Exemple #1
        public static OutlineItem Create()
            PDFDict dict1 = Library.CreateDict();

            dict1["Type"]  = PDF.N("Outlines");
            dict1["Count"] = PDF.O(0);
            return(Resources.Get(dict1, typeof(OutlineItem)) as OutlineItem);
Exemple #2
 public void Clear()
     if (base.Direct == null)
         throw new PDFException("Attempt to remove from non-existing outline collection");
     this.Dict["Count"] = PDF.O(0);
        public PDFDict CreateEncryptionDict(Document doc)
            PDFDict dict1 = Library.CreateDict();

            this.mDocId     = doc.Id1;
            dict1["V"]      = PDF.O(2);
            dict1["O"]      = PDF.S(this.OEntry);
            dict1["U"]      = PDF.S(this.UEntry);
            dict1["R"]      = PDF.O(this.Rev);
            dict1["P"]      = PDF.O(this.UserPermissions);
            dict1["Length"] = PDF.O(this.KeyLength);
            dict1["Filter"] = PDF.N("Standard");
Exemple #4
        public static ColorSpaceIndexed Create(bool indirect, ColorSpace baseCS)
            PDFArray array1 = Library.CreateArray(4);

            array1[0] = PDF.N("Indexed");
            array1[1] = baseCS.Direct;
            array1[2] = PDF.O(0);
            array1[3] = PDF.O("");
            ColorSpaceIndexed indexed1 = (Resources.Get(array1, typeof(ColorSpaceIndexed)) as ColorSpaceIndexed);

            if (indirect)
        public static ColorSpaceCalRGB Create(bool indirect, double[] whitePoint)
            PDFArray array1 = Library.CreateArray(2);

            array1[0] = PDF.N("CalRGB");
            PDFDict dict1 = Library.CreateDict();

            array1[1]           = dict1;
            dict1["WhitePoint"] = PDF.O(whitePoint);
            ColorSpaceCalRGB lrgb1 = (Resources.Get(array1, typeof(ColorSpaceCalRGB)) as ColorSpaceCalRGB);

            if (indirect)
Exemple #6
 public PDFObject this[string index]
         return this[index, 0];
         PDFArray array1;
         PDFDict dict3;
         PDFArray array2;
         if (this.mParentDict == null)
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to modify non-existing nametree");
         PDFDict dict1 = (this.mParentDict[this.mParentKey] as PDFDict);
         if (dict1 == null)
             dict1 = Library.CreateDict();
             this.mParentDict[this.mParentKey] = Library.CreateIndirect(dict1);
             array1 = Library.CreateArray(2);
             dict1["Names"] = array1;
             array1[0] = PDF.O(index);
             array1[1] = value;
         PDFDict dict2 = this.SetItem(dict1, index, value);
         if (dict2 != null)
             dict3 = Library.CreateDict();
             array2 = Library.CreateArray(2);
             array2[0] = dict1;
             array2[1] = dict2;
             dict3["Kids"] = array2;
             this.mParentDict[this.mParentKey] = dict3;
Exemple #7
        public static EncryptionPKCS Create(X509Certificate[] certs, UserAccessPermissions[] perms, int keyLength)
            int            num1;
            Random         random1 = new Random();
            EncryptionPKCS npkcs1  = new EncryptionPKCS();

            npkcs1.mSeed = new byte[20];
            npkcs1.mDict      = Library.CreateDict();
            npkcs1.mDict["V"] = PDF.O(2);
            npkcs1.mDict["R"] = PDF.O(1);
            PDFArray array1 = Library.CreateArray();

