Exemple #1
        public override Attack GetAttack(Entity defender)
            // default to barehanded
            Roller          damage     = Roller.Dice(1, 3);
            Element         element    = Element.Anima;
            string          verb       = Verbs.Hit;
            EffectType      effectType = EffectType.Hit;
            IFlagCollection flags      = new FlagCollection();

            // find the equipped melee weapon
            Item weapon = Equipment.MeleeWeapon;

            if (weapon != null)
                damage  = weapon.Attack.Damage;
                element = weapon.Attack.Element;
                verb    = weapon.Attack.Verb;
                flags   = weapon.Flags;

                //### bob: temp. need to get from weapon data
                effectType = EffectType.Stab;

            var attack = new Attack(damage, MeleeStrikeBonus, MeleeDamageBonus, element, verb, effectType, flags);

            // give the class a chance to modify it
            mClass.BeforeAttack(defender, attack);

Exemple #2
        public PowerType(Content content, string name, bool isPrefix, IEnumerable <string> categories, object appearance)
            : base(content)
            mName    = name;
            IsPrefix = isPrefix;

            Appearance = appearance;

            // default to no bonus
            StrikeBonus = Roller.Fixed(0);
            DamageBonus = Roller.Fixed(10);
            ArmorBonus  = Roller.Fixed(0);
            StatBonus   = Roller.Fixed(0);
            SpeedBonus  = Roller.Fixed(0);

            Element = null;

            Flags = new FlagCollection();