Exemple #1
		public BulkMaterialParseResult ParseMaterialPricesBulk(
			int manufacturerId,
			int supplierId,
			DateTime date,
			AlloyType alloyType,
			RollType rollType,
			bool remove,
			string raw)
			var materials = new List<RawMaterial>();
			var errors = new List<string>();

				using (var storage = new Storage())
					if (remove)
						var allThickness = storage.RawMaterials
								rm => rm.ManufacturerId == supplierId
									&& (alloyType == AlloyType.Undefined || rm.RawMaterialType.AlloyType == alloyType)
									&& (rollType == RollType.Undefined || rm.RawMaterialType.RollType == rollType)
							.Select(rm => rm.RawMaterialType.Thickness.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))

						raw = string.Join("\t", allThickness)
							+ "\n"
							+ string.Join("\t", allThickness.Select(p => ""));

					var lines = raw.Split('\n');
					var headers = lines[0].Split('\t');
					var prices = lines[1].Split('\t');

					for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
						var thickness = Convert.ToDecimal(headers[i].FixDecimalSeparator());
						if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prices[i]))
							var rawMaterial = storage
									rm => rm.ManufacturerId == supplierId
										&& rm.RawMaterialType.AlloyType == alloyType
										&& rm.RawMaterialType.RollType == rollType
										&& rm.RawMaterialType.Thickness == thickness)

							if (!rawMaterial.Any())
								errors.Add($"Выбранный поставщик не производит материала с такими параметрами и толщиной {thickness}");
							if (rawMaterial.Count > 1)
									$"Выбранный поставщик производит более 1 материала с такими параметрами и толщиной {thickness}, невозможно определить нужный.");

							var priceItem = new PriceItem
								RawMaterialId = rawMaterial[0].RawMaterialId,
								OwnerId = manufacturerId,
								Date = date,
								Price = remove 
									? null 
									: (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(prices[i].FixDecimalSeparator())

							rawMaterial[0].PriceItems = new[]

			catch (Exception ex)
				errors.Add("Ошибка синтаксического разбора строки.");

			return new BulkMaterialParseResult
				Errors = errors.ToArray(),
				Materials = errors.Any() 
					? new RawMaterial[0]
					: materials.ToArray()
Exemple #2
		public BulkProductParseResult ParseExtraPricesBulk(
			int manufacturerId,
			int supplierId,
			DateTime date,
			AlloyType alloyType,
			RollType rollType,
			int priceExtraCategoryId,
			bool remove,
			string raw)
			var products = new List<Product>();
			var errors = new List<string>();

			if (remove)
				raw = "0";

				var lines = raw.Split(new [] {'\n'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				var headers = lines[0].Split('\t');

				using (var storage = new Storage())
					if (lines.Length == 1 && headers.Length == 1)
						var price = Convert.ToDecimal(raw.Trim().FixDecimalSeparator());

						return new BulkProductParseResult
							Errors = new string[0],
							Products = storage
									p =>
										p.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
											&& p.RawMaterial.ManufacturerId == supplierId
											&& (alloyType == AlloyType.Undefined || p.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.AlloyType == alloyType)
											&& (rollType == RollType.Undefined || p.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.RollType == rollType)
									p =>
										p.PriceExtras = new[]
											new PriceExtra
												PriceExtraCategoryId = priceExtraCategoryId,
												PriceItems = new[]
													new PriceItem
														Date = date,
														OwnerId = manufacturerId,
														Price = price,
										return p;

					for (int lineId = 1; lineId < lines.Length; lineId++)
						var prices = lines[lineId].Split('\t');
						var productName = prices[0].Trim();

						for (int colId = 1; colId < headers.Length; colId++)
							var thickness = Convert.ToDecimal(headers[colId].FixDecimalSeparator());

							var query = storage
									.LoadWith(rm => rm.RawMaterialType)
										rm => rm.ManufacturerId == supplierId
											&& rm.RawMaterialType.Thickness == thickness);

							if (alloyType != AlloyType.Undefined)
								query = query.Where(rm => rm.RawMaterialType.AlloyType == alloyType);

							if (rollType != RollType.Undefined)
								query = query.Where(rm => rm.RawMaterialType.RollType == rollType);

							var rawMaterials = query.ToList();

							if (!rawMaterials.Any())
								errors.Add($"Выбранный поставщик не производит материала с такими параметрами и толщиной {thickness}");

							foreach (var rawMaterial in rawMaterials)
								var product = storage
										p => p.ManufacturerId == manufacturerId
											&& p.RawMaterialId == rawMaterial.RawMaterialId
											&& p.Name == productName);

								if (null == product)
									product = new Product
										ManufacturerId = manufacturerId,
										RawMaterialId = rawMaterial.RawMaterialId,
										Thickness = rawMaterial.RawMaterialType.Thickness,
										Name = productName,

