public static void DrawLogs(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); if (!GUIController.CurrentEntry?.isPatched ?? true) { DubGUI.Heading(rect, $"Loading{GenText.MarchingEllipsis(0f)}"); return; } var columnsR = rect.TopPartPixels(50f); DrawColumns(columnsR); columns[(int)SortBy.Average].total = 0; rect.AdjustVerticallyBy(columnsR.height + 4); rect.height -= 2f; rect.width -= 2; Rect innerRect = rect.AtZero(); innerRect.height = listing.curY; if (innerRect.height > rect.height) { innerRect.width -= 17f; } viewFrustum = rect.AtZero(); // Our view frustum starts at 0,0 from the rect we are given viewFrustum.y += ScrollPosition.y; // adjust our view frustum vertically based on the scroll position { // Begin scope for Scroll View Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref ScrollPosition, innerRect); GUI.BeginGroup(innerRect); listing.Begin(innerRect); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; float currentListHeight = BOX_HEIGHT; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; lock (Analyzer.LogicLock) { foreach (ProfileLog log in Analyzer.Logs) { DrawLog(log, ref currentListHeight); } } listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
internal static Vector2 DrawLine(GraphEntry value, int prevIndex, int nextIndex, float rectHeight, float xIncrement, Color color) { float GetAdjustedY(float y, float max) { return(rectHeight - rectHeight * .95f * (y / max)); } var prevY = GetAdjustedY(value.entries[prevIndex], value.max); var nextY = GetAdjustedY(value.entries[nextIndex], value.max); if (prevIndex != nextIndex - 1) // We have aliased a point (or multiple) we need to draw two lines. { var prevDrawnPoint = new Vector2(prevIndex * xIncrement, prevY); var prevPoint = new Vector2((nextIndex - 1) * xIncrement, prevY); var curPoint = new Vector2(nextIndex * xIncrement, nextY); DubGUI.DrawLine(prevDrawnPoint, prevPoint, color, 1f, true); DubGUI.DrawLine(prevPoint, curPoint, color, 1f, true); } else { DubGUI.DrawLine(new Vector2(prevIndex * xIncrement, prevY), new Vector2(nextIndex * xIncrement, nextY), color, 1f, true); } return(new Vector2(prevIndex * xIncrement, prevY)); }
public static void DrawButtons(Listing_Standard listing) { var i = 0; var r = new Rect(); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_method, CurrentInput.Method); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_methodinternal, CurrentInput.InternalMethod); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_methodharmony, CurrentInput.MethodHarmony); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_type, CurrentInput.Type); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_subclasses, CurrentInput.SubClasses); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_typeharmony, CurrentInput.TypeHarmony); DrawInputIcon(ResourceCache.Strings.devoptions_input_assembly, CurrentInput.Assembly); void DrawInputIcon(string key, CurrentInput inputType) { if (i++ % 2 == 0) { r = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight + 3).LeftPart(.49f); r.x += listing.ColumnWidth * .01f; } else { r.x += listing.ColumnWidth / 2; } DubGUI.OptionalBox(r, key, () => input = inputType, input == inputType); } }
private static void DrawColumns(Rect rect) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x, rect.yMax, rect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; // [ Max ] [ Average ] [ Percent ] [ Total ] [ Calls ] [ Name ] DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, Strings.logs_max, Strings.logs_max_desc, SortBy.Max, NUMERIC_WIDTH, $"{totals.Max:0.000}ms"); DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, Strings.logs_av, Strings.logs_av_desc, SortBy.Average, NUMERIC_WIDTH, $"{totals.Average:0.000}ms"); DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, Strings.logs_percent, Strings.logs_percent_desc, SortBy.Percent, NUMERIC_WIDTH, $"{totals.Percent * 100:0.0}%"); DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, Strings.logs_total, Strings.logs_total_desc, SortBy.Total, NUMERIC_WIDTH, $"{totals.Total:0.000}ms"); if (GUIController.CurrentEntry.type != typeof(H_HarmonyTranspilersInternalMethods)) { DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, Strings.logs_calls, Strings.logs_calls_desc, SortBy.Calls, NUMERIC_WIDTH, $"{totals.Calls.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"); } // give the name 'infinite' width so there is no wrapping // Set text anchor to middle left so we can see our text // offset by four chars to make it look offset Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, " " + Strings.logs_name, Strings.logs_name_desc, SortBy.Name, 10000); DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public static void Draw(Rect rect) { var innerRect = rect.AtZero(); innerRect.height = yHeigthCache; viewFrustum = rect.AtZero(); viewFrustum.y += scrollOffset.y; Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollOffset, innerRect, false); GUI.BeginGroup(innerRect); listing.Begin(innerRect); float yHeight = 0; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; lock (sync) { if (!