UploadServerCertificate() public méthode

Uploads a server certificate entity for the AWS account. The server certificate entity includes a public key certificate, a private key, and an optional certificate chain, which should all be PEM-encoded.

For more information about working with server certificates, including a list of AWS services that can use the server certificates that you manage with IAM, go to Working with Server Certificates in the IAM User Guide.

For information about the number of server certificates you can upload, see Limitations on IAM Entities and Objects in the IAM User Guide.

Because the body of the public key certificate, private key, and the certificate chain can be large, you should use POST rather than GET when calling UploadServerCertificate. For information about setting up signatures and authorization through the API, go to Signing AWS API Requests in the AWS General Reference. For general information about using the Query API with IAM, go to Calling the API by Making HTTP Query Requests in the IAM User Guide.

/// The request was rejected because it attempted to create a resource that already exists. /// /// The request was rejected because the public key certificate and the private key do /// not match. /// /// The request was rejected because it attempted to create resources beyond the current /// AWS account limits. The error message describes the limit exceeded. /// /// The request was rejected because the certificate was malformed or expired. The error /// message describes the specific error. /// /// The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception or failure. ///
public UploadServerCertificate ( UploadServerCertificateRequest request ) : UploadServerCertificateResponse
request UploadServerCertificateRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UploadServerCertificate service method.
Résultat UploadServerCertificateResponse
        public void Install(PrivateKey pk, Crt crt, IEnumerable<PKI.Crt> chain,
                IPkiTool cp)

            string pkPem;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                cp.ExportPrivateKey(pk, EncodingFormat.PEM, ms);
                pkPem = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());

            string crtPem;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                cp.ExportCertificate(crt, EncodingFormat.PEM, ms);
                crtPem = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());

            string chainPem = null;
            if (chain != null)
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    foreach (var c in chain)
                        cp.ExportCertificate(c, EncodingFormat.PEM, ms);
                    chainPem = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());

            using (var client = new AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient(
                var iamRequ = new UploadServerCertificateRequest
                    PrivateKey = pkPem,
                    CertificateBody = crtPem,
                    CertificateChain = chainPem,

                    ServerCertificateName = this.ServerCertificateName,
                    Path = this.Path

                var iamResp = client.UploadServerCertificate(iamRequ);
                // TODO:  any checks we should do?