Exemple #1
		static Matrix3x3()
			_identityMatrix = new Matrix3x3(
					1, 0, 0,
					0, 1, 0,
					0, 0, 1);
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Prepends a transformation matrix <paramref name="a"/> to this matrix.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="a">The matrix to prepend.</param>
		public void PrependTransform(Matrix3x3 a)
			double h1, h2, h3;

			h1 = M11 * a.M11 + M21 * a.M12 + M31 * a.M13;
			h2 = M11 * a.M21 + M21 * a.M22 + M31 * a.M23;
			h3 = M11 * a.M31 + M21 * a.M32 + M31 * a.M33;
			M11 = h1; M21 = h2; M31 = h3;

			h1 = M12 * a.M11 + M22 * a.M12 + M32 * a.M13;
			h2 = M12 * a.M21 + M22 * a.M22 + M32 * a.M23;
			h3 = M12 * a.M31 + M22 * a.M32 + M32 * a.M33;
			M12 = h1; M22 = h2; M32 = h3;

			h1 = M13 * a.M11 + M23 * a.M12 + M33 * a.M13;
			h2 = M13 * a.M21 + M23 * a.M22 + M33 * a.M23;
			h3 = M13 * a.M31 + M23 * a.M32 + M33 * a.M33;
			M13 = h1; M23 = h2; M33 = h3;

			Determinant *= a.Determinant;
Exemple #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Appends a transformation matrix <paramref name="f"/> to this matrix, and returns a new matrix with the result. The original matrix is unchanged.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="f">The matrix to append.</param>
		/// <returns>A new matrix based on the existing one, but with matrix <paramref name="f"/> appended.</returns>
		public Matrix4x3 WithAppendedTransformation(Matrix3x3 f)
			return new Matrix4x3(
			 M11 * f.M11 + M12 * f.M21 + M13 * f.M31,
			 M11 * f.M12 + M12 * f.M22 + M13 * f.M32,
			 M11 * f.M13 + M12 * f.M23 + M13 * f.M33,

			M21 * f.M11 + M22 * f.M21 + M23 * f.M31,
			M21 * f.M12 + M22 * f.M22 + M23 * f.M32,
			M21 * f.M13 + M22 * f.M23 + M23 * f.M33,

			M31 * f.M11 + M32 * f.M21 + M33 * f.M31,
			M31 * f.M12 + M32 * f.M22 + M33 * f.M32,
			M31 * f.M13 + M32 * f.M23 + M33 * f.M33,

			M41 * f.M11 + M42 * f.M21 + M43 * f.M31,
			M41 * f.M12 + M42 * f.M22 + M43 * f.M32,
			M41 * f.M13 + M42 * f.M23 + M43 * f.M33,

			Determinant * f.Determinant
Exemple #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a transformation matrix by specifying rotation (translation is 0, shear is 0 and scale is 1).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="angleX">The rotation around x axis in degrees.</param>
		/// <param name="angleY">The rotation around y axis in degrees</param>
		/// <param name="angleZ">The rotation around z axis in degrees</param>
		/// <returns>The transformation matrix.</returns>
		public static Matrix3x3 FromRotation(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ)
			var result = new Matrix3x3();
			result.SetRotationShearScale(angleX, angleY, angleZ, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
			return result;
Exemple #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Appends a transformation matrix <paramref name="f"/> to this matrix.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="f">The matrix to append.</param>
		public void AppendTransform(Matrix3x3 f)
			double h1, h2, h3;

			h1 = M11 * f.M11 + M12 * f.M21 + M13 * f.M31;
			h2 = M11 * f.M12 + M12 * f.M22 + M13 * f.M32;
			h3 = M11 * f.M13 + M12 * f.M23 + M13 * f.M33;
			M11 = h1; M12 = h2; M13 = h3;

			h1 = M21 * f.M11 + M22 * f.M21 + M23 * f.M31;
			h2 = M21 * f.M12 + M22 * f.M22 + M23 * f.M32;
			h3 = M21 * f.M13 + M22 * f.M23 + M23 * f.M33;
			M21 = h1; M22 = h2; M23 = h3;

			h1 = M31 * f.M11 + M32 * f.M21 + M33 * f.M31;
			h2 = M31 * f.M12 + M32 * f.M22 + M33 * f.M32;
			h3 = M31 * f.M13 + M32 * f.M23 + M33 * f.M33;
			M31 = h1; M32 = h2; M33 = h3;

			Determinant *= f.Determinant;
Exemple #6
			public RectangleD3D GetBounds(Matrix3x3 additionalTransformation)
				return RectangleD3D.NewRectangleIncludingAllPoints(Points.Select(p => additionalTransformation.Transform(_transformation.Transform(p))));
Exemple #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a transformation matrix by specifying translation, rotation, shear and scale.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="angleX">The rotation around x axis in degrees.</param>
		/// <param name="angleY">The rotation around y axis in degrees</param>
		/// <param name="angleZ">The rotation around z axis in degrees</param>
		/// <param name="shearX">The shear value x.</param>
		/// <param name="shearY">The shear value y.</param>
		/// <param name="shearZ">The shear value z.</param>
		/// <param name="scaleX">The scale value x.</param>
		/// <param name="scaleY">The scale value y.</param>
		/// <param name="scaleZ">The scale value z.</param>
		/// <returns>The transformation matrix. A point transformed with this matrix is first translated, then rotated, then sheared, then scaled.</returns>
		public static Matrix3x3 FromTranslationRotationShearScale(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, double shearX, double shearY, double shearZ, double scaleX, double scaleY, double scaleZ)
			var result = new Matrix3x3();
			result.SetRotationShearScale(angleX, angleY, angleZ, shearX, shearY, shearZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
			return result;
		public override void RotateTransform(double degreeX, double degreeY, double degreeZ)
			if (0 != degreeZ)
			if (0 != degreeY)
			if (0 != degreeX)

			if (0 != degreeZ || 0 != degreeY || 0 != degreeX)
				_transposedInverseTransformation = _transformation.GetTransposedInverseMatrix3x3();
			internal GraphicState(Matrix4x3 transformation, Matrix3x3 transposedInverseTransformation)
				Transformation = transformation;
				TransposedInverseTransformation = transposedInverseTransformation;
Exemple #10
		public override void PrependTransform(Matrix4x3 m)
			_transposedInverseTransformation = _transformation.GetTransposedInverseMatrix3x3();
Exemple #11
		public override void RestoreGraphicsState(object graphicsState)
			var gs = graphicsState as GraphicState;
			if (null != gs)
				_transformation = gs.Transformation;
				_transposedInverseTransformation = gs.TransposedInverseTransformation;
				throw new ArgumentException(nameof(graphicsState) + " is not a valid graphic state!");
Exemple #12
		public RectangleD3D GetBounds(Matrix3x3 transformation)
			return RectangleD3D.NewRectangleIncludingAllPoints(AsPoints().Select(p => transformation.Transform(p)));
Exemple #13
		private RectangleD3D GetBounds(IObjectOutline outline, Matrix3x3 transformation)
			return RectangleD3D.NewRectangleIncludingAllPoints(AsPoints(outline).Select(p => transformation.Transform(p)));
Exemple #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the principal coordinate system that results of the camera facing a layer. The plane of the layer that best faced the camera is used for the calculations.
		/// The normal of that layer is returned as z-axis, the vector that best matches the up-vector of the camera is becoming the y-axis,
		/// and the x-axis results from the z-axis and the y-axis.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="camera">The camera.</param>
		/// <param name="activeLayer">The active layer of the graph document.</param>
		/// <param name="transformation">Matrix that contains the principal axes as described above. The axes coordinates are in the coordinates of the layer provided in the argument <paramref name="activeLayer"/>.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidProgramException">There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!</exception>
		public static void GetCoordinateSystemBasedOnLayerPlaneFacingTheCamera(CameraBase camera, HostLayer activeLayer, out Matrix3x3 transformation)
			PointD3D hitposition = new PointD3D(0.5, 0.5, 1); // this hit position is arbitrary, every other position should work similarly

			var activeLayerTransformation = activeLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();

			var hitData = new HitTestPointData(camera.GetHitRayMatrix(hitposition));

			hitData = hitData.NewFromAdditionalTransformation(activeLayerTransformation); // now hitdata are in layer cos

			var targetToEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.TargetToEyeVectorNormalized); // targetToEye in layer coordinates
			var upEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.UpVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized); // camera up vector in layer coordinates

			// get the face which has the best dot product between the eye vector of the camera and the plane's normal
			var layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, activeLayer.Size);
			double maxval = double.MinValue;
			PlaneD3D maxPlane = PlaneD3D.Empty;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, targetToEye);
				if (val > maxval)
					maxval = val;
					maxPlane = plane;

			//	bool isHit = hitData.IsPlaneHitByRay(maxPlane, out hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates); // hitPointOnPlane is in layer coordinates too

			//	if (!isHit)
			//	throw new InvalidProgramException("There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!");

			VectorD3D zaxis = maxPlane.Normal;
			VectorD3D yaxis = upEye;

			// Find y axis perpendicular to zaxis
			maxval = double.MinValue;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, upEye);
				if (val > maxval && 0 == VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, zaxis))
					maxval = val;
					yaxis = plane.Normal;
			var xaxis = VectorD3D.CrossProduct(yaxis, zaxis);

			// now we have all information about the spatial position and orientation of the text:
			// hitPointOnPlane is the position of the text
			// maxPlane.Normal is the face orientation of the text
			// maxUpVector is the up orientation of the text

			xaxis = xaxis.Normalized;
			yaxis = yaxis.Normalized;
			zaxis = zaxis.Normalized;

			transformation = new Matrix3x3(
				xaxis.X, yaxis.X, zaxis.X,
				xaxis.Y, yaxis.Y, zaxis.Y,
				xaxis.Z, yaxis.Z, zaxis.Z