(cachedEntries.Count == 1 && cachedEntries.First() == searchText)) { foreach (var entry in cachedEntries) { var r = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); yHeight += r.height; if (!r.Overlaps(viewFrustum)) { continue; } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(r)) { Panel_DevOptions.currentInput = entry; } Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(r, Modbase.Settings.GraphCol); if (Mouse.IsOver(r)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(r); } r.width = 2000; Widgets.Label(r, " " + entry); } } } yHeigthCache = yHeight; listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public static void Draw(Rect rect) { var row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, TexButton.SpeedButtonTextures[Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused ? 1 : 0])) { Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused = !Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused; GUIController.CurrentEntry.SetActive(!Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_pause_analyzer); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(25f); row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, Textures.refresh)) { GUIController.ResetProfilers(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_refresh); var searchbox = rect.LeftPartPixels(rect.width - 300f); searchbox.x += 25f; DubGUI.InputField(searchbox, Strings.top_search, ref TimesFilter, DubGUI.MintSearch); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(rect.width - 250f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var cat = GUIController.CurrentCategory == Category.Tick ? "tick" : "update"; var str = $"{ProfileController.updateAverage:F3}ms/{cat}"; var strLen = str.GetWidthCached(); var periodLen = rect.LeftPartPixels(130); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(130); Widgets.Label(periodLen, str); var tpsFpsRect = rect; tpsFpsRect.width = 50f; Widgets.Label(tpsFpsRect, $"FPS: {GUIElement_TPS.FPS}"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tpsFpsRect, Strings.top_fps_tip); tpsFpsRect.x = tpsFpsRect.xMax + 5; tpsFpsRect.width = 90f; Widgets.Label(tpsFpsRect, $"TPS: {GUIElement_TPS.TPS}({GUIElement_TPS.TPSTarget})"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(tpsFpsRect, Strings.top_tps_tip); tpsFpsRect.x = tpsFpsRect.xMax + 5; tpsFpsRect.width = 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; }
public static void Draw(Rect rect) { var row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, TexButton.SpeedButtonTextures[Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused ? 1 : 0])) { Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused = !Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused; GUIController.CurrentEntry.SetActive(!Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_pause_analyzer); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(25f); row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, Textures.refresh)) { GUIController.ResetProfilers(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_refresh); var searchbox = rect.LeftPartPixels(rect.width - 220f); searchbox.x += 25f; DubGUI.InputField(searchbox, Strings.top_search, ref TimesFilter, DubGUI.MintSearch); // searchbox.x = searchbox.xMax; // searchbox.width = 150; // GUI.color = Color.grey; // Widgets.Label(searchbox, MatchType); // GUI.color = Color.white; // bit shitty and distracting, replace with a mini graph and or an entire page dedicated to garbage if it even matters realistically now which it probably doesn't so why bother aye just keep it clean //row.x = searchbox.xMax + 5; // row.width = 130f; //Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; //Widgets.FillableBar(row, Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.InverseLerp(H_RootUpdate.LastMinGC, H_RootUpdate.LastMaxGC, H_RootUpdate.totalBytesOfMemoryUsed)), Textures.darkgrey); //Widgets.Label(row, H_RootUpdate.GarbageCollectionInfo); //TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_gc_tip); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; row.width = 50f; row.x = searchbox.xMax + 10; Widgets.Label(row, $"FPS: {GUIElement_TPS.FPS}"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_fps_tip); row.x = row.xMax + 5; row.width = 90f; Widgets.Label(row, $"TPS: {GUIElement_TPS.TPS}({GUIElement_TPS.TPSTarget})"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, Strings.top_tps_tip); row.x = row.xMax + 5; row.width = 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; }
