Exemple #1
        public void Step(GameFrame gameFrame, float deltaTime)
            Contact contact;
            float   time;
            int     numIterations = 0; // to prevent infinite loops when squeezed
            int     maxIterations = 10;

            ApplyTurbulence(gameFrame, deltaTime);

            while (FindFirstContact(gameFrame.Paddles, gameFrame.Puck, deltaTime, out contact, out time) &&
                   numIterations < maxIterations)
                deltaTime -= time * 0.999f;
                Integrate(gameFrame, time * 0.999f); //TODO: should ensure GapEpsilon seperation, this is arbitrary
                ResolveContact(gameFrame.Puck, contact);


            // integrate the rest of the frame
            Integrate(gameFrame, deltaTime);

            ClampPaddlePosition(gameFrame.Paddles, 0);
            ClampPaddlePosition(gameFrame.Paddles, 1);

            PositionCorrection(gameFrame.Puck, gameFrame.Paddles);

            // apply drag
            gameFrame.Puck.velocity *= Constants.puckDrag;
Exemple #2
 void Integrate(GameFrame gameFrame, float deltaTime)
     foreach (Body body in gameFrame.Bodies)
         body.position += body.velocity * deltaTime;
Exemple #3
 void ClampVelocity(GameFrame gameFrame)
     if (gameFrame.Puck.velocity.GetLength() > Constants.maxPuckSpeed)
         gameFrame.Puck.velocity = Constants.maxPuckSpeed * gameFrame.Puck.velocity / gameFrame.Puck.velocity.GetLength();
Exemple #4
        void ApplyTurbulence(GameFrame gameFrame, float deltaTime)
        {   //TODO: temp, make good
            Random  rand       = new Random();
            int     i          = rand.Next(0, 100);
            float   a          = 3.14f * 2 * (float)i / 100.0f;
            Vector2 turbulence = new Vector2(MathFunctions.Cos(a), MathFunctions.Sin(a)) * deltaTime * 2;

            gameFrame.Puck.velocity += turbulence;
Exemple #5
        public void Update(GameFrame gameFrame, float deltaTime)
            Body playerPaddle   = gameFrame.Paddles[1];
            Body opponentPaddle = gameFrame.Paddles[0];
            Body puck           = gameFrame.Puck;

            thinkTimer += deltaTime;
            if (thinkTimer > 0.4)
                thinkTimer = 0.0f;

                if (puck.position.Y < 0) // puck is on player side, move towards defensive position(close to goal).
                    state = AIState.Defense;
                // else if (puck.velocity.Y < 0)
                //     aiState = AIState.Defense;
                // else if ((puck.position - paddles[1].position).Y + Constants.puckRadius + Constants.paddleRadius > 0)
                //     aiState = AIState.Defense;
                    state = AIState.Attack;

            Vector2 trajectory;

            if (state == AIState.Defense)
                target    = new Vector2(0, 0.4f * Constants.tableHeight);
                target.X += puck.position.X;
                target = puck.position + new Vector2(0, Constants.puckRadius * 0.6f); // try to hit near the top but a little inside

            trajectory = target - playerPaddle.position;

            playerPaddle.velocity = trajectory * speed;

            // don't overshoot target
            if (speed * deltaTime > (target - playerPaddle.position).GetLength() - Constants.puckRadius - Constants.paddleRadius && state == AIState.Defense)
            { //TODO: this is wrong, the impulse should not necessarily be small when we are really close...
                playerPaddle.velocity = trajectory * ((target - playerPaddle.position).GetLength() - Constants.puckRadius - Constants.paddleRadius) / deltaTime;
Exemple #6
        public int CheckForScore(GameFrame gameFrame)
            Body puck = gameFrame.Puck;

            if (puck.position.Y - Constants.puckRadius > Constants.tableHeight * 0.5f) // let the puck get inside the goal before showing the score.
            else if (puck.position.Y + Constants.puckRadius < -Constants.tableHeight * 0.5f) // let the puck get inside the goal before showing the score.

Exemple #7
        public PlayingState(StateManager stateManager,
                            ISoundEngine soundEngine,
                            Renderer renderer,
                            ResourceManager resourceManager) : base(stateManager)
            physics  = new Physics();
            contacts = new List <Physics.Contact>();

            physics.Collision += (sender, contact) =>
                if (contact.collider == Collider.Paddle)
                    soundEngine.Play2D(ResourceManager.MediaPath + "puckHitPaddle.wav");
                if (contact.collider == Collider.Table)
                    soundEngine.Play2D(ResourceManager.MediaPath + "puckHitWall.wav");

            tableGraphicsObject = new Visual(
                    new Box2(-Constants.tableWidth * 0.5f, Constants.tableHeight * 0.5f,
                             Constants.tableWidth * 0.5f, -Constants.tableHeight * 0.5f)),
                new TextureEffect("table.png"));
            puckGraphicsObject = new Visual(
                GeometryFactory.CreateCircle(Constants.puckRadius, new Color4(1, 0, 0, 1)),
                new VertexColorEffect());
            paddleGraphicsObjects    = new Visual[2];
            paddleGraphicsObjects[0] = new Visual(
                GeometryFactory.CreateCircle(Constants.paddleRadius, new Color4(1, 1, 1, 1)),
                new VertexColorEffect());
            paddleGraphicsObjects[1] = new Visual(
                GeometryFactory.CreateCircle(Constants.paddleRadius, new Color4(1, 1, 1, 1)),
                new VertexColorEffect());

            gameFrame = new GameFrame();
            ai        = new AIPlayer();