Exemple #1
        private CatalogItem ParseJToken_Catalog(JsonObject thread, int pagenumber, string board)
            CatalogItem ci = new CatalogItem();

            //post number - no
            ci.ID = Convert.ToInt32(thread["no"]);

            // post time - now
            ci.Time = Common.ParseUTC_Stamp(Convert.ToInt32(thread["time"]));

            if (thread["name"] != null)
                ci.Name = thread["name"].ToString();
                ci.Name = "";

            if (thread["com"] != null)
                ci.Comment = thread["com"].ToString();
                ci.Comment = "";

            if (thread["trip"] != null)
                ci.Trip = thread["trip"].ToString();
                ci.Trip = "";

            if (thread["id"] != null)
                ci.PosterID = thread["id"].ToString();
                ci.PosterID = "";

            if (thread["filename"] != null)
                PostFile pf = new PostFile();
                pf.filename = thread["filename"].ToString();
                pf.ext = thread["ext"].ToString().Replace(".", "");
                pf.height = Convert.ToInt32(thread["h"]);
                pf.width = Convert.ToInt32(thread["w"]);
                pf.thumbW = Convert.ToInt32(thread["tn_w"]);
                pf.thumbH = Convert.ToInt32(thread["tn_h"]);
                pf.owner = ci;
                pf.thumbnail_tim = thread["tim"].ToString();
                pf.board = board;

                pf.hash = thread["md5"].ToString();
                pf.size = Convert.ToInt32(thread["fsize"]);

                ci.File = pf;

            if (thread["last_replies"] != null)
                JsonArray li = (JsonArray)thread["last_replies"];

                List<GenericPost> repl = new List<GenericPost>();

                foreach (JsonObject j in li)
                    repl.Add(ParseReply(j, board)); // HACK: parent must not be null.

                ci.trails = repl.ToArray();

            if (thread["bumplimit"] != null)
                ci.BumpLimit = Convert.ToInt32(thread["bumplimit"]);
                ci.BumpLimit = 300; //most common one

            if (thread["imagelimit"] != null)
                ci.ImageLimit = Convert.ToInt32(thread["imagelimit"]);
                ci.ImageLimit = 150;

            ci.image_replies = Convert.ToInt32(thread["images"]);
            ci.text_replies = Convert.ToInt32(thread["replies"]);
            ci.page_number = pagenumber;

            return ci;
               "tim": 1385141348984,
               "time": 1385141348,
               "resto": 0,
               "bumplimit": 0,
               "imagelimit": 0,
               "omitted_posts": 1,
               "omitted_images": 0,*/
Exemple #2
 private PostFile ParseFile(JsonObject data, string board)
     if (data["filename"] != null)
         PostFile pf = new PostFile();
         pf.filename = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(data["filename"].ToString());
         pf.ext = data["ext"].ToString().Substring(1);
         pf.height = Convert.ToInt32(data["h"]);
         pf.width = Convert.ToInt32(data["w"]);
         pf.thumbW = Convert.ToInt32(data["tn_w"]);
         pf.thumbH = Convert.ToInt32(data["tn_h"]);
         pf.thumbnail_tim = data["tim"].ToString();
         pf.board = board;
         pf.hash = data["md5"].ToString();
         pf.size = Convert.ToInt32(data["fsize"]);
         if (data["spoiler"] != null)
             pf.IsSpoiler = Convert.ToInt32(data["spoiler"]) == 1;
         return pf;
         return null;
Exemple #3
        public static void dump_files(PostFile pf, bool thumbonly)
            string md5 = base64tostring(pf.hash);

            //string file_path = Path.Combine(file_save_dir, md5 + "." + pf.ext);

            string reff = string.Format("http://boards.4chan.org/{0}/thread/{1}", pf.board, pf.owner);

            FileIndex.MarkPostAsync(md5, pf);

            #region thumb
            if (pf.ThumbLink != PostFile.NoFile)
                if (is_file_banned(md5) && !Settings.SaveBannedFileThumbnail)
                    goto skip;

                string thumb_path;

                if (!FileOperations.CheckThumbFileExist(md5, out thumb_path))
                    string thumb_key = "thumb" + md5;

                    if (!queued_files.ContainsKey(thumb_key))
                        FileQueueStateInfo f = new FileQueueStateInfo(md5, pf);
                        f.Type = FileQueueStateInfo.FileType.Thumbnail;

                        queued_files.Add(thumb_key, f);

