Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the `property` is a "Start Time" field, this method draws it as well as the "End Time" below it and
        /// returns true.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryDoStartTimeField(ref Rect area, SerializedProperty rootProperty,
                                               SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            if (!property.propertyPath.EndsWith("." + NormalizedStartTimeFieldName))

            // Start Time.
            label.text = AnimancerGUI.GetNarrowText("Start Time");
            AnimationTimeAttribute.nextDefaultValue = AnimancerEvent.Sequence.GetDefaultNormalizedStartTime(Context.Transition.Speed);
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(area, property, label, false);

            AnimancerGUI.NextVerticalArea(ref area);

            // End Time.
            var events = rootProperty.FindPropertyRelative("_Events");

            using (var context = SerializableEventSequenceDrawer.Context.Get(events))
                var areaCopy = area;
                var index    = Mathf.Max(0, context.Times.Count - 1);
                SerializableEventSequenceDrawer.DoTimeGUI(ref areaCopy, context, index, true);