public static void Checkbox(ref Rect rect, ProfileLog log, Profiler profile, ref bool active) { var checkboxRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 25f, rect.height); rect.x += 25f; if (DubGUI.Checkbox(checkboxRect, "", ref active)) { GUIController.CurrentEntry.checkBox.Invoke(null, new object[] { log }); Modbase.Settings.Write(); } }
public static void Draw(Rect inrect, GeneralInformation?currentInformation) { if (currentInformation == null || currentInformation.Value.patches.NullOrEmpty()) { return; } Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; foreach (var patch in currentInformation?.patches) { var left = $" {patch.patchType}"; var right = $" {patch.modName}"; var textHeight = Mathf.Max(Text.CalcHeight(left, inrect.width / 2), Text.CalcHeight(right, inrect.width / 2 - 5f)); var rect = inrect.TopPartPixels(textHeight); inrect.y += textHeight; var anchor = Text.Anchor; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; var leftRect = rect.LeftPart(.5f); Widgets.Label(leftRect, left); var rightRect = rect.RightPart(.5f); rightRect.x += 5; Widgets.Label(rightRect, right); Text.Anchor = anchor; Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(rect); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { // todo cache tip TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, $"Mod Name: {patch.modName}\nPatch Type: {patch.patchType}\nPatch Method: {patch.typeName}:{patch.methodName}"); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) // mouse button right { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>() { new FloatMenuOption("Open In Github", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenGithub($"{patch.typeName}.{patch.methodName}")), new FloatMenuOption("Open In Dnspy (requires local path)", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenDnspy(patch.method)) }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } } DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public static void Draw(Rect rect) { if (currentProfilerInformation == null || GUIController.CurrentProfiler != null && currentProfilerInformation.Value.method != GUIController.CurrentProfiler.meth) { GetGeneralSidePanelInformation(); } var statbox = rect; statbox.width = Panel_Tabs.width - 10; var pRect = rect; pRect.x = statbox.xMax + 10; pRect.width -= statbox.xMax; pRect.AdjustVerticallyBy(tabRect.height); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(statbox); Panel_Stats.DrawStats(statbox, currentProfilerInformation); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(pRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; tabRect.width = Mathf.Min(100f, pRect.width / 3f); tabRect.x = pRect.x; tabRect.y = pRect.y - tabRect.height; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.Graph, "Graph"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.Patches, "Patches"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; Drawtab(tabRect, ProfileInfoMode.StackTrace, "Stacktrace"); tabRect.x = tabRect.xMax; DubGUI.ResetFont(); switch (ProfileInfoTab) { case ProfileInfoMode.Graph: graph.Draw(pRect.ContractedBy(1)); break; case ProfileInfoMode.Stats: Panel_Stats.DrawStats(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case ProfileInfoMode.Patches: Panel_Patches.Draw(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; case ProfileInfoMode.StackTrace: Panel_StackTraces.Draw(pRect, currentProfilerInformation); break; } }
internal static void DrawAxis(Rect rect, float yAxis, string suffix) { var yIncrement = rect.height / 4f; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Widgets.Label(rect, suffix); for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var box = new Rect(0, 0, 25f, Text.LineHeight); box.y = (i * yIncrement) - (box.height / 2f); Widgets.Label(box, Mathf.Round((4 - i) * (yAxis / 4f) * 100) / 100 + ""); } DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public static void DrawLogs(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); if (!GUIController.CurrentEntry?.isPatched ?? true) { DubGUI.Heading(rect, $"Loading{GenText.MarchingEllipsis(0f)}"); return; } Rect innerRect = rect.AtZero(); innerRect.height = cachedListHeight; viewFrustum = rect.AtZero(); // Our view frustum starts at 0,0 from the rect we are given viewFrustum.y += ScrollPosition.y; // adjust our view frustum vertically based on the scroll position { // Begin scope for Scroll View Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref ScrollPosition, innerRect, true); GUI.BeginGroup(innerRect); listing.Begin(innerRect); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; DrawColumns(listing.GetRect(BOX_HEIGHT)); float currentListHeight = BOX_HEIGHT; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; lock (Analyzer.LogicLock) { foreach (ProfileLog log in Analyzer.Logs) { DrawLog(log, ref currentListHeight); } } cachedListHeight = currentListHeight; listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
