public string Delete(string id) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { SysParam sysParam = sysParamService.GetDomain(id); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { sysParamService.Delete(id); sysParamService.ClearCache(); doResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } AddActionLog<SysParam>(string.Format("删除系统参数{0}={1}", sysParam.Name, sysParam.Value), doResult); } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Delete(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument)) { personalParamService.Delete(argument); personalParamService.ClearCache(); doResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public ActionResult DeleteProcess(string processDefID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed }; string actionMessage = string.Format("删除流程定义{0}", processDefID); try { ProcessDef processDef = repository.GetDomain<ProcessDef>(processDefID); if (processDef != null) { repository.Delete<ProcessDef>(processDef); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = processDefID; actionMessage += "成功"; AddActionLog<ProcessDef>(processDef, ajaxResult.Result, actionMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage += "出错"; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); AddActionLog<ProcessDef>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; return Json(ajaxResult); }
public void Delete() { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult actionResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { repository.Delete<ProcessDef>(CurrentId); actionResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = "删除成功!"; ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; Refresh(); ajaxResult.Result = actionResult; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = "删除失败!"; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } WebUtil.PromptMsg(actionMessage); }
public ActionResult DeleteProcessInst(string processInstID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed }; string actionMessage = string.Format("删除流程实例{0}", processInstID); try { IWorkflowEngine engine = new WorkflowEngine(); engine.DeleteProcessInst(processInstID); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = AgileEAP.Workflow.Enums.ProcessInstStatus.Terminated.GetRemark(); actionMessage += "成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage += "出错"; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } finally { AddActionLog<ProcessInst>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; return Json(ajaxResult); }
public JsonResult DrawProcess() { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; string processDefID = Request.Form["processDefID"]; string processDefContent = Request.Form["processDefContent"]; ProcessDefine processDefine = new ProcessDefine(processDefContent, false); string processInstID = Request.Form["ProcessInstID"]; try { var process = new { processDefID = processDefID, processInstID = processInstID, processDefine = processDefine }; ajaxResult.RetValue = process; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("获取流程" + processInstID + "异常,原因:" + ex.Message); } return Json(ajaxResult, new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter()); }
public JsonResult GetprocessDefContent() { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; try { string json = Request.Form["processDefContent"]; ProcessDefine processDefine = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ProcessDefine>(json, new ActivityConvert()); string processDefContent = processDefine.ToXml(); ajaxResult.RetValue = processDefContent; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("获取工作流定义失败" + ex.Message); ajaxResult.RetValue = false; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作失败"; } return Json(ajaxResult); }
public string Rollback(string json) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string workItemID = Request.QueryString["workItemID"]; string actionMessage = string.Format("退回工作流实例工作项{0}", workItemID); try { //回退工作项 engine.RollbackWorkItem(User, workItemID); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } finally { AddActionLog<WorkItem>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Delete(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { DictItem item = dictItemService.GetDomain(argument); if (item != null) { repository.Delete<DictItem>(item); repository.ClearCache<DictItem>(); doResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; AddActionLog<Dict>(string.Format("删除字典项{0}={1}", item.Value, item.Text), doResult); } } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Save(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); try { IList<string> parameters = argument.Trim(',').Split(',').ToList(); // IList<AjaxTreeNode> parameters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<AjaxTreeNode>>(argument); string userID = Request.QueryString["UserID"]; short authFlag = Request.QueryString["AuthFlag"].ToSafeString().ToShort(0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userID)) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "用户对象为空!"; log.Error("用户对象为空"); return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userID)) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "角色ID为空!"; log.Error("角色ID为空"); return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); } if (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0) { ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "您没有选择任何资源,请选择后再保存!"; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); } IList<SpecialPrivilege> specialPrivileges = parameters.Where(o => o != "tempAccess").Select(p => new SpecialPrivilege() { ID = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToSafeString(), AuthFlag = authFlag, Authorizer = User.ID, AuthTime = DateTime.Now, OperatorID = userID, OwnerOrg = GetOrgPath(), PrivilegeID = p }).ToList(); authService.SaveSpecialPrivilege(specialPrivileges); ajaxResult.RetValue = string.Empty; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "保存成功!"; WebUtil.CloseDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "保存角色出错,请联系管理员!"; log.Error(ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
