Exemple #1
	protected bool Send( int connectionId, byte[] key, InternalMessage message, ChannelIndex channel, BitWriter writer, bool sendImmediately, out string error )
		MessageSecurity security = AlpacaConstant.GetSecurity( channel );
		if( !WrapMessage( message, security, writer, key, out error ) )
			return false;

		//_profiler.StartEvent(TickType.Send, (uint)stream.Length, channelName, AlpacaConstant.INTERNAL_MESSAGE_NAME[messageType]);
		DataStream s = writer.GetStream();		
		byte errorAsByte;
		if( sendImmediately )
			NetworkTransport.Send                  ( 0, connectionId, channel.GetIndex(), s.GetBuffer(), s.GetByteLength(), out errorAsByte);
			NetworkTransport.QueueMessageForSending( 0, connectionId, channel.GetIndex(), s.GetBuffer(), s.GetByteLength(), out errorAsByte);

		if( (NetworkError)errorAsByte != NetworkError.Ok )
			error = $"Send {AlpacaConstant.GetName(message)} to node {connectionId} failed with error{StringFromError(errorAsByte)}";
			return false;

		return true;
Exemple #2
	public static MessageSecurity GetSecurity( ChannelIndex index ) { return INTERNAL_CHANNEL_SECURITY[(int)index.GetIndex()]; }