Exemple #1
        public override void Save()
            ClearPageData();             // Force re-reading of the file.

            xiph_comment_data = comment.Render();

            // Create FLAC metadata-block:

            // Put the size in the first 32 bit (I assume no more than 24 bit are used)

            ByteVector v = ByteVector.FromUInt((uint)xiph_comment_data.Count);

            // Set the type of the metadata-block to be a Xiph / Vorbis comment

            v[0] = 4;

            // Append the comment-data after the 32 bit header


            // Save the packet at the old spot
            // FIXME: Use padding if size is increasing

            SetPacket(comment_packet, v);

        public override void Save()
            ClearPageData();             // Force re-reading of the file.

            ByteVector v = vorbis_comment_header_id;

            FindTag(TagTypes.Xiph, true);


            SetPacket(1, v);

        public override void Save()
            if (IsReadOnly)
                throw new ReadOnlyException();

            Mode = FileAccessMode.Write;

            long flac_data_begin;
            long flac_data_end;

            // Update ID3 tags
            if (id3v2_tag != null)
                ByteVector id3v2_tag_data = id3v2_tag.Render();

                long id3v2_location = FindId3v2();
                if (id3v2_location >= 0)
                    int id3v2_size = 0;

                    Id3v2Header header = new Id3v2Header(ReadBlock((int)Id3v2Header.Size));

                    if (header.TagSize == 0)
                        TagLibDebugger.Debug("Flac.File.Save() -- Id3v2 header is broken. Ignoring.");
                        id3v2_size = (int)header.CompleteTagSize;

                    Insert(id3v2_tag_data, id3v2_location, id3v2_size);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("ID3v2: " + id3v2_size + " " + id3v2_tag_data.Count);
                    flac_data_begin = id3v2_location + id3v2_tag_data.Count;
                    Insert(id3v2_tag_data, 0, 0);
                    flac_data_begin = id3v2_tag_data.Count;
                flac_data_begin = 0;

            if (id3v1_tag != null)
                long id3v1_location = FindId3v1();

                if (id3v1_location >= 0)
                    Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.End);

                flac_data_end = Tell;
                flac_data_end = Length;

            // Create new vorbis comments is they don'type exist.
            FindTag(TagTypes.Xiph, true);

            xiph_comment_data = comment.Render(false);

            ByteVector v = ByteVector.FromUInt((uint)xiph_comment_data.Count);

            // Set the type of the comment to be a Xiph / Vorbis comment
            // (See scan() for comments on header-format)
            v[0] = 4;

            // If file already have comment => find and update it
            //                       if not => insert one

            scanned = false;

            if (Scan(flac_data_begin, flac_data_end) != null)
                long next_page_offset = flac_start;
                ByteVector header = ReadBlock(4);
                uint       length = header.Mid(1, 3).ToUInt();

                next_page_offset += length + 4;

                // Search through the remaining metadata

                byte block_type = (byte)(header[0] & 0x7f);
                bool last_block = (header[0] & 0x80) != 0;

                while (!last_block)

                    header     = ReadBlock(4);
                    block_type = (byte)(header[0] & 0x7f);
                    last_block = (header[0] & 0x80) != 0;
                    length     = header.Mid(1, 3).ToUInt();

                    // Type is vorbiscomment
                    if (block_type == 4)
                        long next_keep = (last_block ? 0 : FindPaddingBreak(next_page_offset + length + 4,
                                                                            next_page_offset + XiphCommentData.Count + 8,
                                                                            ref last_block));
                        uint padding_length;
                        if (next_keep != 0)
                            // There is space for comment and padding blocks without rewriting the whole file.
                            // Note this can not overflow.
                            padding_length = (uint)(next_keep - (next_page_offset + XiphCommentData.Count + 8));
                            // Not enough space, so we will have to rewrite the whole file following this block
                            padding_length = (uint)XiphCommentData.Count;
                            if (padding_length < 4096)
                                padding_length = 4096;
                            next_keep = next_page_offset + length + 4;

                        ByteVector padding = ByteVector.FromUInt(padding_length);
                        padding[0] = 1;
                        if (last_block)
                            padding[0] = (byte)(padding[0] | 0x80);
                        padding.Resize((int)(padding_length + 4));

                        Insert(v + padding, next_page_offset, next_keep - next_page_offset);
                        //System.Console.WriteLine ("OGG: " + (next_keep - next_page_offset) + " " + (vector.Count + padding.Count));


                    next_page_offset += length + 4;
                long next_page_offset = flac_start;


                ByteVector header     = ReadBlock(4);
                bool       last_block = (header[0] & 0x80) != 0;
                uint       length     = header.Mid(1, 3).ToUInt();

                // If last block was last, make this one last

                if (last_block)
                    // Copy the bottom seven bits into the new value

                    ByteVector h = (byte)(header[0] & 0x7F);
                    Insert(h, next_page_offset, 1);

                    // Set the last bit
                    v[0] = (byte)(v[0] | 0x80);

                Insert(v, next_page_offset + length + 4, 0);

            Mode = FileAccessMode.Closed;