/// <summary> /// 删除节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="argument"></param> public string DeleteTreeNode(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Catalog catalog = catalogService.GetDomain(argument); List<Catalog> childDict = catalogService.All().Where(o => o.ParentID == catalog.ID).ToList(); //删除的目录下的子目录 List<UploadFile> uploadFile = new UploadFileService().All().Where(o => o.CatalogID == catalog.ID).ToList();//删除的目录下的文件 if (childDict.Count > 0 || uploadFile.Count > 0) { actionMessage = "该目录下存在子目录或文件,不允许删除!"; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } else { if (catalog != null) { catalogService.Delete(catalog); doResult = DoResult.Success; } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; } string directoryPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), catalog.Path); if (Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) Directory.Delete(directoryPath); //删除物理目录路径 //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("删除目录{0}成功", catalog.Path); } //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(catalog, doResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = catalog.ParentID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
/// <summary> /// 删除节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="argument"></param> public string DeleteTreeNode(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Organization org = repository.GetDomain<Organization>(argument); if (org != null) { IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters.SafeAdd("OrgID", org.ID); IList<EmployeeOrg> employeeOrgList = repository.FindAll<EmployeeOrg>(parameters); if (employeeOrgList.Count == 0) { repository.Delete<Organization>(org.ID); doResult = DoResult.Success; } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; actionMessage = "请先删除该部门下面的操作员!"; } } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; } //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("删除组织{0}", org.Name); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(org, doResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = org.ParentID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(actionMessage, ex); AddActionLog<Organization>(actionMessage, DoResult.Failed); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Save(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); try { IList<string> parameters = argument.Trim(',').Split(',').ToList(); string roleID = Request.QueryString["RoleID"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleID)) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "角色ID为空!"; log.Error("角色ID为空"); return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); } if (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0) { ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "您没有选择任何资源,请选择后再保存!"; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); } IList<RolePrivilege> rolePrivileges = parameters.Where(o => o != "tempAccess").Select(p => new RolePrivilege() { ID = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToSafeString(), RoleID = roleID, PrivilegeID = p }).ToList(); authService.SaveRolePrivilege(rolePrivileges); ajaxResult.RetValue = string.Empty; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "保存成功!"; WebUtil.CloseDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "保存角色出错,请联系管理员!"; log.Error(ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Save(string json) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult actionResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; string processDefID = Request.QueryString["ProcessDefID"]; string srcActivity = Request.QueryString["SrcActivity"]; string destActivity = Request.QueryString["DestActivity"]; try { WorkflowEngine engine = new WorkflowEngine(); ProcessDefine processDefine = engine.GetProcessDefine(processDefID); ProcessDef processDef = repository.GetDomain<ProcessDef>(processDefID); AgileEAP.Workflow.Definition.Transition transition = processDefine.Transitions.FirstOrDefault(t => t.SrcActivity == srcActivity && t.DestActivity == destActivity); IDictionary<string, object> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IDictionary<string, object>>(json); transition.IsDefault = values.GetSafeValue<bool>("IsDefault", false); transition.Name = values.GetSafeValue<string>("Name", transition.Name); transition.Expression = values.GetSafeValue<string>("Expression", transition.Expression); processDef.Content = processDefine.ToXml(); repository.SaveOrUpdate(processDef); actionResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(processDef, actionResult, string.Format("保存流程{0}迁移srcActivity={1},destActivity={2}信息", processDefID, srcActivity, destActivity)); ajaxResult.Result = actionResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = srcActivity + ":" + destActivity; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; AddActionLog<ProcessDef>(string.Format("保存流程{0}迁移srcActivity={1},destActivity={2}信息", processDefID, srcActivity, destActivity), ajaxResult.Result); log.Error(string.Format("显示流程{0}迁移srcActivity={1},destActivity={2}信息出错", processDefID, srcActivity, destActivity), ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Delete(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument)) { string roleID = argument; IRepository<string> repository = new