public void OnBookingComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; bookings.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Booking booking = new Booking { Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), TotalDays = (int)doc.Get("totalDays"), ExtraBed = (bool)doc.Get("extraBed"), RoomNumber = (int)doc.Get("roomNumber"), TotalPrice = (float)doc.Get("totalPrice"), Id = doc.Id, BookDate = NativeDateToDateTime(doc.Get("bookDate") as Date) }; bookings.Add(booking); } } else { bookings.Clear(); } hasReadBookings = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) //qui otteniani il risultato della query { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; appelliList.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { string date; if (doc.Get("date") == null) { date = ""; } else { date = doc.Get("date").ToString(); } Appello appello = new Appello { Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), Date = date, Id = doc.Id }; appelliList.Add(appello); } } else { appelliList.Clear(); } hasReadAppelli = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; inboxItems.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { InboxItem inboxItem = new InboxItem { IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("isActive"), Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), Notes = doc.Get("notes").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("author").ToString(), StartDate = NativeDateToDateTime(doc.Get("startDate") as Date), Id = doc.Id }; inboxItems.Add(inboxItem); } } else { inboxItems.Clear(); } hasReadInboxItems = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { userList.Clear(); var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { if (!doc.Id.Equals(Application.Current.Properties["MyUID"]) && !doc.Get("admin").Equals("Admin")) { string name = doc.Get("name").ToString(); string surname = doc.Get("surname").ToString(); string uri = doc.Get("uri").ToString(); string username = doc.Get("username").ToString(); string email = doc.Get("email").ToString(); User user = new User(name, surname, uri, username, email); user.Id = doc.Id.ToString(); userList.Add(user); } } value = 1; } else { value = 2; } }
/*public static DateTime NativeToDatetime(Date date) * { * DateTime reference = System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); * return reference.AddMilliseconds(date.Time); * }*/ public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var document = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; subsriptions.Clear(); foreach (var doc in document.Documents) { var subscription = new Subscription { IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("Visited"), Name = doc.Get("Title").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("author").ToString(), VenueName = doc.Get("Place").ToString(), //Address = doc.Get("Address").ToString(), Distance = (int)doc.Get("Distance from current location (meters)"), CategoryId = doc.Get("Category Id").ToString(), CategoryName = doc.Get("Category Name").ToString(), Lat = (double)doc.Get("Latitude"), Lng = (double)doc.Get("Longitude"), //SubscribedDate = NativeToDatetime(doc.Get("subscribeddate") as Date) Id = doc.Id }; subsriptions.Add(subscription); } hasreadvalue = true; } else { App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Something went wrong, please try again", "Okay"); } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var docs = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; //List<Subscription> subscriptions = new List<Subscription>(); subscriptions.Clear(); foreach (var doc in docs.Documents) { Subscription sb = new Subscription { Id = doc.Id, IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("isActive"), Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("author").ToString(), SubscribedDate = DateToNatDateTime(doc.Get("subscribedDate") as Date), }; subscriptions.Add(sb); } } else { subscriptions.Clear(); } hasReadSubs = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; posts.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Post newPost = new Post() { Experience = doc.Get("experience").ToString(), VenueName = doc.Get("venuename").ToString(), CategoryId = doc.Get("categoryId").ToString(), CategoryName = doc.Get("categoryName").ToString(), Address = doc.Get("address").ToString(), Latitude = (double)doc.Get("latitude"), Longitude = (double)doc.Get("longitude"), Distance = (int)doc.Get("distance"), UserId = doc.Get("userId").ToString(), Id = doc.Id }; posts.Add(newPost); } } else { posts.Clear(); } hasReadPosts = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsComplete) { storageReference.GetDownloadUrl().AddOnCompleteListener(downloadListener); } }
