public void GetVisibleSpidersTest() { Worker worker1 = new Worker(new Position(2, 2)); Warrior warrior1 = new Warrior(new Position(3, 3)); Spider spider1 = new Spider(new Position(2, 3)); Spider spider2 = new Spider(new Position(3, 2)); XmlReaderWriter reader = new XmlReaderWriter(); reader.ReadMe("..\\..\\tests\\test-RAIN-anthill.xml"); AHGraphics.Init(); Simulation tmp_isw = new Simulation(new Map(AntHillConfig.mapColCount, AntHillConfig.mapRowCount, AntHillConfig.tiles)); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(worker1); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(warrior1); tmp_isw.spiders.AddLast(spider1); tmp_isw.spiders.AddLast(spider2); Rain test_rain = new Rain(new Position(2, 3)); tmp_isw.rain = test_rain; LIList <Spider> list1 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleSpiders(test_rain); LIList <Spider> list2 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleSpiders(warrior1); LIList <Spider> list3 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleSpiders(worker1); LIList <Spider> list4 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleSpiders(spider2); Assert.IsTrue(list1.Contains(spider1), "GetVisibleAntsTest problem to see spider by rain"); Assert.IsTrue(list2.Contains(spider1), "GetVisibleAntsTest problem to see spider by warriror"); Assert.IsTrue(list3.Contains(spider1), "GetVisibleAntsTest problem to see spider by worker"); Assert.IsTrue(list4.Contains(spider1), "GetVisibleAntsTest problem to see spider by rain"); }
public LIList <Message> GetVisibleMessages(Element c) { LIList <Message> res_messages = new LIList <Message>(); LinkedListNode <Message> messageNode; if (c is Ant) { messageNode = Map.GetTile(c.Position).messages.First; while (messageNode != null) { res_messages.AddLast(messageNode.Value); messageNode = messageNode.Next; } } else if (c is Rain) { for (int i = 0; i < AntHillConfig.rainWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < AntHillConfig.rainWidth; j++) { messageNode = Map.GetTile(c.Position.X + i, c.Position.Y + j).messages.First; while (messageNode != null) { if (!res_messages.Contains(messageNode.Value)) { res_messages.AddLast(messageNode.Value); } messageNode = messageNode.Next; } } } } return(res_messages); }
private void RewriteTiles(Tile[] destTiles, LIList <Tile> srcTiles) { LinkedListNode <Tile> node = srcTiles.First; int i = 0; while (node != null) { destTiles[i++] = node.Value; node = node.Next; } }
public PointWithIntensity GetPointWithIntensity(Position p) { LIList <PointWithIntensity> .Enumerator e = points.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if (e.Current.Tile.Position == p) { return(e.Current); } } return(null); }
public void CitizenTest() { Worker worker1 = new Worker(new Position(2, 2)); Worker worker2 = new Worker(new Position(3, 3)); XmlReaderWriter reader = new XmlReaderWriter(); reader.ReadMe("..\\..\\tests\\test-RAIN-anthill.xml"); AHGraphics.Init(); /*test AddSet() function*/ Simulation tmp_isw = new Simulation(new Map(AntHillConfig.mapColCount, AntHillConfig.mapRowCount, AntHillConfig.tiles)); //Message message = new Message(new Position(2, 2), MessageType.FoodLocalization, new Position(0,0)); tmp_isw.CreateMessage(new Position(2, 2), MessageType.FoodLocalization, new Position(0, 0)); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(worker1); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(worker2); //tmp_isw.messages.AddLast(message); //worker1.AddToSet(message,2); //worker1.SpreadSignal(tmp_isw); LIList <Message> list = tmp_isw.GetVisibleMessages(worker2); bool check = list.Count != 0; Assert.IsTrue(check, "problem with adding messages"); /*test GetNearestFood()*/ LIList <Food> foodList = new LIList <Food>(); foodList.AddLast(new Food(new Position(4, 4), 1)); foodList.AddLast(new Food(new Position(8, 8), 3)); foodList.AddLast(new Food(new