Repository<string>(); IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters.SafeAdd("RoleID", roleID); IList<ObjectRole> objectRoleList = repository.FindAll<ObjectRole>(parameters); if (objectRoleList.Count == 0) { repository.Delete<Role>(roleID); repository.ExecuteSql<RolePrivilege>(string.Format("Delete from AC_RolePrivilege where RoleID='{0}'", roleID)); doResult = DoResult.Success; actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; actionMessage = "请先解除该角色与操作员的关联!"; } ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } ajaxResult.Result = doResult; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public ActionResult UserManage(string LoginName, string OldPwd, string NewPwd) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Operator loginModel = repository.Query<Operator>().Where(l => l.LoginName == LoginName && l.Password == CryptographyManager.EncodePassowrd(OldPwd)).FirstOrDefault(); if (loginModel != null) { repository.ExecuteSql<Operator>(string.Format("update AC_Operator set Password='******' where LoginName='{1}' and PassWord='******'", CryptographyManager.EncodePassowrd(NewPwd), LoginName, CryptographyManager.EncodePassowrd(OldPwd))); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ////获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("修改用户{0}密码成功", LoginName); ////记录操作日志 AddActionLog<Operator>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } else { actionMessage = string.Format("修改用户{0}密码失败", LoginName); } ajaxResult.RetValue = loginModel; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; //repository.SaveOrUpdate(applyInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Failed; //记录操作日志 //AddActionLog<ProcessInst>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return Json(ajaxResult); }
public JsonResult CreateJSFile() { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; try { string ProcessDef = Request.Form["ProcessDefID"]; string ActivityID = Request.Form["ActivityID"]; string Content = Request.Form["jsContent"]; string path = Request.MapPath("/Plugins/FormDesigner/Scripts/"); string name = ProcessDef + ActivityID + ".js"; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path + name)) { FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(path + name, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs1); sw.WriteLine(Content);//要写入的信息。 sw.Close(); fs1.Close(); } else { FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(fs); sr.WriteLine(Content);//开始写入值 sr.Close(); fs.Close(); } ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = path + name; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作失败"; log.Error(ex); } return Json(ajaxResult); }
//获取组织或角色下的人员 public string GetOrgOrRoleUsers(string argument) { string type = Request["Type"]; AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult actionResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { ParticipantorType participantorType = (ParticipantorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ParticipantorType), type); var participantors = workflowEngine.GetPersonParticipantors(participantorType, argument); if (participantors == null) { actionResult = DoResult.Other; actionMessage = "返回数据为空"; ajaxResult.RetValue = null; } else { actionResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); ajaxResult.RetValue = participantors; } ajaxResult.Result = actionResult; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
/// <summary> /// 删除目录下的文件 /// </summary> public string Delete(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument)) { UploadFile uploadFile = uploadFileService.GetDomain(argument); string filePath = Server.MapPath("~") + uploadFile.FilePath; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); //删除文件物理路径 } uploadFileService.Delete(argument); uploadFileService.ClearCache(); doResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = CurrentId; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
/// <summary> /// 删除节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="argument"></param> public string DeleteTreeNode(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Resource resource = repository.GetDomain<Resource>(argument); if (resource != null) { IAuthorizeService authService = new AuthorizeService(); authService.DeleteResource(resource); doResult = DoResult.Success; } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; } //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("删除菜单资源{0},URL={1}", resource.Name, resource.URL); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(resource, doResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = resource.ParentID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Save(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Resource resource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Resource>(argument); resource.ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentId) ? CurrentId = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToString() : CurrentId; foreach (var operate in resource.Operates) { operate.ID = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(operate.ID) ? IdGenerator.NewComb().ToString() : operate.ID; } IAuthorizeService authService = new AuthorizeService(); authService.SaveResource(resource); doResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("保存菜单资源{0}成功", resource.Name); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(resource, doResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = resource.ID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string GetprocessDefID(string processInstID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string actionMessage = string.Format("恢复流程实例{0}", processInstID); try { string id=repository.Query<ProcessInst>().Where(p => p.ID == processInstID).FirstOrDefault().ProcessDefID; ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = id; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage + "成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(actionMessage + "出错", ex); } finally { AddActionLog<ProcessInst>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string StartProcessInst(string processDefID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult actionResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { WorkflowEngine engine = new WorkflowEngine(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string processInstID = engine.CreateAProcess(processDefID);// string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value engine.StartAProcess(processInstID, null); ProcessInst pi = repository.GetDomain<ProcessInst>(processInstID); IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters.Add("ProcessInstID", processInstID); WorkItem wi = repository.FindOne<WorkItem>(parameters); actionResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(pi, actionResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = actionResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = pi.ID + '$' + wi.ID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Delete(string processInstID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string actionMessage = string.Format("删除流程实例{0}", processInstID); try { IWorkflowEngine engine = new WorkflowEngine(); engine.DeleteProcessInst(processInstID); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = AgileEAP.Workflow.Enums.ProcessInstStatus.Running.GetRemark(); ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage + "成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(actionMessage + "出错", ex); } finally { AddActionLog<ProcessInst>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
/// <summary> /// 删除节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="argument"></param> public string DeleteTreeNode(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); DoResult doResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; try { Dict dict = dictService.GetDomain(argument); if (dict != null) { dictService.Delete(dict); doResult = DoResult.Success; } else { doResult = DoResult.Failed; } //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("删除字典{0}成功", dict.Name); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(dict, doResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = doResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = dict.ParentID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(doResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public string Save(string argument) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult(); string errorMsg = string.Empty; DoResult actionResult = DoResult.Failed; string actionMessage = string.Empty; string processInstID = Request.QueryString["processInstID"]; ProcessForm processForm; try { Dictionary<string, object> formValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(argument); string table = Request.Form["DataSource"]; StringBuilder sbFields = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbValues = new StringBuilder(); string cmdText = string.Empty; StringBuilder sbUpdateValues = new StringBuilder(); IDictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(); parameters.SafeAdd("ProcessInstID", processInstID); processForm = engine.Persistence.Repository.FindOne<ProcessForm>(parameters); if (processForm != null) { foreach (var item in formValues) { if (sbUpdateValues.Length > 0) sbUpdateValues.Append(","); sbUpdateValues.AppendFormat("{0} = :{0}", item.Key); } cmdText = string.Format("update {0} set {1} where ID ='{2}'", table, sbUpdateValues.ToString(), processForm.BizID); } else { string bizID = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToString(); formValues.SafeAdd("ID", bizID); foreach (var item in formValues) { sbFields.Append(item.Key).Append(","); sbValues.Append(":").Append(item.Key).Append(","); } processForm = new ProcessForm() { ID = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToString(), BizID = bizID, BizTable = table, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Creator = User.ID, ProcessInstID = processInstID, KeyWord = sbValues.ToString() }; cmdText = string.Format("insert into {0}({1}) values({2})", table, sbFields.ToString().TrimEnd(','), sbValues.ToString().TrimEnd(',')); } string workItemID = Request.QueryString["workItemID"]; UnitOfWork.ExecuteWithTrans<WorkItem>(() => { engine.Persistence.Repository.ExecuteSql<WorkItem>(cmdText, formValues); engine.Persistence.Repository.SaveOrUpdate(processForm); engine.CompleteWorkItem(workItemID, formValues); }); actionResult = DoResult.Success; //获取提示信息 actionMessage = string.Format("启动工作流实例{0}工作项{1}", processForm.ProcessInstID, workItemID); //记录操作日志 AddActionLog(processForm, actionResult, actionMessage); ajaxResult.Result = actionResult; ajaxResult.RetValue = processForm.BizID; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage = RemarkAttribute.GetEnumRemark(actionResult); log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ajaxResult); }
public ActionResult DeleteForm(string formID) { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed }; string actionMessage = string.Format("删除流程定义{0}", formID); try { eForm form = repository.GetDomain<eForm>(formID); if (form != null) { repository.Delete<eForm>(form); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = formID; actionMessage += "成功"; AddActionLog<eForm>(form, ajaxResult.Result, actionMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage += "出错"; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); AddActionLog<eForm>(actionMessage, ajaxResult.Result); } ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; return Json(ajaxResult); }
