public static void SplitMap(Map map, int segmentSize, bool encrypted, string mapDirectory, bool saveImages) { Size size = map.Size; int xSegmentCount = size.Width / segmentSize; int ySegmentCount = size.Height / segmentSize; if (xSegmentCount * segmentSize < size.Width) xSegmentCount++; if (ySegmentCount * segmentSize < size.Height) ySegmentCount++; Environment.CurrentDirectory = mapDirectory; using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(map.Name + string.Format(".map{0}s", (encrypted ? "e" : string.Empty)))) { streamWriter.WriteLine(segmentSize); streamWriter.WriteLine(map.Size.Width); streamWriter.WriteLine(map.Size.Height); streamWriter.WriteLine(map.Name); } DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(mapDirectory, map.Name + " split")); Environment.CurrentDirectory = di.FullName; string currentMap = string.Empty; for (int xSeg = 0; xSeg < xSegmentCount; xSeg++) { for (int ySeg = 0; ySeg < ySegmentCount; ySeg++) { string mapName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.map{3}", map.Name, xSeg, ySeg, (encrypted ? "e" : string.Empty)); string pngName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.png", map.Name, xSeg, ySeg); if (currentMap != mapName) { Map tmpMap = new Map(segmentSize, segmentSize); for (int i = xSeg * segmentSize; i < xSeg * segmentSize + segmentSize; i++) { for (int j = ySeg * segmentSize; j < ySeg * segmentSize + segmentSize; j++) { Map.Tile tile; if (i >= map.Size.Width || j >= map.Size.Height) tile = Map.Tile.GetDefault(); else if (map[i, j] == null) tile = Map.Tile.GetDefault(); else tile = map[i, j]; tmpMap[i - xSeg*segmentSize, j - ySeg*segmentSize] = tile; } } tmpMap.Save(mapName, encrypted); if (saveImages) MapRenderer.SaveToPng(tmpMap, pngName); currentMap = mapName; } } } string message = string.Format("Original map size: {0}x{1}.{2}", map.Size.Width, map.Size.Height, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("Map split into {0} x-axis segments and {1} y-axis segments.{2}", xSegmentCount, ySegmentCount, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("Size of one segments is {0}x{1} tiles.{2}", segmentSize < size.Width ? segmentSize : size.Width, segmentSize < size.Height ? segmentSize : size.Height, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("A total of {0} segments created.", xSegmentCount * ySegmentCount); MessageBox.Show(message, @"Split details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public FormCopySection(Map map, Point focusedTile) { InitializeComponent(); = map; numericUpDownLowerX.Maximum = numericUpDownUpperX.Maximum = map.Size.Width - 1; numericUpDownLowerY.Maximum = numericUpDownUpperY.Maximum = map.Size.Height - 1; numericUpDownUpperX.Value = (focusedTile.X < 0 ? 0 : focusedTile.X); numericUpDownUpperY.Value = (focusedTile.Y < 0 ? 0 : focusedTile.Y); numericUpDownLowerX.Value = map.Size.Width - 1; numericUpDownLowerY.Value = map.Size.Height - 1; }
private void buttonSplit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string path = textBoxMapSplitPath.Text; bool encrypted = path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("mape"); Map map = new Map(path, encrypted); SplitJoin.SplitMap(map, (int)numericUpDownSplit.Value, encrypted, Path.GetDirectoryName(path), checkBoxSaveImages.Checked); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static void SaveToPng(Map map, string fileName) { activeMap = map; mapBitmap = new Bitmap(activeMap.Size.Width * 48, activeMap.Size.Height * 48); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(mapBitmap); g.Clear(Color.Gray); for (int x = 0; x < activeMap.Size.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < activeMap.Size.Height; y++) { RenderSingleMapTile(x, y, g, false); } } g.Dispose(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30); mapBitmap.Save(fileName, ImageFormat.Png); //mapBitmap.Dispose(); }
private void replaceTile(Map.Tile oldTile, Map.Tile newTile) { TileManager.SelectionType pasteSelection = new TileManager.SelectionType(); for (int x = 0; x <= activeMap.Size.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= activeMap.Size.Width; y++) { if ((activeMap[x, y] ?? Map.Tile.GetDefault()) == oldTile) { Paste(x, y, pasteSelection); } } } }