            npkcs1.mDict["Recipients"] = array1;
            for (num1 = 0; (num1 < certs.Length); num1 += 1)
                array1.Add(npkcs1.CreateRecipientString(certs[num1], perms[num1], keyLength));
            npkcs1.mDict["Length"] = PDF.O(keyLength);
            npkcs1.mDict["Filter"] = PDF.N("Adobe.PubSec");
Exemple #8
 private PDFDict SetItem(PDFDict curr, string index, PDFObject value)
     bool flag1;
     int num1;
     PDFString text1;
     PDFArray array3;
     int num2;
     PDFArray array4;
     PDFDict dict1;
     PDFArray array5;
     PDFArray array6;
     int num3;
     PDFDict dict2;
     PDFArray array7;
     PDFString text2;
     PDFString text3;
     PDFDict dict3;
     PDFArray array8;
     PDFObject obj1;
     PDFArray array1 = (curr["Names"] as PDFArray);
     PDFArray array2 = (curr["Kids"] as PDFArray);
     if (array1 != null)
         if ((array1.Count % 2) != 0)
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to manipulate invalid name tree");
         flag1 = true;
         for (num1 = 0; (num1 < (array1.Count / 2)); num1 += 1)
             text1 = (array1[(2 * num1)] as PDFString);
             if (text1 == null)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to manipulate invalid name tree");
             if (text1.Value == index)
                 array1[((2 * num1) + 1)] = value;
                 return null;
             if (string.Compare(text1.Value, index, false) > 0)
                 array1.Insert((2 * num1), value);
                 array1.Insert((2 * num1), PDF.O(index));
                 flag1 = false;
         if (flag1)
             array3 = (curr["Limits"] as PDFArray);
             if (array3 != null)
                 ((PDFString) array3[1]).Value = index;
         if ((array1.Count / 2) > this.mMaxKids)
             num2 = (array1.Count / 2);
             array4 = Library.CreateArray(0);
             dict1 = Library.CreateDict();
             while ((array1.Count > num2))
                 array4.Insert(0, array1.RemoveAt((array1.Count - 1)));
                 array4.Insert(0, array1.RemoveAt((array1.Count - 1)));
             array5 = Library.CreateArray(1);
             array5[0] = array1[0];
             array5[1] = array1[(array1.Count - 2)];
             curr["Limits"] = array5;
             dict1["Names"] = array4;
             array6 = Library.CreateArray(0);
             array6[0] = array4[0];
             array6[1] = array4[(array4.Count - 2)];
             dict1["Limits"] = array6;
             return dict1;
         return null;
     if (array2 != null)
         for (num3 = 0; (num3 < array2.Count); num3 += 1)
             dict2 = (array2[num3] as PDFDict);
             if (dict2 == null)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to manipulate invalid name tree");
             array7 = (dict2["Limits"] as PDFArray);
             if (array7.Count != 2)
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to manipulate invalid name tree");
             text2 = (array7[0] as PDFString);
             text3 = (array7[1] as PDFString);
             if ((text2 == null) || (text3 == null))
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to manipulate invalid name tree");
             if (((string.Compare(index, text2.Value) < 0) || (string.Compare(index, text3.Value) < 0)) || ((num3 + 1) == array2.Count))
                 dict3 = this.SetItem(dict2, index, value);
                 if (string.Compare(index, text2.Value) < 0)
                     array7[0] = PDF.O(index);
                 if (dict3 != null)
                     return this.SplitNode(curr, num3, dict3);
                 return null;
         array1 = Library.CreateArray(2);
         curr["Names"] = array1;
         array8 = Library.CreateArray(2);
         obj1 = PDF.O(index);
         array1[0] = obj1;
         obj1 = obj1;
         array8[1] = obj1;
         array8[0] = obj1;
         array1[1] = value;
     return null;
Exemple #9
        public Page Insert(int nr, PDFObject page)
            PDFDict     dict1;
            PDFArray    array1;
            int         num1;
            PDFDict     dict2;
            PDFDict     dict3;
            PDFDict     dict4;
            PDFIndirect indirect1;
            PDFArray    array2;
            int         num2;
            int         num3;
            PDFDict     dict5;
            int         num4;
            PDFDict     dict6;
            PDFArray    array3;
            PDFDict     dict7;
            PDFArray    array4;
            int         num5;
            Page        page1;
            Page        page2;
            PDFDict     dict8;
            PDFObject   obj1;