private static void DrawTabs(Tab tab) { DubGUI.ResetFont(); yOffset += 40f; var row = listing.GetRect(30f); if (tab.category == Category.Settings) { if (GUIController.GetCurrentTab == tab) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(row); } Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(row)) { tab.onClick(); } } else { Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(row.RightPartPixels(row.height), tab.collapsed ? DubGUI.DropDown : DubGUI.FoldUp, 1f); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(row)) { tab.collapsed = !tab.collapsed; } } row.x += 5f; Widgets.Label(row, tab.Label); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, tab.Tip); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; if (tab.collapsed) { return; } foreach (var entry in tab.entries) { DrawEntry(ref row, entry); } }
public static void Draw(Rect rect) { Rect row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, TexButton.SpeedButtonTextures[Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused ? 1 : 0])) { Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused = !Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused; GUIController.CurrentEntry.SetActive(!Analyzer.CurrentlyPaused); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, ResourceCache.Strings.top_pause_analyzer); rect.AdjustHorizonallyBy(25f); row = rect.LeftPartPixels(25); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row, ResourceCache.GUI.refresh)) { GUIController.ResetProfilers(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, ResourceCache.Strings.top_refresh); Rect searchbox = rect.LeftPartPixels(rect.width - 350f); searchbox.x += 25f; DubGUI.InputField(searchbox, ResourceCache.Strings.top_search, ref TimesFilter, DubGUI.MintSearch); row.x = searchbox.xMax + 5; row.width = 130f; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.FillableBar(row, Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.InverseLerp(H_RootUpdate.LastMinGC, H_RootUpdate.LastMaxGC, H_RootUpdate.totalBytesOfMemoryUsed)), ResourceCache.GUI.darkgrey); Widgets.Label(row, H_RootUpdate.GarbageCollectionInfo); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, ResourceCache.Strings.top_gc_tip); row.x = row.xMax + 5; row.width = 50f; Widgets.Label(row, "FPS: " + GUIElement_TPS.FPS.ToString()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, ResourceCache.Strings.top_fps_tip); row.x = row.xMax + 5; row.width = 90f; Widgets.Label(row, "TPS: " + GUIElement_TPS.TPS.ToString() + "(" + GUIElement_TPS.TPSTarget.ToString() + ")"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, ResourceCache.Strings.top_tps_tip); row.x = row.xMax + 5; row.width = 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; }
public static void Draw(Listing_Standard listing, float winHeight) { DubGUI.CenterText(() => listing.Label("devoptions.heading".TranslateSimple())); listing.GapLine(6f); DrawButtons(listing); var inputBarOffset = DisplayInputField(listing, winHeight); DisplaySelectionOptions(listing); var x = listing.curX + inputBarOffset; var y = listing.curY - Text.LineHeight; var width = listing.ColumnWidth - inputBarOffset; var height = (winHeight - listing.curY) - 18f; var uiPoint = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(x, y)); var rect = new Rect(uiPoint, new Vector2(width, height)); Window_SearchBar.SetCurrentInput(input); Window_SearchBar.UpdateSearchString(currentInput); bool shouldExit; lock (Window_SearchBar.sync) { shouldExit = Window_SearchBar.CheckShouldClose(new Rect(x, y, width, height)) || Window_SearchBar.cachedEntries.Count == 1 && Window_SearchBar.cachedEntries.First() == currentInput; } if (shouldExit) { return; } // 0x7FFFFFFF is 011111 ... in binary, in effect takes only the positive component of the hash Find.WindowStack.ImmediateWindow(currentInput.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF, rect, WindowLayer.Super, () => { GUI.color = Window_SearchBar.windowTransparency; Window_SearchBar.DoWindowContents(rect.AtZero()); GUI.color = Color.white; }, false); }
