protected static internal void AStarMinPath(string sourceCode, string destinationCode) { // отримуємо найкоротший шлях від аеропорта А до аеропорта Б AirlineData.LoadData(); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var closedSet = new Queue <NextAirport>(); var openSet = new Queue <NextAirport>(); Airport source = AirlineData.GetAirPort(sourceCode); var next = AirlineData.GetNextStation(sourceCode); Graph.Source = next; var qq = AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode); next.HeuristicEstimatePathLength = GetPath(source, qq); next.previous = null; next.PathLengthFromStart = 0; next.HeuristicEstimatePathLength = GetPath(source, AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode)); openSet.Enqueue(next); while (openSet.Count > 0) { var currentAirport = openSet.OrderBy(node => node.EstimateFullPathLength).First(); if (currentAirport.Current.IATA == destinationCode) { //Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS!"); Console.WriteLine("Time spended {0}", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine($"There is the way from {source.AirportName} to {AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode).AirportName} "); ReturnMinPath(currentAirport); return; // ReturnMinPath(); } var x = openSet.Dequeue(); // openSet.(currentAirport); // Console.WriteLine($"{x.IATA} ------- {x.Current.CountryName}"); closedSet.Enqueue(x); //Console.WriteLine($"Number of neighbours ={currentAirport.adjacementList.Count}"); foreach (var neighbourNode in currentAirport.adjacementList) { var neighbourNode1 = AirlineData.GetNextStation(neighbourNode.IATA); neighbourNode1.previous = currentAirport; neighbourNode1.PathLengthFromStart = currentAirport.PathLengthFromStart + GetPath(currentAirport.Current, AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode)); // виглядає дивно, працює швидко, результат коректний //neighbourNode1.PathLengthFromStart = currentAirport.PathLengthFromStart + GetPath(currentAirport.Current, AirlineData.GetAirPort(neighbourNode.IATA)); // виглядає правильніше, працює довше, результат коректний neighbourNode1.HeuristicEstimatePathLength = GetPath(neighbourNode1.Current, AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode)); if (closedSet.Count(node => node.IATA == neighbourNode1.IATA) > 0) { continue; } var openNode = openSet.FirstOrDefault(node => node.IATA == neighbourNode1.IATA); if (openNode == null) { openSet.Enqueue(neighbourNode1); } else { if (openNode.PathLengthFromStart > neighbourNode1.PathLengthFromStart) { openNode.previous = currentAirport; openNode.PathLengthFromStart = neighbourNode1.PathLengthFromStart; } } } } Console.WriteLine($"There is no way from airport with name {source.AirportName} to airport {AirlineData.GetAirPort(destinationCode).AirportName}"); return; }
protected static internal Airport CreateAirport(string[] temp) { airport = new Airport(temp); return(airport); }
protected static internal void DijkstraMinPath(string sourceCode, string destinationCode) { try { AirlineData.LoadData(); var dictOfNeighboursByCode = AirlineData.DictOfNeighbours; var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var priotityQueue = new Queue <NextAirport>(); List <string> visited = new List <string>(); var path = new Dictionary <NextAirport, NextAirport>(); Airport source = AirlineData.GetAirPort(sourceCode); var next = AirlineData.GetNextStation(sourceCode); next.Weight = 0;//sorce priotityQueue.Enqueue(next); Graph.Source = next; double BestPrice = 0; path[next] = null; while (priotityQueue.Count > 0) { var _flight = priotityQueue.Dequeue(); if (_flight.Current.IATA == destinationCode) { watch.Stop(); Graph.Destination = _flight; Graph.Path = path; Console.WriteLine("Time spended {0}", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("Count of visited vertices = {0}", visited.Count); ReturnMinPath(); return; } visited.Add(_flight.IATA); foreach (var neighbour in _flight.adjacementList) { if (neighbour != null) { NextAirport _next = dictOfNeighboursByCode[neighbour.IATA]; if (!visited.Contains(neighbour.IATA) && _next != null) { var best = GetPriceByPath(_flight.IATA, neighbour.IATA) + _flight.Weight;//maybe best price if (best < _next.Weight) { _next.Weight = best; priotityQueue.Enqueue(_next); path[_next] = _flight; SortQueue(ref priotityQueue); } } } } } Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception r) { Console.WriteLine(r); } }