public HomeModule() { // home view - show two text inputs, one for the main word and one for a word list separated by spaces Get["/"] = _ => { return View["index.cshtml"]; }; Post["/anagram"] = _ => { Anagram newWords = new Anagram(Request.Form["MainWord"]); string NewWordList = (Request.Form["WordList"]); List<string> TestWords = new List<string>(NewWordList.Split(' ')); Dictionary<string, bool> AnagramList = newWords.IsListAnagram(TestWords); newWords.StoreOutput(AnagramList); return View["view-anagram.cshtml", newWords]; }; // post check anagram - lists the words you input and shows weather or not they match the initial word // the main word }
public void IsListAnagram_ForList_ADictionary_true() { // TODO for chris, follow this closely! // instantiate anagram object named bread with main word "bread" Anagram bread = new Anagram("bread"); // instantiate a list of strings called testList to include the words "beard", "berad", "debra", "googl" List<string> testList = new List<string>(){"beard", "berad", "debra", "googl"}; // instantiate a dictionary of string, bool called anagramOutput and set it equal to anagrams output of IsListAnagram Dictionary <string, bool> anagramOutput = bread.IsListAnagram(testList); // instantiate a dictionary of string, bool called expectedOutput that contains the words in the list and a true or false if they are annagrams Dictionary <string, bool> expectedOutput = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); expectedOutput.Add("beard", true); expectedOutput.Add("berad", true); expectedOutput.Add("debra", true); expectedOutput.Add("googl", false); // assert that both the dictionaries are equal Assert.Equal(expectedOutput, anagramOutput); }