private void DrawChangeTraceButton(Rect rect) { var height = rect.height; if (height > 25f + Text.LineHeight) { DubGUI.CenterText(() => Widgets.Label(rect.TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight), "Change")); rect.AdjustVerticallyBy(Text.LineHeight); } var tooltip = $"Change the currently viewed stacktrace"; if (currentTrackedStacktraces == 0) { GUI.color = Color.gray; } var centerRect = rect.CenterWithDimensions(25, 25); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(centerRect, tooltip); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(centerRect, Textures.Burger)) { if (currentTrackedStacktraces != 0) { var traces = StackTraceUtility.traces.Values.ToList(); CalculateHeaders(traces, traces.MaxBy(t => t.Depth).Depth); var options = StackTraceUtility.traces .OrderBy(p => p.Value.Count) .Reverse() .Select(st => new FloatMenuOption($"{st.Value.Header} : {st.Value.Count}", () => { currentTrace = st.Key; })) .ToList(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } } if (currentTrackedStacktraces == 0) { GUI.color = Color.white; } }
public static void Draw(Rect rect, IEnumerable <Tab> tabs) { Rect ListerBox = rect.LeftPartPixels(width); ListerBox.width -= 10f; Widgets.DrawMenuSection(ListerBox); ListerBox = ListerBox.ContractedBy(4f); Rect baseRect = ListerBox.AtZero(); baseRect.width -= 16f; baseRect.height = ListHeight; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; yOffset = 0f; { // Begin Scope for Scroll & GUI Group/View Widgets.BeginScrollView(ListerBox, ref ScrollPosition, baseRect); GUI.BeginGroup(baseRect); listing.Begin(baseRect); foreach (Tab tab in tabs) { if (tab.category == Category.Modder && tab.entries.Count == 0) // if the modder tab is empty, no need to draw it { continue; } DrawTabs(tab); } listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); } DubGUI.ResetFont(); ListHeight = yOffset; }
public static void Drawtab(Rect r, int i, string lab) { r.height += 1; r.width += 1; Widgets.DrawMenuSection(r); if (PatchTab == i) { var hang = r.ContractedBy(1f); hang.y += 2; Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(hang, Widgets.MenuSectionBGFillColor); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(r, lab); DubGUI.ResetFont(); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(r)) { PatchTab = i; } }
private static void DrawTabs(Tab tab) { DubGUI.ResetFont(); yOffset += 40f; Rect row = listing.GetRect(30f); if (tab.category == Category.Settings) { if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(row)) { tab.onClick(); } } else { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(row.RightPartPixels(row.height), tab.collapsed ? DubGUI.DropDown : DubGUI.FoldUp)) { tab.collapsed = !tab.collapsed; } } row.x += 5f; Widgets.Label(row, tab.Label); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, tab.Tip); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; if (tab.collapsed) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <Entry, Type> entry in tab.entries) { DrawEntry(ref row, entry); } }
private static float DrawCheckbox(ref Rect rect, MethodInfo meth) { var checkBoxWidth = 30.0f + $"Enable for {meth.Name}".GetWidthCached(); var checkBox = rect.LeftPartPixels(checkBoxWidth); if (DubGUI.Checkbox(checkBox, $"Enable for {meth.Name}", ref currentlyTracking)) { if (currentlyTracking) { Modbase.Harmony.Patch(meth, postfix: new HarmonyMethod(postfix)); StackTraceRegex.Reset(); currentTrace = ""; currentTrackedStacktraces = 0; } else { Modbase.Harmony.CreateProcessor(meth).Unpatch(postfix); } } return(checkBoxWidth); }
private void DrawEnableButton(Rect rect, MethodInfo method, string methodString) { var tooltip = $"Enable stack trace profiling"; var height = rect.height; if (height > 25f + Text.LineHeight) { DubGUI.CenterText(() => Widgets.Label(rect.TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight), "Enable")); rect.AdjustVerticallyBy(Text.LineHeight); } if (currentlyTracking) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(rect); } var centerRect = rect.CenterWithDimensions(25, 25); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(centerRect, tooltip); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(centerRect, Widgets.CheckboxOnTex)) { if (currentlyTracking is false) { StackTraceUtility.Reset(); currentTrace = 0; currentTrackedStacktraces = 0; Modbase.Harmony.Patch(method, postfix: new HarmonyMethod(postfix)); } else { ThreadSafeLogger.ErrorOnce($"Can not retrace {methodString} while currently tracing", method.GetHashCode()); } currentlyTracking = true; } }
private static void DrawColumns(Rect rect) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x, rect.yMax, rect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; var rhs = rect.RightPartPixels(30); rhs.x += 5; rhs.width -= 10; rhs.y = - 10; rhs.height = 20; foreach (var column in columns.Where(c => c.Active(GUIController.CurrentEntry.type)).OrderBy(c => c.order)) { if (column.sortBy == SortBy.Name) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } DrawColumnHeader(ref rect, column); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rhs, "Change what columns are visible"); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rhs, Textures.Gear)) { var opts = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (var col in columns) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption(col.Name, () => = !, ? Widgets.CheckboxOnTex : Widgets.CheckboxOffTex, Color.gray)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(opts)); } DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