                        f.ThreadBG = thumb_stp.QueueWorkItem(new Amib.Threading.Action(delegate
                            download_file(thumb_path, reff, f);

            if (!thumbonly)
                if (!is_file_banned(md5))
                    string file_name = md5 + "." + pf.ext;
                    string file_path;

                    bool file_no_exist = !FileOperations.CheckFullFileExist(file_name, out file_path);

                    if (pf.ext == "gif")
                        //This file was a gif that were converted to webm
                        //don't download it again
                        if (File.Exists(file_path + ".webm"))
                            file_no_exist = false;

                    if (file_no_exist) // GIF to webm check
                        string file_key = "file" + md5;
                        if (!queued_files.ContainsKey(file_key))
                            FileQueueStateInfo f = new FileQueueStateInfo(md5, pf);
                            f.Type = FileQueueStateInfo.FileType.FullFile;

                            var priority = get_file_priority(pf);
                            f.Priority = priority;

                            queued_files.Add(file_key, f);

                            f.ThreadBG = file_stp.QueueWorkItem(new Amib.Threading.Action(delegate
                                download_file(file_path, reff, f);
                            }), priority);
Exemple #4
        private static Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority get_file_priority(PostFile pf)
             * max file size is 8388608 bytes.
             * new priority mapping:
             * 0 - 50k: level 14 [x]
             * 50k - 300k: level 13 [x]
             * 300k - 600k: level 12 [x]
             * 600k - 900k: level 11 [x]
             * 900k - 1200k: level 10 [x]
             * 1.2m - 1.5m: level 9 [x]
             * 1.5m - 1.8m: level 8 [x]
             * 1.8m - 2.0m: level 7 [x]
             * 2.0m - 2.3m: level 6 [x]
             * 2.3m - 2.6m: level 5 [x]
             * 2.6m - 3.0m: level 4 [x]
             * 3m - 4m: level 3 [x]
             * 4m - 6m: level 2 [x]
             * >6m: level 1 [x]

            const int kb = 1024;
            const int mb = 1048576;

            if (pf.size <= 50 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level14;
            else if (pf.size > 50 * kb && pf.size <= 300 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level13;
            else if (pf.size > 300 * kb && pf.size <= 600 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level12;
            else if (pf.size > 600 * kb && pf.size <= 900 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level11;
            else if (pf.size > 900 * kb && pf.size <= 1200 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level10;
            else if (pf.size > 1200 * kb && pf.size <= 1500 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level9;
            else if (pf.size > 1500 * kb && pf.size <= 1800 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level8;
            else if (pf.size > 1800 * kb && pf.size <= 2 * mb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level7;
            else if (pf.size > 2 * mb && pf.size <= 2300 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level6;
            else if (pf.size > 2300 * kb && pf.size <= 2600 * kb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level5;
            else if (pf.size > 2600 * kb && pf.size <= 3 * mb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level4;
            else if (pf.size > 3 * mb && pf.size <= 4 * mb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level3;
            else if (pf.size > 4 * mb && pf.size <= 6 * mb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level2;
            else //if (pf.size > 6 * mb)
                return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Level1;

            //smaller than 50KB, Highest Priority
            //between 50KB and 400KB, High pr
            //between 400KB and 1MB, normal pr
            //larger than 1MB, low
            //larger than 3mb, lowest

            //if (pf.size < 50 * kb)
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Highest;
            //else if (pf.size > 50 * kb && pf.size < 400 * kb)
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.AboveNormal;
            //else if (pf.size >= 400 * kb && pf.size <= 1 * mb)
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Normal;
            //else if (pf.size > 1 * mb && pf.size < 3 * mb)
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.BelowNormal;
            //else if (pf.size >= 3 * mb)
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Lowest;
            //    return Amib.Threading.WorkItemPriority.Normal;
        private static PostFile parse_file(JsonObject data, FoolFuukaParserData ffp_data, GenericPost owner)
            if (data["media"] != null)
                JsonObject media = (JsonObject)data["media"];
                if (media.Count == 0) { return null; }
                if (media["banned"].ToString() != "0") { return null; }
                if (media["media_status"].ToString() == "not-available") { return null; }

                PostFile pf = new PostFile();

                pf.board = ffp_data.BOARD;
                pf.filename = media["media_filename_processed"].ToString();

                pf.ext = pf.filename.Split('.').Last();
                pf.filename = pf.filename.Split('.').First();

                string thumb_link = media["thumb_link"].ToString();

                string media_link = media["media_link"].ToString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(media_link))
                    return null;

                pf.OverrideFileLinks(thumb_link, media_link);

                pf.hash = media["media_hash"].ToString();

                pf.height = Convert.ToInt32(media["media_h"]);
                pf.width = Convert.ToInt32(media["media_w"]);

                if (media["spoiler"] != null) { pf.IsSpoiler = (media["spoiler"].ToString() != "0"); }

                pf.thumbH = Convert.ToInt32(media["preview_h"]);
                pf.thumbW = Convert.ToInt32(media["preview_w"]);

                pf.size = Convert.ToInt32(media["media_size"]);

                pf.thumbnail_tim = media["media"].ToString().Split('.').First();
                pf.owner = owner;
                return pf;
            else { return null; }