Exemple #1
        public EnumerationType Clone()
            var newEnumerationType = new EnumerationType();

            newEnumerationType.Name = this.Name;
        private void EditEnumerationTypeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var enumerationType = GetSelectedEnumerationType();

            if (enumerationType == null)
                enumerationType = new EnumerationType();
            using (var editor = new EnumerationTypeEditor(ainFile, enumerationType.Name))
                this.EnumerationTypeComboBox.Text = editor.EnumerationName;
 public SpreadEnumerationTypeForm(IVariable variable, EnumerationType enumerationType) : this()
     this.ainFile         = variable.Root;
     this.variable        = variable;
     this.enumerationType = enumerationType;
        private void ReadMetadata()
            //quit if we're not attached to anything
            if (variable == null || ainFile == null)

            //display variable name declaration
            this.VariableTextBox.ReadOnly        = false;
            this.VariableTextBox.Text            = variable.ToString();
            this.VariableTextBox.SelectionStart  = 0;
            this.VariableTextBox.SelectionLength = 0;
            this.VariableTextBox.ReadOnly = true;

            //get metadata or use a blank variable
            Metadata metaData;

            if (ainFile.MetadataFile.Metadata.ContainsKey(variable))
                metaData = ainFile.MetadataFile.Metadata[variable];
                metaData = new Metadata();

            //set alternative name - either the default for what is specified
            string defaultAlternativeName = ainFile.AlternativeNames.GetOrNull(variable.Name);

            AlternativeNameTextBox.Text = metaData.ReplacementName ?? defaultAlternativeName;

            //is this a function parameter?  Allow a default value
            if (variable.Parent is Function && variable.Index < variable.Parent.ParameterCount)
                this.currentDefaultValue = metaData.DefaultValue;
            else if (variable is Global)
                //if it's a global, display the initial value specified in the AIN file, and don't allow editing
                this.currentDefaultValue = ainFile.GlobalInitialValues.Where(i => i.GlobalVariable == variable).FirstOrDefault();
                //DefaultValueTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
                findDefaultValueButton.Enabled = false;
            if (this.currentDefaultValue != null)
                string defaultValueString = this.currentDefaultValue.GetValue();
                DefaultValueTextBox.Text = defaultValueString;
                if (variable is Global)
                    //DefaultValueTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
                    findDefaultValueButton.Enabled = false;

            //get enumeration type
            EnumerationType enumerationType = null;

            if (variable.DataType.GetTypeOfArrayElement().IsInteger())
                enumerationType = metaData.EnumerationType;
                if (enumerationType != null)
                    EnumerationTypeComboBox.Text = enumerationType.Name;
            else if (variable.DataType.IsFunction())
                EditEnumerationTypeButton.Visible   = false;
                spreadEnumerationTypeButton.Visible = false;
                if (variable.DataType.IsFuncType())
                    int structType = variable.StructType;
                    if (metaData.FuncTypeIndex != -1)
                        structType = metaData.FuncTypeIndex;
                    var functionType = ainFile.GetFuncType(structType);
                    if (functionType != null)
                        EnumerationTypeComboBox.Text = functionType.ToString();
                else  //it's a delegate
                    int structType = variable.StructType;
                    if (metaData.FuncTypeIndex != -1)
                        structType = metaData.FuncTypeIndex;
                    var delegateType = ainFile.Delegates.GetOrNull(structType);
                    if (delegateType != null)
                        EnumerationTypeComboBox.Text = delegateType.ToString();
                EnumerationTypeComboBox.Enabled     = false;
                EditEnumerationTypeButton.Enabled   = false;
                spreadEnumerationTypeButton.Enabled = false;

            //get description
            DescriptionTextBox.Text = metaData.Description ?? "";