Exemple #1
        private static void WriteExcelFile(ReportCondition dtCondtion, DataTable dtDetail, SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet)
            //  Create the Excel file contents.  This function is used when creating an Excel file either writing
            //  to a file, or writing to a MemoryStream.
            spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Workbook();

            //  My thanks to James Miera for the following line of code (which prevents crashes in Excel 2010)
            spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Append(new BookViews(new WorkbookView()));

            //  If we don't add a "WorkbookStylesPart", OLEDB will refuse to connect to this .xlsx file !
            WorkbookStylesPart workbookStylesPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart <WorkbookStylesPart>("rIdStyles");

            //Stylesheet stylesheet = new Stylesheet();
            //workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet = stylesheet;
            CustomStylesheet customStyleSheet = new CustomStylesheet();
            Stylesheet       styles           = customStyleSheet;//CustomStylesheet();


            //  Loop through each of the DataTables in our DataSet, and create a new Excel Worksheet for each.
            uint   worksheetNumber = 1;
            Sheets sheets          = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild <Sheets>(new Sheets());

            //  For each worksheet you want to create
            string worksheetName = "BOC_DetailedUtilization";

            //  Create worksheet part, and add it to the sheets collection in workbook
            WorksheetPart newWorksheetPart = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart <WorksheetPart>();
            Sheet         sheet            = new Sheet()
                Id = spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(newWorksheetPart), SheetId = worksheetNumber, Name = worksheetName

            // If you want to define the Column Widths for a Worksheet, you need to do this *before* appending the SheetData
            // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/oxmlsdk/thread/1d93eca8-2949-4d12-8dd9-15cc24128b10/


            //  Append this worksheet's data to our Workbook, using OpenXmlWriter, to prevent memory problems
            WriteDataTableToExcelWorksheet(dtCondtion, dtDetail, newWorksheetPart, workbookStylesPart);


Exemple #2
 public static bool CreateExcelDocument(ReportCondition dtCondition, DataTable dtDetail, string excelFilename)
         //When don't add reference WindowsBase, error appear at here
         using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(excelFilename, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
             WriteExcelFile(dtCondition, dtDetail, document);
         //Trace.WriteLine("Successfully created: " + excelFilename);
         //EventLog EventLogger.WriteLog("Successfully created: Detail_Utilization_Report.xslx", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information);
     catch (Exception ex)
         //Trace.WriteLine("Failed, exception thrown: " + ex.Message);
Exemple #3
        private static string SetWeekendTitle(ReportCondition reportCondition)
            string result = string.Empty;

            if (reportCondition.IncludeSaturday && reportCondition.IncludeSunday)
                result = "Yes";
            if (!reportCondition.IncludeSaturday && reportCondition.IncludeSunday)
                result = @"Sunday";
            if (reportCondition.IncludeSaturday && !reportCondition.IncludeSunday)
                result = @"Saturday";
            if (!reportCondition.IncludeSaturday && !reportCondition.IncludeSunday)
                result = "No";
Exemple #4
        private static void WriteDataTableToExcelWorksheet(ReportCondition dtCondition, DataTable dtDetail,
                                                           WorksheetPart worksheetPart, WorkbookStylesPart stylesPart)
            OpenXmlWriter writer = OpenXmlWriter.Create(worksheetPart, Encoding.Unicode); //ASCII

            writer.WriteStartElement(new Worksheet());
            writer.WriteStartElement(new SheetData());

            string cellValue = string.Empty;

            uint rowIndexHeader = 1;

            //  Create the Conditon Report
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "BOC Detailed Utilization", 1, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 20, true, 9, ref writer);

            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Date:", 2, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
                , string.Format("{0} - {1}", dtCondition.FromDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), dtCondition.ToDate.AddDays(-1).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"))
                , 2, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Location:", 3, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.LocationPath.ToString(), 3, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Group:", 4, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.GroupName.ToString(), 4, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Resource:", 5, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.ResourceName.ToString(), 5, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Method:", 6, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.Method.ToString(), 6, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Include weekends:", 7, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", SetWeekendTitle(dtCondition), 7, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Upper threshold (%):", 8, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.UpperThreshold.ToString(), 8, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = rowIndexHeader++
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Lower threshold (%):", 9, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", dtCondition.LowerThreshold.ToString(), 9, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            //  End of Conditon Report

            //  Create a Header Row in our Excel file, containing one header for each Column of data in our DataTable.
            int numberOfColumns = dtDetail.Columns.Count;

            bool[] IsNumericColumn = new bool[numberOfColumns];
            bool[] IsDateColumn    = new bool[numberOfColumns];

            string[] excelColumnNames = new string[numberOfColumns];
            for (int n = 0; n < numberOfColumns; n++)
                excelColumnNames[n] = GetExcelColumnName(n);

            //  Create the Header row in our Excel Worksheet
            writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                RowIndex = 11
            AppendTextCellFormat("A", "Resource", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 10, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("B", "Hours Used", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 10, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("C", "% Used", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 10, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("D", "Flag", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("E", "Group", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("F", "Hours Used", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            AppendTextCellFormat("G", "% Used", 11, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, true, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
            for (int colInx = 0; colInx < numberOfColumns; colInx++)
                DataColumn col = dtDetail.Columns[colInx];
                //AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + "1", col.ColumnName, ref writer);

                IsNumericColumn[colInx] = (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Decimal") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Int32") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Double") || (col.DataType.FullName == "System.Single");
                IsDateColumn[colInx]    = (col.DataType.FullName == "System.DateTime");
            //  End of header row

            //  Now, step through each row of data in our DataTable...
            uint   rowIndex         = 11;
            double cellNumericValue = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtDetail.Rows)
                // ...create a new row, and append a set of this row's data to it.

                writer.WriteStartElement(new Row {
                    RowIndex = rowIndex

                for (int colInx = 0; colInx < numberOfColumns; colInx++)
                    cellValue = dr.ItemArray[colInx].ToString();

                    // Create cell with data
                    if (IsNumericColumn[colInx])
                        cellNumericValue = 0;

                        if (double.TryParse(cellValue, out cellNumericValue))
                            if (cellNumericValue >= 0)
                                cellValue = ((float)cellNumericValue).ToString("0.00");
                                AppendNumericCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), cellValue, ref writer);
                                cellValue = string.Empty;
                                //AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), cellValue, ref writer);
                                AppendTextCellFormat(excelColumnNames[colInx], cellValue, (int)rowIndex, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, false, 9, ref writer);
                    else if (IsDateColumn[colInx])
                        DateTime dtValue  = DateTime.Parse(cellValue);
                        string   strValue = dtValue.ToShortDateString();
                        AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), strValue, ref writer);
                    else if (colInx == 0)
                        AppendTextCellFormat(excelColumnNames[colInx], cellValue, (int)rowIndex, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, false, 9, ref writer);
                        //AppendTextCell(excelColumnNames[colInx] + rowIndex.ToString(), cellValue, ref writer);
                        AppendTextCellFormat(excelColumnNames[colInx], cellValue, (int)rowIndex, stylesPart.Stylesheet, System.Drawing.Color.White, false, 11, true, 9, ref writer);
                writer.WriteEndElement(); //  End of Row
            writer.WriteEndElement();     //  End of SheetData
            writer.WriteEndElement();     //  End of worksheet