Position(2, 3), 3)); foodList.AddLast(new Food(new Position(1, 1), 3)); Food nFood = worker1.testGetNearestFood(foodList); Assert.AreEqual(new Position(2, 3), nFood.Position, "finding nearest food problem"); /*test ReadMessage()*/ Worker worker3 = new Worker(new Position(4, 4)); worker3.AddToSet(new Message(new Position(5, 5), MessageType.FoodLocalization, new Position(0, 0)), 1); worker3.AddToSet(new Message(new Position(1, 1), MessageType.FoodLocalization, new Position(0, 0)), 3); worker3.AddToSet(new Message(new Position(3, 3), MessageType.FoodLocalization, new Position(0, 0)), 2); Message nMessage = worker3.testReadMessage(MessageType.FoodLocalization); Assert.AreEqual(new Position(1, 1), nMessage.Position, "ReadMessage function problem in Citizen"); }
private void Initialize() { _map = null; eggs = new LIList <Egg>(); eggs.Clear(); messages = new LIList <Message>(); messages.Clear(); food = new LIList <Food>(); food.Clear(); spiders = new LIList <Spider>(); spiders.Clear(); ants = new LIList <Ant>(); ants.Clear(); rain = null; queen = new Queen(new Position(AntHillConfig.queenXPosition, AntHillConfig.queenYPosition)); }
public Spider GetNearestSpider(LIList <Spider> spiders) { int min = Int32.MaxValue; int tmp; LIList <Spider> .Enumerator e = spiders.GetEnumerator(); Spider bestSpider = null; while (e.MoveNext()) { if ((tmp = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, e.Current.Position)) < min) { bestSpider = e.Current; min = tmp; } } return(bestSpider); }
public void GetVisibleMessagesTest() { Worker worker1 = new Worker(new Position(2, 2)); Warrior warrior1 = new Warrior(new Position(3, 3)); Message message1_tmp = new Message(new Position(2, 2), MessageType.QueenIsHungry, new Position(0, 0)); Message message2_tmp = new Message(new Position(3, 3), MessageType.QueenInDanger, new Position(0, 0)); XmlReaderWriter reader = new XmlReaderWriter(); reader.ReadMe("..\\..\\tests\\test-RAIN-anthill.xml"); AHGraphics.Init(); Simulation tmp_isw = new Simulation(new Map(AntHillConfig.mapColCount, AntHillConfig.mapRowCount, AntHillConfig.tiles)); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(worker1); tmp_isw.ants.AddLast(warrior1); tmp_isw.CreateMessage(new Position(2, 2), MessageType.QueenIsHungry, new Position(0, 0)); tmp_isw.CreateMessage(new Position(3, 3), MessageType.QueenInDanger, new Position(0, 0)); Rain test_rain = new Rain(new Position(3, 3)); tmp_isw.rain = test_rain; LIList <Message> list1 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleMessages(test_rain); LIList <Message> list2 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleMessages(warrior1); LIList <Message> list3 = tmp_isw.GetVisibleMessages(worker1); Assert.AreEqual(list1.First.Value.Position, message1_tmp.Position, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by rain (POSITION)"); Assert.AreEqual(list1.First.Value.GetMessageType, message1_tmp.GetMessageType, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by rain (MESSAGETYPE)"); Assert.AreEqual(list1.First.Value.TargetPosition, message1_tmp.TargetPosition, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by rain (TARGETPOS)"); Assert.AreEqual(list2.Last.Value.Position, message2_tmp.Position, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by warriror (POSITION)"); Assert.AreEqual(list2.Last.Value.GetMessageType, message2_tmp.GetMessageType, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by warriror (MESSAGETYPE)"); Assert.AreEqual(list2.Last.Value.TargetPosition, message2_tmp.TargetPosition, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by warriror (TARGETPOS)"); Assert.AreEqual(list3.First.Value.Position, message1_tmp.Position, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by worker (POSITION)"); Assert.AreEqual(list3.First.Value.GetMessageType, message1_tmp.GetMessageType, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by worker (MESSAGETYPE)"); Assert.AreEqual(list3.First.Value.TargetPosition, message1_tmp.TargetPosition, "GetVisibleMessagesTest problem to see message by worker (TARGETPOS)"); }
