseTree);
                CompilerDirective compilerDirective = directiveBuilder.CompilerDirective;
                bool errorFoundWhileParsingDirective = errorListener.Diagnostics.Count > 0 || directiveBuilder.Diagnostics.Count > 0;

                // 5. Get all tokens consumed while parsing the compiler directive
                //    and partition them line by line
                Token startToken = (Token)directiveParseTree.Start;
                Token stopToken = (Token)directiveParseTree.Stop;
                if (stopToken == null) stopToken = startToken;
                MultilineTokensGroupSelection tokensSelection = tokensIterator.SelectAllTokensBetween(startToken, stopToken);

                if (compilerDirective != null)
                    // 6. Replace all matched tokens by :
                    // - a CompilerDirectiveToken on the first line
                    ProcessedTokensLine firstProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    if (tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length == 1)
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);
                        TokensGroup continuedTokensGroup = firstProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnFirstLine(
                            compilerDirective, errorFoundWhileParsingDirective,
                            null, true);

                        // - a ContinuationTokensGroup on the following lines
                        int selectionLineIndex = 1;
                        int lastLineIndex = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines.Length - 1;
                        for (int nextLineIndex = tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex + 1; nextLineIndex <= lastLineIndex; nextLineIndex++, selectionLineIndex++)
                            IList<Token> compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine = tokensSelection.SelectedTokensOnSeveralLines[selectionLineIndex];
                            if (compilerDirectiveTokensOnNextLine.Count > 0)
                                ProcessedTokensLine nextProcessedTokensLine = documentLines[nextLineIndex];
                                if (nextLineIndex != lastLineIndex)
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        null, true);
                                    continuedTokensGroup = nextProcessedTokensLine.InsertCompilerDirectiveTokenOnNextLine(
                                        tokensSelection.TokensOnLastLineAfterStopToken, false);

                // 7. Register compiler directive parse errors
                if (errorFoundWhileParsingDirective)
                    ProcessedTokensLine compilerDirectiveLine = documentLines[tokensSelection.FirstLineIndex];
                    foreach (ParserDiagnostic parserDiag in errorListener.Diagnostics)
                    foreach (Diagnostic directiveDiag in directiveBuilder.Diagnostics)

            // 8. Advance the state off all ProcessedTokensLines :
            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing if it contains a COPY directive
            IList<ProcessedTokensLine> parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = null;
            // NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing => Ready otherwise
            foreach (ProcessedTokensLine parsedLine in documentLines
                .Where(line => line.PreprocessingState == ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCompilerDirectiveParsing))
                if (parsedLine.ImportedDocuments != null)
                    if(parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives == null)
                        parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives = new List<ProcessedTokensLine>();
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.NeedsCopyDirectiveProcessing;
                    parsedLine.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;

            // --- COPY IMPORT PHASE : Process COPY (REPLACING) directives ---

            // 1. Iterate over all updated lines containing a new COPY directive
            if (parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives != null)
                foreach (ProcessedTokensLine tokensLineWithCopyDirective in parsedLinesWithCopyDirectives)
                    // Iterate over all COPY directives found on one updated line
                    foreach (CopyDirective copyDirective in tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments.Keys.ToArray<CopyDirective>())
                            // Load (or retrieve in cache) the document referenced by the COPY directive
                            ProcessedTokensDocument importedDocumentSource = processedTokensDocumentProvider.GetProcessedTokensDocument(copyDirective.LibraryName, copyDirective.TextName);

                            // Store it on the current line after appying the REPLACING directive
                            ImportedTokensDocument importedDocument = new ImportedTokensDocument(copyDirective, importedDocumentSource);
                            tokensLineWithCopyDirective.ImportedDocuments[copyDirective] = importedDocument;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // Text name refenced by COPY directive was not found
                            // => register a preprocessor error on this line
                            Token failedDirectiveToken = tokensLineWithCopyDirective.TokensWithCompilerDirectives
                                .Where(token => token.TokenType == TokenType.CopyImportDirective && ((CompilerDirectiveToken)token).CompilerDirective == copyDirective)
                            Diagnostic diag = new Diagnostic(
                                failedDirectiveToken.Column, failedDirectiveToken.EndColumn,

                    // Advance processing status of the line
                    tokensLineWithCopyDirective.PreprocessingState = ProcessedTokensLine.PreprocessorState.Ready;

            // --- REPLACE PHASE : REPLACE directives are implemented in ReplaceTokensLinesIterator ---

            /* Algorithm :
             * one REPLACE directive can express several replacement operations
             * one replacement operation can be of several types (distinguished for optimization purposes)
             * - SimpleTokenReplace : one source token / zero or one replacement token
             * - PartialWordReplace : one pure partial word / zero or one replacement token
             * - SimpleToMultipleTokenReplace : one source token / several replacement tokens
             * - MultipleTokenReplace : one first + several following source tokens / zero to many replacement tokens
             * an iterator maintains a current set of replacement operations
             * if nextToken is replace directive
             *    the current set of replacement operations is updated
             * else
             *    nextToken is compared to each replacement operation in turn
             *       if single -> single source token operation : return replacement token
             *       if single -> multiple operation : setup a secondary iterator with the list of replacement tokens
             *       if multiple -> multiple operation
             *          snapshot of the underlying iterator
             *          try to match all of the following source tokens
             *          if failure : restore snapshot and try next operation
             *          if success : setup a secondary iterator
             * token comparison sourceToken / replacementCandidate :
             * 1. Compare Token type
             * 2. If same token type and for families
             *   AlphanumericLiteral
             *   NumericLiteral
             *   SyntaxLiteral
             *   Symbol
             *  => compare also Token text
             * PartialCobolWord replacement :
             * p535 : The COPY statement with REPLACING phrase can be used to replace parts of words.
             * By inserting a dummy operand delimited by colons into the program text,
             * the compiler will replace the dummy operand with the required text.
             * Example 3 shows how this is used with the dummy operand :TAG:.
             * The colons serve as separators and make TAG a stand-alone operand.

            return processedTokensLinesChanges;
Exemple #22
        public static CsharpParseResults InvokeParse(string fileName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                return null;
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                return null;

            var tr = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName);
            var input = new AntlrInputStream(tr);
            var lexer = new CSharp4Lexer(input);
            var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            var parser = new CSharp4Parser(tokens);

            var tree = parser.compilation_unit();

            var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            var loader = new CsharpParseTree();

            walker.Walk(loader, tree);

            var results = loader.Results;


            return results;
Exemple #23
        public static HtmlParseResults InvokeParse(Stream stream)
            var input = new AntlrInputStream(stream);
            var lexer = new HTMLLexer(input);
            var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
            var parser = new HTMLParser(tokens);

            var tree = parser.htmlDocument();

            var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
            var loader = new AspNetParseTree();

            walker.Walk(loader, tree);

            return loader.Results;
        public static void Work(string java, string csharp)
            using (var fs = new FileStream(java, FileMode.Open))
                var input = new AntlrInputStream(fs);
                var lexer = new MyJavaLexer(input);
                var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                var parser = new MyJavaParser(tokens);

                // use the first rule of the parser
                // MyJavaParser.CompilationUnitContext tree = parser.compilationUnit();
                var my_action = new Java2CSharp();
                var tree = parser.compilationUnit();
                var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();
                walker.Walk(my_action, tree);
                GenerateCSharpCode(csharp, my_action.compileUnit);