public void OnComplete(Task task) { try { RunOnUiThread(() => { bool result = task.IsSuccessful; if (result) { //Toast.MakeText(this, "Ready", ToastLength.Long).Show(); BtnApply.Enabled = true; } else { Toast.MakeText(this, GetText(Resource.String.Lbl_ErrorConnectionSystemStripe), ToastLength.Long) .Show(); //hide Google as payment option BtnApply.Enabled = false; } }); } catch (ApiException exception) { Toast.MakeText(this, "Exception" + exception.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { DaysInWeek d = new DaysInWeek(); d.n = doc.Id; d.week = currentWeek; if (doc.Get("ifSet" + currentType) != null && doc.Get("ifSet" + currentType).Equals("True")) { d.ifSet = true; } else { d.ifSet = false; } whichDayAdd(d, GetWhichWeek(currentWeek)); } value = 1; } else { value = 2; } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Locations loc = new Locations(); loc.Centers = new List <string>(); loc.Location = (string)doc.Get("Location"); var centersDoc = doc.Get("Centers"); var centersList = new Android.Runtime.JavaList((System.Collections.IEnumerable)centersDoc); var list = centersList.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { var o = (Java.Lang.Object)list[i].ToString(); loc.Centers.Add((string)o); } AllLocations.Add(loc); } HasLocations = true; } else { AllLocations.Clear(); } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var docObj = task.Result; if (docObj is DocumentSnapshot doc) { _tcs.TrySetResult(doc.Convert <T>()); return; /* * var item = new Item * { * Id = doc.Id, * Name = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.Name), * Style = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.Style), * CaseColor = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.CaseColor), * CaseMaterial = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.CaseMaterial), * Description = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.Description), * AvatarUrl = doc.GetString(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.AvatarUrl), * Latitude = (double)doc.GetDouble(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.Latitude), * Longitude = (double)doc.GetDouble(DatabaseKey.FirebaseFirestore.WatchField.Longitude), * Text = "Some random text" * }; * _tcs.TrySetResult(item); * return; */ } } else { _tcs.TrySetResult(default(T)); } }
//method will be executed after completing the document retrieving. Like an event. public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var document = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; subscriptions.Clear(); foreach (var doc in document.Documents) { Subscription subscription = new Subscription { IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("isActive"), Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("auther").ToString(), SubscriptionDate = nativeDateToDateTime(doc.Get("subscriptionDate") as Date), Id = doc.Id }; subscriptions.Add(subscription); } } else { subscriptions.Clear(); } //Make this true to know that OnComplete methid has completed reading the subscriptions. hasSubscriptionsRead = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; profiles.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Profile profile = new Profile { IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("isActive"), Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("author").ToString(), SubscribedDate = NativeDateToDateTime(doc.Get("subscribedDate") as Date), Id = doc.Id }; profiles.Add(profile); } } else { profiles.Clear(); } hasReadProfiles = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { SavePlayer(golgioc, teams, segno); } }
// Method used to notify the app that the response from the server was received and how to handle the response public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; MyStocks.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { MyStock stock = new MyStock() { MyStockId = doc.Id, ShortName = (string)doc.Get("shortname"), LongName = (string)doc.Get("longname"), BuyPrice = (double)doc.Get("buyprice"), Quantity = (int)doc.Get("quantity"), RonRate = (double)doc.Get("ronrate"), ImageUri = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri((string)doc.Get("imageuri"))) }; // Convert the BuyPrice to the rate at which the stock was bought if (CrossMultilingual.Current.CurrentCultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.Equals("ro")) { stock.BuyPrice = stock.BuyPrice * stock.RonRate; } MyStocks.Add(stock); } } else { MyStocks.Clear(); } hasReadStocks = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; subscriptions.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Subscription subscription = new Subscription { IsActive = (bool)doc.Get("IsActive"), Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), UserId = doc.Get("author").ToString(), SubscribedDate = NativeDateToDateTime(doc.Get("subscribedDate") as Date) }; subscriptions.Add(subscription); } } else { subscriptions.Clear(); } hasReadSubscriptions = true; }