protected Food GetNearestFood(LIList <Food> foods) { if (foods.Count == 0) { return(null); } Food bestFood = null; int min = Int32.MaxValue; int tmp; LIList <Food> .Enumerator e = foods.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext()) { if ((tmp = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, e.Current.Position)) < min) { bestFood = e.Current; min = tmp; } } return(bestFood); }
private Ant FindNearestAnt() { if (Simulation.simulation.queen == null) { return(null); } if (AntHillConfig.antSightRadius >= DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(Simulation.simulation.queen.Position, this.Position)) { return(Simulation.simulation.queen); } LIList <Ant> ants = Simulation.simulation.GetVisibleAnts(this); if (ants == null) { return(null); } if (ants.Count == 0) { return(null); } int minDistance = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(ants.First.Value.Position, Position); int distance; Ant bestAnt = null; LIList <Ant> .Enumerator ant = ants.GetEnumerator(); while (ant.MoveNext()) { if ((distance = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, ant.Current.Position)) < minDistance) { bestAnt = ant.Current; minDistance = distance; } } return(bestAnt); }
public LIList <Food> GetVisibleFood(Element c) { LIList <Food> res_food = new LIList <Food>(); LinkedListNode <Food> foodNode = food.First; if (c is Spider || c is Ant) //same radius { int radius2 = AntHillConfig.antSightRadius * AntHillConfig.antSightRadius; while (foodNode != null) { int dx = foodNode.Value.Position.X - c.Position.X; int dy = foodNode.Value.Position.Y - c.Position.Y; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { if (_map.CheckVisibility(c.Position, foodNode.Value.Position)) { res_food.AddLast(foodNode.Value); } } foodNode = foodNode.Next; } } else if (c is Rain) { while (foodNode != null) { if (_map.GetTile(foodNode.Value.Position).TileType == TileType.Outdoor && ((Rain)c).IsRainOver(foodNode.Value.Position)) { res_food.AddLast(foodNode.Value); } foodNode = foodNode.Next; } } return(res_food); }
public LIList <Spider> GetVisibleSpiders(Element c) { LIList <Spider> res_spiders = new LIList <Spider>(); LinkedListNode <Spider> spiderNode = spiders.First; if (c is Spider || c is Ant) //same radius { int radius2 = AntHillConfig.antSightRadius * AntHillConfig.antSightRadius; while (spiderNode != null) { int dx = spiderNode.Value.Position.X - c.Position.X; int dy = spiderNode.Value.Position.Y - c.Position.Y; if (dx * dx + dy * dy <= radius2) { if (_map.CheckVisibility(c.Position, spiderNode.Value.Position)) { res_spiders.AddLast(spiderNode.Value); } } spiderNode = spiderNode.Next; } } else if (c is Rain) { while (spiderNode != null) { if (_map.GetTile(spiderNode.Value.Position).TileType == TileType.Outdoor && ((Rain)c).IsRainOver(spiderNode.Value.Position)) { res_spiders.AddLast(spiderNode.Value); } spiderNode = spiderNode.Next; } } return(res_spiders); }
public Tile(TileType ttype, Position pos) { position = new Position(pos); tileType = ttype; messages = new LIList <Message>(); }
public Message(Position pos, MessageType mt, Position targetPosition) : base(pos) { type = mt; points = new LIList <PointWithIntensity>(); this.targetPosition = new Position(targetPosition); }
