        // Does the actual sampling.
        override public void ManageSampling(int particleIndex)
            Vector3  testedPosition = Vector3.zero;
            Collider theCollider;

            // If this is the first frame of a new particle then we skip sampling and wait for the next round
            // when the position stack will have been evaluated and updated from its default (0,0,0) value.
            if (particleIndex >= 0 && ownerBlueprint.ownerEmitter.particleTimes[particleIndex] < 0.1)
                return;                                                                                                         // HACK: There are misses when it's less than 0.1 for some reason.
            if ((particleIndex < 0 && ShouldSample()) || (particleIndex >= 0 && ShouldSample(particleIndex)))
                if (particleIndex < 0)
                    testedPosition = AmpsHelpers.GetSystemProperty(ownerBlueprint, particleIndex, AmpsHelpers.eCurveInputs.EmitterPosition);
                    testedPosition = AmpsHelpers.GetSystemProperty(ownerBlueprint, particleIndex, AmpsHelpers.eCurveInputs.Position);

                theCollider = sampledObject.GetValue().GetComponent <Collider>();
                if (theCollider != null)
                    Vector3    theRayVector    = theCollider.transform.position - testedPosition;
                    Ray        theRay          = new Ray(testedPosition, Vector3.Normalize(theRayVector));
                    RaycastHit theRaycastHit   = new RaycastHit();
                    bool       gotIntersection = theCollider.Raycast(theRay, out theRaycastHit, theRayVector.magnitude);
                    //Debug.DrawLine(theCollider.transform.position, testedPosition);

                    if (gotIntersection)
                        isInsideFlags[particleIndex] = false;
                        isInsideFlags[particleIndex] = true;
        // MANAGE SAMPLING //
        // Does the actual sampling.
        override public void ManageSampling(int particleIndex)
            Vector3 v = Vector3.zero;
            bool    shouldIndeedSample = (particleIndex < 0 && ShouldSample()) || (particleIndex >= 0 && ShouldSample(particleIndex));

            // Leave if it's not time yet to sample.
            if (shouldIndeedSample == false)

            // INVALID SAMPLE: Referenced GameObject is not available.
            GameObject theGameObject = sampledObject.GetValue();

            if (theGameObject == null)
                isValidSample[particleIndex] = false;

            switch (sampledTransformElement.GetValue())
            case (int)eTransformElements.Position:
                v = theGameObject.transform.position;

            case (int)eTransformElements.Rotation:
                v = theGameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

            case (int)eTransformElements.Scale:
                v = theGameObject.transform.localScale;
            vectors[particleIndex] = new Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, 0);

            isValidSample[particleIndex] = true;