/* * Method used to notify the app that the response from the server was received and how to handle the response * @mystock * The stock to be deleted */ public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; Stocks.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { Stock stock = new Stock() { ShortName = (string)doc.Get("shortname"), LongName = (string)doc.Get("longname"), NowPrice = (double)doc.Get("nowprice"), OldPrice = (double)doc.Get("oldprice"), ImageUri = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri((string)doc.Get("imageuri"))), CompanyDescription = (string)doc.Get("companydescription") }; // Change the price based on the current rate if (CrossMultilingual.Current.CurrentCultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.Equals("ro")) { stock.NowPrice = stock.NowPrice * (double)App.Current.Properties["rate"]; stock.OldPrice = stock.OldPrice * (double)App.Current.Properties["rate"]; } stock.Statistic = Math.Round(stock.NowPrice - stock.OldPrice, 2); Stocks.Add(stock); } } else { Stocks.Clear(); } hasReadStocks = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) //qui otteniani il risultato della query { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; appuntiList.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { string description; if (doc.Get("description") == null) { description = ""; } else { description = doc.Get("description").ToString(); } Appunto appunto = new Appunto { Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), Description = description, IdCorso = doc.Get("idCorso").ToString(), Id = doc.Id }; appuntiList.Add(appunto); } } else { appuntiList.Clear(); } hasReadAppunti = true; }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { cardList.Clear(); var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { if (doc.Get("type").Equals(currentType)) { Card card = new Card(); card.Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(); card.Type = doc.Get("type").ToString(); card.Path = doc.Id.ToString(); card.Ref = UserId; cardList.Add(card); } } value = 1; } else { value = 2; } }
void IOnCompleteListener.OnComplete(GmsTask task) { if (imageProxy != null) { imageProxy.Close(); imageProxy = null; } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { try { string token = task.Result.JavaCast <IInstanceIdResult>().Token; _tokenTcs?.TrySetResult(token); } catch { } }
public static Task <Java.Lang.Object> ToAwaitableTask(this Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <Java.Lang.Object>(); var taskCompleteListener = new TaskCompleteListener(taskCompletionSource); task.AddOnCompleteListener(taskCompleteListener); return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
public async void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var imageUrl = await _storageReference.GetDownloadUrlAsync(); string imageUrlString = imageUrl.ToString(); _tcs.TrySetResult(imageUrl.ToString()); } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var documents = (QuerySnapshot)task.Result; attivitaList.Clear(); foreach (var doc in documents.Documents) { string desc, source, dat; if (doc.Get("description") == null) { desc = ""; } else { desc = doc.Get("description").ToString(); } if (doc.Get("source") == null) { source = ""; } else { source = doc.Get("source").ToString(); } if (doc.Get("data") == null) { dat = ""; } else { dat = doc.Get("data").ToString(); } Attivita attivita = new Attivita { Name = doc.Get("name").ToString(), Description = desc, Source = source, Scadenza = dat, Id = doc.Id }; attivitaList.Add(attivita); } } else { attivitaList.Clear(); } hasReadAttivita = true; }
public void OnComplete(Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { if (task.Result is DocumentReference doc) { _tcs.TrySetResult(doc.Id); return; } } _tcs.TrySetResult(default);
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { var docsObj = task.Result; if (docsObj is QuerySnapshot docs) { _tcs.TrySetResult(docs.Convert <T>()); } } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { //if (task.IsSuccessful) //{ // bool isFetched = FirebaseRemoteConfig.Instance.ActivateFetched(); //} //else //{ //} }
public void OnComplete(Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful && task.Result != null) { Service.Location = (Location)task.Result; } else { Log.Warn(Service.Tag, "Failed to get location."); } }
public void OnComplete(Android.Gms.Tasks.Task task) { if (task.IsSuccessful) { FirebaseUser user = mAuth.CurrentUser; } else { Toast.MakeText(this, "Authentication failed.", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }