// Deserializes IList
        private object DeserializeList(Type objectType, int cacheID, ObjectMetaData metaData)
            // implements IList
            int   count = ReadInt32();
            IList ilist = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType) as IList;

            if (cacheID > 0)
                Cache.SetCachedObjectId(ilist, cacheID);

            Type baseType = typeof(object);

            if (metaData.GenericParameters != null && metaData.GenericParameters.Length > 0)
                baseType = metaData.GenericParameters[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                object deserializedObject = DeserializeElement(baseType);
Exemple #2
        // Serializes IList
        private void SerializeList(object genericObject, Type objectType, ObjectMetaData metaData)
            IList ilist = genericObject as IList;

            if (ilist == null)
                throw new AltSerializeException("The object type " + objectType.FullName + " does not implement IList.");

            IEnumerator enumerator = ilist.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                SerializeElement(enumerator.Current, objectType);
Exemple #3
        // Serializes classes
        private void SerializeComplexType(object obj, Type objectType)
            // Write complex object...
            ObjectMetaData metaData = GetMetaData(objectType);

            if (metaData.DynamicSerializer != null)
                // use compiled serializer
                metaData.DynamicSerializer.Serialize(obj, this);

            if (metaData.IsIAltSerializable)
                // Call this object as an IAltSerializable and move on

            // Check if the object implements any generic types.
            if (metaData.ImplementsIList)
                SerializeList(obj, objectType, metaData);
            else if (metaData.ImplementsIDictionary)
                SerializeDictionary(obj, objectType);

                foreach (ReflectedMemberInfo info in metaData.Values)
                    object objValue = info.GetValue(obj);

                    if (SerializePropertyNames == true)
                        // Write the name of the property before serializing it

                    if (SerializeProperties == false && info.FieldType.IsSerializable == false)
                        // When serializing fields, skip the 'nonserializable' ones.

                    SerializeElement(objValue, info.FieldType);

            if (metaData.IsISerializable)
                // Object implements ISerializabe; use that interface for serialization.
                SerializationInfo info    = new SerializationInfo(objectType, new AltFormatter());
                StreamingContext  context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All);
                ((ISerializable)obj).GetObjectData(info, context);
                SerializationInfoEnumerator e     = info.GetEnumerator();
                Dictionary <string, object> sinfo = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                while (e.MoveNext())
                    sinfo[e.Name] = e.Value;
                Serialize(sinfo, typeof(Dictionary <string, object>));

            if (metaData.IsGenericList)
                // Optimizations for generic list.
                FieldInfo itemsField  = (FieldInfo)metaData.Extra;
                object    arrayObject = itemsField.GetValue(obj);
                int       count       = ((ICollection)obj).Count;
                SerializeArray(arrayObject, metaData.GenericParameters[0], count);

            if (SerializePropertyNames)
                // Write out the number of properties we're going to serialize

            foreach (ReflectedMemberInfo info in metaData.Values)
                object objValue = info.GetValue(obj);

                if (SerializePropertyNames == true)
                    // Write the name of the property before serializing it

                if (SerializeProperties == false && info.FieldType.IsSerializable == false)
                    // When serializing fields, skip the 'nonserializable' ones.

                SerializeElement(objValue, info.FieldType);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the meta data for an object type.  If the Type doesn't exist in
        /// the meta data hash, it is created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The object Type to get metadata for.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an ObjectMetaData class representing the <paramref name="type"/> parameter.</returns>
        internal ObjectMetaData GetMetaData(Type type)
            if (type == null)
                throw new AltSerializeException("The serializer could not get meta data for the type.");

            if (MetaDataHash.ContainsKey(type))

            if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompiledSerializerAttribute), true).Length != 0)
                // Compiled Serializer flag specified.
                ObjectMetaData cmetadata = new ObjectMetaData(this);
                cmetadata.ObjectType        = type;
                cmetadata.DynamicSerializer = (DynamicSerializer)DynamicSerializerFactory.GenerateSerializer(type);
                MetaDataHash[type]          = cmetadata;

            if (type.GetInterface(typeof(IAltSerializable).Name) != null)
                // This will only be called using interface methods
                ObjectMetaData imetaData = new ObjectMetaData(this);
                imetaData.ObjectType         = type;
                imetaData.IsIAltSerializable = true;
                MetaDataHash[type]           = imetaData;

            List <ReflectedMemberInfo> serializedProperties = new List <ReflectedMemberInfo>();

            // Get all public and non-public properties.
            PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (PropertyInfo info in props)
                if (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DoNotSerializeAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                    // Don't add it to the list if a nonserialized attribute is set
                if (info.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                if (info.CanRead == false || info.CanWrite == false)
                    // If its a read or write only property, don't bother with it
                //serializedFields.Add(new ReflectedMemberInfo(info));
                InsertSortedMetaData(serializedProperties, new ReflectedMemberInfo(info));

            // Get all public and non-public fields.
            List <ReflectedMemberInfo> serializedFields = new List <ReflectedMemberInfo>();
            List <FieldInfo>           fields           = new List <FieldInfo>();

            GetAllFieldsOfType(type, fields);
            foreach (FieldInfo info in fields)
                if (info.IsNotSerialized == true)
                InsertSortedMetaData(serializedFields, new ReflectedMemberInfo(info));

            ObjectMetaData metaData = new ObjectMetaData(this);

            metaData.ObjectType = type;
            metaData.Fields     = serializedFields.ToArray();
            metaData.Properties = serializedProperties.ToArray();

            if (type.IsGenericType)
                metaData.GenericTypeDefinition = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                metaData.GenericParameters     = type.GetGenericArguments();

            if (type.GetInterface(typeof(ISerializable).Name) != null)
                // Indicate that the ISerializable interface is available.
                metaData.IsISerializable = true;
                // Store constructor info for ISerializables.
                metaData.Extra = type.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public, null, new Type[] { typeof(SerializationInfo), typeof(StreamingContext) }, null);

            // Check for an IList implementation.
            Type iface = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList");

            if (iface != null)
                metaData.ImplementsIList = true;

            // Check for an IDictionary implementation.
            iface = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary");
            if (iface != null)
                metaData.ImplementsIDictionary = true;

            // Check for a generic List<> implementation.
            if (metaData.GenericTypeDefinition == typeof(List <>))
                metaData.IsGenericList   = true;
                metaData.ImplementsIList = false;
                metaData.Extra           = type.GetField("_items", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                metaData.SizeField       = type.GetField("_size", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                metaData.SerializeMethod = type.GetMethod("ToArray");

            // Store in hash and return the structure
            MetaDataHash[type] = metaData;
        // Deserializes classes.
        private object DeserializeComplexType(Type objectType, int cacheID)
            // Complex object
            ObjectMetaData metaData = GetMetaData(objectType);

            if (metaData.DynamicSerializer != null)
                // use compiled deserializer
                object newObject = metaData.DynamicSerializer.Deserialize(this, cacheID);

            if (metaData.IsIAltSerializable)
                // Read complex object...
                object ialtobj = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);
                if (cacheID > 0)
                    Cache.SetCachedObjectId(ialtobj, cacheID);
                // Call this object as an IAltSerializable and move on

            if (metaData.ImplementsIList)
                // Implements IList, use special definition for this method
                return(DeserializeList(objectType, cacheID, metaData));
            else if (metaData.ImplementsIDictionary)
                // Implements IDictionary; use special definition for this method ..
                object dict = DeserializeDictionary(objectType, cacheID);

                // Reflect on each field, deserializing the data
                foreach (ReflectedMemberInfo info in metaData.Values)
                    if (SerializeProperties == false && info.FieldType.IsSerializable == false)
                        // When deserializing fields, skip the 'nonserializable' ones.

                    object deserializedObject = DeserializeElement(info.FieldType);
                    info.SetValue(dict, deserializedObject);

            if (metaData.IsISerializable)
                // Implements ISerializabe; use that interface for serialization/deserialization
                Dictionary <string, object> sinfo;

                SerializationInfo info    = new SerializationInfo(objectType, new AltFormatter());
                StreamingContext  context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All);
                sinfo = (Dictionary <string, object>)Deserialize(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in sinfo)
                    info.AddValue(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                ConstructorInfo construct = (ConstructorInfo)metaData.Extra;
                return(construct.Invoke(new object[] { info, context }));

            if (metaData.IsGenericList)
                FieldInfo itemsField  = (FieldInfo)metaData.Extra;
                Type      arrayType   = itemsField.FieldType;
                object    arrayObject = DeserializeArray(arrayType, 0);
                //object newList = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType, new object[] { ((Array)arrayObject).Length });
                object newList = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType, new object[] { arrayObject });
                if (cacheID > 0)
                    Cache.SetCachedObjectId(newList, cacheID);

            object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType);

            // This object might be referenced by other objects
            // that it loads, so we need to cache it first!
            if (cacheID > 0)
                Cache.SetCachedObjectId(obj, cacheID);

            if (SerializePropertyNames)
                // Deserialize each stored property
                int propertyCount = (int)((short)Deserialize(typeof(short)));
                for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++)
                    string propertyName      = ReadString();
                    ReflectedMemberInfo info = metaData.FindMemberInfoByName(propertyName);
                    if (info == null)
                        // Ignore the field not found.
                        //throw new AltSerializeException("Unable to find the property '" + propertyName + "' in object type '" + objectType.FullName + "'.");
                        // Deserialize the object into the property
                        object desobj = DeserializeElement(info.FieldType);
                        info.SetValue(obj, desobj);
                // Reflect on each field, deserializing the data
                foreach (ReflectedMemberInfo info in metaData.Values)
                    if (SerializeProperties == false && info.FieldType.IsSerializable == false)
                        // When deserializing fields, skip the 'nonserializable' ones.

                    object deserializedObject = DeserializeElement(info.FieldType);
                    info.SetValue(obj, deserializedObject);