public static void DisplaySelectionOptions(Listing_Standard listing) { var box = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); var tickBox = box.LeftPart(.24f); var updateBox = box.LeftPartPixels(listing.ColumnWidth * .48f); updateBox.AdjustHorizonallyBy(box.width / 4); box.AdjustHorizonallyBy(box.width / 2); DubGUI.OptionalBox(tickBox, "devoptions.patchtype.tick".TranslateSimple(), () => patchType = Category.Tick, patchType == Category.Tick); DubGUI.OptionalBox(updateBox, "devoptions.patchtype.update".TranslateSimple(), () => patchType = Category.Update, patchType == Category.Update); if (Widgets.ButtonText(box, "Patch")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentInput)) { ExecutePatch(); } } }
public static void Draw(Rect rect, IEnumerable <Tab> tabs) { var ListerBox = rect.LeftPartPixels(width); ListerBox.width -= 10f; Widgets.DrawMenuSection(ListerBox); ListerBox = ListerBox.ContractedBy(4f); var baseRect = ListerBox.AtZero(); baseRect.width -= 16f; baseRect.height = ListHeight; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; yOffset = 0f; Widgets.BeginScrollView(ListerBox, ref ScrollPosition, baseRect); GUI.BeginGroup(baseRect); listing.Begin(baseRect); foreach (var tab in tabs) { if (tab.category == Category.Settings || tab.entries.Count > 0) { DrawTabs(tab); } } listing.End(); GUI.EndGroup(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); DubGUI.ResetFont(); ListHeight = yOffset; }
private void DrawDisableButton(Rect rect, MethodInfo method) { var height = rect.height; if (height > 25f + Text.LineHeight) { DubGUI.CenterText(() => Widgets.Label(rect.TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight), "Disable")); rect.AdjustVerticallyBy(Text.LineHeight); } var tooltip = $"Disable stack trace profiling"; if (currentlyTracking is false) { GUI.color = Color.gray; } var centerRect = rect.CenterWithDimensions(25, 25); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(centerRect, tooltip); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(centerRect, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { if (currentlyTracking) { Modbase.Harmony.CreateProcessor(method).Unpatch(postfix); } currentlyTracking = false; } if (currentlyTracking is false) { GUI.color = Color.white; } }
private static void DrawSettings(Panel_Graph instance, ref Rect position) { // [ - Calls ] [ - Times ] [ Lines ] [ Entries ------ ] [ - Bg Col ] var width = position.width; var currentHeight = 32; var currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; // [ - Times ] var str = " Times "; var contentWidth = 20 + str.GetWidthCached(); var rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); DrawButton(instance, rect, " Times ", 0); // [ - Calls ] str = " Calls "; contentWidth = 20 + str.GetWidthCached(); rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); DrawButton(instance, rect, " Calls ", 1); // [ - Background ] str = " Background "; contentWidth = 20 + str.GetWidthCached(); rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); DrawButton(instance, rect, " Background ", 2); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; // [ - Entries ] contentWidth = 150; if (currentSlice.width < contentWidth) { currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); } rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); instance.entryCount = (int)Widgets.HorizontalSlider(rect.BottomPartPixels(30f), instance.entryCount, 10, 2000, true, string.Intern($"{instance.entryCount} Entries ")); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; // [ - Show Axis ] str = " Axis"; contentWidth = str.GetWidthCached() + 30; if (currentSlice.width < contentWidth) { currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); } rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); DubGUI.Checkbox(rect, str, ref GraphSettings.showAxis); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); // [ - Show Grid ] str = " Grid " + 30; contentWidth = str.GetWidthCached(); if (currentSlice.width < contentWidth) { currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); } rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); DubGUI.Checkbox(rect, str, ref GraphSettings.showGrid); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); // [ - Show Max ] str = " Max "; contentWidth = str.GetWidthCached() + 30; if (currentSlice.width < contentWidth) { currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); } rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); DubGUI.Checkbox(rect, str, ref