Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs signature verification
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">raw message to verify</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public bool Verify(byte[] message)
            if (this.version == 1 && this.threshold > 0 && this.subsigs.Count != 0)
                if (this.threshold > this.subsigs.Count)
                    int       verifiedCount = 0;
                    Signature emptySig      = new Signature();

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.subsigs.Count; ++i)
                        MultisigSubsig subsig = subsigs[i];
                        if (!subsig.sig.Equals(emptySig))
                                var pk     = subsig.key;
                                var signer = new Ed25519Signer();
                                signer.Init(false, pk); //for verify
                                signer.BlockUpdate(message, 0, message.Length);
                                bool verified = signer.VerifySignature(subsig.sig.Bytes);
                                if (verified)
                            catch (Exception var9)
                                throw new ArgumentException("verification of subsig " + i + "failed", var9);

                    if (verifiedCount < this.threshold)
        /// <summary>
        /// MergeMultisigTransactions merges the given (partially) signed multisig transactions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txs">partially signed multisig transactions to merge. Underlying transactions may be mutated.</param>
        /// <returns>merged multisig transaction</returns>
        public static SignedTransaction MergeMultisigTransactions(params SignedTransaction[] txs)
            if (txs.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("cannot merge a single transaction");
            SignedTransaction merged = txs[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < txs.Length; i++)
                // check that multisig parameters match
                SignedTransaction tx = txs[i];
                if (tx.mSig.version != merged.mSig.version ||
                    tx.mSig.threshold != merged.mSig.threshold)
                    throw new ArgumentException("transaction msig parameters do not match");
                for (int j = 0; j < tx.mSig.subsigs.Count; j++)
                    MultisigSubsig myMsig    = merged.mSig.subsigs[j];
                    MultisigSubsig theirMsig = tx.mSig.subsigs[j];
                    if (!theirMsig.key.Equals(myMsig.key))
                        throw new ArgumentException("transaction msig public keys do not match");
                    if (myMsig.sig.Equals(new Signature()))
                        myMsig.sig = theirMsig.sig;
                    else if (!myMsig.sig.Equals(theirMsig.sig) &&
                             !theirMsig.sig.Equals(new Signature()))
                        throw new ArgumentException("transaction msig has mismatched signatures");
                    merged.mSig.subsigs[j] = myMsig;
        /// <summary>
        /// Appends a signature to multisig logic signed transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lsig">LogicsigSignature append to</param>
        /// <returns>LogicsigSignature</returns>
        public LogicsigSignature AppendToLogicsig(LogicsigSignature lsig)
            var pk      = this.GetEd25519PublicKey();
            int pkIndex = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < lsig.msig.subsigs.Count; i++)
                MultisigSubsig subsig = lsig.msig.subsigs[i];
                if (Enumerable.SequenceEqual(subsig.key.GetEncoded(), pk.GetEncoded()))
                    pkIndex = i;
            if (pkIndex == -1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Multisig account does not contain this secret key");
            // now, create the multisignature
            byte[]    bytesToSign = lsig.BytesToSign();
            Signature sig         = this.RawSignBytes(bytesToSign);

            lsig.msig.subsigs[pkIndex] = new MultisigSubsig(pk, sig);