public fReport(AiKEntities ctx, string imagesPath) { InitializeComponent(); Mode = 0; _ctx = ctx; _imagesPath = imagesPath; }
public Form1() { LoadConfig(); InitializeComponent(); SetConfig(); _ctx = new AiKEntities(); _ctx.Database.CommandTimeout = 600; InitArtGrid(); InitCraftGrid(); InitPicGrid(); InitLinkGrid(); LoadArts(); LoadCrafts(); LoadPics(true); tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; }
public void DoMakeLinks(AiKEntities ctx, Label lInfo, int ind) { if (!(MessageBox.Show("Load Links?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { return; } var ld = new List <string>(); for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { Recs[i] = new List <TRec>(); } lInfo.Text = "Loading..."; Application.DoEvents(); var crafts = ctx.Crafts.Where(x => "1234567".Contains(x.Source)).ToList(); foreach (var craft in crafts) { var r = new TRec(craft); Recs[r.isrc].Add(r); } var icnt = 0; var cnt = Recs[1].Count + Recs[2].Count + Recs[3].Count + Recs[4].Count + Recs[5].Count + Recs[6].Count + Recs[7].Count; for (var i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { foreach (var r in Recs[i]) { icnt++; lInfo.Text = $"{icnt} of {cnt}"; Application.DoEvents(); var craft = ctx.Crafts.Single(x => x.CraftId ==; for (var k = 1; k <= 7; k++) { if ((ind == 0) || (ind == i) || (ind == k)) { if (i == k) { craft.GetType().GetProperty($"s{k}").SetValue(craft,; } else { craft.GetType().GetProperty($"s{k}").SetValue(craft, null); var maxcmp = Int32.MinValue; var maxyr = 0; var maxid = 0; ld.Clear(); foreach (var r1 in Recs[k]) { var m = CompareRecs(r, r1); if (m > Int32.MinValue) { if (m > maxcmp) { maxcmp = m; maxid =; maxyr = r1.iyear; ld.Clear(); } else if (m == maxcmp) { ld.Add($"{} ({m})"); if ((r1.iyear > 0) && ((maxyr > r1.iyear) || (maxyr == 0))) { maxcmp = m; maxid =; maxyr = r1.iyear; ld.Move(ld.Count - 1, 0); } } } } if (maxcmp > Int32.MinValue) { craft.GetType().GetProperty($"s{k}").SetValue(craft, maxid); } } } } ctx.SaveChanges(); Util.DetachAllEntities(ctx); } } lInfo.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("OK!"); }
public void LoadOld(AiKEntities ctx, string _imagesPath, Label lInfo) { if (!(MessageBox.Show("Load 3-4?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { return; } ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete from Pics where CraftId in (Select CraftId from Crafts where Source in ('3', '4'))"); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete from Crafts where Source in ('3', '4')"); var text3 = File.ReadAllText("E:\\Live\\Avia\\Text3.dat", Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1251")); var text4 = File.ReadAllText("E:\\Live\\Avia\\Text4.dat", Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1251")); var artId3 = ctx.Arts.Where(x => x.Mag == "Site3").Single().ArtId; var artId4 = ctx.Arts.Where(x => x.Mag == "Site4").Single().ArtId; var cnt = 0; var crafts = ctx.CraftsOld.Where(x => x.Source == 3 || x.Source == 4).ToList(); foreach (var craft in crafts) { lInfo.Text = (++cnt).ToString(); Application.DoEvents(); var newCraft = new Crafts() { Construct = craft.Construct, Name = craft.Name, Country = craft.Country, IYear = craft.IYear, Vert = craft.Vert, Uav = craft.UAV, Glider = craft.Glider, Source = craft.Source.ToString(), Type = craft.Type }; if ((craft.TxtBeg ?? 0) > 0) { newCraft.CText = (craft.Source == 3 ? text3 : text4).Substring(craft.TxtBeg.Value, craft.TxtEnd.Value - craft.TxtBeg.Value); } ctx.Crafts.Add(newCraft); ctx.SaveChanges(); var prms = ctx.ParamsOld.Where(x => x.CraftId == craft.ID).ToList(); if (prms.Any()) { var s = "\n\n"; foreach (var prm in prms) { s += $"\n{prm.ParamName}\t{prm.ParamData}"; } newCraft.CText += s; } var pics = ctx.PicsOld.Where(x => x.CraftID == craft.ID).ToList(); foreach (var pic in pics) { var newPic = new Pics() { ArtId = craft.Source == 3 ? artId3 : artId4, CraftId = newCraft.CraftId, NNN = pic.PictID, Path = pic.Picture }; if ((pic.TxtBeg ?? 0) > 0) { newPic.Text = (craft.Source == 3 ? text3 : text4).Substring(pic.TxtBeg.Value, pic.TxtEnd.Value - pic.TxtBeg.Value); } ctx.Pics.Add(newPic); } ctx.SaveChanges(); Util.DetachAllEntities(ctx); } lInfo.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("OK"); }