								var priceExtra = new PriceExtra
									PriceExtraCategoryId = priceExtraCategoryId,
									ProductId = product.ProductId,

								var price = string.IsNullOrEmpty(prices[colId])
									? null
									: (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(prices[colId].FixDecimalSeparator());

								var priceItem = new PriceItem
									OwnerId = manufacturerId,
									Date = date,
									Price = remove ? null : price,

								priceExtra.PriceItems = new[]

								product.PriceExtras = new[]


								if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prices[colId]))

			catch (Exception ex)
				errors.Add("Ошибка синтаксического разбора строки.");

			return new BulkProductParseResult
				Errors = errors.ToArray(),
				Products = errors.Any()
					? new Product[0]
					: products.ToArray()
Exemple #3
		public void SetRetailPrice(int productId, DateTime date, decimal? price)
			Argument.Require(productId > 0, "Price extra id is required.");
			Argument.Require(date > DateTime.MinValue, "Price date is required.");
			Argument.Require(null == price || price.Value >= 0, "Price should be >= 0");

			using (var storage = new Storage())
				var product = storage
					.LoadWith(p => p.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType)
					.SingleOrDefault(pe => pe.ProductId == productId);

				if (null == product)
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Product with id {productId} not found.");

				var alloyType = product.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.AlloyType;
				var rollType = product.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.RollType;

				if (alloyType == AlloyType.Undefined
					|| rollType == RollType.Undefined)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Для сохранения цен поля Тип проката и Тип продукта обязательны.");

				var existingPriceItem = storage
						pi =>
							pi.PriceType == PriceType.RetailPrice
								&& pi.Product.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.AlloyType == alloyType
								&& pi.Product.RawMaterial.RawMaterialType.RollType == rollType
								&& pi.Product.Thickness == product.Thickness
								&& pi.Product.Name == product.Name

				if (null != existingPriceItem)
					existingPriceItem.Price = price;
					var priceItem = new PriceItem
						PriceType = PriceType.RetailPrice,
						ProductId = productId,
						Date = date,
						Price = price,


				UpdatePriceCache(storage, productId, date);
Exemple #4
		public void SetExtraPrice(int priceExtraId, int ownerId, DateTime date, decimal? price)
			Argument.Require(priceExtraId > 0, "Price extra id is required.");
			Argument.Require(ownerId > 0, "Owner id is required.");
			Argument.Require(date > DateTime.MinValue, "Price date is required.");
			Argument.Require(null == price || price.Value >= 0, "Price should be >= 0");

			using (var storage = new Storage())
				var priceExtra = storage
					.SingleOrDefault(pe => pe.PriceExtraId == priceExtraId);

				if(null == priceExtra)
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Price extra with id {priceExtraId} not found.");

				var existingPriceItem = storage
					.SingleOrDefault(pi => pi.PriceExtraId == priceExtraId && pi.OwnerId == ownerId && pi.Date == date);

				if (null != existingPriceItem)
					existingPriceItem.Price = price;
					var priceItem = new PriceItem
						ProductId = priceExtra.ProductId,
						PriceType = PriceType.PriceExtra,
						PriceExtraId = priceExtraId,
						Date = date,
						OwnerId = ownerId,
						Price = price,


				UpdatePriceCache(storage, priceExtra.ProductId, date);
Exemple #5
		public void SetMaterialPrice(int rawMaterialId, int ownerId, DateTime date, decimal? price)
			Argument.Require(rawMaterialId > 0, "Raw material identifier is required.");
			Argument.Require(ownerId > 0, "Owner identifier is required.");
			Argument.Require(date > DateTime.MinValue, "Date is required.");
			Argument.Require(null == price || price.Value >= 0, "Price should be >= 0.");

			using (var storage = new Storage())
				var priceExtra = storage
					.SingleOrDefault(pe => pe.RawMaterialId == rawMaterialId);

				if (null == priceExtra)
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Raw material with id {rawMaterialId} not found.");

				var existingPriceItem = storage
					.SingleOrDefault(pi => pi.RawMaterialId == rawMaterialId && pi.OwnerId == ownerId && pi.Date == date);

				if (null != existingPriceItem)
					existingPriceItem.Price = price;
					var priceItem = new PriceItem
						PriceType = PriceType.RawMaterial,
						RawMaterialId = rawMaterialId,
						Date = date,
						OwnerId = ownerId,
						Price = price,


				var products = storage
					.Where(product => product.ManufacturerId == ownerId && product.RawMaterialId == rawMaterialId)
					.Select(p => p.ProductId)

				foreach (var productId in products)
					UpdatePriceCache(storage, productId, date);