static void Demo1()
            // SUMMARY: encrypt and decrypt string with explicit settings

            // create the plain text to be encrypted
            string PlainText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";

            // create a password, iterations and salt size
            string Password   = "******";
            int    Iterations = 11202;
            int    SaltSize   = 128;

            // empty salt to hold the value generated by encryption
            string SaltText;

            // encrypt the plain texd to cipher text, returning the generated salt
            string CipherText = Aes256EncryptionProvider.Encrypt(PlainText, out SaltText, Password, Iterations, SaltSize);

            // decrypt the cipher texdt back into plain text
            string PlainText2 = Aes256EncryptionProvider.Decrypt(CipherText, SaltText, Password, Iterations, SaltSize);

            Console.WriteLine("DEMO #1");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlainText: {0}", PlainText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nIterations: {0}", Iterations.ToString("G"));
            Console.WriteLine("\nSaltSize: {0}", SaltSize.ToString("G"));
            Console.WriteLine("\nSalt: {0}", SaltText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nCipherText: {0}", CipherText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlainText2: {0}", PlainText2);
        static void Demo2()
            // SUMMARY: encrypt and decrypt string with a static parameters

            // create the plain text to be encrypted
            string PlainText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";

            // empty salt to hold the value generated by encryption
            string SaltText;

            // need to assign a static password provider implemntation
            Aes256EncryptionProvider.PasswordProvider = new AppSettingPasswordProvider();

            // encrypt the plain texd to cipher text, returning the generated salt
            string CipherText = Aes256EncryptionProvider.Encrypt(PlainText, out SaltText);

            // decrypt the cipher texdt back into plain text
            string PlainText2 = Aes256EncryptionProvider.Decrypt(CipherText, SaltText);

            Console.WriteLine("DEMO #2");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlainText: {0}", PlainText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nSalt: {0}", SaltText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nCipherText: {0}", CipherText);
            Console.WriteLine("\nPlainText2: {0}", PlainText2);
Exemple #3
        public static string Decrypt(string CipherText, string SaltText)
            // ValidateStaticInitialization();();

            return(Aes256EncryptionProvider.Decrypt(CipherText, SaltText,