private void OpenExistingMap(bool encrypted) { string filter = encrypted ? @"Encrypted NexusTK Map Files|*.mape" : @"NexusTK Map Files|*.map"; OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = filter }; var dialogResult = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { activeMapPath = openFileDialog.FileName; if (!File.Exists(activeMapPath)) return; try { activeMap = new Map(activeMapPath, encrypted); Text = string.Format("Map [{0}]", activeMap.Name); SetImage(null); editableToolStripMenuItem.Checked = activeMap.IsEditable; RenderMap(); mapUndoActions.Clear(); mapRedoActions.Clear(); //UpdateMinimap(true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, @"Error loading map", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } }
private void CreateNewMapCore(int width, int height) { activeMap = new Map(width, height); string mapName = "UntitledMap" + untitledMapIndex++; activeMap.Name = mapName; Text = string.Format(@"Map [{0}]", mapName); SetImage(null); editableToolStripMenuItem.Checked = activeMap.IsEditable; RenderMap(); mapUndoActions.Clear(); mapRedoActions.Clear(); //UpdateMinimap(true, true); }
public static void JoinMap(string path) { int segmentSize, mapWidth, mapHeight; string originalMapName; bool encrypted = path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("mapes"); using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path)) { string segmentSizeString = streamReader.ReadLine(); string mapWidthString = streamReader.ReadLine(); string mapHeightString = streamReader.ReadLine(); originalMapName = streamReader.ReadLine(); segmentSize = int.Parse(segmentSizeString); mapWidth = int.Parse(mapWidthString); mapHeight = int.Parse(mapHeightString); } Map map = new Map(mapWidth, mapHeight) {Name = originalMapName}; Size size = map.Size; int xSegmentCount = size.Width / segmentSize; int ySegmentCount = size.Height / segmentSize; if (xSegmentCount * segmentSize < size.Width) xSegmentCount++; if (ySegmentCount * segmentSize < size.Height) ySegmentCount++; string mapsFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(path) ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory; string splitFolder = Path.Combine(mapsFolder, originalMapName + " split"); if (!Directory.Exists(splitFolder)) { MessageBox.Show(splitFolder, @"Folder containing split files does not exist.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Environment.CurrentDirectory = splitFolder; for (int xSeg = 0; xSeg < xSegmentCount; xSeg++) { for (int ySeg = 0; ySeg < ySegmentCount; ySeg++) { string mapName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.map{3}", originalMapName, xSeg, ySeg, (encrypted ? "e" : string.Empty)); Map tmpMap = new Map(mapName, encrypted); for (int i = xSeg * segmentSize; i < xSeg * segmentSize + segmentSize; i++) { for (int j = ySeg * segmentSize; j < ySeg * segmentSize + segmentSize; j++) { Map.Tile tile; int iLocal = i - xSeg * segmentSize, jLocal = j - ySeg * segmentSize; if (iLocal >= tmpMap.Size.Width || jLocal >= tmpMap.Size.Height) tile = Map.Tile.GetDefault(); else if (tmpMap[iLocal, jLocal] == null) tile = Map.Tile.GetDefault(); else tile = tmpMap[iLocal, jLocal]; map[i, j] = tile; } } } } Environment.CurrentDirectory = mapsFolder; map.Save(originalMapName + ".map" + (encrypted ? "e" : string.Empty), encrypted); MapRenderer.SaveToPng(map, originalMapName + ".png"); string message = string.Format("Original map size: {0}x{1}.{2}", map.Size.Width, map.Size.Height, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("Map created from {0} x-axis segments and {1} y-axis segments.{2}", xSegmentCount, ySegmentCount, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("Size of one segments is {0}x{1} tiles.{2}", segmentSize < size.Width ? segmentSize : size.Width, segmentSize < size.Height ? segmentSize : size.Height, Environment.NewLine); message += string.Format("A total of {0} segments used.", xSegmentCount * ySegmentCount); MessageBox.Show(message, @"Join details", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }