Exemple #1
        public void CreateAtlas()
            int totalPixels = 0;

            foreach (ANTBitmapChar ch in m_BitmapChars)
                totalPixels += ch.GetNumPixels();

            int ixSize    = 0;
            int texWidth  = 32;
            int texHeight = 32;

            while (true)
                if (totalPixels <= texWidth * texHeight)
                GetNextTextureSize(ref texWidth, ref texHeight, ixSize);

            m_BitmapChars.Sort(new GreaterSizeComparer());

            while (!BinPack(texWidth, texHeight))
                GetNextTextureSize(ref texWidth, ref texHeight, ixSize);

            byte[] pData = new byte[texWidth * texHeight];
            Array.Clear(pData, 0, pData.Length);

            foreach (ANTBitmapChar ch in m_BitmapChars)
                ch.DrawToBitmap(pData, texWidth, texHeight);

            foreach (ANTBitmapFont font in m_BitmapFonts)
            if (!m_UseKerning)

            m_Texture = pData;
            m_Bitmap  = ToBitmap(m_Texture, texWidth, texHeight);

            m_pShowAtlas = new ANTBitmapChar();
            m_pShowAtlas.SetXY(0, 0);
            m_pShowAtlas.SetSize(texWidth, texHeight);
Exemple #2
        public void AddFont(string strFileName, int size, string szLetters)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFileName) ||

            if (m_Library == null)
                if (ANT.ANT_Init_AltNETType(out m_Library) != ANT_Error.ANT_Err_Ok)
                    throw new Exception("ANT_Init_FreeType failed");

            // The Object In Which FreeType Holds Information On A Given
            // Font Is Called A "face".
            ANT_Face face;

            string file = strFileName;

            // This Is Where We Load In The Font Information From The File.
            if (ANT.ANT_New_Face(m_Library, file, 0, out face) != ANT_Error.ANT_Err_Ok)
                throw new Exception("no font: " + file);

            // FreeType Measures Font Size In Terms Of 1/64ths Of Pixels.
            ANT.ANT_Set_Char_Size(face, size * 64, size * 64, 72, 72);

            int           len = szLetters.Length;
            int           n;
            ANTBitmapChar pFTBitmapChar;
            ANT_Glyph     pGlyph;
            ANTBitmapFont pANTBitmapFont = new ANTBitmapFont(this);

            pANTBitmapFont.LineHeight = face.size.metrics.height >> 6;
            char c;
            int  height;
            int  yOffset;
            int  ixGlyph;

            for (n = 0; n < len; n++)
                c = szLetters[n];
                // check that the character hasn't already been processed
                if (pANTBitmapFont.GetChar(c) == null)
                    // Load The Glyph For Our Character.
                    ixGlyph = ANT.ANT_Get_Char_Index(face, c);
                    if (ixGlyph == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("character doesn't exist in font: '" + c + "'");
                        if (ANT.ANT_Load_Glyph(face, ixGlyph, ANT_LOAD.ANT_LOAD_DEFAULT) != ANT_Error.ANT_Err_Ok)
                            throw new Exception("ANT_Load_Glyph failed");

                        // Move The Face's Glyph Into A Glyph Object.
                        if (ANT.ANT_Get_Glyph(face.glyph, out pGlyph) != ANT_Error.ANT_Err_Ok)
                            throw new Exception("ANT_Get_Glyph failed");

                        pFTBitmapChar = new ANTBitmapChar(c);
                        // all metrics dimensions are multiplied by 64, so we have to divide by 64
                        height  = face.glyph.metrics.height >> 6;
                        yOffset = pANTBitmapFont.LineHeight - (face.glyph.metrics.horiBearingY >> 6);
                        pFTBitmapChar.SetOffsets(face.glyph.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6, yOffset);
                        pFTBitmapChar.SetSize(face.glyph.metrics.width >> 6, height);
                        pFTBitmapChar.SetXAdvance(face.glyph.metrics.horiAdvance >> 6);
                        pANTBitmapFont.AddChar(c, pFTBitmapChar);