public override bool Maintain(ISimulationWorld isw) { if (--timeToLive < 0) { isw.DeleteRain(); return(false); } LIList <Food> lFood = isw.GetVisibleFood(this); LIList <Ant> lAnt = isw.GetVisibleAnts(this); LIList <Spider> lSpider = isw.GetVisibleSpiders(this); LIList <Message> lMessage = isw.GetVisibleMessages(this); while (lFood.Count > 0) { isw.DeleteFood(lFood.First.Value); lFood.RemoveFirst(); } while (lAnt.Count > 0) { isw.DeleteAnt(lAnt.First.Value); lAnt.RemoveFirst(); } while (lSpider.Count > 0) { isw.DeleteSpider(lSpider.First.Value); lSpider.RemoveFirst(); } Map map = isw.GetMap(); if (lMessage != null) { LinkedListNode <Message> enumMsg = lMessage.First; LinkedListNode <PointWithIntensity> enumPwI, enumPwItemp; while (enumMsg != null) { enumPwI = enumMsg.Value.Points.First; while (enumPwI != null) { if (IsRainOver(enumPwI.Value.Position)) { map.RemoveMessage(enumMsg.Value.GetMessageType, enumPwI.Value.Position); enumPwItemp = enumPwI; enumPwI = enumPwI.Next; enumMsg.Value.Points.Remove(enumPwItemp); } else { enumPwI = enumPwI.Next; } } enumMsg = enumMsg.Next; } } // Rain is always on the map for (int i = 0; i < AntHillConfig.rainWidth; i++) // && i+this.Position.X < map.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < AntHillConfig.rainWidth; j++) // && j+this.Position.Y < map.Height; j++) { map.GetTile(this.Position.X + i, this.Position.Y + j).messages.Clear(); } } return(true); }
public override bool Maintain(ISimulationWorld isw) {//TODO malo:) if (!base.IsAlive()) { return(false); } SpreadSignal(isw); LIList <Message> .Enumerator msg = isw.GetVisibleMessages(this).GetEnumerator(); while (msg.MoveNext()) { this.AddToSet(msg.Current, msg.Current.GetPointWithIntensity(this.Position).Intensity); } LIList <Spider> spiders; if ((spiders = isw.GetVisibleSpiders(this)).Count != 0) { Spider spider = GetNearestSpider(spiders); if (spider != lastSpider) { if (!FindEqualSignal(MessageType.SpiderLocalization, spider.Position)) { isw.CreateMessage(this.Position, MessageType.SpiderLocalization, spider.Position); lastSpider = spider; } } MoveRotateOrAttack(this, spider, isw); randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } if (MaintainSignals(MessageType.QueenInDanger)) { randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } if (MaintainSignals(MessageType.SpiderLocalization)) { randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } // teraz wcinamy LIList <Food> foods = isw.GetVisibleFood(this); if (foods.Count != 0) { Food food = GetNearestFood(foods); int distance = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, food.Position); if (food != lastFood) { if (!FindEqualSignal(MessageType.FoodLocalization, food.Position)) { isw.CreateMessage(this.Position, MessageType.FoodLocalization, food.Position); lastFood = food; } } if (this.TurnsToBecomeHungry <= 0) { if (distance == 0) { food.Maintain(isw); this.Eat(); randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > trail = Astar.Search(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y), new KeyValuePair <int, int>(food.Position.X, food.Position.Y), new AstarOtherObject()); if (trail == null) { randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } if (trail.Count <= 1) { randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } MoveOrRotate(trail[1]); randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } } else { if (MaintainSignals(MessageType.FoodLocalization)) { randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } } MoveRandomly(isw); return(true); }
public Map(int w, int h, Tile[,] tiles) { this._width = w; this._height = h; this._tiles = new Tile[w, h]; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { this._tiles[x, y] = new Tile(tiles[x, y].TileType, tiles[x, y].Position); } } _messagesCount = new MessageCount[_width, _height]; LIList <Tile> indoorTilesTemp = new LIList <Tile>(), wallTilesTemp = new LIList <Tile>(), outdoorTilesTemp = new LIList <Tile>(); Tile t; for (int y = 0; y < this._height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < this._width; x++) { switch ((t = tiles[x, y]).TileType) { case TileType.Outdoor: outdoorTilesTemp.AddLast(t); break; case TileType.Indoor: indoorTilesTemp.AddLast(t); break; case TileType.Wall: wallTilesTemp.AddLast(t); break; } } } if (outdoorTilesTemp.