public void Load5(AiKEntities ctx, string _imagesPath, Label lInfo) { _ctx = ctx; imagesPath = _imagesPath; _lInfo = lInfo; if (!(MessageBox.Show("Load Aerofiles?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { return; } artId = ctx.Arts.Where(x => x.Name == "Aerofiles").Single().ArtId; ls = new List <string>(); lp = new List <string>(); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.Pics From dbo.Pics p join dbo.Crafts c on c.CraftId = p.CraftId where c.Source = '5'"); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.Crafts where Source = '5'"); ctx.Database.Connection.Close(); ctx.Database.Connection.Open(); using (var G = File.CreateText(_imagesPath + "Images5.lst")) { var files = Directory.GetFiles("E:\\download\\", "_*.html"); foreach (var file in files) { _lInfo.Text = file; Application.DoEvents(); for (q = 1; q < 3; q++) { s = File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8")); GFile = s.Split('\n').ToList(); GFileI = 0; was_first = false; sc = ""; cnt = 0; var srName = Path.GetFileName(file); if (srName.Length > 8) { s = FindString("<TITLE", true).Trim(); s = StrNoTags(s); if (s != "") { if (s.Substring(1).StartsWith("merican airplanes")) { s = s.Substring(19).Trim(); } if (s.Length > 2 && s[s.Length - 2] == '-') { s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 4).Trim(); } if (s.Length > 5 && s.Substring(s.Length - 5, 4) == " to ") { s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 7).Trim(); } if (s.Length > 7 && s.Substring(s.Length - 7, 6) == " page ") { s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 7).Trim(); } } i = s.IndexOf("-hyphenates"); if (i >= 0) { s = s.Substring(0, i); } sc = s; } sc1 = s; while (!Eof2()) { s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper().Trim(); if (((s.IndexOf(".jpg") >= 0) && su.StartsWith("<A HREF")) || (s.IndexOf(" = ") >= 0)) { break; } if (srName.Length <= 8) { if (FindFirm(su)) { ss = StrNoTags(s); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ss)) { sc = ss; sc1 = sc; s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper(); was_first = false; } } } } ResetCraft(); while (!Eof2()) { i = s.IndexOf(".jpg"); if (i < 0) { i = s.ToLower().IndexOf(".gif"); if (i >= 0 && s.ToLower().IndexOf("cleardot.gif") >= 0) { i = -1; } } while (i >= 0) { if (/*((q=2) or(Length(sr.Name) <= 8)) and*/ (bq == 0) && (stt != "")) { SaveCraft(); } ss = ExtName(s.Substring(0, i + 4)); if (ss.StartsWith("logo-")) { SaveCraft(); i = s.IndexOf("alt="); if (i < 0) { i = ss.IndexOf("."); ss = ss.Substring(5, i - 6); var sb = new StringBuilder(ss); sb[0] = sb[0].ToString().ToUpper()[0]; ss = sb.ToString(); } else { ss = s.Substring(i + 4); i = ss.IndexOf("logo"); if (i < 0) { i = ss.IndexOf("\""); if (i < 0) { ss = sc; } else { ss = ss.Substring(0, i - 1).Trim(); } } else { ss = ss.Substring(0, i - 1).Trim(); } } sc = ss; sc1 = sc; } i = s.IndexOf(".jpg"); if (i < 0) { i = s.ToLower().IndexOf(".gif"); if (i >= 0 && s.ToLower().IndexOf("cleardot.gif") >= 0) { i = -1; } } ss = ExtName(s.Substring(0, i + 4)); lp.Add(ss); G.WriteLine("" + ss); ss = ""; st = StrNoTags(s); s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper(); while ((s.IndexOf(".gif") < 0) && (su.IndexOf("<SPACER") < 0) && (!FindFirm(su)) && (FindCraft(s) < 0) && !Eof2()) { st = StrNoTags(s); if (st != "") { ss = (ss + " " + st).Trim(); } s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper(); } ls.Add(ss); i = s.IndexOf(".jpg"); if (i < 0) { i = s.ToLower().IndexOf(".gif"); if (i >= 0 && s.ToLower().IndexOf("cleardot.gif") >= 0) { i = -1; } } } if (FindFirm(su)) { ss = StrNoTags(s); if ((ss != "") && (!ss.StartsWith("SEE"))) { ResetCraft(); sc = ss; sc1 = sc; s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper(); was_first = false; } } st = StrNoTags(s); ss = st + " "; i = FindCraft(ss); new_craft = false; if (i >= 0) { if (/*{((q=2) or(Length(sr.Name) <= 