internal static IJobContext FromEventArgs(object sender, AlarmSourceEventArgs args)
            IAlarmSource source = sender as IAlarmSource;

            Assertions.AssertNotNull(sender, "sender");

            return new JobContext()
                AlarmSourceName = source.GetType().Name,
                Parameters = args.Parameters,
 private void OnNewAlarm(AlarmSourceEventArgs e)
     var copy = NewAlarm;
     if (copy != null)
         copy(this, e);
        private void AlarmSource_NewAlarm(object sender, AlarmSourceEventArgs e)
            IAlarmSource source = (IAlarmSource)sender;

            // Sanity-checks
            if (e.Operation == null)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Alarm Source '{0}' did not return an operation! This may indicate that parsing an operation has failed. Please check the log!", source.GetType().FullName);

                // If there is no timestamp, use the current time. Not too good but better than MinValue :-/
                if (e.Operation.Timestamp.Year == 1)
                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Could not parse timestamp from the fax. Using the current time as the timestamp.");
                    e.Operation.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

                // Download the route plan information (if data is meaningful)

                // Grant the operation a new Id
                e.Operation.Id = _operationStore.GetNextOperationId();

                foreach (IJob job in _jobs)
                    // Run the job. If the job fails, ignore that exception as well but log it too!
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Be careful when processing the jobs, we don't want a malicious job to terminate the process!
                        Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, string.Format("An error occurred while processing job '{0}'!", job.GetType().Name));
                        Logger.Instance.LogException(this, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "An exception occurred while processing the operation!");
                Logger.Instance.LogException(this, ex);
        private void ProcessNewImage(FileInfo file)

            string analyseFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string archivedFilePath = Path.Combine(_archivePath.FullName, analyseFileName + ".tif");

            // Moves the file to a different location, and throws if it failed.
            MoveFileTo(file, archivedFilePath);

            List<string> analyzedLines = new List<string>();
            Stopwatch swParse = new Stopwatch();

            string[] parsedLines = null;
                OcrProcessOptions options = new OcrProcessOptions();
                options.SoftwarePath = _configuration.OCRSoftwarePath;
                options.AnalyzedFileDestinationPath = Path.Combine(_analysisPath.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName));
                options.ImagePath = file.FullName;

                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Trace, this, Properties.Resources.OcrSoftwareParseBegin, file.FullName);


                parsedLines = _ocrSoftware.ProcessImage(options);


                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Trace, this, Properties.Resources.OcrSoftwareParseEndSuccess, swParse.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            catch (Exception ex)

                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Error, this, Properties.Resources.OcrSoftwareParseEndFail);
                Logger.Instance.LogException(this, ex);
                // Abort parsing
                // TODO: Introduce own exception for this!

            // After the file has been parsed, read it back in ...
            // ... fetch all lines ...
            foreach (string preParsedLine in parsedLines)
                // ... and add it to the list (

            Operation operation = null;
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                // Try to parse the operation. If parsing failed, ignore this but write to the log file!
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Trace, this, "Begin parsing incoming operation...");

                string[] lines = analyzedLines.ToArray();
                // Find out if the fax is a test-fax
                if (IsTestFax(lines))
                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Trace, this, "Operation is a test-fax. Parsing is skipped.");
                    operation = _parser.Parse(lines);

                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Trace, this, "Parsed operation in '{0}' milliseconds.", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                    // If there is no timestamp, use the current time. Not too good but better than MinValue :-/
                    if (operation.Timestamp == DateTime.MinValue)
                        Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Could not parse timestamp from the fax. Using the current time as the timestamp.");
                        operation.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

                    Dictionary<string, object> ctxParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    ctxParameters["ArchivedFilePath"] = archivedFilePath;
                    ctxParameters["ImagePath"] = file.FullName;

                    AlarmSourceEventArgs args = new AlarmSourceEventArgs(operation);
                    args.Parameters = ctxParameters;

                    // Raise event...
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "An exception occurred while processing the alarmfax!");
                Logger.Instance.LogException(this, ex);
        private void AlarmSource_NewAlarm(object sender, AlarmSourceEventArgs e)
            IAlarmSource source = (IAlarmSource)sender;

            // Sanity-checks
            if (e.Operation == null)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Alarm Source '{0}' did not return an operation! This may indicate that parsing an operation has failed. Please check the log!", source.GetType().FullName);

                // If there is no timestamp, use the current time. Not too good but better than MinValue :-/
                if (e.Operation.Timestamp.Year == 1)
                    Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "Could not parse timestamp from the fax. Using the current time as the timestamp.");
                    e.Operation.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;


                Operation storedOperation = StoreOperation(e.Operation);
                if (storedOperation == null)

                IJobContext context = JobContext.FromEventArgs(sender, e);

                _jobManager.ExecuteJobs(context, storedOperation);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, "An exception occurred while processing the operation!");
                Logger.Instance.LogException(this, ex);