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(Properties.Resources.noOutdoorTilesError); } if (indoorTilesTemp.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(Properties.Resources.noIndoorTilesError); } _indoorTiles = new Tile[indoorTilesTemp.Count + wallTilesTemp.Count]; _wallTiles = new Tile[indoorTilesTemp.Count + wallTilesTemp.Count]; _outdoorTiles = new Tile[outdoorTilesTemp.Count]; _indoorTilesCount = indoorTilesTemp.Count; _wallTilesCount = wallTilesTemp.Count; _outdoorTilesCount = outdoorTilesTemp.Count; RewriteTiles(_indoorTiles, indoorTilesTemp); RewriteTiles(_outdoorTiles, outdoorTilesTemp); RewriteTiles(_wallTiles, wallTilesTemp); }
public Food testGetNearestFood(LIList <Food> food) { return(this.GetNearestFood(food)); }
public override bool Maintain(ISimulationWorld isw) { if (!base.IsAlive()) { return(false); } SpreadSignal(isw); LIList <Food> food; LIList <Spider> spiders; spiders = isw.GetVisibleSpiders(this); if (spiders.Count != 0) { Spider s = this.GetNearestSpider(spiders); if (s != lastSpider) { if (!FindEqualSignal(MessageType.SpiderLocalization, s.Position)) { isw.CreateMessage(this.Position, MessageType.SpiderLocalization, s.Position); lastSpider = s; } } } LIList <Message> .Enumerator msg = isw.GetVisibleMessages(this).GetEnumerator(); while (msg.MoveNext()) { this.AddToSet(msg.Current, msg.Current.GetPointWithIntensity(this.Position).Intensity); } if (this.TurnsToBecomeHungry <= 0) { if (this.foodQuantity > 0) { foodQuantity--; Eat(); } } if (this.foodQuantity == 0) //search for food { path = null; food = isw.GetVisibleFood(this); if (food.Count != 0) {// idzie do jedzenia Food nearestFood = this.GetNearestFood(food); int dist = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, nearestFood.Position); if (dist == 0) { this.FoodQuantity = nearestFood.GetQuantity; isw.DeleteFood(nearestFood); } else { if (nearestFood != lastFood) { if (!FindEqualSignal(MessageType.FoodLocalization, nearestFood.Position)) { isw.CreateMessage(this.Position, MessageType.FoodLocalization, nearestFood.Position); lastFood = nearestFood; } } // znajdujemy t¹ krótk¹ œcie¿kê - wyliczane co 'maintain' List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > trail = Astar.Search(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y), new KeyValuePair <int, int>(nearestFood.Position.X, nearestFood.Position.Y), new AstarOtherObject()); if (trail.Count >= 2) { MoveOrRotateOrDig(isw, trail[1]); randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } } } else {// nie widzi Message m = _messages[(int)MessageType.FoodLocalization]; if (m != null) { // ma sygnal o najwiekszej intensywnosci List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > trail = Astar.Search(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y), new KeyValuePair <int, int>(m.Position.X, m.Position.Y), new AstarWorkerObject()); if (trail.Count >= 2) { MoveOrRotateOrDig(isw, trail[1]); randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } } } } else { int dist = DistanceMeasurer.Taxi(this.Position, Simulation.simulation.queen.Position); if (dist == 0) { isw.FeedQueen(this); path = null; } else { if (path == null || path.Count < 2) { path = Astar.Search(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y), new KeyValuePair <int, int>(Simulation.simulation.queen.Position.X, Simulation.simulation.queen.Position.Y), new AstarWorkerObject()); } if (path.Count >= 2) { if (MoveOrRotateOrDig(isw, path[1])) { path.RemoveAt(0); } randomDestination.X = -1; return(true); } } } MoveRandomly(isw); return(true); }
