private void setS3Permission(String bucketName, String key)
            // Get the ACL for the file and retrieve the owner ID (not sure how to get it otherwise).
            GetACLRequest getAclRequest = new GetACLRequest().WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key);
            GetACLResponse aclResponse = s3.GetACL(getAclRequest);
            Owner owner = aclResponse.AccessControlList.Owner;

            // Create a grantee as the MessageGears account
            S3Grantee grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(properties.MessageGearsAWSCanonicalId, "MessageGears");

            // Grant MessageGears Read-only access
            S3Permission messageGearsPermission = S3Permission.READ;
            S3AccessControlList acl = new S3AccessControlList().WithOwner(owner);
            acl.AddGrant(grantee, messageGearsPermission);

            // Create a new ACL granting the owner full control.
            grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(owner.Id, "MyAWSId");
            acl.AddGrant(grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);
            SetACLRequest aclRequest = new SetACLRequest().WithACL(acl).WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key);
        public void BucketC_SetACLForBucketTest_ForException_WithoutACLOwner()
            S3AccessControlList list = new S3AccessControlList();
            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee()
                CanonicalUser = new Amazon.S3.Model.Tuple<string, string> { First = CanonicalUserID, Second = "Me" }
            }, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);

            SetACLRequest request = new SetACLRequest { BucketName = _bucketNameForBucketAPIs, ACL = list };

        public void Test_I_SetObjectACL_With_Invalid_GranteeCanonicalUserID_And_Check_For_Error_Message()
            bool hasCallbackArrived = false;
            string actualValue = string.Empty;
            string expectedValue = "InvalidArgument";
            string invalidGranteeCanonicalUserID = "09876567890"; //For more info on CanonicalUserIDs refer CanonicalUserID variable.

            S3ResponseEventHandler<object, ResponseEventArgs> handler = null;

            handler = delegate(object sender, ResponseEventArgs args)
                IS3Response result = args.Response;
                //Unhook from event.
                _client.OnS3Response -= handler;
                AmazonS3Exception exceptionResponse = result as AmazonS3Exception;

                if (null != exceptionResponse)
                    actualValue = exceptionResponse.ErrorCode;

                hasCallbackArrived = true;

            //Hook to event
            _client.OnS3Response += handler;

            //Create request object.
            S3AccessControlList list = new S3AccessControlList();
            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee
                CanonicalUser = new Amazon.S3.Model.Tuple<string, string> { First = invalidGranteeCanonicalUserID, Second = "Me" }
            }, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);

            list.Owner = new Owner { DisplayName = "Me", Id = CanonicalUserID };
            SetACLRequest request = new SetACLRequest { BucketName = _bucketName, Key = _key, ACL = list };


            EnqueueConditional(() => hasCallbackArrived);
            EnqueueCallback(() => Assert.IsTrue(expectedValue == actualValue));
        public void BucketC_SetACLForBucketTest()
            bool expectedValue = true;
            bool actualValue = false;
            bool hasCallbackArrived = false;

            S3ResponseEventHandler<object, ResponseEventArgs> handler = null;
            handler = delegate(object sender, ResponseEventArgs args)
                IS3Response result = args.Response;
                //Unhook from event.
                _client.OnS3Response -= handler;
                SetACLResponse response = result as SetACLResponse;
                if (null != response)
                    actualValue = response.IsRequestSuccessful;
                hasCallbackArrived = true;

            _client.OnS3Response += handler;

            S3AccessControlList list = new S3AccessControlList();
            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee()
                CanonicalUser = new Amazon.S3.Model.Tuple<string, string> { First = CanonicalUserID, Second = "Me" }
            }, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);

            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee()
                URI = ""
            }, S3Permission.WRITE);

            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee()
                URI = "",
            }, S3Permission.READ_ACP);

            list.Owner = new Owner { DisplayName = "Me", Id = CanonicalUserID };

            SetACLRequest request = new SetACLRequest { BucketName = _bucketNameForBucketAPIs, ACL = list };


            EnqueueConditional(() => hasCallbackArrived);
            EnqueueCallback(() => Assert.IsTrue(expectedValue == actualValue,
                string.Format("Expected Value = {0}, Actual Value = {1}", expectedValue, actualValue)));
        public void Test_G_SetObjectACL_And_Check_For_Boolean_Result()
            bool hasCallbackArrived = false;
            bool actualValue = false;
            bool expectedValue = true;

            S3ResponseEventHandler<object, ResponseEventArgs> handler = null;

            handler = delegate(object sender, ResponseEventArgs args)
                IS3Response result = args.Response;
                //Unhook from event.
                _client.OnS3Response -= handler;
                SetACLResponse response = result as SetACLResponse;

                if (null != response)
                    actualValue = response.IsRequestSuccessful;

                hasCallbackArrived = true;

            //Hook to event
            _client.OnS3Response += handler;

            //Create request object.
            S3AccessControlList list = new S3AccessControlList();
            list.AddGrant(new S3Grantee
                CanonicalUser = new Amazon.S3.Model.Tuple<string, string> { First = CanonicalUserID, Second = "Me" }
            }, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);

            list.Owner = new Owner { DisplayName = "Me", Id = CanonicalUserID };
            SetACLRequest request = new SetACLRequest { BucketName = _bucketName, Key = _key, ACL = list };


            EnqueueConditional(() => hasCallbackArrived);
            EnqueueCallback(() => Assert.IsTrue(expectedValue == actualValue));