Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the panel that allows the user to set the active tactics group
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupTacticsGroupPanel()
            List <TacticsGroupButton> groupButtons = new List <TacticsGroupButton>();
            int rows    = 2;
            int columns = 2;

            int width  = 26;
            int height = 26;

            //Keep them even numbers, they are divided by 2 later
            int xMargin = 4;
            int yMargin = 4;

            int widthWithMargin  = width + xMargin;
            int heightWithMargin = height + yMargin;

            Vector2 baseOffset = Vector2.One * 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < MinionTacticsPlayer.TACTICS_GROUPS_COUNT; i++)
                TacticsGroupButton button = new TacticsGroupButton(i);
                // todo space these out radially

                int row    = i / columns;
                int column = i % columns;

                //Top left of the position it should insert in
                int yPos = (int)baseOffset.Y + yMargin / 2 + heightWithMargin * row;
                // offset the X position of the icon in the second row
                int xPos = (int)baseOffset.X + xMargin / 2 + widthWithMargin * column + (row * widthWithMargin / 2);

                //Calculation so its centered around the center of both calculated pos and button (dynamic!)
                float yOffsetForSize = (heightWithMargin - button.Height.Pixels) / 2;
                float xOffsetForSize = (widthWithMargin - button.Width.Pixels) / 2;

                button.Top.Pixels  = yPos + yOffsetForSize;
                button.Left.Pixels = xPos + xOffsetForSize;


            tacticsGroupPanel = new TacticsGroupPanel(groupButtons);
            //Make it so the panel aligns with the top left corner of the main element
            tacticsGroupPanel.Top.Precent  = 0f;
            tacticsGroupPanel.Left.Precent = 0f;

            //Adjust the panels dimensions after populating it
            tacticsGroupPanel.Width.Pixels  = xMargin + widthWithMargin * columns + 2 * baseOffset.X;
            tacticsGroupPanel.Height.Pixels = yMargin + heightWithMargin * rows + 2 * baseOffset.Y;
        private void SetupDropdown()
            List<TacticsGroupButton> groupButtons = new List<TacticsGroupButton>();
            int rows = 1;
            int columns = MinionTacticsPlayer.TACTICS_GROUPS_COUNT - 1;;

            int width = 40;
            int height = 40;

            //Keep them even numbers, they are divided by 2 later
            int xMargin = 0;
            int yMargin = 0;

            int widthWithMargin = width + xMargin;
            int heightWithMargin = height + yMargin;

            for(int i = 0; i< MinionTacticsPlayer.TACTICS_GROUPS_COUNT - 1; i++)
                TacticsGroupButton button = new TacticsGroupButton(i, quiet: true, radialHover: true);

                //Top left of the position it should insert in
                int yPos = yMargin / 2;
                int xPos = xMargin / 2 + widthWithMargin * i;

                //Calculation so its centered around the center of both calculated pos and button (dynamic!)
                float yOffsetForSize = (heightWithMargin - button.Height.Pixels) / 2;
                float xOffsetForSize = (widthWithMargin - button.Width.Pixels) / 2;

                button.Top.Pixels = yPos + yOffsetForSize;
                button.Left.Pixels = xPos + xOffsetForSize;


            dropDown = new TacticsGroupBuffDropdown(groupButtons);
            // Initially start in the top corner, below the first buff row
            dropDown.Top.Pixels = 50;
            dropDown.Left.Precent = 0f;

            //Adjust the panels dimensions after populating it
            dropDown.Width.Pixels = xMargin + widthWithMargin * columns;
            dropDown.Height.Pixels = yMargin + heightWithMargin * rows;
            dropDown.PaddingLeft = xMargin;
            dropDown.PaddingRight = xMargin;