/// <summary>
        ///   The event handler for the thumbnails. Called when they are clicked, it display
        ///   the full sized image, animating the transition from thumbnail to full sized image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
        private void ZoomImageFromThumb(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            View thumbView = (View)sender;
            ImageView expandedImageView = GetExpandedImageView(thumbView);

            if (_currentAnimator != null)
            Rect startBounds = new Rect();
            Rect finalBounds = new Rect();
            Point globalOffset = new Point();

            // The start bounds are the global visible rectangle of the thumbnail

            // The final bounds are the global visible rectangle of the container view. Also
            // set the container view's offset as the origin for the bounds, since that's
            // the origin for the positioning animation properties (X, Y).
            FindViewById(Resource.Id.container).GetGlobalVisibleRect(finalBounds, globalOffset);
            startBounds.Offset(-globalOffset.X, -globalOffset.Y);
            finalBounds.Offset(-globalOffset.X, -globalOffset.Y);

            float startScale = CalculateStartScale(startBounds, finalBounds);

            // Construct and run the parallel animation of the four translation and scale properties
            // (X, Y, SCALE_X, and SCALE_Y).
            AnimatorSet expandSet = BuildExpandingAnimatorSet(expandedImageView, startBounds, finalBounds, startScale);
            _currentAnimator = expandSet;

            // Upon clicking the zoomed image, it should zoom back down to the original bounds
            // and show the thumbnail instead of the expanded image.
            expandedImageView.Click += (o, args) =>{
                if (_currentAnimator != null)

                AnimatorSet shrinkSet = BuildShrinkingAnimatorSet(expandedImageView, thumbView, startBounds, startScale);
                _currentAnimator = shrinkSet;