Exemple #1
        /** Given the grammar to which we are attached, walk the AST associated
         *  with that grammar to create NFAs.  Then create the DFAs for all
         *  decision points in the grammar by converting the NFAs to DFAs.
         *  Finally, walk the AST again to generate code.
         *  Either 1 or 2 files are written:
         * 		recognizer: the main parser/lexer/treewalker item
         * 		header file: language like C/C++ need extern definitions
         *  The target, such as JavaTarget, dictates which files get written.
        public virtual StringTemplate GenRecognizer()
            //[email protected]("### generate "+grammar.name+" recognizer");
            LoadTemplates( language );
            if ( templates == null )
                return null;

            if ( ErrorManager.DoNotAttemptAnalysis() )
                return null;
            target.PerformGrammarAnalysis( this, grammar );

            // some grammar analysis errors will not yield reliable DFA
            if ( ErrorManager.DoNotAttemptCodeGen() )
                return null;

            // OPTIMIZE DFA
            DFAOptimizer optimizer = new DFAOptimizer( grammar );

            // OUTPUT FILE (contains recognizerST)
            outputFileST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "outputFile" );

            // HEADER FILE
            if ( templates.IsDefined( "headerFile" ) )
                headerFileST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "headerFile" );
                // create a dummy to avoid null-checks all over code generator
                headerFileST = new StringTemplate( templates, "" );
                headerFileST.Name = "dummy-header-file";

            bool filterMode = grammar.GetOption( "filter" ) != null &&
                                  grammar.GetOption( "filter" ).Equals( "true" );
            bool canBacktrack = grammar.composite.GetRootGrammar().atLeastOneBacktrackOption ||
                                   grammar.SyntacticPredicates != null ||

            // TODO: move this down further because generating the recognizer
            // alters the model with info on who uses predefined properties etc...
            // The actions here might refer to something.

            // The only two possible output files are available at this point.
            // Verify action scopes are ok for target and dump actions into output
            // Templates can say <actions.parser.header> for example.
            var actions = grammar.Actions;
            VerifyActionScopesOkForTarget( actions );
            // translate $x::y references
            TranslateActionAttributeReferences( actions );
            StringTemplate gateST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "actionGate" );
            if ( filterMode )
                // if filtering, we need to set actions to execute at backtracking
                // level 1 not 0.
                gateST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "filteringActionGate" );
            grammar.SetSynPredGateIfNotAlready( gateST );

            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "actions", actions );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "actions", actions );

            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "buildTemplate", grammar.BuildTemplate );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "buildTemplate", grammar.BuildTemplate );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "buildAST", grammar.BuildAST );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "buildAST", grammar.BuildAST );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "rewriteMode", grammar.RewriteMode );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "rewriteMode", grammar.RewriteMode );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "backtracking", canBacktrack );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "backtracking", canBacktrack );
            // turn on memoize attribute at grammar level so we can create ruleMemo.
            // each rule has memoize attr that hides this one, indicating whether
            // it needs to save results
            string memoize = (string)grammar.GetOption( "memoize" );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "memoize",
                                      ( grammar.atLeastOneRuleMemoizes ||
                                      ( memoize != null && memoize.Equals( "true" ) ) &&
                                                  canBacktrack ) );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "memoize",
                                      ( grammar.atLeastOneRuleMemoizes ||
                                      ( memoize != null && memoize.Equals( "true" ) ) &&
                                                  canBacktrack ) );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "trace", trace );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "trace", trace );

            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "profile", profile );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "profile", profile );

            // RECOGNIZER
            if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.Lexer )
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "lexer" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "LEXER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "LEXER", true );
                recognizerST.SetAttribute( "filterMode", filterMode );
            else if ( grammar.type == GrammarType.Parser ||
                grammar.type == GrammarType.Combined )
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "parser" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "PARSER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "PARSER", true );
                recognizerST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "treeParser" );
                outputFileST.SetAttribute( "TREE_PARSER", true );
                headerFileST.SetAttribute( "TREE_PARSER", true );
                recognizerST.SetAttribute( "filterMode", filterMode );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "recognizer", recognizerST );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "recognizer", recognizerST );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "actionScope",
                                      grammar.GetDefaultActionScope( grammar.type ) );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "actionScope",
                                      grammar.GetDefaultActionScope( grammar.type ) );

            string targetAppropriateFileNameString =
                target.GetTargetStringLiteralFromString( grammar.FileName );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "fileName", targetAppropriateFileNameString );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "fileName", targetAppropriateFileNameString );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "ANTLRVersion", AntlrTool.AssemblyVersion );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "ANTLRVersion", AntlrTool.AssemblyVersion );
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "generatedTimestamp", AntlrTool.GetCurrentTimeStamp() );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "generatedTimestamp", AntlrTool.GetCurrentTimeStamp() );

                // GENERATE RECOGNIZER
                // Walk the AST holding the input grammar, this time generating code
                // Decisions are generated by using the precomputed DFAs
                // Fill in the various templates with data
                CodeGenTreeWalker gen = new CodeGenTreeWalker( new Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTreeNodeStream( grammar.Tree ) );
                    gen.grammar_( grammar,
                                headerFileST );
                catch ( RecognitionException re )
                    ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_BAD_AST_STRUCTURE,
                                       re );

            GenTokenTypeConstants( recognizerST );
            GenTokenTypeConstants( outputFileST );
            GenTokenTypeConstants( headerFileST );

            if ( grammar.type != GrammarType.Lexer )
                GenTokenTypeNames( recognizerST );
                GenTokenTypeNames( outputFileST );
                GenTokenTypeNames( headerFileST );

            // Now that we know what synpreds are used, we can set into template
            HashSet<string> synpredNames = null;
            if ( grammar.synPredNamesUsedInDFA.Count > 0 )
                synpredNames = grammar.synPredNamesUsedInDFA;
            outputFileST.SetAttribute( "synpreds", synpredNames );
            headerFileST.SetAttribute( "synpreds", synpredNames );

            // all recognizers can see Grammar object
            recognizerST.SetAttribute( "grammar", grammar );

            // WRITE FILES
                target.GenRecognizerFile( tool, this, grammar, outputFileST );
                if ( templates.IsDefined( "headerFile" ) )
                    StringTemplate extST = templates.GetInstanceOf( "headerFileExtension" );
                    target.GenRecognizerHeaderFile( tool, this, grammar, headerFileST, extST.ToString() );
                // write out the vocab interchange file; used by antlr,
                // does not change per target
                StringTemplate tokenVocabSerialization = GenTokenVocabOutput();
                string vocabFileName = VocabFileName;
                if ( vocabFileName != null )
                    Write( tokenVocabSerialization, vocabFileName );
                //[email protected](outputFileST.getDOTForDependencyGraph(false));
            catch ( IOException ioe )
                ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE,
                                   ioe );
            [email protected]("num obj.prop refs: "+ ASTExpr.totalObjPropRefs);
            [email protected]("num reflection lookups: "+ ASTExpr.totalReflectionLookups);

            return outputFileST;
Exemple #2
        /** Given a template constructor action like %foo(a={...}) in
         *  an action, translate it to the appropriate template constructor
         *  from the templateLib. This translates a *piece* of the action.
        public virtual StringTemplate TranslateTemplateConstructor( string ruleName,
                                                           int outerAltNum,
                                                           IToken actionToken,
                                                           string templateActionText )
            GrammarAST rewriteTree = null;

                // first, parse with antlr.g
                //[email protected]("translate template: "+templateActionText);
                ANTLRLexer lexer = new ANTLRLexer( new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream( templateActionText ) );
                lexer.Filename = grammar.FileName;
                //lexer.setTokenObjectClass( "antlr.TokenWithIndex" );
                //TokenStreamRewriteEngine tokenBuffer = new TokenStreamRewriteEngine( lexer );
                //tokenBuffer.discard( ANTLRParser.WS );
                //tokenBuffer.discard( ANTLRParser.ML_COMMENT );
                //tokenBuffer.discard( ANTLRParser.COMMENT );
                //tokenBuffer.discard( ANTLRParser.SL_COMMENT );
                ANTLRParser parser = new ANTLRParser( new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream( lexer ) );
                parser.FileName = grammar.FileName;
                //parser.setASTNodeClass( "org.antlr.tool.GrammarAST" );
                    ANTLRParser.rewrite_template_return result = parser.rewrite_template();
                    rewriteTree = (GrammarAST)result.Tree;
                catch ( RecognitionException /*re*/ )
                    ErrorManager.GrammarError( ErrorManager.MSG_INVALID_TEMPLATE_ACTION,
                                                  templateActionText );
                catch ( Exception tse )
                    ErrorManager.InternalError( "can't parse template action", tse );

                // then translate via codegen.g
                CodeGenTreeWalker gen = new CodeGenTreeWalker( new Antlr.Runtime.Tree.CommonTreeNodeStream( rewriteTree ) );
                gen.Init( grammar );
                gen.currentRuleName = ruleName;
                gen.outerAltNum = outerAltNum;
                StringTemplate st = null;
                    st = gen.rewrite_template();
                catch ( RecognitionException re )
                    ErrorManager.Error( ErrorManager.MSG_BAD_AST_STRUCTURE,
                                       re );
                return st;