GraphSettings.showMax); currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); // [ - Aliasing ] str = " Aliasing: " + (GraphSettings.lineAliasing == 0 ? "none" : GraphSettings.lineAliasing.ToString()) + " "; contentWidth = str.GetWidthCached(); if (currentSlice.width < contentWidth) { currentSlice = position.TopPartPixels(currentHeight); position.AdjustVerticallyBy(currentHeight); } rect = currentSlice.LeftPartPixels(contentWidth); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect, str, false)) { GraphSettings.lineAliasing = GraphSettings.lineAliasing switch { 7.5f => 12.5f, 12.5f => 0.0f, 0.0f => 5.0f, 5.0f => 7.5f, _ => 0.0f }; } currentSlice.AdjustHorizonallyBy(contentWidth); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
public static void Draw(Listing_Standard listing, Rect win) { listing.Label(Strings.settings_dnspy); Settings.PathToDnspy = listing.TextEntry(Settings.PathToDnspy); listing.Gap(); DubGUI.LabeledSliderFloat(listing, Strings.settings_updates_per_second, ref Settings.updatesPerSecond, 1.0f, 20.0f); DubGUI.Checkbox(Strings.settings_logging, listing, ref Settings.verboseLogging); DubGUI.Checkbox(Strings.settings_disable_tps_counter, listing, ref Settings.disableTPSCounter); DubGUI.Checkbox("settings.debuglog".Tr(), listing, ref Settings.enableLog); var s = Strings.settings_disable_cleanup; var rect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); DubGUI.Checkbox(rect, s, ref Settings.disableCleanup); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, Strings.settings_disable_cleanup_desc); listing.GapLine(); DubGUI.CenterText(() => listing.Label("devoptions.heading".Tr())); listing.GapLine(); var tabs = listing.GetRect(tabRect.height); tabs.width = tabRect.width; Drawtab(tabs, 0, "Patch Tools"); tabs.x = tabs.xMax; Drawtab(tabs, 1, $"Saved Patches ({Settings.SavedPatches_Tick.Count + Settings.SavedPatches_Update.Count})"); listing.Gap(4); if (PatchTab == 0) { if (listing.ButtonTextLabeled("Logging cycle", patchType.ToString())) { if (patchType == Category.Tick) { patchType = Category.Update; } else { patchType = Category.Tick; } //For if onGui gets added //var list = new List<FloatMenuOption> //{ // new FloatMenuOption("devoptions.patchtype.tick".Tr(), () => patchType = Category.Tick), // new FloatMenuOption("devoptions.patchtype.update".Tr(), () => patchType = Category.Update) // new FloatMenuOption("devoptions.patchtype.ongui".Tr(), () => patchType = Category.OnGui) //}; //Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list)); } if (showSearchbox) { Window_SearchBar.Control(); } var inputR = DisplayInputField(listing); Window_SearchBar.SetCurrentInput(input); Window_SearchBar.UpdateSearchString(currentInput); var searchRect = listing.GetRect(Mathf.Min(listing.curY, win.height - listing.curY)); lock (Window_SearchBar.sync) { if (showSearchbox && !Mouse.IsOver(searchRect) && Event.current.type != EventType.MouseDown) { showSearchbox = false; } if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "profileinput") { showSearchbox = true; } else if (Mouse.IsOver(inputR)) { showSearchbox = true; } } if (showSearchbox) { Window_SearchBar.DoWindowContents(searchRect); } } else { foreach (var patch in Settings.SavedPatches_Tick.ToList()) { var row = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); if (Widgets.CloseButtonFor(row.LeftPartPixels(30f))) { Settings.SavedPatches_Tick.Remove(patch); } Widgets.Label(row.RightPartPixels(row.width - 30f), patch + " Tick"); listing.GapLine(); } foreach (var patch in Settings.SavedPatches_Update.ToList()) { var row = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); if (Widgets.CloseButtonFor(row.LeftPartPixels(30f))) { Settings.SavedPatches_Update.Remove(patch); } Widgets.Label(row.RightPartPixels(row.width - 30f), patch + " Update"); listing.GapLine(); } } }
public static void DrawStats(Rect inrect, GeneralInformation?currentInformation) { var stats = new LogStats(); stats.GenerateStats(); stats = null; lock (CurrentLogStats.sync) { stats = CurrentLogStats.stats; } if (stats == null) { return; } inrect = inrect.ContractedBy(4f); var r = inrect; r.height = listing.CurHeight; r.width = 18; Widgets.BeginScrollView(inrect, ref scrolls, r); listing.Begin(inrect); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (currentInformation.HasValue) { sb.AppendLine( $"Method: {currentInformation.Value.methodName}, Mod: {currentInformation.Value.modName}"); sb.AppendLine( $"Assembly: {currentInformation.Value.assname}, Patches: {currentInformation.Value.patches.Count}"); var modLabel = sb.ToString().TrimEndNewlines(); var rect = listing.GetRect(Text.CalcHeight(modLabel, listing.ColumnWidth)); Widgets.Label(rect, modLabel); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(rect); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) // mouse button right { var options = new List <FloatMenuOption> { new FloatMenuOption("Open In Github", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenGithub( $"{currentInformation.Value.typeName}.