8)) and}*/ (bq == 0) && (stt != "")) { SaveCraft(); ss = st + " "; } new_craft = true; stt += "\n\n\n"; for (j = 0; j < bq; j++) { stt += ". . "; } if (iy == 0) { was_first = true; was_year = true; j = i; while ((ss[j] == ' ') && (j > 3)) { j--; } if (ss[j] == ')') { while ((ss[j] != '(') && (j > 3)) { j--; } j--; while ((ss[j] == ' ') && (j > 3)) { j--; } } if ((IsDigit(ss[j]) || (ss[j] == '?')) && (IsDigit(ss[j - 1]) || (ss[j - 1] == '?')) && (IsDigit(ss[j - 2]) || (ss[j - 2] == '?')) && (IsDigit(ss[j - 3]) || (ss[j - 3] == '?'))) { try { iy = int.Parse(ss.Substring(j - 3, 4)); } catch { } if (sn == "") { ss = ss.Substring(0, j - 3).Trim(); if (ss.EndsWith("c.")) { ss = ss.Substring(0, ss.Length - 2).Trim(); } sn = ss; } } else { sn = ss.Substring(0, i).Trim(); } if (sn != "") { if (sn[0] == '-') { i = sn.IndexOf(" "); s = i > 0 ? sn.Substring(0, i) : sn; i = sc.IndexOf(s); if (i >= 0) { j = i; while ((j >= 0) && (sc[j] != ',')) { j--; } ss = sc.Substring(j + 1, i - j - 1).Trim(); sc1 = ss + s; sn = ss + sn; st = ss + st; } else { sc1 = sc + s; sn = sc + sn; st = sc + st; } } } } } if (st != "") { if (stt == "") { stt = st; } else if (new_craft) { stt = stt + st; } else { stt = stt + "\n" + st; } } ss = su; i = ss.IndexOf("<BLOCKQUOTE"); while (i >= 0) { bq++; ss = ss.Substring(i + 1); i = ss.IndexOf("<BLOCKQUOTE"); } ss = su; i = ss.IndexOf("</BLOCKQUOTE"); while (i >= 0) { bq--; ss = ss.Substring(i + 1); i = ss.IndexOf("</BLOCKQUOTE"); } if ((!was_first) && (stt != "")) { ResetCraft(); } if (su.IndexOf("<HR") >= 0) { SaveCraft(); } s = ReadLn2(); if (s.IndexOf("home.html") >= 0) { SaveCraft(); break; } su = s.ToUpper(); if (FindFirm(su)) { ss = StrNoTags(s); if (ss != "") { ResetCraft(); sc = ss; sc1 = sc; s = ReadLn2(); su = s.ToUpper(); was_first = false; } } } if (cnt > 0) { break; } } SaveCraft(); } } _lInfo.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("OK!"); }
public void Load1(AiKEntities ctx, string _imagesPath, Label lInfo) { _lInfo = lInfo; if (!(MessageBox.Show("Load Airwar?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { return; } ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.WordLinks From dbo.WordLinks wl join dbo.Pics p on wl.PicId = p.PicId join dbo.Crafts c on c.CraftId = p.CraftId where c.Source = '1'"); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.WordLinks From dbo.WordLinks wl join dbo.Crafts c on c.CraftId = wl.CraftId where c.Source = '1'"); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.Pics From dbo.Pics p join dbo.Crafts c on c.CraftId = p.CraftId where c.Source = '1'"); ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete From dbo.Crafts where Source = '1'"); ctx.Database.Connection.Close(); ctx.Database.Connection.Open(); var artId = ctx.Arts.Where(x => x.Name == "Airwar").Single().ArtId; using (var M = File.CreateText(_imagesPath + "Bads.txt")) { ls = new List <string>(); lc = new List <string>(); lcc = new List <string>(); lct = new List <string>(); string sName; int i, j; var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(_imagesPath + "Source1\\Pages\\enc", "*."); foreach (var dir in dirs) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.html"); foreach (var file in files) { _lInfo.Text = file; Application.DoEvents(); try { s = File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.GetEncoding("KOI8-R")); lc.Clear(); lcc.Clear(); lct.Clear(); su = s.ToUpper(); i = s.IndexOf("flags_small"); if (i < 0) { M.WriteLine($"No flag_small: {file}"); continue; } TrimAll(i); i = s.IndexOf(">"); TrimAll(i + 1); i = su.IndexOf("</TR"); sName = StrNoTags(s.Substring(0, i)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { M.WriteLine($"Bad name: {file}"); continue; } var craft = new Crafts() { Source = "1", Name = ClearString(sName) }; var dirName = Path.GetFileName(dir).ToUpper(); if ((dirName.Length == 2 && dirName[1] == 'H') || dirName == "HELI") { craft.Vert = true; //craft.Craft = False; } else { craft.Vert = false; //craft.Craft = True; } if (dirName == "GLIDER") { craft.Uav = false; craft.Glider = true; //craft.MM = False; } else if (dirName == "BPLA") { craft.Uav = true; craft.Glider = false; //craft.MM = False; } else { craft.Uav = false; craft.Glider = false; //craft.MM = True; } var k = su.IndexOf("<IMG SRC"); if (k < 0) { M.WriteLine($"Pic?: {file}"); ///!!!??? or continue??? continue; } var kk = su.IndexOf(".JPG", k); var kl = su.IndexOf(".GIF", k); if ((kk == 0) && (kl == 0)) { M.WriteLine($"Pic??: {file}"); ///!!!??? or continue??? continue; } if ((kk > kl) || (kk < 0)) { if (kl >= 0) { kk = kl; } } ss = s.Substring(k + 8, kk - k - 3); ss = ss.Replace("\"", ""); k = ss.ToUpper().IndexOf("/IMAGE/"); if (k < 0) { M.WriteLine($"Pic???: {file}"); ///!!!??? or continue??? continue; } ss = ss.Substring(k + 7); ls.Add(ss); lc.Add(ss); lcc.Add(""); lct.Add("f"); i = s.IndexOf("Разработчик:"); if (i < 0) { M.WriteLine($"No construct: {file}"); continue; } TrimAll(i); i = s.IndexOf("<"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf("</TR>"); sName = StrNoTags(s.Substring(0, i)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { M.WriteLine($"Bad construct: {file}"); continue; } craft.Construct = sName; i = s.IndexOf("Страна:"); if (i < 0) { M.WriteLine($"No country: {file}"); continue; } TrimAll(i); i = s.IndexOf("<"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf("</TR>"); sName = StrNoTags(s.Substring(0, i)).Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { M.WriteLine($"Bad country: {file}"); continue; } if (sName.IndexOf(",") >= 0) { sName = "International"; } if (sName.Length == 4) { if (sName[0] == sName[1] && sName[1] == sName[2]) { sName = "СССР"; } } if (sName.Length > 20) { M.WriteLine($"Too long country: {file}\n{sName}"); sName = sName.Substring(0, 20).Trim(); } craft.Country = sName; i = s.IndexOf("Первый полет:"); if (i >= 0) { TrimAll(i); i = s.IndexOf("<"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf("</TR>"); sName = StrNoTags(s.Substring(0, i)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { i = sName.IndexOf("?"); if (i >= 0) { sName = sName.Substring(0, i); //FieldByName('YearBad').AsBoolean := True; } try { craft.IYear = int.Parse(sName); } catch { } } } i = s.IndexOf("Тип:"); if (i < 0) { i = s.IndexOf("Type:"); if (i < 0) { i = s.IndexOf("Тип :"); if (i < 0) { i = s.IndexOf("Type :"); if (i < 0) { M.WriteLine($"No type: {file}"); //continue; } } } } TrimAll(i); i = s.IndexOf("<"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf("</TR>"); sName = StrNoTags(ClearString(s.Substring(0, i))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { M.WriteLine($"Bad type: {file}"); //continue; } craft.Type = sName; i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf(">"); TrimAll(i + 1); i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf(">"); TrimAll(i + 1); i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); TrimAll(i); i = su.IndexOf(">"); TrimAll(i + 1); i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); if (i < 0) { M.WriteLine($"No text: {file}"); //continue; } text = DoWriteText(i); while (true) { i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); j = su.IndexOf("</TABLE"); sName = su.Substring(0, j); if (sName.IndexOf("TAB_CORNER_RIGHT.GIF") >= 0) { break; } TrimAll(j); i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE"); text += DoWriteText(i); } while (i >= 0) { var finish = GetTable(0, M, file); TrimAll(finish); i = su.IndexOf("<TABLE", 0); } craft.CText = text; ctx.Crafts.Add(craft); ctx.SaveChanges(); for (i = 0; i < lc.Count; i++) { var pic = new Pics() { //Source = "1" CraftId = craft.CraftId, ArtId = artId, Path = lc[i].Replace("/", "\\"), Type = lct[i], NType = Util.GetNType(lct[i]) }; ctx.Pics.Add(pic); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lcc[i])) { pic.Text = WriteTextX(lcc[i]); } ctx.SaveChanges(); } //MessageBox.Show("XXX!"); Util.DetachAllEntities(ctx); } catch (Exception e) { M.WriteLine($"Exception in {file}:\n{e.Message}"); //MessageBox.Show(file + "\n" + e.Message); } } } } _lInfo.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("OK!"); }