                if (nr > this.Count)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("nr", nr, "New page number should be less or equal to page count");
                if (this.mPagesDict == null)
                    dict8                   = Library.CreateDict();
                    this.mPagesDict         = dict8;
                    this.mDoc.Root["Pages"] = Library.CreateIndirect(dict8);
                dict1  = null;
                array1 = null;
                num1   = 0;
                if (this.Count == 0)
                    dict1  = this.mPagesDict;
                    array1 = ((PDFArray)dict1["Kids"]);
                    if (array1 == null)
                        obj1          = Library.CreateArray(0);
                        dict1["Kids"] = obj1;
                        array1        = ((PDFArray)obj1);
                    dict1["Count"] = PDF.O(0);
                    dict2  = this[((nr > 0) ? (nr - 1) : 0)].Dict;
                    dict1  = ((PDFDict)dict2["Parent"]);
                    array1 = ((PDFArray)dict1["Kids"]);
                    if (nr > 0)
                        num1 = 0;
                        while ((num1 < array1.Count))
                            if (array1[num1].Indirect.Id == dict2.Indirect.Id)
                            num1 += 1;
                        if (num1 == array1.Count)
                            throw new PDFException(string.Format("Invalid page tree - invalid parent pointer in page {0}", nr));
                        num1 += 1;
                        num1 = 0;
                array1.Insert(num1, page);
                ((PDFDict)page.Direct)["Parent"] = dict1.Indirect;
                for (dict3 = dict1; (dict3 != null); dict3 = ((PDFDict)dict3["Parent"]))
                    PDFInteger integer1 = ((PDFInteger)dict3["Count"]);
                    ((PDFInteger)dict3["Count"]).Value = (integer1.Value + ((long)1));
                while ((array1.Count > PagesCollection.MaxKids))
                    dict4         = Library.CreateDict();
                    indirect1     = this.mDoc.Indirects.New(dict4);
                    dict4["Type"] = Library.CreateName("Pages");
                    obj1          = Library.CreateArray(0);
                    dict4["Kids"] = obj1;
                    array2        = ((PDFArray)obj1);
                    num2          = ((PDFNumeric)dict1["Count"]).Int32Value;
                    num3          = 0;
                    while ((array1.Count > (PagesCollection.MaxKids / 2)))
                        dict5 = ((PDFDict)array1[(PagesCollection.MaxKids / 2)]);
                        array1.RemoveAt((PagesCollection.MaxKids / 2));
                        dict5["Parent"] = dict4.Indirect;
                        num4            = 0;
                        if (((PDFName)dict5["Type"]).Value.Equals("Pages"))
                            num4 = ((PDFNumeric)dict5["Count"]).Int32Value;
                            num4 = 1;
                        num2 -= num4;
                        num3 += num4;
                    ((PDFInteger)dict1["Count"]).Value = ((long)num2);
                    dict4["Count"] = Library.CreateInteger(((long)num3));
                    if (dict1["Parent"] == null)
                        dict6 = Library.CreateDict();
                        dict6["Type"]  = Library.CreateName("Pages");
                        dict6["Count"] = Library.CreateInteger(((long)(num3 + num2)));
                        obj1           = Library.CreateArray(0);
                        dict6["Kids"]  = obj1;
                        array3         = ((PDFArray)obj1);
                        dict1["Parent"]         = dict6.Indirect;
                        dict4["Parent"]         = dict6.Indirect;
                        this.mDoc.Root["Pages"] = dict6.Indirect;
                        dict1 = dict6;
                        dict4["Parent"] = dict1["Parent"].Indirect;
                        dict7           = ((PDFDict)dict1["Parent"]);
                        array4          = ((PDFArray)dict7["Kids"]);
                        num5            = 0;
                        while ((num5 < array4.Count))
                            if (array4[num5].Indirect.Id == dict1.Indirect.Id)
                            num5 += 1;
                        if (num5 == array4.Count)
                            throw new PDFException("Invalid page tree - invalid parent pointer");
                        array4.Insert((num5 + 1), indirect1);
                        dict1 = dict7;
                    array1 = ((PDFArray)dict1["Kids"]);
                page1 = (Resources.Get(page, typeof(Page)) as Page);
                this.mPagesColl.Insert(nr, page);
            catch (InvalidCastException)
                throw new PDFSyntaxException("Invalid PDF page tree");
Exemple #10
        public static XObjectImage Create(Document doc, Bitmap img, params string[] encoding)
            int       num3;
            int       num4;
            int       num5;
            Color     color1;
            int       num6;
            PDFArray  array1;
            int       num7;
            int       num8;
            PDFStream stream1 = Library.CreateStream();
            PDFDict   dict1   = stream1.Dict;

            dict1["Width"]   = PDF.O(img.Width);
            dict1["Height"]  = PDF.O(img.Height);
            dict1["Subtype"] = PDF.N("Image");
            dict1["Type"]    = PDF.N("XObject");
            byte[]           numArray1 = null;
            BitArrayAccessor accessor1 = null;
            int num1 = 0;
            int num2 = 0;

            if (doc == null)
                doc = Library.Resources.Doc;
            XObjectImage image1 = ((XObjectImage)doc.Resources[doc.Indirects.New(stream1), typeof(XObjectImage)]);

            image1.ColorSpace = ColorSpaceDeviceRGB.Create();
            numArray1         = new byte[((3 * img.Width) * img.Height)];
            num1 = 8;
            num2 = (3 * img.Width);
            dict1["BitsPerComponent"] = PDF.O(8);
            for (num3 = 0; (num3 < img.Height); num3 += 1)
                num4      = 0;
                accessor1 = new BitArrayAccessor(numArray1, ((num3 * num2) * 8), num1, false);
                for (num5 = 0; (num5 < img.Width); num5 += 1)
                    color1 = img.GetPixel(num5, num3);
                    num6   = 0;
                    while ((num6 < 3))
                        num8 = num6;
                        switch (num8)
                        case 0:
                            int num9 = num4;
                            num4            = (num9 + 1);
                            accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.R));
                            goto Label_0180;

                        case 1:
                            int num10 = num4;
                            num4            = (num10 + 1);
                            accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.G));
                            goto Label_0180;

                        case 2:
                            goto Label_016B;
                        goto Label_0180;
                        int num11       = num4;
                        num4            = (num11 + 1);
                        accessor1[num4] = ((long)((ulong)color1.B));
                        num6 += 1;
            MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(numArray1);

            if (encoding.Length > 0)
                array1 = Library.CreateArray(encoding.Length);
                stream1.Dict["Filter"] = array1;
                for (num7 = 0; (num7 < encoding.Length); num7 += 1)
                    array1[num7] = PDF.N(encoding[num7]);