Custom WebProxy implementation that creates a webproxy based on user inputs(Host name and port number)
Inheritance: IWebProxy
        public void WebProxyPrecedenceSetting()
            var config = new AmazonS3Config
                ProxyHost        = "",
                ProxyPort        = 0,
                ProxyCredentials = new NetworkCredential("1", "1"),
                RegionEndpoint   = RegionEndpoint.USEast1,
                UseHttp          = true
            var customProxy = new WebProxy("http://localhost:8888/");

            Assert.Equal(customProxy, config.GetWebProxy());
        public void HostPortPrecedenceSetting()
            var customProxy = new WebProxy("http://localhost:8889/");
            var config      = new AmazonS3Config();

            config.ProxyHost        = "";
            config.ProxyPort        = 8888;
            config.ProxyCredentials = new NetworkCredential("1", "1");
            config.RegionEndpoint   = RegionEndpoint.USEast1;

            var setProxy = new WebProxy(config.ProxyHost, config.ProxyPort);

            var c = config.GetWebProxy();

            Assert.Equal(setProxy, config.GetWebProxy());