Exemple #1
		public int CompareToEx(AreaInfo other, string field, bool ascending)
			int returnVal = 0;
			if (field == "Name")
				returnVal = PublicName.CompareTo(other.PublicName);
			else if (field == "Servers")
				returnVal = this.Servers.CompareTo(other.Servers);
			else if (field == "Load")
				Int64 bwCur1 = 2 * (this.Bandwidth * 8) / (1000 * 1000);
				Int64 bwMax1 = this.BandwidthMax;
				int v1 = Convert.ToInt32((bwCur1 * 100) / bwMax1);

				Int64 bwCur2 = 2 * (other.Bandwidth * 8) / (1000 * 1000);
				Int64 bwMax2 = other.BandwidthMax;
				int v2 = Convert.ToInt32((bwCur2 * 100) / bwMax2);

				returnVal = v1.CompareTo(v2);
			else if (field == "Users")
				returnVal = this.Users.CompareTo(other.Users);

			if (returnVal == 0) // Second order, Name
				returnVal = this.PublicName.CompareTo(other.PublicName);

			// Invert the value returned by String.Compare.
			if (ascending == false)
				returnVal *= -1;

			return returnVal;
Exemple #2
        public int CompareToEx(AreaInfo other, string field, bool ascending)
            int returnVal = 0;

            if (field == "Name")
                returnVal = PublicName.CompareTo(other.PublicName);
            else if (field == "Servers")
                returnVal = this.Servers.CompareTo(other.Servers);
            else if (field == "Load")
                Int64 bwCur1 = 2 * (this.Bandwidth * 8) / (1000 * 1000);
                Int64 bwMax1 = this.BandwidthMax;
                int   v1     = Convert.ToInt32((bwCur1 * 100) / bwMax1);

                Int64 bwCur2 = 2 * (other.Bandwidth * 8) / (1000 * 1000);
                Int64 bwMax2 = other.BandwidthMax;
                int   v2     = Convert.ToInt32((bwCur2 * 100) / bwMax2);

                returnVal = v1.CompareTo(v2);
            else if (field == "Users")
                returnVal = this.Users.CompareTo(other.Users);

            if (returnVal == 0)             // Second order, Name
                returnVal = this.PublicName.CompareTo(other.PublicName);

            // Invert the value returned by String.Compare.
            if (ascending == false)
                returnVal *= -1;

Exemple #3
        public void PostManifestUpdate()
			if (Storage.Manifest.Attributes["front_message"] != null)
				string msg = Storage.Manifest.Attributes["front_message"].Value;
				if (FrontMessages.Contains(msg) == false)

            lock (m_servers)
                foreach (ServerInfo infoServer in m_servers.Values)
                    infoServer.Deleted = true;

                List<string> whiteList = Storage.GetList("servers.whitelist");
                List<string> blackList = Storage.GetList("servers.blacklist");

                if (Storage.Manifest != null)
                    lock (Storage.Manifest)
                        foreach (XmlNode nodeServer in Storage.Manifest.SelectNodes("//servers/server"))
							string name = nodeServer.Attributes["name"].Value;

                            ServerInfo infoServer = null;
                            if (m_servers.ContainsKey(name))
                                infoServer = m_servers[name];
                            if (infoServer == null)
                                // Create
                                infoServer = new ServerInfo();
                                infoServer.Name = name;
                                m_servers[name] = infoServer;

                                // Update info
                                infoServer.Deleted = false;

                                infoServer.PublicName = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "public_name", "");
                                infoServer.IpEntry = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "ip_entry", ""); ;
                                infoServer.IpEntry2 = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "ip_entry2", "");
                                infoServer.IpExit = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "ip_exit", "");
                                infoServer.CountryCode = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "country_code", "");
                                infoServer.CountryName = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "country_name", "");
                                infoServer.Location = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "location", "");
                                infoServer.ScoreBase = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "scorebase", 0);
                                infoServer.Bandwidth = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "bw", 0);
                                infoServer.BandwidthMax = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "bw_max", 1);
                                infoServer.Users = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "users", 0);
                                infoServer.WarningOpen = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "warning_open", "");
                                infoServer.WarningClosed = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "warning_closed", "");
								infoServer.ServerType = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "server_type", -1);
								infoServer.Public = Utils.XmlGetAttributeBool(nodeServer, "public", false);								

				// TOOPEN - Add custom profiles
                for (; ; )
                    bool restart = false;
                    foreach (ServerInfo infoServer in m_servers.Values)
                        if (infoServer.Deleted)
							restart = true;

                    if (restart == false)

				// White/black list
				foreach (ServerInfo infoServer in m_servers.Values)
					string name = infoServer.Name;

					if (whiteList.Contains(name))
						infoServer.UserList = ServerInfo.UserListType.WhiteList;
					else if (blackList.Contains(name))
						infoServer.UserList = ServerInfo.UserListType.BlackList;
						infoServer.UserList = ServerInfo.UserListType.None;

            lock (m_areas)
                foreach (AreaInfo infoArea in m_areas.Values)
                    infoArea.Deleted = true;

                List<string> whiteList = Storage.GetList("areas.whitelist");
                List<string> blackList = Storage.GetList("areas.blacklist");

                if (Storage.Manifest != null)
                    lock (Storage.Manifest)
                        foreach (XmlNode nodeServer in Storage.Manifest.SelectNodes("//areas/area"))
							string code = nodeServer.Attributes["code"].Value;

                            AreaInfo infoArea = null;
                            if (m_areas.ContainsKey(code))
                                infoArea = m_areas[code];
                            if (infoArea == null)
                                // Create
                                infoArea = new AreaInfo();
                                infoArea.Code = code;
                                m_areas[code] = infoArea;

                                // Update info
                                infoArea.Deleted = false;

								infoArea.PublicName = Utils.XmlGetAttributeString(nodeServer, "public_name", "");
								infoArea.Bandwidth = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "bw", 0);
								infoArea.BandwidthMax = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "bw_max", 1);
								infoArea.Users = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "users", 0);
								infoArea.Servers = Utils.XmlGetAttributeInt64(nodeServer, "servers", 0);                                

				// TOOPEN - Add countries of custom profiles

                for (; ; )
                    bool restart = false;
                    foreach (AreaInfo infoArea in m_areas.Values)
                        if (infoArea.Deleted)

                    if (restart == false)

				// White/black list
				foreach (AreaInfo infoArea in m_areas.Values)
					string code = infoArea.Code;
					if (whiteList.Contains(code))
						infoArea.UserList = AreaInfo.UserListType.WhiteList;
					else if (blackList.Contains(code))
						infoArea.UserList = AreaInfo.UserListType.BlackList;
						infoArea.UserList = AreaInfo.UserListType.None;

			if (m_networkLockManager != null)