{currentInformation.Value.methodName}")), new FloatMenuOption("Open In Dnspy (requires local path)", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenDnspy(currentInformation.Value.method)) }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } listing.GapLine(2f); sb.Clear(); } sb.AppendLine($"Total Entries:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" { stats.Entries}"); sb.AppendLine($"Total Calls:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.TotalCalls}"); sb.AppendLine($"Total Time:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.TotalTime:0.000}ms"); sb.AppendLine($"Avg Time/Call:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.MeanTimePerCall:0.000}ms"); sb.AppendLine($"Avg Calls/Update:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.MeanCallsPerUpdateCycle:0.00}"); sb.AppendLine($"Avg Time/Update:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.MeanTimePerUpdateCycle:0.000}ms"); sb.AppendLine($"Median Calls:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.MedianCalls}"); sb.AppendLine($"Median Time:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.MedianTime}"); sb.AppendLine($"Max Time:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.HighestTime:0.000}ms"); sb.AppendLine($"Max Calls/Update:".Colorize(Color.grey) + $" {stats.HighestCalls}"); listing.Label(sb.ToTaggedString().Trim()); DubGUI.ResetFont(); listing.End(); Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public static void Draw(Rect inrect, GeneralInformation?currentInformation) { inrect = inrect.ContractedBy(4); if (currentInformation == null || currentInformation.Value.patches.NullOrEmpty()) { return; } Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; x = 0; var viewrect = inrect; viewrect.x += 10; viewrect.width -= 28; viewrect.height = y; var row = viewrect; row.height = 40; row.width = Mathf.Max(x, viewrect.width); Widgets.BeginScrollView(inrect, ref scroller, viewrect); foreach (var patch in currentInformation?.patches) { var meth = $"{patch.typeName} : {patch.methodName}"; row.width = meth.GetWidthCached(); if (row.width > x) { x = row.width; } Widgets.Label(row, meth); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (Mouse.IsOver(row)) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, $"Mod Name: {patch.modName}\nPatch Type: {patch.patchType}"); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && row.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) // mouse button right { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>() { new FloatMenuOption("Open In Github", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenGithub($"{patch.typeName}.{patch.methodName}")), new FloatMenuOption("Open In Dnspy (requires local path)", () => Panel_BottomRow.OpenDnspy(patch.method)) }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } row.y = row.yMax; y = row.yMax; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); DubGUI.ResetFont(); }
private static void DrawEntry(ref Rect row, KeyValuePair <Entry, Type> entry) { row = listing.GetRect(30f); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); if (GUIController.CurrentEntry == entry.Key) { Widgets.DrawOptionSelected(row); } row.x += 20f; yOffset += 30f; Widgets.Label(row,; if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(row)) { GUIController.SwapToEntry(; } if (entry.Key.isClosable) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && row.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>() { new FloatMenuOption("Close", () => GUIController.RemoveEntry( }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, entry.Key.tip); if (GUIController.CurrentEntry == entry.Key) { bool firstEntry = true; foreach (KeyValuePair <FieldInfo, Setting> keySetting in entry.Key.Settings) { if (keySetting.Key.FieldType == typeof(bool)) { row = listing.GetRect(30f); row.x += 20f; GUI.color = Widgets.OptionSelectedBGBorderColor; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(row.x, row.y, 15f); if (!firstEntry) { Widgets.DrawLineVertical(row.x, row.y - 15f, 15f); } row.x += 10f; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(row.x - 10f, row.y + 15f, 10f); GUI.color = Color.white; yOffset += 30f; bool cur = (bool)keySetting.Key.GetValue(null); if (DubGUI.Checkbox(row,, ref cur)) { keySetting.Key.SetValue(null, cur); GUIController.ResetProfilers(); } } if (keySetting.Value.tip != null) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, keySetting.Value.tip); } firstEntry = false; } } }