private void openGLControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs ea) { counter.FrameTick(); //Gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); Gl.glClear(Gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | Gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (!cbVisualize.Checked) { return; } Gl.glLoadIdentity(); Glu.gluLookAt(0, AntHillConfig.curMagnitude * 10.0f, AntHillConfig.curMagnitude * -20.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0); //0.5f * Math.Sqrt(2), 0.5f * Math.Sqrt(2)); Gl.glRotated(lookAtAngleX, 1.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d); Gl.glRotated(lookAtAngleY, 0.0d, 1.0d, 0.0d); if (Simulation.simulation == null) { return; } Map map = Simulation.simulation.Map; int signal; Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { //if (ShouldOmitDrawing(x, y)) continue; DrawElement(x, y, map.GetTile(x, y).GetTexture(), Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.0f); } } for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { //if (ShouldOmitDrawing(x, y)) continue; if ((signal = map.MsgCount[x, y].GetCount(MessageType.FoodLocalization)) > 0) { Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (float)(signal + AntHillConfig.signalInitialAlpha) / AntHillConfig.signalHighestDensity); DrawElement(x, y, (int)AHGraphics.Texture.MessageFoodLocation, Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.01f); } if ((signal = map.MsgCount[x, y].GetCount(MessageType.QueenInDanger)) > 0) { Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (float)(signal + AntHillConfig.signalInitialAlpha) / AntHillConfig.signalHighestDensity); DrawElement(x, y, (int)AHGraphics.Texture.MessageQueenInDanger, Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.01f); } if ((signal = map.MsgCount[x, y].GetCount(MessageType.QueenIsHungry)) > 0) { Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (float)(signal + AntHillConfig.signalInitialAlpha) / AntHillConfig.signalHighestDensity); DrawElement(x, y, (int)AHGraphics.Texture.MessageQueenIsHungry, Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.01f); } if ((signal = map.MsgCount[x, y].GetCount(MessageType.SpiderLocalization)) > 0) { Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (float)(signal + AntHillConfig.signalInitialAlpha) / AntHillConfig.signalHighestDensity); DrawElement(x, y, (int)AHGraphics.Texture.MessageSpiderLocation, Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.01f); } } } Gl.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); Creature e; Food f; LIList <Ant> .Enumerator enumerator = Simulation.simulation.ants.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { e = enumerator.Current; //if (ShouldOmitDrawing(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y)) continue; DrawElement(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, e.GetTexture(), e.Direction, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.02f); } LIList <Spider> .Enumerator enumeratorSpider = Simulation.simulation.spiders.GetEnumerator(); while (enumeratorSpider.MoveNext()) { e = enumeratorSpider.Current; //if (ShouldOmitDrawing(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y)) continue; DrawElement(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, e.GetTexture(), e.Direction, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.02f); } LIList <Food> .Enumerator enumeratorFood =; while (enumeratorFood.MoveNext()) { f = enumeratorFood.Current; //if (ShouldOmitDrawing(f.Position.X, f.Position.Y)) continue; DrawElement(f.Position.X, f.Position.Y, f.GetTexture(), Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.015f); } e = Simulation.simulation.queen; if (e != null)// && !ShouldOmitDrawing(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y)) { DrawElement(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y, e.GetTexture(), e.Direction, offsetX, offsetY, 1, 1, 0.025f); } //deszcz Rain rain = Simulation.simulation.rain; if (rain != null) { DrawElement(rain.Position.X, rain.Position.Y, rain.GetTexture(), Dir.N, offsetX, offsetY, AntHillConfig.rainWidth, AntHillConfig.rainWidth, 1.0f); } }