public JsonResult saveForm() { AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; string formInfo = Request.Form["Form"]; string formName = Request.Form["FormName"]; string eFormID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["EFormID"]) ? IdGenerator.NewGuid().ToSafeString() : Request.Form["EFormID"]; string formApp = Request.Form["FormApp"]; string formDescription = Request.Form["FormDescription"]; try { eForm eform = new eForm() { ID = eFormID, Description = formDescription, AppID = formApp, Content = formInfo, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, Creator = workContext.User.ID, Name = formName }; repository.SaveOrUpdate(eform); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = eform; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作失败"; log.Error(ex); } return Json(ajaxResult); }
public JsonResult SaveEForm() { string formValueJson = Request.Form["FormValue"]; string formDataSource = Request.Form["FormDataSource"]; string entry = Request.Form["Entry"]; string updateID = Request.Form["UpdateID"]; string extend = Request.Form["Extend"]; AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed, PromptMsg = "操作失败" }; try { Dictionary<string, object> formValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(formValueJson); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extend)) { Dictionary<string, object> eFormExtend = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(extend); formValues.SafeAdd<string, object>(eFormExtend); } IList<SaveEFormModel> saveEForms = new List<SaveEFormModel>(); string dataTable = formDataSource; SaveEFormModel formSourceTable = new SaveEFormModel(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataTable)) { formSourceTable.TableName = dataTable; } foreach (var formValue in formValues) { if (formValue.Key.Contains("_")) { dataTable = formValue.Key.Substring(0, formValue.Key.LastIndexOf("_")); string fieldKey = formValue.Key.Substring(formValue.Key.LastIndexOf("_") + 1); string fieldValue = formValue.Value.ToSafeString(); bool sameDataTable = false; foreach (SaveEFormModel saveEForm in saveEForms) { if (dataTable == saveEForm.TableName) { saveEForm.ColumnsName.Add(fieldKey); saveEForm.ColumnsValue.Add(fieldValue); sameDataTable = true; break; } } if (!sameDataTable) { IList<string> cloummsName = new List<string>(); IList<string> columnsValue = new List<string>(); cloummsName.Add(fieldKey); columnsValue.Add(fieldValue); saveEForms.Add(new SaveEFormModel() { TableName = dataTable, ColumnsName = cloummsName, ColumnsValue = columnsValue }); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue.Key)) { formSourceTable.ColumnsName.Add(formValue.Key); formSourceTable.ColumnsValue.Add(formValue.Value.ToSafeString()); } } saveEForms.Add(formSourceTable); foreach (SaveEFormModel eForm in saveEForms) { IList<string> tableColumns = repository.GetTableColumns(eForm.TableName); if (tableColumns != null && tableColumns.Count() > 0) { if (entry == "add") { string cmdText = string.Join(",", eForm.ColumnsName); string cmdValue = string.Join("','", eForm.ColumnsValue); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extend)) //{ // // EFormExtendModel eFormExtend = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EFormExtendModel>(extend); // Dictionary<string, object> eFormExtend = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(extend); // if (eFormExtend != null) // { // cmdText=cmdText+","+string.Join(",", eFormExtend.ColumnsName); // cmdValue = cmdValue + "','" + string.Join("','", eFormExtend.ColumnsValue); // } //} if (!cmdText.Contains(",ID")) { string ID = IdGenerator.NewComb().ToSafeString(); repository.ExecuteDataTable<eForm>("insert into " + eForm.TableName + "(ID," + cmdText + ") values ('" + ID + "','" + cmdValue + "')"); } else { repository.ExecuteDataTable<eForm>("insert into " + eForm.TableName + "(" + cmdText + ") values ('" + cmdValue + "')"); } } else { string cmd = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < eForm.ColumnsName.Count(); i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) { cmd = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", eForm.ColumnsName[i], eForm.ColumnsValue[i]); } else { cmd = cmd + "," + string.Format("{0}='{1}'", eForm.ColumnsName[i], eForm.ColumnsValue[i]); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateID)) repository.ExecuteDataTable<eForm>("update " + eForm.TableName + " set " + cmd + " where ID='" + updateID + "'"); } } } ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = null; ajaxResult.PromptMsg = "操作成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(string.Format("保存eForm表单失败,eForm表单信息为{0}", formValueJson), ex); } return Json(ajaxResult); }
public JsonResult ManageStoredProcedure() { string dataSource = Request.Form["DataSource"]; string mysqlDataSource = Request.Form["MySqlDataSource"]; string oracleSource = Request.Form["OracleSource"]; string msSQLDataSource = Request.Form["MsSQLDataSource"]; AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Result = DoResult.Failed }; string actionMessage = "操作"; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource)) { DatabaseType databaseType = UnitOfWork.CurrentDatabaseType; if (databaseType == DatabaseType.MySQL) { dataSource = mysqlDataSource; } else if (databaseType == DatabaseType.MsSQL2008) { dataSource = msSQLDataSource; } else if (databaseType == DatabaseType.Oracle) { dataSource = oracleSource; } } DataTable dt = repository.ExecuteDataTable<eForm>(dataSource); ajaxResult.Result = DoResult.Success; ajaxResult.RetValue = dt; actionMessage += "成功"; } catch (Exception ex) { actionMessage += "出错"; log.Error(actionMessage, ex); } ajaxResult.PromptMsg = actionMessage; return Json(ajaxResult); }